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want2bfit Wed, Nov-12-03 09:47

Jill, I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

These gummi and jello recipes sound great.

My son is home sick today with pink eye, an ear infection and a sore throat. I was making him soup when I came back upstairs only to find that he dumped my powder all over my bed and room. He just doesn't know how to slow down. My daughter is also home with a cold and stiff neck. They had Mon & Tues off of school. Guess they didn't want mom to miss them. They are the coolest kids & I just love having them home. Just wish they weren't sick. Hope everyone has a great day. Blessings, Maureen

TerryLynne Wed, Nov-12-03 10:33

I am sick today and your cabbage rolls made me think of the wonderful boiled dinner my Stepmom makes. I made a lazy man's version and boy was it wonderful... I cut up some ham and added some coleslaw cabbage(already sliced and ready to go), some garlic, and pepper and just covered it with water. Put a lid on the saucepan and let it boil for awhile till the cabbage was mushy. I poured off the broth and drank it, then put the cabbage and ham in a bowl and topped it with some butter :yum: I felt so pampered! I have to say it again... I LOVE THIS WOE!!!!!! :dazzle:

stacysheil Wed, Nov-12-03 11:43

OK Everyone with creative ideas, lol. I need help. My DD comes home yesterday and says she has tomake an ornament for school. It is due tomorrow, any ideas?

want2bfit Wed, Nov-12-03 15:24

Ornament for what (theme)and how old is she 8?

If it's for Christmastime take a glass ornament and sponge on glue then roll it in glitter. Hang it up to dry. If you don't want to do that much work - use a clear ornament ball and stuff it with stuff ie: confetti, tinsel. Or take an old or new Christmas card with a scene. Cut it out to desired shape and trim with ric rac (spelling?) or glitter (we love glitter lol) make a hole at the top and thread some ribbon through. Make homemade dough (if you have the ingredients) and make whatever she wants as a design. Or mix cinnamon and white glue and form into desired shape. Press hole through top. I think you let it air dry and thread ribbon through it.

Have fun, Maureen

Annie-Pie Wed, Nov-12-03 21:21

Angie K--Thanks! I will use it with my unsweetened Kool-aid. The extra Knox you mention sure makes sense. Mine was kind of thick already, so 2 pkts more will help. I will need to add Splenda.

This is the only way I make jello now--can't stand the taste or bloating caused from aspartame.
Thanks, Angie!

Thanks Cindylynn for the kind words!

Terry that sounds scrumptious! You must've smelled the whole neighborhood with your homecooking. That cut up prepackaged cabbage sounds awesome!

Maureen---oh boy. Sigh. what a day you must've had. Hope your kids feel better soon. Too bad about your powder. I suppose you remember the rule of motherhood: When it's quiet, go looking!
Hope you're healing well now. Are you?

I submitted a few more articles to different markets. Waiting, waiting, waiting...

Fishburg, tell us how your daughter did. Is this because of her pain from XC?

If I left anyone out, it's not intentional.

Thanks again for the gummi recipe. Hugs, Annie

Zuleka Thu, Nov-13-03 11:38

Annie- Wow your granddaughter is so perfect! God Bless her.
Did you ever find a recipe for Chocolate Pudding?

Jill- Sending only good thoughts for You and your Daughter.

Terry- Sweetie, hope you get to feeling better.

I hope you all are doing great. For some reason, I'm cheating alot, not going over my carbs limit for the day but..... just eating lots of stuff I shouldn't.

stacysheil Thu, Nov-13-03 13:20

Well, all my jogging and walking paid off last night. My holler got blocked last night with the rain and I had to leave my truck at the mouth of it and walk, jog home. It was still pouring the rain so I ran half way which is not very far but I still would never had made it a month ago. I got to my driveway and had to wade water almost up to my knees. Luckily it only damaged the roads and nothing else. I was so scared for my horses because one of them was out. I put them both up until the water went down. All is well today except our road is in terrible shape now.
I am up to jogging 20minutes and walking 25, not all at once of course. I have to rotate each but at least I have went from 5 minutes to 20 just this week.
Have a good day everyone and my prayers are with you all, especially those having a rough time.

want2bfit Thu, Nov-13-03 20:08

Sheila, you are doing awesome with the jogging. So glad everything is safe. We are getting a really bad wind storm. We also had some snow today. Yeah

Terry, thanks for your concern. Today my daughter was feeling worse. Took her to the doctors and she has strep. They did a full neurologcal exam anyway since she had a headache.

