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mviesprite Thu, May-09-13 19:44

Wed May 8
I walked for 30 min last night with my friend who is visiting here and staying with me. We walked down the road where we are housesitting...and where she used to live! The sun was going down and the sky was wonderfully colorful. I didn't take pics though. It was getting dark fast.

mviesprite Fri, May-10-13 21:50

Thurs May 9
My friend and I had our Pandora Dance stations on while we were making dinner and working on the computers... it wasn't much but we got about 15 min of countable exercise in! :wiggle: :wiggle:

mviesprite Sat, May-11-13 21:33

Sat May 11
I saw that I had 10 min left to make my 2 hour goal for the week, so I danced for 10 min to my Pandora today. It was short and sweet, since I'm busy cleaning up at house 2.

I am also including a pic I took at the nursery I got my squash plant at this AM...lovely red carnations among pansies...

mviesprite Sun, May-12-13 22:29

Sun May 12
Short walk tonight - 15 min. Took some pics around the house here. Will post later.
!! I posted these last night but apparently they didn't take.
My little squash plant - I was telling it to grow! Produce! I'd best be careful, I'll be putting these in people's mailboxes as it is....
Purple clematis that photographs blue....
There was a snail party in the hen 'n' chicks and some violets managed to get into that pot...
Deep fuschia pink roses that partially reverted back to light pink...
And this deer allowed me to photograph him right outside the window. What a nice surprise this evening.

mviesprite Fri, May-17-13 21:15

Fri May 17
I don't think I will make my goal this week. I am looking at a possible torn meniscus and am icing and taking it easy. I start physical therapy for 6 weeks next Friday. I will do what I can with floor work but dancing/walking is definitely out for now. :tears:

mviesprite Sat, May-25-13 09:39

Fri May 24
I thought I posted this (hope I didn't post in somebody else's J by mistake!)
I did 15 countable min of PT during my first visit - I was doing the exercises while they were showing me - so I count it! I have to do them 3 X a day, and I'll probably go ahead and start doing the hip exercises as well just to get more in - I won't do the right knee with those that look like they'll hurt. Exercise at last! I also have room now in my apt since my friend has left so I can see what else I can do.

mviesprite Wed, May-29-13 19:51

Wed May 29
Doing my exercises but not as many times a day as I need to.... Busy and still in quite a bit of pain. PT Friday. I should be going 3 X a week but can't afford high deductible has to be paid first. I am not really counting this as exercise yet.

mviesprite Sat, Jun-01-13 00:06

Fri May 31
PT - they were working my leg. Still trying to calm it down enough to assess it. So I must really change up what I am doing. Powering thru my week as usual did NOT help. I got a new exercise sheet (misplaced the one they gave me- again -). I am simplifying things this coming week so I can stay off my feet and try to heal up. They had me do up to 5 min on the recumbent exercise bike - I did 6. It's the little things. At this rate, I'll be ready for a triathlon soon...sigh.

mviesprite Sun, Jun-02-13 00:44

Sat Jun 1
Countable exercise! So exciting. Did 30 min of pool-walking and pool-stairs which I had to stop except for the last step down hurt too much to do them all the way to the top and back. I stayed in the shallow end of course since I really don't swim. Exercises from PT tomorrow - and as much pool walking as I can do, either pre-dawn or at sunset.
This is not me...I wish I looked like that....

mviesprite Sun, Jun-02-13 23:27

Sun Jun 2
All knee exercises today and added the hip ones that I could manage too...some I couldn't do because of the knee. Some of the knee and hip exercises are the same. I didn't keep track but I know it was at least 30 min - 3 sessions today. And 30 min of pool walking. Really enjoy that! Went out as soon as that sun set...

mviesprite Mon, Jun-03-13 23:32

Mon Jun 3
30 min pool walking. A bit breezy tonight which felt good after a hot day. Not as much time for exercises today - can't really count that. 10 min maybe.

mviesprite Tue, Jun-04-13 22:55

Tues Jun 3
Well, as I put in my J, the pool was....compromised tonight. I think there is a Hawk who keeps dropping his lunch in the pool....I had to fish something out last night as well but that didn't bother me too much. I just couldn't go in after fishing this out with the net. So, no pool walking today. Exercises amounted to about 30 min - knee/hip exercises.
This guy looks like he dropped something, doesn't he?


