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Lisa N Tue, Aug-09-05 16:21

Originally Posted by Vince3325
Im not massivily obese , im 23% body fat and 6' 1".

Vince, if your doctor truly told you that then I sincerely hope they are better at diagnosing illness than they are at estimating bodyfat percentage. According to this calculator you started with a BMI of 41 which puts you in the severly obese category. Since you have stated that you were laid up and unable to do much excercise for a period of 7 months, I seriously doubt that your lean body mass is high enough to remove you from that category.

Vince3325 Tue, Aug-09-05 18:01

I have been out of the cast for 6 months.... That calculator is worthless. You are all such advocates of everyone is different. So why some generic calculator for every one? I see a physical theropest. I trust her more then some generic internet calculator based on height . lol

Vince3325 Tue, Aug-09-05 18:03

Originally Posted by Mandra
LOL Nancy :lol:

Honestly, why waste time arguing with this kid? Let's wait six months and see how he does (evil chuckle).

so you are hoping I fail? you are much worse then people think I am

Mandra Tue, Aug-09-05 18:23

so you are hoping I fail? you are much worse then people think I am

Nope, just predicting thay you'll find it not as black and white as you think.

And I never claimed to be a nice person.

Lisa N Tue, Aug-09-05 18:25

I see a physical theropest. I trust her more then some generic internet calculator based on height . lol

A physical therapist is not a doctor and she measured your body fat percentage how?

Also, can I point out that you joked about how you could lose 1 pound a week eating pizza in bed and yet have been out of the cast for 6 months (and I presume exercising) and didn't lose weight?

Nobody hopes you fail, Vince, but after starting threads about how anyone who isn't losing as fast as you are (first month into the diet with a significant amount to lose) must be doing something wrong, I have a feeling that folks are going to be less enthusiastic than usual about giving you advice should you happen to hit a stall yourself.
You've heard the expression, 'don't burn your bridges behind you'?'re still ON the bridge so don't be lighting any matches just yet. ;)

Vince3325 Wed, Aug-10-05 07:59

have you ever been in a leg cast for 6 months? lol

"A physical therapist is not a doctor"
Mine is....

Judynyc Wed, Aug-10-05 10:22

have you ever been in a leg cast for 6 months?

sorry...trying to muster sympathy for you but can't quite find any.....

Couldn't you do pushups or crunches with your cast on? C'mon now, someone like you should've been able to find a way to not gain all those pounds!!!!!! ;)

Vince3325 Wed, Aug-10-05 12:16

I would like to say I enjoy this site very much, I enjoy the people, The information, The recipes. Everything. Sorry for coming off as some big jerk. Ill try and be better, I plan on hanging around here for awhile. And I have a nice big fat before picture of my self while I was on the pizza in bed diet with my leg wrapped up. I took out my paper work from the doc, and I am 29% body fat sorry for the mistake maybe it makes more sense to you now. well sorry again , see ya all around the forums.

kyrasdad Wed, Aug-10-05 23:15


You and I have astonishingly similar profiles. See me in a year, if you don't think you can do most everything right and still plateau. You can - and you probably will.

JaneDough Thu, Aug-11-05 14:31

Originally Posted by kwikdriver
Last week, you started a thread asking which is better, low carb of low fat. Now, you're an expert. If you could turn a learning curve like that towards curing cancer, I see a Nobel Prize in your future. Maybe two.

Dude. I may be your biggest fan, in more ways than one. :lol:

Usul001 Thu, Aug-11-05 20:11

I for one would like to applaud you for your last post Vince. It takes intelligence to see when one is wrong, and courage to admit it.
So welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here and good luck with your new WOL.

RhondaK Fri, Aug-12-05 13:56

your missing a point to your posts
yeah but so many people quit , and say oh this diet doesnt work. just cus they stall. im sick of people using a plateau as an excuse to go off their diet. Im not bashing people who ask for advice. You got wraped up in my wording and the point passed you by

If people quit low carb because of a plateau....they're not the ones here reading your posts...THEY QUIT!!!
In which case your whineing comments from earlier are only meant to make people feel bad about their emotional response to what they feel is a failure when they are working so hard toward a health goal.
I have no problem with someone saying somthing straight out but you aren't just not "sugar coating" things you say...your in attack mode.
Which is kinda funny to me, people spouting things about somthing they've never actually experienced is ignorance and just kinda amusing to me, but not to others. I mean you are so new and haven't a clue yet what a struggle it can be and all the factors that lead up to a stall for people. That no one should be offended by you as you have no idea what your talknig about except from things you have read and are repeating, you have NO actual experience.
The advice of a person who is so inexperienced is kinda useless and amusing but be careful because this could all come back and bite ya in your low carb tushy :lol:
Also, remember, not everyone can afford a gym and not everyone lives where they can just get out and go for a walk or jog. I joined a gym because I cannot go for walks here without dodging vehichles and nieghbors dogs. I have to drive 35 miles one way to get to nearest gym. When I am in classes most of the year and working a job and have a husband and 3 children WHEN can I help a stall by going to a gym?
You needn't generalize, you don't have the understanding of peoples situation there for you shouldn't come off so judgemental.

RhondaK Fri, Aug-12-05 14:00

BTW Vince, I held out and stuck to it for almost 5 weeks during my stall and am down today so it's not that I don't agree with your ideas just ease up on the phrasing and let's all try to be encouraging. I don't think anyone here disagrees with your ideas to try to break a stall. :)

Vince3325 Fri, Aug-12-05 15:03

congrats on sticking to the diet! I know the way i said it made me sound like a jerk. I wasn't really trying to give advice just blowing off some frustration. hence the warzone forum.

nikkil Sat, Aug-13-05 13:52

a) because of previous threads that come off the same way, I do have negative reactions to your threads, especially how they're worded. They aren't 'tough love' or 'sugar-coating removed' -- they're very judgemental and condescending.

b) maybe you want the negative reaction as a way to bolster your determination? If people reply that they hope you fail or that you won't be so judgemental when you're going thru a stall/plateau yourself, you get motivated by that. An "I'll show them and laugh in their faces" kind of motivation??

c) I do give you credit for coming back and correcting your errors and admitting that you may have been a wee bit out of line with some things.

d) Maybe next time you're in a foul mood, instead of starting a new thread, why not send an email to yourself or something similar -- vent, rant, rave, curse all you want -- then, when you've calmed down you can delete it. No harm, no foul kinda thing :) Sure would help your reputation around the forum and people's reaction to you, no hurt feelings/anger, good for your "karma" too :D

I think Watcher17 was the one who came on strong at first and now (I think) regrets it.... :)

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