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Beth_N Mon, Jul-28-03 11:19

No change. Dutifully posting anyway.


(But way to go, Suzy! :))

sfdebchat Wed, Jul-30-03 22:03

:dazzle: Down to 197.5 :dazzle:

2.5 pounds lost since last Wednesday! Got over my hump being 200/199.5 for a week. That is 15 pounds lost so far, only 35 more to go.

Good job all you wonderful "losers".:)


texascarl Thu, Jul-31-03 07:30

After a 10 day stall that was starting to seem like months, I finally dropped another pound. Woo and hoo! Down 19 lbs total, down 15 in 36 days (when I started this WOE again).

caverjen Thu, Jul-31-03 20:04

back up to 127 :cry: I think it's due to eating salted nuts the past few days. Will crack back down on that. Happy to hear of everyone's progress! :yay:


sfdebchat Thu, Aug-07-03 15:46

Yesterday was my weigh in date, so I am late.

I have lost 1.5 pounds in the last week and am down to 196. I have lost 16.5 pounds so far in 7 weeks and am ahead of anticipated loss by 2.5 pounds!

Averaged weight for week was 197 pounds, 2 pounds less than last weeks average.:dazzle:

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!


jczow Sun, Aug-10-03 04:30

I'd like to join in!
Darkorange Arial 7 :yay: Hi I'm just rereading SPII and would like to join you in your weigh in. This morning I weighed in at 171.

Hammj Tue, Aug-12-03 08:04

Hi everyone! I finally made my goal. I'm at 111!!!

MindyJo Tue, Aug-12-03 19:01

I would like to join you in weighing in on Monday. I just joined this support group today, but have been on SP for 3 weeks. So far my weight has not changed--still 140.

Piano Thu, Aug-21-03 10:06

Vacation Confession
I have been on a 2 week vacation and was out of town for a few days before that. I have been in the home of friends and relatives. And we've been eating out A LOT. I was unable to eat SP so I really fell off the wagon and ate things like ice cream, etc. I know I could have been better but wasn't. All that to say I gained 4 pounds over the last 4 weeks. The way I ate it should have been 10, so it was almost a relief to only be 4. I hate to even go change my stats, but I'm on my way. :cry:


sf fresco Thu, Aug-21-03 15:05

totally discouraged
Well everybody its happened again and I swore this would not get me down and throw me over board...but it did and hear I am.......
I was doing soooooo good with my eating and excersise, I purposly stayed away from the scale because of sabbatage...but I figured I was feeling like I must of lost at least something soooo there I was on Sat.(its taken me this long to finally come back and be accountable) morning ..before breakfast....before my workout...and naked and you guessed it no weight loss :cry:
so ever since than my eating has not been the greatest my excersise has gone the tubes and my whole disposition is for the birds or whatever :exclm: At least I'm hear in true confessions :rolleyes:

texascarl Sat, Aug-23-03 11:04

Had a 10 day 'plateau' involving Birthday parties, but back on track, and down 21 lbs.

Piano Mon, Aug-25-03 10:04

No gain, no loss. But I'm back in the saddle again and it feels good just to eat right.


texascarl Sun, Aug-31-03 09:19

down 24 lbs

KoKo Sun, Aug-31-03 18:40

cancel that :spin: - changed my mind

Piano Sat, Sep-13-03 17:06

The good news is I've lost 1 pound since I've been back. But I've been back long enought I really should have lost more than that. Oh, well, I will be thankful for that.

Congratulations to you losers!


texascarl Mon, Sep-15-03 13:03

No change since last time...but I've survived a 30 year high school reunion and the start of Football season (or as it's locally known chips, chili and beer season...NFL Football, 22 men in need of rest being watched by 22,000,000 men in need of exercise) since then. So hey, maintaining the old status quo isn't half bad.

Piano Mon, Sep-22-03 17:57

Not up or down, have stayed the same. I am getting in to gear and expect to see me lose some.


gtbay Wed, Sep-24-03 19:37

I started the SP way of life Sept 5th. My husband had a physical with his blood pressure at 140/100 and cholesterol 240. He now weighs 225 and should weigh 170. I am overweight and a professional dieter. I asked the doctor for a book and he told me about this one. I picked it up that day. I love my husband too much and he is only 39 and shouldn't have these health problems. I read this book and it was like a huge blow to the gut. Everything I practiced and preached.........wrong. Well our whole family is now eating this way. We are doing great. Losing between 1 and 2 pounds a week. Our three young daughters are doing well also. Our rule for them is to eat our way monday through friday and when they are with friend on the weekend they can do what they want. Baby steps for them.

