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ReneeH20 Mon, Aug-27-18 15:37

Thursday- Gym - Off-Ice Training
84 minutes 249 MEPs 643 Calories 136 AHR 75% Effort

Rink - Team practice- worked on converting our program to one for ISI Adult Champs in Lake Tahoe in Oct.
95 mins 185 MEPs 527 Calories 116 AHR 64% Effort

Friday - new trainer workout - Meh, not so tough
Circuit #1 x3 (30 sec-30sec-40sec)
Goblet bench squat raise (25#)
TRX step back lunge with curtesy
Resistance band TRX flys
Renegade row into side plank press (10#)
Bosu single straight leg step overs

Circuit #2 x 3 (30/30/40 sec)
Aerobic step - step ups & step backs
Bosu tree pose hold (each side)
DB Plank punch (8#)
DB Upper cuts with squats (8#)
Double leg crunch

86 mins 226 MEPs 599 Calories 129 AHR 72% Effort

MEPs for the month so far 5914

Friday night we attended the Vikings preseason game. It was forecasted to rain so we didn’t do our usual park across the river. Made up for it on Saturday. We spent a good 8 hours walking around the at the State Fair. Sunday was a well deserved rest day.

ReneeH20 Fri, Sep-07-18 07:18

August Recap
7535 MEPS. 2838 Minutes 73% Average Effort 19937 Calories 131 BPM Average

Date. Duration. Avg. Effort. MEPs
01 Aug. 01:08 68%. 150
02 Aug. 01:44 73% 281
02 Aug. 01:33 75%. 277
03 Aug. 01:12 77%. 219
06 Aug. 01:40 83%. 350
07 Aug. 01:30 75%. 269
07 Aug. 01:04 72%. 176
08 Aug. 01:21 79%. 256
09 Aug. 01:17 76%. 232
09 Aug. 01:36 65% 191
10 Aug 00:49. 69% 111
13 Aug. 01:14 78%. 231
14 Aug. 01:30 75%. 265
14 Aug. 01:06 72%. 177
15 Aug. 01:26 74%. 247
16 Aug. 01:24 71%. 217
16 Aug. 01:32 61%. 151
17 Aug. 01:26 76%. 251
20 Aug. 01:35 80%. 308
21 Aug. 01:38 77%. 300
21 Aug. 00:55 74%. 162
21 Aug. 00:39 55%. 39
22 Aug. 01:44 78%. 327
22 Aug. 00:56 58%. 67
23 Aug. 01:24 75%. 249
23 Aug. 01:35 64%. 185
24 Aug. 01:26 72%. 226
27 Aug. 02:18 61%. 217
28 Aug. 01:24 78%. 260
29 Aug. 01:38 72%. 242
30 Aug. 02:22 75%. 401
30 Aug. 01:42 71%. 263
31 Aug. 01:30 73%. 238

Top 10 in my gym for August 2018
1. Me - 7535
2. JLo - 7357
3. DeRego - 5351
4. Keeper - 4539
5. Cbagg - 4503
6. StephW - 4343
7. JenBug - 3881
8. Linz - 3511
9. JR - 3407
10. BrentH - 3311

Top 10 for Sept 2018 so far
1. JLo - 2054
2. DeRego- 1644
3. Me - 1605
4. TheBoss - 1220
5. BFNight - 992
6. ZBOY - 943
7. FishTaco - 863
8. StuffyRo - 781
9. Stead - 775
10. KFizzy - 768

Side note: Apparently me doing me lit a fire under JLo & DeRego (who are also 20-25 years younger than me). They were in the gym every day over the long weekend. I was up north doing some hiking and camping. I’d probably be closer to JLo if we had ice this week, but we don’t until mid-Sept.

thud123 Fri, Sep-07-18 08:37

WTG Renee! I would call this "Intensercise" Go!

ReneeH20 Mon, Sep-10-18 19:24

Originally Posted by thud123
WTG Renee! I would call this "Intensercise" Go!

Probably is a bit intense. Don’t know if that is good or bad, but I am enjoying pushing my body to almost its limit. I also like the positive effects the gym has on my hiking and skating.

ReneeH20 Mon, Sep-10-18 20:01


The Hubs & I decided to walk up to the nature preserve from our house which should be about 1.5 miles from the house. We took the back way, got a bit lost, and ended up finding a second preserve that we didn’t know about. This one had a loop trail that is more wooded than the other one. We rounded a bend and came across a flock of 16 wild turkeys- most of them youngsters. They stayed just ahead of us for quite awhile. Then headed off into the brush. We walked a short ways to the other preserve. All in all, we walked 3 hours & 6 mins. I didn’t have on my Apple Watch so don’t have the exact mileage maybe 4-5 miles. Not super strenuous but the Hubs was complaining that I was going a bit fast for him. The incline walk & stair climber are paying off. I was wearing my belt.

283 MEPs - 873 Calories- 60% Effort

Sunday -
We parked across the river and took the Stone Arch bridge to the Vikings game. Such a beautiful fall day. It’s about 1.4 miles to the Stadium so almost 3 miles round trip.

