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Nikki_D Mon, Jan-05-04 23:01

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

I was actually down 2 lbs overnight. Now I don't think I was that *good* that I lost 2 lbs.... I think my weight's just zigzagging a bit over the 'bad holiday behaviour' and being back 'almost' on track again. I'm still up 4 or 5 lbs. from my pre-holiday low - and I know exactly what you're talking about Annie - I can see the extra weight *everywhere* on me. Plus I had stopped doing the gym thing, so I see more flab as I'm sure I've lost some muscle tone :(

Oh well - I expect to lose those lbs. over the next few weeks. It's the ones after that I'm crossing my fingers over!

I did well with my eating, and made it back to the gym today. The gym is a bit of a challenge. I'm in the middle of that really cold snap, and it's providing a tempting excuse not to venture out to the gym. Normally I pull on my shorts and head over on my lunch break, but I'm not going outside in shorts (or even my work skirts) in this cold! (today I went after work on the way home).

stacysheil Tue, Jan-06-04 04:29

I know exactly how you guys feel, seems like I am up and down 10lbs. every month. Of course it is my own fault but still I do it. I have said it so many times before that this woe spoils you because you know if you cheat and gain a few lbs. then all you have to do is get back on track and it will be gone in a few days. At least thats what my brain keeps telling me, "go ahead eat that homemade candy, you can get back on track tomorrow" I should not let myself think this but I do and it sabatoges me. I was 170 just about 2 months ago and just kept creeping up a pound at a time.

Dont give up because we all know that this woe works if we just stick to it. Just take it one day at a time and dont be like me, if you mess up just keep messing up because you already did. Immediately get back in control, not the next day but right then. Boy do I wish I could listen to my own advice.

I made it through yesterday, my first day of getting serious. I got my walk in, it wasnt much but it was a start. I stuck to 3 meals and didnt have the peanut butter snack. There are so many arguments about eating p/b. It didnt hurt me before but I know if I want to get back down to 170 then I have to cut it out for awhile. Today is another day and I wish myself luck.

There is a Klondike bar in my freezer that keeps yelling at me, could someone tell it to shut up and leave me alone, lol.

TerryLynne Tue, Jan-06-04 07:07

Sheila, you sure are up and at it early! Is that Klondike still in the freezer? :p Shut UP and leave our sweet Sheila alone!!!! Here's to a Great LC day! :D

Wenzday Tue, Jan-06-04 08:05

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171.. weight hasnt changed in 2 weeks....BUT, that is better than gaining and I havent been very good. I was very good yesterday and even got in my whole workout for the second time in 2 months...I have lost 10 pounds over the past 2 months but I think it might have been all muscle! :( yikes! I had a pretty flatish looking belly believe it or now and could wear clingy shirts well but I swear 2 days of missing my AB workout and the muscles go to H* ya know?! lol anyway, I am getting back on track witrh my workouts no matter what!

Zuleka Tue, Jan-06-04 08:15

There is a Klondike bar in my freezer that keeps yelling at me, could someone tell it to shut up and leave me alone, lol.

Step away from the Klondike!!! Your best bet is to throw it away.

I was very bad in Dec. The fact is, I was feeling bad when I eat foods I wasn't suppose to. My tummy was always upset, cause of all the junk I would eat. Yesterday was my first day back on LCing.( I have co-workers right now, telling me to have desert someone brought in to the office. ) I gave myself permission to cheat in Dec, but right now play time is over.

I wish the best of luck to all you ladies!!! We can do it!!!!

WIconnie Tue, Jan-06-04 08:23

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

Hi, I didn't realize we were to copy and paste each here is my late edition reflecting a 2# loss.

stacysheil Tue, Jan-06-04 08:36

The Klondike is still there, 6 of them. I cant throw them away, my DS and DH would kill me.

Terry, I get up at 4:30 to get DH off to school and DD doestn get up til 6:00 so I just stay up until they both leave then go back to bed. Did you change anything for your scalse to finally start moving?

The temp here Sunday was 72 now we have the ground covered in snow. Its no wonder everyone is so sick around here. DD is still at school, so far they havent called it off.

Have a nice day everyone.

rodmick Tue, Jan-06-04 09:12

l posted the venison recipes for you in my journal. They are traditional recipes that I switched a bit to make lc. Instead of soyyou could use lc bake mix(I'm just to cheap!)

