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never2late Fri, Nov-07-14 21:51

Oh gosh Myrt, Sjogren's along with everything else.
You just hang in there woman.
Is the steroid for the Sjogren's?
I was low carb today, wow.
One day at a time.
Winter is coming fast, the big cold front going through.
We are hermits during the winters.
I start cooking in the winter.
That's a good thing.
I'm seeing on the low carb facebook page several good sounding recipes.
Probably from pin interest jmh6251 & Vickie and you've already seen them.

jmh6251 Sat, Nov-15-14 17:00

Good afternoon ladies; it has been forever since I have been on here to post on this forum.

My food intake hasn't been bad I think one day last week I was struggling to stay on plan, but i got thru it and didn't cave in.

Holidays are fast approaching, it seems it creeped up on me this year. I plan on taking a LC Cheesecake to my daughters, and a salad. The Christmas gear has been out for a month already or so it seems.

I'm glad it just gets rainy here in the winter in the North West, I wouldn't like snow. FB has many worthy LC sites but I dropped them because they were overloading me. But you are right the recipes look amazing. Catch ya later


never2late Sun, Nov-23-14 23:28

Finally weighed after not doing so in over a month, maybe more.
No change in weight.
That was a pleasant surprise.
Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the holidays.
So far I don't believe we have any plans.
Come Christmas and New Year's Day we have big plans.
Visit daughter and on New Years Day is her wedding.
She still might change her mind.
Has been hinting she'd like to postpone it once again.
I'm trudging along.
It is a stormy night here.
High winds and rain.

bugujo Mon, Nov-24-14 19:50

n2late, wow, a wedding on new Years Day, how neat. Your daughter has postponed before?

We had a nice weekend with temps in the 50's but now we are back down to normal in the 20-30's and very windy. What snow we had all melted over the weekend.

We were invited to my brother's for Thanksgiving and I am to bring the rolls and a dessert. I ordered everything from our local bakery, that way I don't have to have the stuff sitting around. I am hoping to stay on plan, but if I eat the other stuff so I don't feel deprived, I will have just bites of the stuff and load up on the turkey.

never2late Thu, Dec-11-14 15:06

We used to have so many active people on this thread.
Where did they all go?
Haven't been watching my eating and now don't plan to until middle of January.
Just wanting to keep this thread alive.

jmh6251 Fri, Dec-12-14 19:49

I'm still here, I've got in the habit of posting in my journal and in some of the other forums but not here because nobody is posting much. Not an excuse really but there you are.

Still hanging in there but lately it has been a struggle. I think because it is winter, and the Holiday Season. I haven't gone off plan, but my carb loving alter ego has been trying to reassert herself lately. Just today while i was out I wanted a cream filled Donut in the worse way. Of course I settled for a bunless sausage dog which was delicious instead.

I think I have found a way to put my joint pain in remission for awhile, I upped my dosage of vitamin D. So far so good. Now I just have to increase the strength in my legs.

I'm sure you have your reasons for not wanting to stay on plan N2L. Whatever it is I hope it works out for you

bugujo Sat, Dec-13-14 10:34

I am still here too. I post in my journal as well, although not very often. Maybe a couple of times a week.

I too am hanging in there and not on plan 100% of the time either. I am still exercising, in fact, this week I have been able to walk outside since the temps have been tolerable. I hate walking on the treadmill.

I hope all will make it through the Christmas holiday at a reasonable weight.

never2late Sat, Dec-13-14 19:11

I am hold my own as far as weight.'
Not going up.
In fact down a couple.
But been so "brain washed" that I feel like if I eat a dinner roll or a piece of pie I'm going to hell.
I'm wanting to eat a little healthier? and include some fruit.
I'm now not in the mood to do anything.
Between the holidays and a wedding like I say I'm just not in the mood.
My sister in hospital still in ICU with a heart attack and lung problems.
I'm very concerned for my 93 year old mother who needs full time care from same sister being alone.
Not getting the help from brother and his family that I feel he should give.
But who am I to talk, what do I do but worry and pray.
Nothing else.
I'm 27 hours away.

Desert Mo Sun, Dec-14-14 07:10

Just discovered this thread. I'm 69, on Atkins abt 3 wks, successful with 1972 original Atkins when it first came out. Have my own health issues, mostly high BP on Atkins that I didn't have on mostly unrefined carbs for years. Have been treating self via natural herbs, Heal-All for now, to avoid side effects of prescription meds. Glad to find my folks, my age group.

bugujo Sun, Dec-14-14 11:13

Welcome desert mo. I am not 60 but have been welcomed by this group. Good luck with the weight loss.

never2late Sun, Dec-14-14 11:56

Desert Mo, Glad to have you here.
There are quite a few of us, yet some don't post on a regular basis.
We have lurkers to keep entertained also.
It is the season of the year that it is hard to be LC unless you really like the foods allowed.
That said, I love my bacon and eggs, steak, baby back ribs, broccoli, salads, and the other allowed foods.
I have a problem with Pepsi and hummingbird cake.
I have many health problems that are better without the carbs including Type 1 diabetic.

jmh6251 Sun, Dec-14-14 15:14

Welcome Desert Mo :cheer: :Party: We love newcomers.