Monday -
Gym - Second time doing Dan’s workout. It about killed me on Friday. I took a little more rest with it today.

Endurance Set - 10 mins of alternating between exercises
8 Hex Bar DL (80#)
8 Walkout burpee box step ups
8 bear Crawls

EMOM - 10 mins alternating exercises
100M row on machine
Resistance Hops - Same time (as however long it took to get to 100 M)

Circuit #3 (40 sec exercise/20 rest between exercises) x 3
TRX kneeling alt step up with squat
Goblet curtsy lunges (30#)
Kneeling alt leg/arm extensions

I felt like I went through that pretty quick and semi easy. My off ice training sessions are getting longer so incorporated some of that into this session.

I am going to do a partner event with my friend & teammate C at the Adult Skating Championships in October called Jump & Spin. C is the jumper. I am the spinner. I have a choice of two spins. I will be doing the sit spin as it is my stronger one of the two. I can hold position for 6+ revs. I just need to get it lower.

So I added in some TRX assisted low pistol squats and alternated those with TRX assisted spiral holds.

86 mins - 240 MEPs - 628 Calories - 72% Effort - 130 AHR

MEPS for the month so far: 2432
I was in 4th place when I came in, but my weekend hike hadn’t uploaded. I left in 3rd but very close to second. About 400 MEPs away from first.

thud123 Tue, Sep-11-18 06:15

Good report, things sound like they are going smooth. Turkeys are almost tame around here ha! No wonder they almost got extincted. ;) Have a good week and skate on!

ReneeH20 Wed, Oct-03-18 20:01

September Recap

I wear the MyZone heart rate belt for most of my physical activities. It gives you MyZone Effort Points or MEPs based on your heart rate zone. I compete against people in my gym for rank. This month I was #2. Highest MEPS was 7652. Mine was 7502.

7502 MEPs
3921 Mins
64% Average Effort
20950 Calories

Notes: Rink was closed for 2 weeks. We hiked every weekend (except one) two 3-4 mile hikes...usually to waterfalls. My dog died so being sad made me miss two days. Then I misplaced my belt one day so my Effort hat day wasn’t counted. I did attend a weekend long adult skate camp and put up 1100 MEPs over the two days.

Overall a good exercise month. This month I will be scaling back a bit as I train for a skating competition at the end of the month in Lake Tahoe.

thud123 Thu, Oct-04-18 05:03

Great effort Renee! I'm glad you were able to give and receive love from your dog - great benefit to both.

I'm getting so excited to get the skates back on I can hardly think straight and I'll def take you up on getting out and trying a kite when the conditions are right - it's a small window but so fun.

Skate On!

ReneeH20 Wed, Nov-07-18 17:20

Dialed it back a bit in October as we had the competition in Lake Tahoe at month’s end. I told Trainer Dan he wasn’t allowed to kill my legs and in fact had to give him a bit of what’s what after one workout. I needed all my leg strength to do program run through.

4508 MEPs
2067 Mins
65% Effort
12483 Calories
122 Avg Heart Rate

My Meps were down roughly 40% from Aug & Sept (7500 range). I wanted to keep my legs fresh for skating and to build up some endurance for my 2 minute program. Being able to jump, Spin, and skate full out for those two minutes. Not to mention a 6000’ elevation change. I was focused on creating conditions for what we call a double run through- skating the program back to back or heavy cardio for 4 minutes straight. I also wanted to create quality on ice time without any gym soreness.

Then there were a few missed days due to traveling. October 1st I drove back down from the North Shore - highlight was a 4 mile hike on Isle Royale the day before. Second I left early for the competition not only to adjust to the altitude but also to see a very dear childhood friend that I had not seen in 19 years. I found myself with an unexpected free day and discovered that Yosemite NP was only 3 hours away. It was 6 hours of driving for 4 hours in the park, but totally worth it to me. I did also manage to get in a 2 mile hike in.

Results of the competition:
First place: Jump & Spin w/C - Teams of 2 compete in this event. One completes her choice of jumps twice (You pick one of the two required jumps). The other does the same with the Spin. I was the spinner of our team. I was technically skating up a level. I picked the Sit Spin. I have good speed, centering, revolutions, but my butt is a bit high so I was nervous about that. The ice was harder and faster than our home rink. My spins were not as good as at home but good enough for the win.

First place: Free skate - this is where the jumps and spins come in. This is the same program I won with at ISI Worlds in 2016. So I knew it well. My music is the theme from the Cider House Rules. It is a very pretty song so I wanted a pretty skate. I got that so I was very pleased...even more delighted to place first.

Second place: Ensemble- this an entertainment/creative piece that do with the ladies. The team that got first deserved their win - they were younger college age skaters who had their choreography down. Amazing performance. So second seemed like first....especially since all the other teams were our age. We do a Bollywood inspired number and use colorful scarves throughout. It looks really awesome & colorful on the ice.

All in all it was a successful competition and a wonderful trip with friends.

ReneeH20 Wed, Nov-07-18 17:41

November Training Plan

GOAL: 200+ MEPs during gym workouts except skate days.

