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chemlady Wed, Feb-12-03 20:23

Nat you are so right. I have lost close to 19 inches off my waist from the start along with 15.5 off my hips and 11.5 off my bust. Its totally amazing. People tell me that I look like a different girl. Feels good not to have three chins. The blond hair is definitely working. It really grows on ya after a while. I think my true bodyfat was around 69% but didnt have the guts to put that up there for the whole forum to see.
My workout was great today. I started with 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Never been on one before and could feel the burn in my buns for sure . Worked my chest, shoulders, back and abdominals. Tried a bunch of new to me machines. There is so much more at the new gym I have yet to explore. Having fun. Got on the scale tonight and guess what. I am down to 201.5 pounds. I still think that it must be wrong because weighing at night is not a good idea. I will reweigh tommorrow morning for the official number but crossing my fingers just the same.

chemlady Thu, Feb-13-03 07:50

Well its official. I got on the scale this morning and I weigh 201 pounds. Never thought I would make it. Now I am just hungry to lose more. I have a before picture ready to scan but still need an after picture. If I can figure out whats wrong with my daughters digital camera maybe I could post some time soon. Oh well another day, got up late so no cardio this morning. I guess a good at home workout would work for me tonight. I have a million or so things to do for the weekend coming up and I have to fit in some real work today if I can keep my mind on chemistry. Its going to be tough. The nitrous queen is off to calibrate a unit for some hospital in italy. Check in later.

Anybody Thu, Feb-13-03 08:09


Congrats Laurie :) thats just awesome. :)

:Party: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :Party:

Looking forward to those pics.. and hey.. youve got a new avatar :) how cool is that :) Pretty eyes.


chemlady Fri, Feb-14-03 10:12

Today is just another gym day for me. I did twenty on the treadmill this morning and plan on hitting the new gym around 1pm if I can get the frig out of here.!!! Of course my mind is everywhere except here. Thats how fridays usually go... THank God its friday!!!!!!!!!
Todays workout involves the legs, abs, ellipitical trainer and whatever else I think to throw in. Last night I did biceps and triceps and not much more. Just couldn't get into it and by the time I got home at 7 I was starving so thats all I did before I had my salad and steak. Tonight is laundry and packing. UP and down the cellar stairs for a good portion of the night.. Hey thats exercise. Must find knee pads for snowboarding...and dont forget to pack the camcorder.... Thinking out loud at this point..

chemlady Tue, Feb-18-03 10:01

Todays workout is 2hours of shoveling.
Last friday I had a great workout at the new gym. Did 10 on the ellipitical trainer and 10 on the treadmill and then legs, abs, hips and lat pull down. Missed my workout yesterday but I did walk in about a foot of snow to moms house and back last night which is about a 1/3 mile at least. Tonight I will do an at home workout. Plan on doing biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest and of course those abs. Tommorrow will be back on schedule with the bfl. Working on week 7.

chemlady Wed, Feb-19-03 11:24

Lost all motivation yesterday and never did my pm workout but I am back on track today. I did my 20mins on the treadmill this morning and will be going to the gym this afternoon for a leg, ab workout and whatever else there is time for. I really want to try out the wet sauna. maybe there will be time I hope. Tommorrow is more cardio and some upper body stuff if I can fit it in. I am going out for some adult r&r. Yes I do have a life now.

Anybody Wed, Feb-19-03 11:28

*chuckle* ahhh.. adult RnR... have a grand time :) I think most everyone in new england was thrown off track yesterday a bit L....dont sweat it.

chemlady Thu, Feb-20-03 07:49

Well yesterday was a very good workout.
I did ten minutes on the ellipital trainer followed by leg curls, leg extensions, leg press, ab machine, hip abductor and adductor and lat pulldown. I finished up with ten minutes on the treadmill. Last night I went home and shoveled the walk so I can get mail before supper so thats a workout I am going to count. This morning I did 15 on the treadmill because thats all I had time for.
Tonight I really need to do those biceps and triceps as well as shoulder raises and etc... Need to visit abcbodybuilding for some more ideas...

