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Meg_S Sun, Jan-18-04 22:10

You're most welcome ;)

But seriously, if that is what you saw all of the time in magazines, on beaches UNhidden by clothes because they're not socially acceptable, and on tv. it wouldn't be so shocking.

Like, isn't it strange to see a very slim woman on tv... in an erotic role, undressing.. and tada! Tiny bumps with nipples - but isn't it physically normal for someone with very low bodyfat to have small breasts, generally?

Plus on the other parts of the site there is some great information. There is too much misinformation about breasts out there. Come to think about it, there is too much misinformation about sex for young women out there too.. but I'm getting off topic and into a peevish subject.

take care,

BKM Mon, Jan-19-04 13:44

Just found this thread -- found it very interesting...

I simply do not lose very much breast size when my weight goes down -- currently I am a 34 DDD (at 150#), the smallest I've been (adult) is a 32 DD (I weighed about 117 pounds, much too thin for my 5'7").

My gynecologist said that he would recommend breast reduction (because of deeply grooved shoulders and a constant sore back) and has given me some specialists' names -- I'm definitely considering it (as long as the insurance covers it!) -- however, the comment on the amount of weight reduction has me wondering -- after all, I have a narrow chest (32-34"), so my breasts are not as large as someone with say a 40" chest measurement.

I am really interested in anyone's comments who has gone through this -- my goals include 1)no more shoulder-strap grooves, 2)fewer backaches, 3) no more underwire grooves, and 4) the ability to wear a bathing suit!

Since we'll be retiring to Florida in a couple of years, #4 is important to me -- currently there are NO bathing suits that I look decent in. I'm an almost-60 year old woman, who has breastfed 6 children (each for over a year); I don't know if the extended breastfeeding is what did this to me? or just my genetics?

Thanks for any (serious ;) ) comments.

TrueColors Sun, Feb-08-04 20:17

My official position on this issue is that any and all boob reductions should be illegal.

However, let the record also reflect that I am an open minded person, and therefore I do support enlargements.


WendyLynn Sun, Feb-08-04 21:24

And mine have all but disappeared! I had been a 32 full C since 5th grade (not counting the enormous letters I reached while pregnant...something like an E ! ) But after 2+ years of lc'ing combined with gravity and the ripe old age of 46....I am buying the add a size VS bra's in a size B and there's extra room in there! Someone told me that boobs are a large percentage body fat and that when you lc and loose that body lose the boobs. Sigh. I never appreciated them until they were gone. :)

Meg_S Mon, Feb-09-04 05:01

I'll go through stages where they seem really big (about 2 sizes bigger than now becuase or hormones and or weight gain) and they look hot..... but it's so much "nicer" for me when they're smaller. Right now they're a C I'm not at goal bodyfat, and they'll shrink more I'm sure but they're so COMFORTALBE. They're happy, not hurting me or pulling in anyway when I walk and run around.... I can run around without a bra and they feel good.

Ladies there are advantages to losing breast size when you lose weight! Save the watermelons for fantasy because they're not terribly practical. Can you imagine if we started to advocate the implantation of massive zucchini like objects in men? The implications on fashion, the limitations on physical activity.... the pressure and havoc that would wreak on men's self esteem? Not even because for us it makes sense to enjoy it from a physical perspective, but simply because our perception was distorted to enjoy the view of HUGE ... zucchini-like objects ;)

There was a debate earlier, and I know everyone thinks that they've got to be bound high and tightly in order to not sag but I find mine feel and look firmer when I wear no bra around the house as often as possible and combine it with bodybrushing. I used to religiously wear bras.. even to bed. I took my bra off for almost a whole summer one year, (started the brushing in the last 2 weeks) and by the end of it my husband was incredulously asking whether my boobs had grown. They hadn't, they were just firmer. This is also good for the lymph system, if mine becomes stagnant I get breast tenderness.

BKM it sounds like an excellent thing that you would do for your health. There are probably some "yahoo groups" dedicated to women who have had breast reduction. The only one I know is my aunt - and she *had* a tiny frame.

BlitzedAng Mon, Feb-09-04 07:00

Ok, who deflatted my ta ta's?

WendyLynn Mon, Feb-09-04 10:48

Meg, could you explain body brushing?

miezimau Mon, Feb-09-04 12:58

BKM, I just PM'd you some Info. I had a BR just a few months back and I am in heaven. NO MORE PAIN :)

CherylAust Thu, Feb-12-04 06:04

I'm gonna need another glass of water because of all the tears I've shed crying with laughter, this thread is hilarious.

