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djporter Sun, Sep-01-02 12:34

I have been reading your and blondies post and would like to buddies with the 2 of you. I am new and need buddies to talk too. I have the problem with sugar too..crave it often and on weekends i have problems with drinking beer...i really like smirnoff ice LOL

bblondie Sun, Sep-01-02 16:19

Hi djproter,

Sure, more the merrier or misery loves company! ;)

Tell us about yourself. By reading our thread you probably know about us already.

Not a great week for me. Doing the induction again with no result so far but still plugging away. Last time I lost 5 pounds. Don't know what the problem is this time. I've really stuck with it more this time than last. Hope soon to see something give. Are u doing atkins in the induction?

bblondie Sun, Sep-01-02 16:22

Hey djporter, I just looked at your profile. Wow, you have lost alot, how did u do it?? Give us some tips, we need help right melissa!!!

djporter Sun, Sep-01-02 18:08

Hey Bblondie glad you responded to my post. I am a 43 old female striving to lose weight like the rest of you. I live in Kentucky but we are working in Houston, TX.

I have tried about all diets. I tried Atkins about 6 years ago but i didn't do anything on it. Too strick on the carbs. I joined a quick weight loss center in March and it really works i just got bored with the food.

It was the quickest way i ever lost weight. I lost 32 lbs. from March till May. Had to write a daily dairy. I got fruit, bread, and protein and 2 supplements a day that they sold. Their supplements were a bar which was really good 23G of carbs, and a drink.

I could eat 1/2 small baked potato 1 time a week. It was i just got tired of grilled chicken and i wanted to eat Mexican which I love, I just got away from it for awhile. I still tried to watch carbs but I can' t get below the 164 lbs which has been my lowest weight since being on this diet. I am not going to count calories
right now I am just watching my carbs.

Going to see what happens. I looked at the Go-Diet and ordered the book because it didn't look as strict. I am either going to try it or the Protein Power. Right now I am just not on anything strict. My worse problem is craving sweets. Do u have AOL IM?

My screen name is grneyeddevil, zm me if you are online I also have MSN messenger name is grneyeddevil96~hotmail.comWell i am going to go for now. Check back later.

nalasimba Sun, Sep-01-02 21:08

Hi to both bblondie and djporter!

Okay first of all, I have been doing pretty good. Today:
2 slices of high fiber, low carb bread w/egg fried in butter to make french toast
1 can chopped ham w/light mayo and 5 Wheatsworth crackers
steak w/mushrooms in butter and salmon
peanuts (snacked on these at movies)

I have a low carb cheesecake in the oven! I'm so excited and hoping this will help me with my sweets cravings. I got the recipe off the website. They have some great recipes. I also got one for "mock pancakes" and made them last night. I found some sugar free maple syrup at the grocery store today. It's only 4 grams per 1/4 cup! That is VERY low compared to regular syrup.

So anyway, I have not gotten on the scale yet because it's TOM and I don't want to be disappointed. Bblondie, don't be discouraged! I'm sure you are just retaining water. You have been doing so good!! Just keep it up.

I think the biggest key here, is to keep going. I always give up when I gain a few pounds and I think if we keep going we will eventually get over that "hump"!

So keep at it gals!!!

Laura J Sun, Sep-01-02 22:20

:wave: Hi Everyone
Just dropped in to see if you can use another buddy.
I have about the same amount of weight to loose and sure could use the support :thup:

I find it difficult when you have to cook for your family.
I always seem to be running behind and can not get organized enough to plan meals.
I think this is where my problem lies. I have been low carbing since May.
Want to be able to have 2 good weeks so I can see some sort of loss.
My motivation and incentive is slowly diminishing.
I am 45 and have gone from active floor nursing to a managers position where I am less active. I have noticed so horrific changes in my body shape and was amazed now with the sedentary life style how little it takes to gain weight.
I was hoping to get a quick start with Atkins; continue low carbing and start exercise to increase my loss.
It hasn't worked out that way.
I have read so many journals and everyone has lost (it seems) 20 lbs and up.
What am I doing wrong.
Maybe I can share my menus in this thread and we can compare.