chemlady Fri, Feb-21-03 09:57

Well last night worked out as planned. Did alot of exercising . Preacher curls and concentrated curls for biceps. Need some twenty pounds weights because this girl is getting strong. Tricep kickbacks with french press for triceps. Some good core ab moves for good measure. Front raises with shrugs for shoulders. pec flys and kickbacks for chest and back. Squats and pile squats for the butt and legs along with leg lifts and stiff legged deadlifts. Finished off with some good ole fashion stretches. Takes me back to when I took ballet and tap as a child. I am sore as can be today and contemplating hitting the new gym. Maybe I should give my body a rest. Did 15 on the treadmill this morning. The bed felt too good and I didnt want to get out of it.

chemlady Sat, Feb-22-03 06:53

Well yesterday proved to be a very good workout. I did 15 on the ellipital trainer this time which is up from ten and then on to the leg press, leg ext and leg curl . this time I did reverse on the weights and it felt good. I also did lower back and super pullover along with the hip ab/ad machine in which I did some static strips. I did lat pull down and abs both loading the weight on the first set. finished off with ten on the treadmill. I will have to go back and check were I am at as for inches lost but waist in now 32.75 and hips are 42. Legs are also down to 24.5 in the thigh and 15.5 in the calf. Under bust is just under 36 inches. Arms are also down 1/4 of an inch. I will have to recalculate my bodyfat monday on that macro I have a work. Hoping for 34. Today is going to be my free day after three continous days of putting my body through no stop lifting and cardio. I do have alot of errands and tonight I am going out for some fun.

chemlady Mon, Feb-24-03 13:24

Yesterday I did twenty on the treadmill first thing and I really didnt do much else. Today was incredible. I am down to 34% bodyfat. Yippee.....I did 15 on the elliptical trainer and then on to legs..upped the weight to 100 on the leg curl and 95 on the leg extension. I did three sets to failure on each machine dropping the weight 5-10down after each set. Then on to the leg press which was at 180/160/140 for three sets of twelve. I have been reading about the benefits of leg placement on the pad so I did a few things different. I want a killer teardrop muscle. Then on to the hip ab'/ad machine which is a killer on the inner thigh. Recommendation is dont wear short shorts on this one. You look like your open for business...I did the ab machine again stacking the weight to failure and holding at the top of the contraction. Burn baby burn is all I can say. Then it was lower back machine for three sets and super pullover for three sets and for good measure because I have a nice back, I do own a backless dress that I almost fit into. I did three sets on the lat machine, stacking the weight and to failure. Finished up with 15 on the treadmill. I feel so good and people are asking if I am losing more weight.

chemlady Tue, Feb-25-03 13:52

Today was another great workout at the gym. I did upper body and also 10 on the ellipitical for a warmup. I also did 20 on the treadmill and 5 on the bike. Lats still sore from yesterdays workout when I held the weight at full extension for 30 seconds. So I went a little lite in that area but everything else got the treatment. I realize that this is starting to look less and less like bfl. Nat what are you doing to me. I am becoming obsessed with this shit. See what you started. I cant seem to get enough. Well have to go take my supplements and have some protein.

Natrushka Tue, Feb-25-03 16:34

Originally posted by chemlady
Well have to go take my supplements and have some protein.
Addict!! ;)

Sure beats the alternative, doesn't it?


ButterflyA Tue, Feb-25-03 16:49

:wave: I just wanted to stop in and say hello :)
And yes, it gets addictive. I'm only on week 3 of cycle 1 now, but if you had told me even two weeks ago that I'd go to the gym 6 days a week and LOVE it, I would have laughed!!! :)

chemlady Wed, Feb-26-03 09:38

This morning I did twenty on the treadmill bfl style. I am going to the gym today for another round of lower body. I have decided to incorporate another lower body in the weeks where this is only one because lets face it summers coming and Im obsessive at the moment. Its like a drug man and I need a fix,ha ha ha. Well seriously, its a wonderful sore feeling and the legs are starting to show the results and that makes it all worth it.

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