I'm hoping for a drop in boob size with weight-loss, I'm a DD now, D would be nice, C better. I've been up to an E but that was during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I have noticed a little loss, there's no little overflow bump. I did change my style of bra recently, I no longer wear ones that push them together in the middle, leaving just a line as cleavage. The ones I wear now push them to the sides and I can see down my cleavage now, much better look. But some bras are better than others, on some my boobs try leaving them to meet back up in the centre. Wore one the other day while out walking with my ds who was riding his bike. He came off and was laying very still so I had to run and in my haste forgot to cross my arms over my chest. He was fine but I then had to try to get my boobs back into the bra without drawing too much attention. :lol: I had already added extra lace to the front of this bra as it was originally much worse.

My Grandmother had a reduction done many years ago, but as my mother said it was as so she was very big, just very long, she could toss them over her shoulder.

Meg_S Thu, Feb-12-04 06:39

Wendylynn, I know there are some threads around here about skin brushing, also called dry brushing - but couldn't find them - there is a lot of info on the net as well if you do a search.

Basically you have a natural bristle bath brush - a stiff one, you can find them in the body shop, and starting with your feet and working up.. then with your hands and working toward your body you brush your skin with a combination of short and long strokes. When you hit trouble spots - those that are either very dry, have a lot of stretch marks or cellulite you can linger on the spot moving in circles. You also do your armpits and breasts. It may hurt at first so you can start in the shower and use a bodywash, but then start doing it on your dry skin before you shower, or after you work out.

This really does wonders for your skin. My legs feel like a baby's (only with hard muscle under the soft skin) andthe stretch marks on my belly are not even noticable! They used to be pretty bright red.

Give it time, and you'll see and feel a huge difference, my husband is always commenting on how soft my skin is. It's recommended that you do it 2x a day.

MaryToU Thu, Feb-12-04 12:37

I just want to throw my 2 cents in. NOT only have they disappeared, From a good C to a hopeful B, but one is bigger than the other!!! It is very strange looking LOL. So now not only are they flapppy but lop sided!

cls923 Sun, Feb-15-04 09:46

Gee, I'm looking for a way to shift the weight from my butt into my I am afraid however that I would move into first place before Dolly Parton!!!
Its bad enough that my Dad has a bigger chest than I do...:0)

bhcompy Sun, Feb-15-04 12:48

You girls are lucky, my man-boobs haven't gone away totally yet and the rest of me is almost done thinning out!

Dollygrrl Sun, Feb-15-04 13:31

:lol: This thread is quite entertaining!

Meg, thanks for the link! It makes me feel better seeing more mature breasts, like mine. My breasts haven't been perky since, oh, maybe 3rd grade, when they hadn't started developing yet. As soon as they grew, they lost their perkiness. Go figure! At my high weight I wore a 38DD, and now I wear a 34C (Hopefully I'll get down to a B). I don't mind that they shrank though 'cause I can buy cute bras. And all it takes is a molded cup bra and -poof!- by all outside appearances I have perky teenager breasts. :p

JulieT Wed, Feb-18-04 07:53

I've finally got the legs I've always wanted long and slender....oh wait those are my boobs...

LaVonna Wed, Feb-18-04 09:49

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Julie, I can relate sista!

Alopex Wed, Feb-18-04 22:57

LOL! Thanks for resurrecting this thread. I've been LMAO!

My problem is that when I gain weight--even a few pounds--I gain boob. Then I loose the weight and the boobs remain the same size, only squishier. V. annoying! Grr.

The weight lifting does seem to be making a difference, though, and I can only hope that natural skin shrinkage will contribute to firmness (you don't want to KNOW what size I am). Not to mention that I'm still years away from 30 and will probably have babies to breastfeed in the not too distant future! Eek!

BlitzedAng Thu, Feb-19-04 12:33

This has been by far the most laughs I have gotten from a post.I can relate to it all too well.(snickering) Thanks for the jokes and poems guys :)

Jbbrennan Thu, Feb-19-04 12:53

Originally Posted by Alopex
LOL! Thanks for resurrecting this thread. I've been LMAO!

My problem is that when I gain weight--even a few pounds--I gain boob. Then I loose the weight and the boobs remain the same size, only squishier. V. annoying! Grr.Eek!

Ha! I have that beat (not like I'm proud of it or anything...) but when I gain (like I have in the past few weeks) I gain it all in ONE breast, the left one. It's starting to look like I have a second head down there!
--jasmine, of the national geographic boob society...

cmiskinnis Fri, Feb-20-04 12:11

My breasts lost alot of tissue and elasticity after having my daughter. I went from a C to an A. I had an augmentation with implants 10 years ago and loved the results. Its definitely worth it! However now I'm concerned that I may have done damage by gaining 50 lbs since then! I hope they stay reasonably perky.
So far my saggiest place is my tummy. I hope I don't have to have a tummy tuck!

