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MickiSue Sun, Jun-26-16 10:02

Made it to 60 again last night, groaning through the last 8 seconds. Then rested, then 20.

I really think that adding another, shorter set after a rest increases time faster than just adding five seconds every day or so.

Liz53 Sun, Jun-26-16 17:51

Yay, MS, for making it to the one minute mark! :cheer: It's a long minute, isn't it?

I've not done planks for a few days, but did them today.

Front plank: 70 seconds, 30 sec rest, 30 seconds

Side planks (knees/elbows): 35 sec each side x2. Definitely getting easier on the side planks, will try 40 or 45 next time. Probably not tomorrow as I will be doing weight training.

I think planks are strenuous enough for me that a day off between sets is not a bad idea.

MickiSue Sun, Jun-26-16 18:59

Liz, I am so impressed that you are doing the side planks. I haven't even attempted one.

Liz53 Sun, Jun-26-16 20:45

The hardest part about the side planks, I think, is getting in the correct position. It definitely feels awkward at first. I'm going to meet with a personal trainer at the gym tomorrow and, among other things, have her check my form on both front and side planks.

I'm very lucky to have a small but excellent gym close to my main grocery store and 10-15 minutes from the house. It's populated mostly by older folks in the mornings (I'm a youngster at 63) and it is so impressive what some of the 75+ crowd can do.

bkloots Mon, Jun-27-16 07:22

Forearm plank: 2:30 Yay!
Side forearm/knee: 1 min. each side Yay!

Two things that helped: complete rest day (Sunday) and a good warm-up prior to doing planks. I used one of my videos for a total body warm-up. Then did planks. I really did feel stronger on that long forearm plank. Then I finished with a (short) workout using a couple of segments from the video to work hamstrings, quads, biceps. I think this helps balance out front-of-body work of the planks.

I really didn't "feel like" working out today. But the key, as usual, is STARTING. Also, I give myself permission not to do everything of everything. :D

Happy week everybody.

MickiSue Mon, Jun-27-16 08:06

I managed an extra 2 seconds extra yesterday: 60/collapse/22.

Every little bit helps. And my lower back is fine this morning, so watch out!

Liz53 Mon, Jun-27-16 08:28

Glad to have some company on those side planks, Barb! I think it's all about holding your down side UP the whole time, not letting it sag. But I will confirm that with Lila today.

Yep, every little bit helps. It sounds as if your back is getting stronger, MS. That will serve you well.

Also, I give myself permission not to do everything of everything.

This. The trick, though, that I face is distinguishing when I really need a rest and when I'm just trying to weasel out of stuff. Some days I find the more I have to D-R-A-G myself out to exercise, the more I enjoy it once I get out there.

Just Jo Mon, Jun-27-16 10:58

You all are rockin' the planks! :cheer:

I really think that adding another, shorter set after a rest increases time faster than just adding five seconds every day or so.
I think I'll try that, MS. Hey it can't hurt right? Thanks for this! :agree:

bkloots Mon, Jun-27-16 15:26

I'm going to meet with a personal trainer at the gym tomorrow and, among other things, have her check my form on both front and side planks.
Liz, please share what you learn! I'm sure we'll all chip in for the trainer. :lol:

As for Pilates, I've never had actual Pilates training--just bits and pieces learned during other types of classes, and some videos. Yoga somewhat the same, although I've done much more yoga, and like it better.

Up with Plank People!

Liz53 Mon, Jun-27-16 22:11

Originally Posted by bkloots
Liz, please share what you learn! I'm sure we'll all chip in for the trainer. :lol:

As for Pilates, I've never had actual Pilates training--just bits and pieces learned during other types of classes, and some videos. Yoga somewhat the same, although I've done much more yoga, and like it better.

Up with Plank People!

You know, the world is divided into Cat People and Dog People, and Yoga People and Pilates People, not to mention People Who Divide the World into 2 Kinds of People and People Who Don't.

I actually got a frozen shoulder practicing yoga moves (yes, I overdid it), and despite my 3 months of PT, it never quite recovered till I started pilates. I've also been fortunate to have a couple of really excellent pilates instructors and my yoga teacher was only average. But, honestly, the two activities have more similarities than differences. And certainly both improve fitness.

I talked to Lila about the planks and got some additional ways to modify as you are working up to elbows/feet (but if I recall correctly, you're already there, Barb?)

Anyway, she suggested doing side planks with the bottom leg bent and the top leg extended for greater stability; it also makes an easier eventual transition to 2 extended legs.

Then with the arms, Mark Sisson's video shows the free (upper) arm resting on the hips. She suggested starting with the free arm extended out straight (parallel with body, close to the upper ear) - if you kind of curve it over your head ballerina-style, it also helps to lift the torso into a slightly arched position.

From there, she recommended extending the arm vertically (perpendicular to the body) and eventually, resting the arm on the hips like Sisson shows. That way you are gradually adding the full weight of the arm to the amount the body must lift and hold up.

Anyway, she approved my form and encouraged me to keep doing side planks since they ARE so difficult.

No planks for me today (except quick side planks at gym), but I'll be back at them tomorrow.

Liz53 Tue, Jun-28-16 22:11

Did some planks this evening - probably a mistake to wait so long.

Front plank - 1~ 45 sec.
Side planks (knees/elbow) 45 sec each side

Did not have the energy for x2.

Just Jo Wed, Jun-29-16 04:57

Thanks Liz for sharing the info from your personal trainer!

I did my front plank (forearms/toes) like MS suggested and did 1 min, 20s rest and a 45s for Tuesday.

Will continue this process to see how long I can hold each time ~ next Plankin' day is Thursday!

Happy Planking, Peeps! :wave:

bkloots Wed, Jun-29-16 08:47

Wednesday 6/29

Forearm plank: 2 min
Forearm/knee side: 1 min each

As an experiment, I put the Plank Challenge in the middle of my regular weight workout. As the "assisting muscles" were pre-fatigued, two minutes was the limit on those forearm planks.

As to that timer: I figure just do it until you can't do it no more! When it gets too easy, up the level of the form (eg. knee to straight leg). This will take a while!

Best wishes.

bevangel Wed, Jun-29-16 09:53

Still doing my planks on my knees. Made it to 1 full minute on knees with straight arms!

Knees and forearms is a whole lot harder: 40 seconds is my max.

And when I occasionally TRY a toes and forearms version, the best I can achieve is still under 15 seconds.

I've been going back and forth between the two easier varieties and trying to do planks twice a day - when I first get up in the morning and right before going to bed.

I do one, rest awhile and repeat, rest, repeat, etc until I just CAN'T bring myself to get into plank position AGAIN. Rather than trying to hold for a preset period, I just try to hold each plank for as long as I can. Soon as I feel my back start to sag and I can't pull it back up, I drop and rest. Figure it's better NOT to hold a saggy plank and end up damaging my back.

I usually manage three to five reps but am only able to hold each plank for a much shorter period than the previous one. When I'm done, it's usually all I can do to get myself back up off the floor. Takes less than 5 minutes all totaled.

bkloots Wed, Jun-29-16 10:59

. Rather than trying to hold for a preset period, I just try to hold each plank for as long as I can. Soon as I feel my back start to sag and I can't pull it back up, I drop and rest. Figure it's better NOT to hold a saggy plank and end up damaging my back.
Good plan! I think hold/rest/hold for a number of repetitions is a great way to progress. Good form is very important. :thup:

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