My sons pink eye is much better. Hopefully he is going to school tomorrow. My daughter is suppose to get her expander taken out. I think there will be quite a bit of pain for her since its been in over a year. Guess who feels like she is coming down with strep. Told my husband tonight that I feel like going to a hotel by myself just to get a good night sleep. My son was soooo cute. He wakes me up during the night by asking if I want to snuggle with him. Then he says "is that a good idea"? Well of course it is.

Zuleka, you can do it. We are all here for support.

Annie, hope you hear something soon.

Love to all, Maureen

Annie-Pie Fri, Nov-14-03 00:30

Hi Gang...
Sheila: You are really making progress with your healthy lifestyle. You're such an inspiration. I bet your daughter especially looks up to you! Keep up the good workouts.

I didn't realize Kentucky had a lot of rain. Is it unusual to have this much?

Maureen: I am so sorry to hear of daughter's strep. Did they give her a shot in the ol' patootie or is it the oral med? Mine always got the shot because then you're not contagious after 24 hours. But thanks to modern meds, now the oral does the same thing! Sure hope you don't get it. Better watch it and get the culture done Maureen! Are you susceptible to germs now from the radiation? I will keep you in my prayers.

Your son is probably the best medicine of all, don't you think? :rheart:

, I never heard about the chocolate pudding q, but thanks for asking. Think I'll post it over on the kitchen site. How have you been lately?

Hugs to all. Keep up the LC'ing. We need each other as the holidays approach!


liddle Fri, Nov-14-03 05:13

Annie- I just have to say.... You look radiant! You have such beautiful skin!
Gee- you'd think that you gave birth to that little bundle of joy :lol:
Let's see one of you looking at the camera.
That baby is absolutely gorgeous! Just like Grandma!


Annie-Pie Fri, Nov-14-03 08:45

Heather, Thanks for the compliment, it means more than you know. I have severe roseacea and the only makeup that will cover now is Dermablend. I hate wearing so much of it.

Clinique used to look so good and transparent but then the roseacea got much worse. Of couse it's baby Kaylin that makes everything and everyone beam with joy!

Fishburg: How is your daughter doing? Let us know ok?

Heather: Maybe you answered me and I didn't see it with all my distractions, but can you please tell us how you lost your weight, any tips, etc?

Hugs to all! Friday's here, baby!


want2bfit Fri, Nov-14-03 14:52

Annie, such a beautiful picture. You certainly don't look like a grandma. How is everyone doing. Hope mom & dad are getting some sleep. I agree with Heather. We would love to see your beautiful face. I thought the one you've had up is beautiful but now seeing the new ones I think you may be looking younger.

Jill, do let us know how things are going for your daughter.

Well, it's my turn now. I'm on antibiotics. The kids are feeling better but they wanted to stay home. I love having them around so we spent the day together again. Today we had orzo for a comfort food after my daughters expander was removed but that was lunch and it's behind us (probably literally). Hope everyone has a great weekend. Blessings, Maureen

TexLady Fri, Nov-14-03 16:42

Annie, what a little sweetie-pie! I know you are in grandma heaven right now. Just wait till she gives you your first smile.

Annie-Pie Sat, Nov-15-03 21:38

Tex Lady, Thanks! I actually got a REAL smile this week, when she was 11 days old. I talk to her and she smiles!

Does anyone know how Fishburg's daughter's ankles are doing?
I haven't been here a lot.


liddle Sun, Nov-16-03 06:47

1 Attachment(s)
Heather: Maybe you answered me and I didn't see it with all my distractions, but can you please tell us how you lost your weight, any tips, etc?

Annie- That's a hard question. I was very depressed. Disgusted with myself. I hated looking in the mirror. I could barely stand to even look at my face to put make-up on. All I saw was a doubled chinned fat slob who didn't even look like me anymore. My clothes didn't fit so I stayed in the house most of the time. If I did have to go out, I'd put it all in one day so as not to have to go through it again tomorrow. I was embarrassed to go clothes shopping so I ordered dresses through Eddie Baurer catalogs. Good quality clothes made me feel alittle better. July 3,2001 we left for Disney. Came home and saw the pictures. :eek: Mortified! Started listening to Anthony Robbins. Talking about the pain. I sure felt pain! I started associating all the sugar and simple carb food with the pain of being fat! I had been on Atkins when I was a kid.(7th grade) It was more of the Candida (sp) WOE. I did get to drink goats milk! WOO HOO! YUCK! Anyway, I remembered how I lost 20lbs over x-mas vacation and never gained it back again. Till I got preg. 6yrs later. So I new that is what I had to do again. It helped a LOT that my husband also needed to loose weight! Even my daughter! We just were out of control!