Misee Sun, Feb-22-04 09:43

In reply to the saggy boobs............It's awful to get them, but I do suggest working out with weights, or perhaps talk to a pro. trainer for some excersises.
I have found that lifting weights seems to help build some muscle on top.

relliott1 Sun, Feb-22-04 12:58

I had a breast reduction last year, went from a DDD (although I should have been wearing bigger - I just couldn't afford to buy my bras at specialty shops!) to a C, and of course they were nice and perky to boot :D I was concerned that as I lost weight they would get smaller or lose their bounce. Luckily that has not happened.. they have remained a nice perky size C, and I have only lost sizes in the band, not the cup.

sydnarella Sun, Feb-22-04 13:53

I'm gettin' mine umm... enhanced next month if my boss gives me all of my bonuses. Man, they were SOOOO great when I was pregnant! Of course, I haven't BEEN pregnant for 16 years now so...

pd Rydia Sun, Feb-22-04 14:04

To whoever mentioned she was considering breast reduction surgery: I haven't personally had it, but a family member has. She says she's so glad she had it done, it helps her back so very very much. However, recovering from the surgery does take a long time, and is painful (not as much as implants though).

As for myself... ¬.¬ I just hope my breasts shrink back down to a C cup. I doubt I'll ever fit into a B cup again. If I could control it, my size would be an A be damned, big breasts just get in the way. :[

nikkil Sun, Feb-22-04 14:09

I had a breast reduction 2.5 years ago--never regretted it for a second (well, 1 day post-op is another story :lol: ) but I would recommend it to anybody if they're having neck and shoulder pain. I went from a DDD to a D. I have an hourglass shape so I didn't want to go too small. They're staying nice and perky so far, as I lose, but my band measurement is getting smaller :yay: so I have to use those never-used-before loops on the back! I'm really hoping I don't lose too much on top (hey, they've been big for so long it would be weird). I was a C when I was 13 and kept goin' up. Long distance runner in high school and all the guys would come to 'watch' :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'll take saggy boobs over being fat, any day!

Tess M Sun, Feb-22-04 14:21

Flashback to summer camp-----

Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot,
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em over your shoulder
like a continental soldier?
Do you booooobs haaaang loooow????
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Sango Mon, Feb-23-04 22:26

I was reading some articles posted on this thread and found this:

It makes some sense, actually...Anyone here actually go braless most of the time? I'm thinking about trying it. I'm about a C cup. I thought I could never do it, though at home and sometimes all weekend I won't wear one. Then at work my bra strap broke and I ended up taking it really wasn't a problem at all (but then, it's a loose shirt, too.)

Anyway, just curious if anyone does, and if they think it affects the "perkiness" or "sagginess" of their breasts.

unitydkn Sat, Apr-17-04 20:25

I'm going to get a BR YIPEEE oh I can't wait!!!!!!

adkpam Sun, Apr-18-04 17:23

That link was interesting, but since I've been the opposite of my best girl friend (who had a BR to cure her aching back) it's not been something where I can hazard a guess about.
However, there is a way of creating somewhat larger, perkier breasts, which seems especially suited for smaller breasted women who lost volume through weight loss or breastfeeding.

I read a number of interviews with ladies who said the time commitment was worth it, it was cheaper than breast augmentation, and all natural.
Larger ladies get the same amount of enhancement, but on larger bust sizes the increase is not nearly so dramatic. Thus all the ladies who were happiest were A & B cup types.

lakookoo Mon, Apr-19-04 06:15

I had a BR about 5 years ago, before I discovered LC, alas. "Alas", because I think the results would have been ever BETTER had I been thinner then.
Even so, the results were gratifying. I went down several sizes (I went from a DD to a C cup), and no longer have back pain. The shoulder grooves are still there (I think they're permanent, unfortunately) and there is significant scarring, especially under the breasts, which is something to consider.

There are at least two methods for BR, one which leaves the nipple and areola still attached to the underlying breast tissue, cuts a sort of keyhole shape in the breast skin, and then moves the nipple and areola up to fill the keyhole. The other is more radical and is designed for MAJOR reduction, and the surgeon has to remove and then re-graft the nipple and areola back onto the reconstructed breast. This is the one that surgeons don't like, since there is always a chance of tissue necrosis (death) with grafts.

Recovery time is not too bad (I was back at work by the third day or so, but moving carefully) but the incisions do take a while to heal fully. The under-breast scars extend around under the armpit area, so forget wearing daring, loose, bra-less kind of tops because you can see a totally obvious kind of indentation there, but hey -- who cares about dressing like that? I'm not going to be treading the red carpet at the Oscars any time soon.

Best advice is to be sure that you lose all the weight you are aiming for BEFORE you have surgery. And don't undertake this lightly -- it involves general anaesthesia, which always has a risk.

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