mviesprite Wed, Jun-05-13 23:53

Wed June 5
About 20 min exercises and 30 min pool walking - no issues tonight! I inspected the pool, and took the flashlight in with me to look closer at the floor but - all clear. I really wanted to pool walk too - I do enjoy that, especially after a hot day and had to use the oven tonight so that made the kitchen hot... and I got over last night's fiasco rather quickly... :thup:

mviesprite Fri, Jun-07-13 00:56

Thur Jun 6
Tonight was the last of my pool walking. 20 min - had to cut it short because of unexpected change in clients schedule - they are headed back tomorrow so clean up had to be tonight. I will miss it! Very relaxing.

mviesprite Fri, Jun-07-13 22:44

Fri Jun 7
Went to PT tonight - about 20 countable min of exercises. I did 8 min on the bike - then it got really painful so had to stop. I miss my pool walking! So I did make my 2 hours a week challenge goal.

mviesprite Tue, Jun-11-13 20:43

Tues Jun 11
PT tonight - exercises - about 20 min worth total. And they are ordering an MRI. My knee isn't better - a little worse. So that was my last PT session.

Aradasky Wed, Jun-12-13 03:42

Kat, so sorry to hear this. Ouch....... I will keep reading to see how you do.

mviesprite Wed, Jun-12-13 21:13

Originally Posted by Aradasky
Kat, so sorry to hear this. Ouch....... I will keep reading to see how you do.

Thanks, Arlene. Enjoy Paris!!!!

mviesprite Thu, Jun-13-13 23:09

Thur June 13
I ended up going for a pretty fair walk with new doggie down the country road here tonight. We took it slow. But we walked for 20 min (including the walk down the road at house 1 as well - she still needed to do her business since the first walk out here was unproductive in that regard...) Tomorrow I'll take some pics - it's very scenic out here. ** slow going and ouch. I took Advil before I went.

mviesprite Sat, Jun-15-13 11:05

Fri Jun 14
Another slow walk with doggie down the road. This time we did it as the sun was going down, with a short walk out for "business". I'll post pics later - they get charged for "excessive downloads" here on the internet. Not sure what kind of plan they have - !? but I'll wait. 30 min, at least.

Aradasky Sat, Jun-15-13 15:20

Sounds like satellite?

mviesprite Sun, Jun-16-13 08:07

Hi Arlene! They do have Dish for TV....quite possible.

mviesprite Sun, Jun-16-13 08:09

Sat Jun 15
Forgot to post....walk in AM around yard, walk down road with doggie - 30 min probably total. Pics later.
Didn't make the 2 hour goal this week, but did an hour and 40 min.

mviesprite Sun, Jun-16-13 08:15

Sunday Jun 16
Long (slow) walk around fenced part of property here - doggie was busy sniffing all evidence of animal party here last she didn't do all her out we went again, this time down the road. I didn't take any pics this AM because I forgot to charge my phone and the battery was signal out here. Lots of deer close range here...there is one that comes up to the back porch - last night when we went out for "last outs" as we walked outside (turned on the outside lights) the deer just walked away slowly - she was 10 feet from me....and then continued eating. She didn't seem to care we were out there.
So this AM already was 40 min.

Aradasky Sun, Jun-16-13 10:05

Take care of the knee during uneven ground walking....

mviesprite Sun, Jun-16-13 22:57

Originally Posted by Aradasky
Take care of the knee during uneven ground walking....

Yes, we walk slowly. She's a white wire haired Jack Russell and small, so walking slow isn't a problem. The knee isn't happy though. I only have one more long walk tomorrow and then I'm done here.

mviesprite Mon, Jun-17-13 18:12

Mon Jun 17
Wow I have so many pix to download from my phone...walk this AM w/doggie pre-sunrise. Beautiful out there. 20 min.

mviesprite Fri, Jun-21-13 21:11

Fri Jun 21
PT tonight - 20 min exercises. Knee worse, but we're doing what we can.

mviesprite Sun, Jun-23-13 17:02

Sun Jun 23
So I did 80 min total exercise this week....only because I had to walk the doggie. I considered dropping out of the challenge, but I need to make it work. I need to move somehow. At a house for 2 weeks - I need to bring over a few exercise discs and do what I can.

mviesprite Sun, Jun-30-13 20:04

Sun Jun 30
Nothing this week. MRI is being ordered. I am not on my own computer so don't want to download my pix from previous walks yet...don't have the right WPkey for my computer at this house, so they'll wait.

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