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Traveller Mon, Jun-09-03 08:44

Good Morning. I haven't posted in a while. been busy my daughter got married and moved so I was helping her get everything ready. Now she is on her honeymoon.
My weight is going up and down I am starting to think that maybe I should try something like KISS or fatflush I don't know?? I need some advise. Please!!! :( Yesterday I was 217 today I am 219 day before 218 I have been drinking my water and eating less than 25 gr. carbs What is Stillmans?
Congratulations Musicmama on getting back on Atkins and losing again. I did WW for a while and was always hungry.
I used to work in a musicstore a long time ago. Interesting. I love Gospel and some of my favorites are Michael Crawford. Robin Marks,Larry Holder,Crhristy Lane and Amy Grant.
Hugs to all,Lynn :wave:

musicmama Mon, Jun-09-03 22:55

I am just likeyouwhen it comes to cooking!!! Drag the meat out of the freezer in time for the next meal!! :D I am really gonna start with the recipes though,,,gonna look up some and try em.
I read a lot od non fiction too,,,,my favorite is anything by Max Lucado!! He is awesome. I also like stuff by Jim Cymbala, and I read a lot of biographies. T D Jakes is good too.
It is so hard to pick a favorie artist,,,,,,,,my ALL TIME favorite is Russ Taff of the Gaither Vocal Band,..I have loved him for years....and David Phelps too. I gotta tell ya how I met Bill Gaither,,,,I went to the Quartet Convention,,the record company sent us VIP passes and hotel accomodations because I work in the Industry. Well,, we parked our car and got out,,and my husband starts talking to this guy wearing sunglasses and carrying some clothes over his shoulder..He asked where we were from and I told him I was the music buyer for the largest Christian Bookstore in Indianapolis....I said,,,you look so familiar,,,what is your name,,,,He said Bill Gaither!!! :blush: :blush: I was so embarrassed!! He let me get a picture taken with him,,,so I could prove that story to my boss when I got home.
As for the WOE...I am doing great,,,,,LOTS of water, and i think it is starting to pay off,,,my clothes are really looser!! I am trying to eat more pure protein too,,,,,bacon today,,some cheese,,salad,,,celery andpeanut butter....cream cheese.
I am going to weigh in the morning,,,can t wait to see if there is a loss,,,,,feels like it!! :thup:
Cya then!!

musicmama Mon, Jun-09-03 23:03

Hi traveller,,,,,,,didnt see your post till after I had posted!! Good to hear from ya!! ;)
I know what you mean about the fluctuation of pounds,,,that is all the time with me. I read in another LC book,,to weigh every day and take your average for the week. I just take the lowest and try to remember that every pint of water ya drink weighs a pound,,,plus all the food we eat,,,and if ya havent gone to the potty much the day before,thats probably what it is. Stillmans is a lot like Atkins,,with more restrictions .
Try varying your food,,,eat different stuff. Sometimes that will jolt ypur system into losing. Most of all,,,stay on the plan,,,,,,it will come off, trust me!! :thup:
Well,,,gotta go to bed,,,off tomorrow,,hurray!!! :D
Cya then!

SDgrandma Tue, Jun-10-03 11:10

Glad you came back. I was beginning to think musicmama and I were the only ones here. I can't help you with KISS or fatflush. I haven't been LCing that long, but if you want to know about Stillmans go to the journal of RCFletcher. He uses Stillmans all the time. Ask him and he will be happy to tell you. I think it is all meat and eggs but not sure. Sometimes our metabolism needs a jolt to wake it up.

Sounds like you're losing inches if not pounds. I think inches are more important anyway. I've worn size 22 for years and all my jeans were getting too baggy. Bought a pair of 18s, wore them twice and now they are baggy!! Have to put them in dryer and try to shrink them.

Loved your story about Bill Gaither. Blame it on the dark glasses!! I'm sure that would happen to me, too.

Keep up the good work! Isn't this a great WOL? I feel so good and have so much energy - more than I've had in years! It's amazing!!

musicmama Tue, Jun-10-03 18:22

I know what you mean about baggy!!! I was in a size 26 last year at this time,,,,and now I am in an 18 at the top and a loose 22 at the bottom,,,almost a 20. I just gave away all my old clothes,,some were really expensive ones,,,and had a few moments of panic,,,,what if I need em??? :( But that only lasted a moment,,,,I am on my way down for good!! Looking forward to a size 18 by my grandaughters wedding this fall, :thup:

Actually, Mark Lowery told me that the Lord had probably sent me to humble Bill Gaither.LOL Wonder if he was kidding??! :D