I have had a great day lc wise since sunday! Yippee!
Congrats to all of you who have lost!!!!!! I hope to join your ranks next monday!
I did get 5 min. on the bike yesterday. Thats all my back could take but it's a start.
Someone had mentioned the "walk away the pounds" tapes. I think I may buy them once we recover from dh not working for several weeks.

want2bfit Tue, Jan-06-04 09:33

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
Hey would you all like to focus more on exercise then the numbers? One of my goals is to start a journal here so I can be accountable to myself. Some of you know that I had breast cancer in Aug. All better and cancer free praise God. But the doctors are recommending I go on Tamoxafin as a prevention of further breast cancer for 5 years. The problem is it can cause possible weight gain and blood clots. Not so worried about the weight gain since someone at church is on this medication and has lost 50 lbs. on Atkins. The doctor is concerned with my inactivity. He wants me to walk 40 minutes 4 X's a week to prevent the clots which can lead to stroke. I really want to go on the medicine since I want to be around for my 2 precious gifts (dd & ds). Can you all help me. I am so unmotivated. I don't know what to do. I generally don't like to ask for help but I think this is what I need to do. Sorry if this is inappropriate to post here. Blessings to all,:help: Maureen:help:

katlynweb Tue, Jan-06-04 09:59

Would like to join
May I join your group and your 2004 challenge? I am still in Induction and having a tough time on my own! Induction 4 weeks plus and still bouncing around a pound or two one way or the other! No real WHOOSH! yet...still hanging in though. What do I need to do to join you? Thanks! Kat

want2bfit Tue, Jan-06-04 10:04

Kat, first you have to fill out this extensive application that Annie will be sending you, then it goes before a committee for approval or denial, then you will be notified in person as long as you have a tray of low carb snack prepared and individually wrapped for all of us. Only kidding.

You're in and welcome to this wonderful group. Hope we can be of some encouragement to you. Blessings, Maureen

stacysheil Tue, Jan-06-04 10:05

Maureen, I have just started back on my treadmill and it was so hard to do yesterday. I did not want to get on it but I just kept telling myself that I had to, no matter how far I walked I was going to get on it and do something. I know that if I dont keep with it, I will go right back to my b/p meds and I dont want that.

As far as the weight gain with the meds, I dont know about that. But, I do know that my doctor said I am the only one she knows that has lost weight on Depo. She is telling all her patients about me because she say they all tell her they cant lose because of the Depo.

I dont know if you have a treadmill or not but if you do just clean it off (I had to mine) and get on it even if it is a few minutes a day at first.

Keep coming back her for motivation and we will try to help.

stacysheil Tue, Jan-06-04 10:07

Kat just find the latest posts with the weigh ins and copy and paste yours.

Welcome to our nice little family who just keeps growing and growing and growing.

The more the merrier.

rodmick Tue, Jan-06-04 10:16

I'll be glad to cheer you on!!!!!!!! Do you have your journal started?

Welcome! This is such a fun group! You'll love it!

katlynweb Tue, Jan-06-04 10:22

OK, let me say that I am VERY NEW to computers and don't have the foggiest idea how to cut and paste :lol: ! My current weight is 169...maybe someone can put me on the list :blush: What is out actual challenge? And thanks for the welcomes! That sure was an easy application! Kat

AmberinIN Tue, Jan-06-04 10:29

Hi all!

I feel so much better today than I did the last post! LC for 5 days and the energy has kicked in. Thank goodness. I knew I was close because yesterday I dragged bad and actually fell asleep at 5:30 in the middle of my family's dinner.

I haven't weighed in yet, but I had a dream last night that I did and was 30 lbs. more than I thought! :rolleyes: What a nightmare! I'll scout around for a scale today and hopefully be able to give good news soon.

It's going to take me a while to remember everyone, but I looked at the weights and was so glad to have the full spectrum of people losing. The advice from the "old timers" and the enthusiasm of newbies will be a great balance.

I'm off, now. I homeschool my 11 yod, 8 yos, and 5 yod, so I have to post in snatches!

Thanks for the welcome and good luck with LC this week! I just so happy to not feel sick and bloated, I can take what the scale give me!


Gothicmom Tue, Jan-06-04 10:37

I know I am a little late, but can I still join in on the challenge? I just found this website yesterday. I am all for losing 4-8 pounds a month! I am still in the induction stage, so I know that there is a chance I might pass up the 8 pound maximum at first. I hope that is ok.