Really need a buddy
Laura J :wave:

djporter Mon, Sep-02-02 09:06

Hey Laura
Glad you joined our buddy gang. We can all use buddies. Don't give up hang in there. I am not really on any plan right now I am just watching carbs I haven't really counted carbs. I had a bad day yesterday. I didn't eat a lot of carbs but I ate quite a bit of peanut butter with butter and splenda mixed together. Sounds bad huh? I was just trying to satisfy my sweet craving. I craved sweets all day yesterday. It is worse when I am home and just sitting around.
I wish you luck and don't give up.
Bblondie & Nalasimba are better at writing than me I look forward to their post.

bblondie Mon, Sep-02-02 09:29

Well, with the combination of the 4 of us we can hopefully have a answer to anything! :)
Melissa, good going on the low carbs! I found a no carb syrup at Fred Myer by atkins. It's good. I put it on cream cheese sometimes when I need something sweet. Or in some cream.
I haven't been that good this weekend. Weekends are hard for me! We went to a mexican restaurant for dinner, I ordered a lc dish but had a marg! We golfed again yesterday and I had peanuts! TOO many peanuts and 2 rum and diet cokes :mad: Today and the rest of the week I will do better. I have awful cramps now - blah!

dj(can I call ya dj?)peanut butter and butter and splenda?? Try cream cheese with a little lc jelly

Welcome Laura, I know the family cooking is difficult at first but latly I found it easy. I just have some meat or chicken and salad. And add fruit or something else for the kids. I try to make exta meat so I can have it for lunch. Melissa is better doing different recipes. How was the cheesecake??

Melissa, where did u get LC bread??
Dj if u are thinking of the godiet send a message to greentea, she is doing it and has good success.

Talk to ya all later


nalasimba Mon, Sep-02-02 21:09

Hi everyone! Okay let's see...
Cheesecake - turned out FABULOUS! :thup:
Go get the recipe and try it. I took about 4 big slices and froze them and think I could eat 1 piece every evening for my sweet treat. It would be really good with some LC jelly on top or mushed strawberries w/Splenda. But will definitely help my evening sweets craving! I also love cream cheese with jelly. One of my favorite things used to be a bread we dipped in cream cheese topped with a spicy jalepeno jelly. Suppose I could still do this with low carb crackers like Wheatsworth.

bblondie - I got the green tea! I made up a pitcher of iced and I add Splenda and some lemon to it. VERY good! That was a great idea. I just don't like hot tea, but love it iced!

Laura J - Don't get discouraged. I have not been low carbing very long but the one week I really stuck to it (less then 30 carbs per day) I actually lost 3 pounds! I would have kept going but then I got to TOM and water retention and started eating a few too many carbs. I truly believe if I stay on track I will get over the hump I have so desperately been trying to get over! My goal is to get down to about 130. I would like to get into the 120's again but at 130 I was very happy. So it seems it would be easy huh?!

Also, I have a family too. A husband and a 4 year old and 12 year old. I don't even try to cook special for me and different for them. I try to make a meat almost every night, and then they have rice or potatoes or whatever and I usually always have a salad or veggies. It is pretty easy. And if they have spaghetti, I just reserve some meat for me and add some cheese or a salad or whatever. We eat together about 3-4 nights and the rest we kinda eat in shifts or when we are hungry, have time, etc. So it works for us.

My low carb bread is actually Oroweat (sp?) Light Wheat Bread. It is the smaller bread and 2 slices are 18 carbs but have 7 fiber so if you subtract you can eat 2 slices for only 11 carbs which I think is great! I make my french toast with an egg and a splash of cream and vanilla. Then fry in butter or oil and top with sugar free syrup. Hits the spot! I am adapting to the low carb way of life each and every day but still want to be able to make versions of the food I used to love but make them low carb if possible.

So gals (we are all gals right? you never know on the internet!) I am leaving Friday for a weekend away. I know I will be eating and drinking a lot. I am going to try to stay as LC as possible but the alcohol is my worry. I'm enjoying my weekend though. I might stick to gin & tonics (they are lc!) but my girlfiends and I like to do Copper Camel shots when we are buzzed and they are rich and sugary! But anyway, when I get back, next Monday I think we should all start to REALLY do good, k? Now we have a group of 4 and that is powerful. Do any of you use fitday or just me? Starting next Monday, let's all post our daily menu's too. I think we can help each other this way. I love to see what others eat to get ideas.