I am determined to be strict this time. Went to the thrift store today,,Tuesday is senior day..25 percent off...and got the Carbohydrate Addicts Cookbook!! All low carb recipes. Cant wait to try some. If I find something good,,I will pass it on. I got a really cute jacket too,,tried it on,,its an 18 and a perfect fit,,even in the arms, where I tend to have a problem. I was thrilled!!!
I am buying fabric too,,I love to sew, used to do it professionally. I am going to have foot surgery in July so I want plenty to do. Between that and putting all my ol LPs on Cd, and reading, I should enjoy my six weeks off work!! ;)
Well,,,gotta go,,hanging border in my bathroom,,,,,be back later!!!

SDgrandma Wed, Jun-11-03 11:47

I've thought the same thing about getting rid of my clothes, but I retired 4 years ago and so my things are getting a little old. Have only bought jeans and tops since then. I like to hit the outlet malls when we travel. My favorites are in Lawrence, KS, along I-80 in Iowa (don't remember the town), and Middlebury, VT. DS lives in Kansas City and DD in Vermont so get there occasionally. Thought I would hit Middlebury this summer but DD is coming here instead.

The only sewing I do anymore is quilting. When I was young and poor I had to sew my clothes. Never was near professional quality though.

I volunteer in the local thrift store so get a lot of things there. Working there gives me first dibs on the good stuff that comes in. Our nearest city is Sioux Falls and need to hit the 2nd hand stores there. Don't want to buy expensive clothes that I will shrink out of.

How could I forget??? I almost forgot to mention that the scale was down another pound this morning. That's 3# in the last week. Amazing considering I'm on thyroid meds.

All the LC cookbooks I've found are more gourmet style foods and I'm a plain cook. DH grew up on a farm and is a 'meat and potatoes' man. I do make a few fancier things like Eggs Benedict which I can have minus the muffin.

Well, I've rambled long enough!

musicmama Sun, Jun-15-03 15:30

Hello hello,,,,finally back again. I have had a busy week,,,,,,,,
I havent lost any more,,,so I have decided to give myself a challenge.....since I seem addicted to diet pepsi,,with aspartame...I am going to do without it this week, :( ,,,and see what happens. If I just HAVE to have pop..I will drink Diet rite,,,,it has no aspartame, no sodium, and no caffeine,,(what DOES it have in it???) Also,,,and heres the hard part...I am giving up sweetener too.. I have a hunch these are the things that are slowing me down. That and lack of exercise. I am going to start walking the dog whenever I come home from work,,,,,,(he is a 6 pound yorkie,,,he will probably be 3 pounds after the first week....!!) I have got to do something to get this weight moving again. I actually did floor exercises yesterday!! :thup: Anyway...I am trying some new approaches. My granddaughters wedding is December 19th,,wanna look good.

Hey SD.....guess who is gonna do a mini concert in our store in July.......Dottie Rambo!! Are you familiar with her?? She is very famous for her songwriting and was popular as a singer in the 70's along with her husband and daughter, we are looking forward to it. She also has a new CD coming out next month too.

Well,,,gotta go get ready for church,,,,cya later!!!

SDgrandma Mon, Jun-16-03 11:38

Glad you're back. Been looking for you all week. I know about being busy.

Sure, I know Dottie Rambo! Love her songs. They really touch the heart because she wrote them out of her own experience. Haven't heard of her in years. Didn't know if she was still singing. That will be a great concert! I'll have to look for her CD.

I don't remember if you mentioned before -- how many carbs do you eat a day? I'm pretty well sticking to 20 to 25, but have to admit I haven't been counting this last week. It's getting so I know by what I eat whether I am low enough. And how often do you eat a day? I lose better if I eat at least every 3 or 4 hours. And the days that I have been hungry and eaten up to 35 carbs I always lose the next morning. I don't think sweeteners bother me but then I don't eat many. I'm not a pop drinker. I do miss my fruit juice though. Well, some day.....

Took DH out yesterday for Father's Day. He chose his favorite buffet. Good thing it has a good salad bar because the meat and vegetable selection was pitiful!!! So didn't get much protein yesterday. Will make up for it today. Making Meatza for dinner. It think I got the recipe on this site - either in recipe forum or Karen's recipes. It's pizza using ground meat for the crust.


musicmama Mon, Jun-16-03 16:30

Here I am,,,so far so good!! I have had two bottles of deit rite today...No caffeine all day and got the headache to prove it,,,,,no sweeteners either. Had 34 ouces of water so far....still drinking though. I came home from work early, (just cause I wanted to) and fixed some bacon and an omelet. Steak for supper,,and some veggies. i try to stay between 20-25 carbs a day. I have been losing so slowly I cant wait to see if this change makes a difference. ;)
I need that recipe,,,,,,,,!!!! :eek: That sounds wonderful!! I am a pizza lover and that would make a great supper, Dh might even like it.