Today's weigh-in GothicMom........270.6

Thanks! I look forward to being big losers with all of you!


want2bfit Tue, Jan-06-04 10:56

Welcom Lucy, never too late to join.

Shelia, that is exactly what I need. Daily reminders are wonderful. If I spent the time exercising that I spend on the computer there wouldn't be a problem. What is Depro? Blessings, Maureen

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Kat --wk#1..169..wk#2..169
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

stacysheil Tue, Jan-06-04 11:10

Depo is a birth control shot.

I am exactly the same way, if I would get off this computer I would get a whole lot more done, lol.

I wanted to share this email I got today.

Twas the month after New Year's, and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste
At the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt---
I said to myself, as I only can
"You can't spend a winter disguised as a man!"

So--away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
'Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie--not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore---
But isn't that what January is for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

rainopal Tue, Jan-06-04 11:23

Joining Late
Hello everyone and thank you Annie Pie for starting this thread. I gained 4 pounds over the holidays and I'd like to join you on this challenge. I have been reading the postings and the support here is wonderful.

My weight pre-Christmas holidays was 165. I weighted myself this morning and I was shocked to find myself 169 lbs. My mini-goal then is to lose those 4 pounds and get back to 165. I am a Diabetic and have asthma as well so losing at least 20-25 lbs more is imperative for my health.

I started induction again today so its my first day and I am very hopeful that with the support of this forum and God I will lose those 4 pounds and then eventually those other pounds.

Good luck to everyone.

TAK Tue, Jan-06-04 12:08

Thanks, Angie K. for the encouragement. Sometimes, I just need a support pat, so thanks for giving it. Lise, I have attempted Fitday without success. It drove me bonkers. Perhaps, I shall try it again.

Question: On induction, we ate unlimited meats without gorging, a little bit of cheese (1 carb an ounce) and veggies. Did the 20 carbs from everything but the meat, or did Dr. Atkins count that meat as a certain portion of the carbs even though everyone eats different amounts of meat during induction?

I know that things like deli meat have more carbs than fresh meat, but what about things like a steak? The reason I ask is because I was surprised at the Carb totals for foods on Ruby Tuesday's menu. I can't remember the exact numbers, so please just use the following as info to get my point across. For example, a steak (no sides included) had more carbs (like 14 or something) than I would have expected. Does that come from the meat, or something they might add to it like seasonings do you think?


I saw in the Sunday ads that Lean Cuisine is offering low carb meals. Again, I was surprised that a few chunks of chicken and broccoli would have 14 carbs.

Maybe I've been undercounting the carbs in meat all this time!

Any reflections?


adukart Tue, Jan-06-04 12:34

stacysheil, just wanted to say that I've been on Depo for 5 years and have always been under 150. So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones along side you. My sister was on it and instantly gained 50 pounds, not instantly but you know what I mean. I sometimes wonder if it wasn't because she was told she would gain weight so she gave up and stopped controlling her diet.

huggs2ewe Tue, Jan-06-04 13:11

Hi Teresa,

Have you read the Atkins book? It may do you good to go back and read it up again just to get the basics down pat. Most of us go back and reread it just to see what we have forgotten :).

Protein such as steak/ chicken/ fish/ pork with no additives should not have any carbs. Not sure where the 14 carbs or so would come from with steak unless it was breaded and had a sugary sauce on it. The lean cuisine probably is the sauce. If you can I would keep to basic home cooked rather than store bought. there you will find a lot of hidden carbs.

As for fitday what was it that you found difficult, maybe we could help to simplify if for you.

TAK Tue, Jan-06-04 14:24

Thanks, Lise. Unfortunately, I wish I could say, AHA, I've been eating a lot of sauces on my meats or processed meats or processed food, but I almost always eat fresh meat, especially for dinner.

Typical day:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 sausage patties
Lunch: Hamburger with lettuce, tomato, mayo
Dinner: Usually a steak cooked on the grill with nothing added (i.e. no marinating, no barbeque sauce, no ketchup, and no steak sauce). I usually eat some green beans with butter and a small salad with it.
Snack: 1-2 ounces of nuts on weekend days, one ounce on weekdays

I never eat Atkins bars, etc. If the vegetables allowed on Atkins induction add up to 20 carbs (even after subtracting fiber grams) that is not much food for 20 carbs. (Which is why I asked about carbs in meat.)

I re-read the Phase II program, and noted that it doesn't take much to add 5 net carbs (i.e. 1 medium tomato, 1 cup cooked spinach, 14 almonds, or 1 cup broccoli) to one's daily intake.