A lot more than what you wanted to know about me Annie. If it's ok with you, I'll do this in steps.

Trick- anytime I wanted something illegal- I thought of the PAIN I had of being FAT!

angieK Sun, Nov-16-03 11:00

What a difference!!!!.
I too turned to Anthony Robbins last summer before starting Atkins. Everything in my life was out of control and I found listening to him helped a great deal. Listening to his tapes got me thinking there is a better life out there for me but I needed to make the changes.
Thanks Heather

liddle Mon, Nov-17-03 06:31


Well, not much new here. Weight hasn't changed. I am ok with it though. I've increased my reps with my weights and I am loosing inches. Not much, but .25 inch here, .25 inch there. Things will add up. I'm feeling pretty good about the way things are going. I haven't been this weight since being pregnant with my daughter 11 yrs. ago. Ofcourse it was on the way up, but who's counting right. :lol: I don't ever think I'll get down to my pre-pregnancy weight from my daughter but atleast I did from my son, Plus 11lbs. Or should I say Minus 11 lbs
Oh well.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129# :rolleyes:
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228

addicted2s Mon, Nov-17-03 06:51

Hi All
I hope you are all doing well this morning. I lost three this week, I'm chalking it up to not feeling well a couple of days last week. Not much food went in but tons of water.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

angieK Mon, Nov-17-03 09:03

Yahoo!!!! :yay: I have finally made it under 200 lbs. Only one S/f bar last week (on saturday). Went shopping Saturday to the big city of Nanaimo. It is about an hour away. I was driving down the highway and looked down to my lap and I was amazed at how much more room there is between the steering wheel and my stomach. :) . Hope you ladies have all done well and had a great weekend.
Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

Zuleka Mon, Nov-17-03 11:43

I went back to 171lbs :yay: , which is good conserding that I've been a SINNER! I do have good news which I'm very happy with. Since I start Atkins about 4 months ago I've lost a total of:

3 inches off my boobs
4 inches of my waist
3.5 inches off my hips

Not counting the fact I'm on my TOM at the moment. Nice to see that if the scale is up and down, the inches go away.

Angie congratz on your going under 200lbs.

Addicted woot to you too, doesn't matter how you took it off...the weight is off!

Liddle every bit helps, don't knock it, be happy!

Annie your life will never be the sam, now that your a Granny! Keep the pics coming!

I hope everyone is doing fine!

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172...wk 3 11/17-171
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

Deshukel Mon, Nov-17-03 15:39

Too late to join?
I REALLY REALLY need support. Is it too late to join? and can I plan a cheat day for Thanksgiving?


CindyLynn Mon, Nov-17-03 19:31

It's TOM, so I'm not touching the scale this week. I hate TOM, but it'll be gone soon. I just hope it doesn't make me miss too many workouts.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172...wk 3 11/17-171
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Wk 1..11/1-143, wk 2..11/10-141, wk 3..11/17-TOM
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

Zuleka Mon, Nov-17-03 20:32

Deshukel - it's never too late! LOL Too funny you haven't even started and you're planning to cheat already!!! ROFL :lol:

Annie-Pie Mon, Nov-17-03 22:26

Ok everybody, we all say to Deschukel about cheating on Thanksgiving Day...

Weeeelllll, I don't know about that! :lol: Just kiddin', Deshuckel. You're welcome here. Because we all need support. The more, the merrier.

Heather you have a graet attitude on the measurments you are taking. That is the key, to know we are in it for the longrun.

Zuleka you are doing awesome! To stay the same is a good thing so don't worry.

Angie, you inspire me. I notice little things like that too, the steering wheel and all. It does help to put a smile on our face, doesn't it? I got a compliement from 2 girlsfriends today who hadn't seen me in awhile. One said, "Look. She's skinny. " The other said, "Your stomach is so flat!" We need steering wheel moments and flat tummy stories dont' we?

Here is my check-in for the week. I hope we hear from the others soon.
Hugs, Annie
Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#
Fishburg ...Week 1...11/1-241#...11/10-241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

I can't wait to see Cat in the Hat this weekend, and the new Russell Crowe movie. I hear it is fantastic. Anyone seen it, without telling me what happens? I love a good movie! (Jr mints yes, but I can live without them). True confessions!
Annie :p

fishburg Tue, Nov-18-03 01:29

Hi Everyone!!!