Well, I've typed lots. Let me know what you think, k? And bblondie, I know we were supposed to have a lowest carb contest and I wigged out! I am ready next week to commit again, k? I am so determined to get into my cute jeans this fall!!!! :p

Bye! :wave:

bblondie Tue, Sep-03-02 12:55

Hi Everyone,

I'm thinking of trying the Go-diet. I have been reading about it and it seems very similar to the Atkins but you can have yogurt and some other dairy. And 50 carbs a day. What do you guys think? I'm getting board with the atkins stuff.

Here is what I've been eating:
3 hard boiled eggs 1 piece provolone cheese and 5 wheatworth crackers
tuna w/blue cheese dressing and olives and 5 wheat ritz crackers

Dinner I'm going out w/ a friend so I hope for the best!!

nalasimba Tue, Sep-03-02 14:15

Hi bblondie,

A few is that when I first started I was "kinda" doing Protein Power and they let you have 50 or so carbs. I DID NOT lose anything. The only time during the past month or so that I lost weight was the one week I did the closest thing to Atkins that I could and was at under 30 carbs for about 5 days. That is when I lost 4 pounds in one week. I would have kept going but then I got to TOM and also had a bad day with too many carbs and fell of the wagon. So anyway, my truest belief it to really lose we need to stay very low carb. I am really trying this time!

Also, go read Twiggy's journal. I found it to be very interesting. She started out about 150 and then got down to 136 range in about 3 months doing Atkins and that is the point her journal starts. I got lots of good tips and ideas for menu's. She is always cooking stuff up but also eats out a lot. all my buddies...I found an almost carb free candy bar at Walmart today! It is called Pure De-lite Chocolate Bar. I got the one with almonds. It has 190 calories, 14.3 fat and 3.8 carbs. It is sugar free and made with "maltitol" whatever that is. It was FABULOUS and did wonders for my sweets craving today. I am going to stock up on these next time I go!!!

So far today I've had steak & eggs, lc candy bar and a can of chopped turkey mixed with lite mayo, tomato, lettuce and onion. I'm doing pretty good!!!

See ya,

bblondie Tue, Sep-03-02 14:21

WAIT melissa,

I tried those too! I know they are so good but everywhere you read they say stay away from those! They give you diareah and have hidden carbs. Maltitol is some other kind of sugar that act the same way.

Warning warning warning!!!

nalasimba Tue, Sep-03-02 14:37

Too good to be true.....
Thanks bblondie! I knew it was too good to be true. I only bought two of them...and they are sooooo good!

I guess it's back to my cheesecake!

Laura J Tue, Sep-03-02 18:26

Todays Menu
Hi Team

Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to the continuous exchange of support.

Here it is todays menu.
Give it a good look over and critique.

1 low carb protein shake

4 slices "Pillars" Hungarian Salami
1 slice kraft cheese
2 tbsp "4 cheese" kraft dressing

3 large meatballs
(made out of a mix of ground beef, pork, parmesean cheese, crushed pork rinds, egg, chopped fresh parsley)
Salad with kraft dressing as above

Of course Lots of water!!!

It wasn't too difficult. I am going to stick it out for the two weeks with no flaws.

Melissa can I get your cheese cake recipe?

How is everyone else doing??

Watch out for those low carb choc. bars. There is quite alot written in the forums about them. I know......just when you think your on to something it becomes a no no.

I was thinking about starting "curves for women" I need to boost my metabolism. Does anyone have any info about it

nalasimba Tue, Sep-03-02 20:03

Laura J - your menu looks very good! Not sure what I would change. You seem to be doing very well. How long have you been low carbing? I think it is something we need to stick to over time and be consistent. I am learning this slowly after years of dieting and doing it the wrong way!

My cheesecake recipe is from the website. Go to recipes and they have a whole section just for cheesecakes! I made Beachgirls Original Cheesecake. They have others too. This is an awesome recipe site.

Okay, so now I feel terrible about the chocolate bar! :mad: I guess there are sacrifices that just need to be made. In Somersizing she says it's okay to indulge in some real dark chocolate every day!

Well, I'm off to write in my journal now. Trying to visit it much more often.

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