Dottie Rambo was out of the music scene due to a back injury. She was bedfast for several years because they did the surgery to put rods in her back,,and they messed up or something. During that time,,her husband Buck divorced her and left her broke, She was living with her daughter Reba and her husband fo a long time. Now she has to sit a lot,,and is very frail. You can see her on the Gaither videos,,,she signed a deal with his music company.

Well,,,better go get supper started,,DH be home soon. Catch ya later this eveing, bye!

SDgrandma Mon, Jun-16-03 19:50

The Meatza turned out pretty good. It needs a lot more seasoning though. I added oregano but should have added more stuff. DH ate it and didn't complain. Really it's easier to make than regular pizza - no crust to mess with! I put pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives and red peppers on mine. And mozzarella, of course. I cut it in 16 pieces (made it square as I don't have pizza pan). Haven't figured the nutritional info for my version yet. I will try to find the recipe and give you the link later. It's too long to type in.

I remember the story about Dottie. The last time I saw her on TV years ago she was sitting. I believe her song "We Shall Behold Him" was written when she was bedridden and in terrible pain. It is one of my favorite songs. I've seen a lot of the Gaither videos. They show them on the Christian channel here, but I have never seen Dottie. I'll keep looking.


SDgrandma Mon, Jun-16-03 20:03

Here is the link to Meatza:

This is my first attempt at entering a link so don't know if it will work.

I used all ground beef and only 14 oz can tomatoes for the sauce.

musicmama Mon, Jun-16-03 20:03

Sigh...................headache,,big time!!!! I feel like a drug addict going cold turkey. My daughter said I should have tapered off,,,,maybe I need a cup of coffee....but no,,,,dont wanna go there!!

I havent had my 20 carbs today by a long shot!!! Heres my menu...

breakfast-2 oz cheese-2 g
lunch-2 eggs,, 2 g
bacon- o g
cheddar cheese,,about an ounce-1 g

supper-10 oz surloin
snack-2 oz cream cheese--3 g
total- 10 grams..
66 ounces water so far,,and still drinking :angel:
I gotta go get some veggies tomorrow. I had a bag of sala,,but it went bad, and all I had was peas...didnt want that!

now what???? I need to cut back on the dairy too,,,but not everything all at once. Was gonna take a walk,,,but the headache has drained me... :( Looking froward to tomorrow,,,its bound to be better :thup:

SDgrandma Mon, Jun-16-03 20:07

Hurrah!! It works! I learned something new. It's a good day.

Gotta go do dishes now. Can't put it off any longer.

SDgrandma Mon, Jun-16-03 20:21

I posted the recipe link w/o noticing that you had posted.

Sorry you have a headache. I've given up regular coffee several times in the past and have never had any effects. I just don't like decaf but I'm getting used to it. Sounds like it is almost as bad as carb withdrawal.

You sure don't eat much. Maybe you need to eat more and more often. Maybe your metabolism is shut down. Sure seems like I post about this subject a lot lately, but a lot of people hit a plateau and cut down on carbs and calories. It's self-defeating. Everytime I let my carbs get to 30 or 35 and eat a lot, I lose weight. I just read a discussion about this and someone explained the metabolism very well. She said the metabolism gets used to a certain level of food and becomes resistant to losing. I'm beginning to think that is the reason for Atkins OWL program and upping the carbs every two weeks. I think I'll up mine, but first I have to keep track of exactly how much I'm getting now. I've been sloppy about that.

Get some rest. Tomorrow will be better.

musicmama Mon, Jun-16-03 20:35

Thanks for the link,,,I will definately make that!!! :D
Usually I eat a lot more,,,,but with this headache just havent felt like it. I am going on induction for a week or so,,,cause I want to clean out my system , you know,,,,the chinese food yesterday (Fathers Day celebration)and the junk I am withdrawing from. Then I am on plan strictly, adding the carbs as we go. I have some new clothes that I can almost wear that have been taunting me in the closet for weeks.

I gotta research splenda ya think it is okay?? The liquid seems like it would be better cause it doesnt have the fillers in it to make it powdery.

I have decided I am going to the store to get some decaf coffee,,,,maybe I can psych myself out with the smell and taste. I am really craving coffee right now!!! :(

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