Piano Wed, Sep-24-03 21:01

Gtbay, welcome and congratulations and making healthy decisions. Did you get book I or book II? Looks like you have already started to lose some! Great job!


texascarl Thu, Sep-25-03 15:15

Dropped 2 more lbs.

gtbay Sat, Sep-27-03 19:57

I have the first book. I am hesitant on getting the second until I have the first one thoroughly digested. I don't want to get ahead of my self and go off of the healing program before I am ready. How do you like the second book. Should I go ahead and get it....will it help during the initial phase?

Piano Mon, Sep-29-03 08:25

:yay: 2 more pounds gone!!!! Woowhooo!

Congratulations TexasCarl!

GT - I actually like book 1 better than book 2. If you have burned out adrenal glands or are insulin resistant, book 2 does thoroughly explain it. But the eating guidelines are better in book 1 for me.


gtbay Mon, Sep-29-03 18:00

Well it is Monday, so I am reporting that I stayed the same, but I feel thinner. Congrats on the 2 lbs. How do you use those emoticons?

mmoranmic Wed, Oct-01-03 06:42

Since returning three weeks ago my weight is down three pounds. I went on a sugar/poor eating binge so it's good to be back. New weight 163.

gtbay Sun, Oct-05-03 06:44

I went south for the first time in a month, but I promised myself I would get back on track today. My family is board with the food. They don't care if they ever see nuts again. I have young girls who want very plain food...any suggestions?

Piano Mon, Oct-06-03 08:09

Reporting down 1 pound. :yay: Would have been 2 except I didn't do very well on Sunday. Was tired and went to food for energy! :nono:

mmoranmic - glad to have you back.

gt - I would look through the SP board and see if there are any recipes that would qualify as teenager friendly. Natural string cheese, berries, Ak Mak crackers are things my ds likes. Good Luck,


mmoranmic Tue, Oct-07-03 08:54

Thanks Piano, I am glad to be back. It's nice to see the scale going south. I thought my "set point" was 163 as I hadn't been below that in ten years I think. 162 looks good, it took a long time to get there, many relapses, weught gain, loss, etc.

Since I am off sugar 100% I feel really good. I was eating dark chocolate, then jelly bellies (gourmet jelly beans) and that just sent me off into the eating binge.

So far it's 4 weeks off sugar, I eat raisens or organice fruit roll ups (50 calories) for dessert. When I'm out running long distance I eat raisens or energy bars. I have to be careful the rest of the day because my appetite starts to increase. If I use glutamine I think it helps.

Take care all fellow SBer's and I wawnt all of you to know that I appreciate the support.


Piano Thu, Oct-09-03 19:14

Day 19
Haven't missed a day of workout but have deviated on my eating plan.

I have a confession to make, I tried South Beach diet for about 4 days. It is horrible. I was tired and had major brain fog, I think the diet is dangerous for the first 2 weeks, so many people report headaches, fatigue, etc. Dr. A attributes it to detox, but since I wasn't detoxing from anything, I knew it couldn't be that. South Beach Diet (SBD) suggests only eating low glycemic carbs, in other words vegetables, so you don't get enough carbs and since carbs give you energy, that's why people report being tired. I tried the BFL format of 5 to 6 meals a day and just tried doing the low GI carbs, all that to say, it didn't work. I also was eating the healthy foods off of Schwarzbein Principle. I'm back to BFL/SP and mighty content!!!!!

Maureen, good to see you. Sugar addictions can be so strong, but they can be broken!!! Chocolate is definitely my downfall. I looove jelly belly's too. Especially cappuccino jelly belly's.


mmoranmic Mon, Oct-13-03 06:38

Weekly Weigh In
Down to 159 yesterday. I thought that was a fluke but I was surprised that it remains at 159 today! I lose weight in chunks, aboout two pounds at a time. I've been eating more salads with a crushed bell pepper dressing, only a few nuts and no cheese. I've also been running more mileage 50-55 miles a week although I use carbs on my longer training runs or long races. I am eating more fruit and raisens at the aid stations and using less gels (100 carbs serving). I need to start weight training up again to help with my upper body muscle tone as the loose skin is starting to show, less flab to hold it firm!


Piano Mon, Oct-13-03 09:17

No progress to report. Haven't missed a workout though.

Maureen, You are really back in the saddle! Keep it up!


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