I've read some "low carb" recipes on here and I have no idea of how the per serving carb count can be so low with so many ingredients, as even low carb adds up.

Rather than adding more veggies to my diet, I guess I should add more meat! (Lord help me, and Pork Rinds!)

My plan: Give up nuts - if that doesn't work, I'm going to increase my carbs. Maybe I actually am eating too few. I usually have one diet pepsi a day with lunch - I'm going to eliminate aspartame starting today.

Wish me luck & comments are welcome.

Nat490 Tue, Jan-06-04 14:37

Hi Everyone,
Checking in for this week. The holidays are now over and I am now working on th 8 extra pounds gained from Christmas cheer. Eggnog, cookies, fudges, and no need to go on cause you all know what I mean. :(

Today's weigh-in:205.5 Down 2 pound and 3.5 to get back to where I was. That will come pretty quick. I have faith in myself and this group keeping each other on track.

Well, I am starting to use more fruits, veggies and bean in our diet here for the protein once a week cause we aren't using beef here at this time. Too scarey right now and too close to home. So we will see how thing progress here. Will keep you posted on my progress.

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Kat --wk#1..169..wk#2..169
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

want2bfit Tue, Jan-06-04 15:47

It's great to see everyone helping each other. Welcome Rainopal glad you joined us.

Woohoo! I got off the computer, cleaned my fridge out and did my 2 mile tape.

Adukart-- wk#1...129..wk#2...128.5..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..wk2..191.5
Kat --wk#1..169..wk#2..169
Lise-- wk 1... 203.. Wk #2... 200
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..wk#2..232
Michelle--wk 1...162..wk2..162
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..wk#2..207
Nikki-- wk#1...188..wk#2.. 186
Teresa--wk 1...197..wk2..198
Zuleka wk.1...171..

Marieshops Tue, Jan-06-04 17:57

Hi Teresa, I looked at your sample menu and thought it looked good but maybe a little low on carbs and fat. Depending on your sausage - some have sugar added, it doesn't look like your are taking in very many carbs. Depending on your serving sizes and what you put in your salad I only see maybe 15 carbs for your day. Even if you are doing a modified induction it would be good to get it up to at least 20. Try adding some more veggies and can you do cheese? If dairy doesn't bother you a couple of ounces would help with your fat intake too. Good luck, you are doing great. Remember the story - slow and steady wins the race :)

mushyroom Tue, Jan-06-04 19:58

Aaaarrgghh!!!!! What is wrong with me?!? I just ate 2 cinnamon raisin bagels with lots of butter and I feel rotten. (Not in a physical sense, but in a beat yourself up for not having enough willpower and common sense, kind of way.)

Actually, I do know what is wrong with me. I am so tired. My babysitter called in today, and with the weather like it is (snowstorm), I can't get a backup. I won't be going to work tonight, but I'll have been up for 20 hours before I get to go to bed tonight. I work a graveyard shift. I do it so I can spend most of the day with my girls. They are 3.5 yrs and 1 yr old. I work these hours because I want to be there while they are growing up, especially these most formative years. Most of the time our arrangement works out really well, but days like this are so hard!

The other part of the problem is that I'm lazy. I should really have some roast chiken or boiled eggs waiting in the fridge, so when I crave carbs, there is something else easy to fix, waiting for me.

Well, I feel marginally better, now that I have spilled my guts. I am doing Atkins because I want to be around for my kids and be able to play hard with them without this extra weight. Why can't I keep that in mind, when I am tired and lazy?
:bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:

angieK Tue, Jan-06-04 21:03

Maureen please start a journal. I would love to come by and see how well you are doing especially when you start exercising.
Shiela that poem is so true.
Kat welcome.
Today we had our big snow storm that closed down everything. I got off of work at about 2pm. We are wimps on this island, when snow hits everything closes down. We don't even know what snow tires look like. It is susposed to rain tonight so it will be work as usual tomorrow.

angieK Tue, Jan-06-04 21:15

mushyroom, don't be so hard on yourself. The more you practise eating on this WOE the better you get. You just need to get better at dealing with stress and when things just go wrong. And now you know to keep things ready in the fridge to grab, your next step is to practise that.
You call yourself lazy--I really don't think so--you are raising 2 children plus working, I would say sleep deprived and when your tired things seem different. Get a good nights rest and things will be better in the morning. By the way your meal wasn't all bad--butter is allowed. LOL

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