We all have health issues I think. I have Arthritis in my joints, and high blood pressure. So you are in good company. I believe natural remedies are best, it is alot easier on your body.

Congratulations N2L on maintaining your weight :cheer: It's hard this time of year. So sorry to hear of your sister and Mom. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do, except feel helpless because you are so far away.

When my mom was sick, I was clear across the country with a disabled husband. Nobody in my family understood the pressure I am under most of the time. My husband is blind it's not like I could leave him and go take care of her, and she refused to leave Michigan.

So we are going to go sing Christmas Carols to the shut ins and Nursing Home People this afternoon. So I will have another opportunity to eat off plan since there is a get together afterwards. LOL It should be fun though

Desert Mo Sun, Dec-14-14 18:13

Thanx for the welcome. Never2Late, I guess I don't have a problem with traditional Christmas season foods since I have no immediate family, live alone, have no problem with Atkins foods. Not tempted by sweets or heavy carbs. Mostly because it's been years since I had family to visit & basically haven't been into the candy, cakes, etc. for years. I read a lot more of the Atkins books 1972 on than I talk. Just my nature. Usually spend holidays alone. Have for years. Live in a retirement community, age 69.

Desert Mo Sun, Dec-14-14 18:18

Only problem I'm having with the Atkins food is that I was a vegan for two years, a vegetarian for years before that, & never ate much meat or dairy before that. My body loves vegs & fruit. And it's having difficulties switching gears to low carb etc., so weight loss is happening very slowly, ounces per week, if that. I'm sticking, though, because I'm hardheaded about losing the weight I gained while eating 800-900 calories only on vegs & fruits & whole grains only. Atkins 1972 has been very much of a help in my understanding how that happens, how the body gets addicted to carbs, won't lose weight on them.

myrt4930 Sun, Dec-14-14 22:47

Haven't been on here for about a month but so much has happened. Some good and some bad. Got a puppy in early November. She was born 8/23 and is 1/2 long haired doxy and 1/2 poodle. She was 5# when we got her and now she weighs 7.4#. The day we got her I pinched a nerve in my back and could hardly walk and didn't get to see the doctor for a week. He had a death in his family. Then I'm trying my best to walk and get back in the pool and take care of the puppy. Then Sunday before Thanksgiving W announced he doesn't love me anymore, took the trailer we travel in out of storage and moved it to a little town 85 miles north of here where he's going to live.
We were all shocked by his behavior but he lied to me and preplanned this for a couple of months at least. He even talked to our counselor about it and, of course, she didn't tell me. No one's going to do that to me twice so he's never coming back.
I've spent hours and hours protecting my credit and trying to see how I want to split up with him. I have a couple more things to check out before I do. I shouldn't say everyone's shocked. The people that knew him very very well are glad he's gone and know what I've been going through better than I did. It's all so peaceful now. The neighbors helped me when I was overwhelmed with the puppy.
N2L and I wrote quite a bit on my journal back and forth about this if you should care to read it. I have 2 more cavities caused by Sjogren's Syndrome. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon for the :p cavities and annual mammogram early in the morning. Probably go swim :wave: after the mammogram.
Due to the severe stress I couldn't eat hardly anything and have lost 9# so I have 5# left to go (I think). Doc said I can set my goal at 144 for Wt Watchers and that will have me at about 140-141 at home early in the morning. I did eat more yesterday and today and I would like to maintain for a couple of weeks and then lose the rest.
I guess you know I'm about exhausted in some ways. BUT I can finally sleep all night and we have peace in the house, Pooh Bear and Me :thup:

myrt4930 Sun, Dec-14-14 22:57

Desert Mo--Welcome to our neighborhood...maybe someday I can be comfortable spending a holiday alone. I dread Christmas although I am going to a potluck. I guess my Christmas present this year will be peace and quiet. myrt

bugujo Mon, Dec-15-14 07:10

myrt, we have a local church that serves Christmas dinner "free", is there something like that in your area?? (((((myrt))))) to you and your quiet celebration.

jmh6251 Mon, Dec-15-14 10:36

Myrt I am so sorry this happened to you. My prayers are with you, as women we have to be the strong ones sometimes. Congratulations on your new dog. I would say congrats on the weightloss, but that is not how we want to lose weight. I certainly hope you feel better soon.

Went Christmas Carolling last night, with a food fest after. The food was too yummy to ignore so I over did it. Well it was bound to happen. The good thing is it was only one meal.

DD brought over some veggies yesterday, mostly lowcarb but the carrots. I don't believe a carrot ever hurt anyone anyways.