Monday: Repeat Dan’s workout from the previous Friday + stretching

Tuesday: Functional Off Ice Training (strength not covered in the Dan workout, spinner, off ice jump exercises) + stretching

Wednesday: Morning Ice - 15 mins power/edges then 30-45 mins jumps, spins, etc
Gym - 30 mins stairclimber (low intensity) - backwards & sideways treadmill walks*

Thursday -Off Ice Functional Training + stretching

Friday - Personal Training with Dan

Saturday - Team Practice- 1 hour on ice
Gym- stairclimber + backwards/sideways treadmill walks

Sunday- rest day

*This is to help me hike longer and handle hills and stairs to waterfalls better.

thud123 Wed, Nov-07-18 21:32

Holy shit Renee! Way to medal out! :)

I've been in a holding pattern here with the weather - water time is out when it's near freezing air temp (stuff can ice up) - ice skate kiting is right around the corner - so stoked.

Thanks for the great reports - so happy you're having fun.

ReneeH20 Thu, Nov-08-18 10:13

Thanks Thud! The competition was great fun and adult skaters are a very supportive bunch.

I found this video put out by US Figure Skating. They have a short video they share on FB each Tuesday for Adult Skate Tuesday. This is a the compilation video for the end of 2017. My team made the highlight reel. We don’t come in until 6:36. I am in the middle in the green and black dress. Honored to be in the company of some very great/famous skaters

IdahoSpud Thu, Nov-08-18 10:57

Hi Renee,

Thanks for the comment on my gym log. Sometimes I think I'm just talking to myself, hahaha.

It's good to hear from someone else doing strength training, adds some motivation. Yes, I never thought I needed a heart monitor either, but now I don't know what I would do without it. Such useful information!

Again, thanks for stopping by and for commenting. Much appreciated!!! You keep up the hard work too! :thup:

Edit: I just checked your gallery - what an amazing transformation!!! Props to you!


ReneeH20 Wed, Dec-05-18 08:28

November Recap

4484 MEPs
1888 minutes
69% average effort
12915 calories
129 average BPM heart rate

I ended up in third place in the gym this month. Most MEPS was 5200ish. I must admit to struggling a bit this month. A personal situation derailed me a couple days. Then there was a weird situation at the rink with no ice for a few days. I also took Thanksgiving & Black Friday off. Then there was the competition this past weekend.

I only did ensemble with my group. I didn’t really have ice time to prepare for other programs. With all the personal things going on, it was probably a good thing. We were up against all kids and took second (2/5). Our coach’s teen team took first. We were happy with the results.

I told Trainer Dan that after competition we could go hard. I don’t have any competitions coming up in the next few months. I have a reunion coming up the end of June where I will see a couple of exes. That is a small incentive. Really I want to get into good shape to do some harder hikes. We are headed out to Sedona in about 10 days. Hoping to do some hiking and get some healing in the Vortexes.

I have renewed commitment to my nutrition and exercise. 2018 was a struggle. 2019 is my comeback.

ReneeH20 Wed, Jan-02-19 00:07

December Recap
4899 MEPs
1944 Minutes
71% Average Effort
13921 Calories
132 Average BPM Heart Rate
4th place in total MEPS for my gym

25 days this month in the gym or on the ice

Gym work outs:
Monday- Trainer Dan’s workout
Tuesday- Functional Skating Workout
Thursday - Functional Skating workout
Friday - Training Session with Dan

I definitely have gotten stronger this year. My cardio has improved a lot without running. Skater hops (1 min), stair climber, rowing machine, hills on the treadmill plus crazy backwards and sideways walking on the tread. I could really feel the difference hiking this fall and when I did my run throughs of my skating program. Trainer Dan even remarked on how strong my cardio has gotten.

Functionally I incorporated a lot of off-ice exercises I learned at Skate Camp this fall. I have done a lot with my spinners. I can tell the difference in my spins. They are really improving especially the centering.

Recently Trainer Dan has been making workouts that are leg heavy which I usually don’t like because it makes it harder to skate. But i have given him free reign until Ice Show week in April. I hate to admit it but I think it’s actually been good. My thighs which are the last thing to give up weight on me are finally thinning out some. Skating after hasn’t been too bad.

Wednesday: Adult group lesson
Saturday: Team practice

I don’t have a private coach right now which has been good and bad. I probably would have gotten further a long, but who can say for sure. With the difficulties in my life right now. Two days a week is about all I can manage. I’ve had to adjust my expectations. After taking the silver test and failing all but one element, I had to go back and relearn my jumps. Happy to say that my loop jump is small but passing now. I am in process of fixing the flip and lutz. I have perfected the drills but have not quite translated them to the actual jumps yet.

Still spins have come on strong for me. My sit spin has enough revs but is still a tiny bit high. Camels - the number of revs and the position has definitely improved. I’ve got a decent layback spin now. I lost my backspin for awhile after the sharpener tightened my blade. The last week I finally found the sweet spot again. I am getting about 5 of the needed 9 revs.

This past month I’ve been learning a lot fun things: inside Bauer into a back pivot, illusions, and outside hydro blades.

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