Sorry for not posting about my daughter. Her surgery went without any hitches. She is now sporting two over the calf casts. The cast will be removed the day before Thanksgiving. After that 4 - 6 weeks until she is allowed to run.

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

angieK Tue, Nov-18-03 08:35

Fishburg: I am so glad the surgery went without any hitches for your daughter.
Annie: It is those little things that keep me going and keeps me away from those foods in which I want but cannot eat.
Zuleka: I wish I had taken my measurements more accurately when I started. I kind of know what they were but I lost the paper. I took my measurements one day using a carpenters measuring tape--the metal kind. I probably threw out the paper because I was horrified of the numbers.
Deshukel: Welcome to this group.
Cindylynn: How's those workouts going?
Heather: you are doing great. You are at your goal and staying there and looking great. I hope when I am at my goal I don't go out and have a massive food fest and gain 20lbs back.
Have a great week

swsunny Tue, Nov-18-03 10:03

Hey all!! I hope everyone's week is going well so far! Sorry I haven't been around more, but these last couple weeks have been CRAZY! It's production week for our fall musical and I've had NO time to do anything but eat, sleep, and breath The Music Man... arrrrgggghhhh!!! But it will be all over after this weekend and I will get my life back! Anyway, I finally got to weigh myself this morning and was pretty encouraged with the results. I didn't lose anything, but I didn't gain anything either.... see, I 'm happy with this because I cheated quite a bit this weekend. So, the fact that I didn't gain just shocked me! So, I remain the same as last week.

--Sheila-- Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement that you left in my journal! It's always nice to have someone telling me not to give up during tough times... :)

Anyway, I hope every has a good rest of the week if I'm too busy to stop back!

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs

swsunny Tue, Nov-18-03 10:12

Oh! One more thing... I don't know if this recipe has been posted already and I'm sure that most of you know this recipe and have tried it, but I HAD to post it because it's one of my favorites! Cheesecake Pudding... here it is!

Dom's Cheesecake Pudding

8 oz heavy whipping cream
8 oz cream cheese - softened
8 oz sour cream
1/2 cup splenda
1 tsp vanilla

Whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Set asside
Mix the rest of the ingredients until smooth. Fold in the whipped cream.

This makes 12 servings (divide equally between 12 foil muffin cups or 12 fluted glasses) ~ >3 g. carbs per serving.

Now, I usually have more than one serving at a time because the serving size indicated is kinda small and it's just sooo good, so I usually need to sacrifice a few more grams of carbs. I've also tried it with a little unsweetened cocoa and I've heard it's good with blueberries or strawberries (if you're willing to add a few more carbs). Anyway, this is a great recipe to take care of those sugar cravings! Enjoy, if you haven't already!

stacysheil Tue, Nov-18-03 11:44

Annie-Pie...Week 1...11/1-176#...11/10-174...11/17-173#
Fishburg ..Week 1..11/1-241..11/10-241..11/17 - 241
Zuleka ...Week 1...11/01-171...wk 2-11/10-172
Tina ... Week 1 .... 11/1- 226# 11/10-225...11/17- 222#
Heather...Week 1...11/1-129#...11/10-129#...11/17-129#
Maureen...Week 1...11/1-245#...11/10-245
CindyLynn...Week 1...11/1-143, wk 2...11/10-141
Sheila...Week 1...11/1-172#, wk 2...11/10-175, 11/17..176
Terry...Week 1...11/1-255, wk2..11/10-253
Angie...Week 1...11/1-201.5 wk2..11/10 201.5 wk3...11/17-198.5
Karen...Week 1...11/1-233 Week 2...11/10-235
TexLady..Week 1...11/1-171, Wk2...11/10-171
Sarah...Week 1...11/1-218#, wk2...11/10-216, wk3...11/17-216
Julie...Week 1..232, wk2...11/10-228lbs


Dont know whats going on but I have to report another gain. Something isnt working, I just havent figured it out.

GatorGal93 Wed, Nov-19-03 10:04

Happy Hump Day!
Hi gang!

I hope you all have a successful weight loss week. :wave:

Just checking in. No loss for me. I am far from upset, though, because it is that time. Usually, I experience a gain.

Have a terrific week!!


P.S. RE: Recipes
Anyone have a recipe for "Roasted Garlic Tomato soup?" It is a cream based soup that is out of this world. Thanks in advance for your help.

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