Christmas is coming close, we are going to our youngest daughter's home on Christmas Eve.

I wish everyone a great week

bugujo Tue, Dec-16-14 08:08

Hot dog, I have four T-bones now LOL. Sorry, thread jack.

never2late Tue, Dec-16-14 12:01

I'd be happy with a T-bone, haven't had one in ages.
Been eating rib eyes when I have steak.
You know the LCHF stuff.
Haven't had a filet.
Maybe I'll shower and go have one, haha.

bugujo Tue, Dec-16-14 13:53

Too funny N2L. Want to trade your four lobsters for my four t-bones LOL.

myrt4930 Tue, Dec-16-14 22:24

Judy---what are fat bombs? I read it somewhere in your journal.

I made it through another day but I'm so tired. Eventually things will get back to normal. I'm already happier but Christmas season stuff us hard. I'm just ignoring it and thinking about the spiritual side of Christmas. myrt

never2late Tue, Dec-16-14 22:36

I think I've taken up residence at the malls.
Seem to go everyday.
Today was take back day for all the things I've already discovered will not work.
While doing that found another top that I think will work so much better for DD's wedding.
I went to a hair dresser just down the street last week to see if there was any solution to the disastrous hair cut.
She said it will still grow some by the wedding.
That I should look for a neck scarf that will take attention away from my hair.
This lovely top should take care of that, such beautiful colors.
Enjoyed a cookie from the mall.
I was buying DH 1/2 a dozen and saw the iced cookies.
Resisted first time by, not the second when I was wearing down from all the walking.
It's a huge mall.
Had a salad with chicken.
Had about 5 almonds.
Thinking about a snack.

bugujo Wed, Dec-17-14 08:03

N2L, when is the wedding?? I didn't read about the disastrous hair cut, that must be maddening. One frosted cookie shouldn't do you in. Nice job for keeping it to one. I hope it didn't set off carb cravings though. The mall walking should have helped too.

never2late Wed, Dec-17-14 23:04

Hello my friends,
The wedding is New Year's Day.
It was originally for New Year's Eve and she switched it to the next day since the restaurant she want her reception at would be crowded with celebrators.
Then after changing to the first, found out the restaurant would be closed on the 1st.
There will only be 7 of us, his parents, my granddaughter who at 8 is planning the wedding, and us.
Simple and wants to keep it very simple.
Doesn't want the word wedding to even be used.
She was burned so badly with the first husband she just wants to get married and have life go on like it never happened.
I tried on the wonderful blouse.
I barely squeezed into it.
Looks horrible, it's going back.
It wasn't me, the size had to be way off.
I've things in the closet I can wear if necessary.
Barely worn clothing as they aren't pj's.

bugujo Thu, Dec-18-14 09:56

N2L, sorry the blouse didn't work. Do you have someone who can go with you to help you find something? I had a friend go with me when I was looking for my second wedding dress. It helped.

I think I remember you telling us about the date now. If the place is closed on New Years day, where will the "wedding" take place?

never2late Fri, Dec-19-14 00:21

The wedding is at a church in downtown Charleston, SC.
We were to have walked to a famous steak place near the church and that is what is closed.
Going to a brand new place now, don't know what type of food they have, but since we will order off the menu it will be fun to try out starting the New Year eating right.
Took back the latest top.
Got a really good deal on a top at Belk's.
I really like it and it fits.
Naturally, it is black.
So all is well with the outfit
Bacon, eggs, tonight around 7 p.m.
That was the first and only meal.
Had a rough day health wise.

bugujo Fri, Dec-19-14 09:35

N2L, basic black is great. Think of how you can dress it up with accessories :)

Down a few ounces today. So close to onederland. Hanging in there on plan so far with the exception of the darned chocolate covered cherries that DH has around.

myrt4930 Sat, Dec-20-14 23:00

Judy---what are fat bombs? I must know...

I got down to 143.2 and my goal on the home scales is 140. This is a heck of a way to lose it (husband left me) and hope I can keep it off. It's been so hard but it would be for anybody. I just don't have any appetite. I just make sure I get protein and a little carbs each day. I need to eat more veggies besides greens in a salad. love you, myrt

never2late Sun, Dec-21-14 01:32

Just jumping in here with the recipe I'd saved from a long time ago.
I thought I'd post this until Judy has time to give an answer.
Gypsybird had posted this for Newbies at one point.
I've never eaten them and don't know how they taste.
Know some don't think we should be eating them.
Others think they are what gets them through the day.
I've seen some add lemon, or other flavors to them to make them more enjoyable.
Hope this helps until Judy can get back with her recipe.

8T butter
6T Coconut Oil
3T unsweetened chocolate powder
1/8t vanilla (optional)
Sea salt, some in and some on top
Sweetener to taste (10 drops liquid Splenda, 22 drops liquid Sugar Twin)

Mix together. Spoon into mini muffin wrappers. Freeze. Enjoy!

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