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YogaBuff Thu, Dec-06-01 09:32

HI, Missydog, checking in to see how your surgery went, and I read the last few posts. I certainly hope there are some people around by the stadium while you're running up and down. :( The effects of anesthesia can hang around for quite awhile, and you would want to be alone out there, in case of dizzyness, or anything. I know you're in great shape, but I hope you have it in you to take it easy for a few days. Even if the surgery didn't involve the joint, it's that darn anesthetic...... it's like major jet lag or something.

Don't forget --protein and vitamin C will help you heal, by promoting tissue repair. :D (Yes, mother.) Not hard to do on this WOE, is it?


missydog Thu, Dec-06-01 10:06

Thanks, Yogabuff, for your concern. Yes, I think I was out of commision due to the anesthesia for longer than I expected, and I just can't stand to have my CKD plans interrupted, AND I've been blaming my addle-brained state of mind on my own mental nuttiness rather than on the anesthesia, which (in retrospect) I think I should have blamed it on! (Hindsight is so wonderful). Anyway, today I'm enjoying a complete diet of peanut butter, orange juice, pasta, and other goodies (also protein!) to carb up for my next cycle of working out (if only my doctor would let me lift weights! aargh!). I'm optimistic that I'll be ready for full cardio workouts by tomorrow.



missydog Fri, Dec-07-01 16:17

End of 36-hour carb-up
Well, instead of the typical 48-hour carb-up I just completed a shorter 36-hour carb-up which I think is adequate for the coming five days of workouts, especially since I won't be doing much lifting to speak of (just squats with a barbell; I''m not allowed to do much more than that with my shoulder out of commission). To make up a little for the fact that I won't be lifting tonight I went and did TWO cardio workouts today. I'm sure it's psychological, but I do cardio best in the early morning and have a heck of a time later in the day getting myself to perform around the track or on my bike or whatever. On my lunch break at work is when I did my second cardio session (jogging around the UCLA track) and it was murder getting myself to put one foot in front of the other to get that workout done, and I'm positive it's not because it was anything too strenuous. Anyway, I'll be trying to do some extra cardio sessions like this for the next five days to make up for missing the weight lifting.


missydog Sun, Dec-09-01 14:34

Well, just to catch up, I did a 30-min cardio session yesterday and today I did the entire stadium stairs at UCLA and then followed that with a 3-mile hike in the nearby hills. I'm suffering insomnia for some reason and I wake up very tired out from tossing and turning, the result being that this morning I couldn't do a jogging workout. I don't think I did too badly, just the same.


grrlpwer Sun, Dec-09-01 15:21

i should say you didnt do to bad :D you did great :wave:

missydog Mon, Dec-10-01 10:07


Thanks for your post. I'm been reading some of your gym log and I'd say you're not doing too bad yourself.


missydog Mon, Dec-10-01 10:13

Well, I hate to admit it, but I've been struck down by TOM. That and insomnia. :( I just couldn't get myself to do any cardio workout this AM. I brought my portable CD player to work with me, and at first I told myself I'd jog the track or hike the stadium stairs at lunch, but I feel I'll be lucky if I do a WALK today. Then again, these things always pass, and I don't want to make too much of them.


YogaBuff Mon, Dec-10-01 12:05

Good for you, boy, nothign stops you! Nothing like TOM and insomnia together. But, my experience is, they usually do go hand in hand. :rolleyes:


YogaBuff Mon, Dec-10-01 12:42

Whoops, just read in LC Sponges journal what you said about relearning French! My, my. I only WISH I had originally learned it from living in Paris. Try 8th and 9th grade at school. ;) I'm using a computer program hubby bought me, (less than helpful actually, probably due to my limited computer savvy), and a book I got at the library (SURPRISINGLY helpful for a 1962 copyright! :D ) and some audiotapes that help mostly with proper pronounciation.

Now, if you tell me that you are also trying to brush up on your measely one yrs'. experience at the piano, too, I'm going to faint! :p Of course, all of this is on hold, somewhat for the Christmas season. We have big families, my hubby and I-- lots of shopping and food prep.....


missydog Mon, Dec-10-01 17:23

No, YogaBuff, I don't expect to be brushing up on my 12 years piano experience-- it long ago passed into eternity-- but I have been brushing up on what I learned in 8th grade sewing class, to sew my brother something for Christmas! And I'm proud of myself for following through! I know this sewing project was much more for me than it was for him, but what the hey. He gets a nightshirt out of it, and if he doesn't want to sleep in it, he can wear it to work (ha-ha).

And now on a more somber note: I'm not too proud to admit that I have had my first real lapse in my CKD project :( . Today (Day Four of my current cycle) I gave up and carbed up, and I didn't work out. So I did three days of low-carbing and working out, then gave up because of TOM and insomnia and all kinds of other stresses-- oh, it's a sordid story. But I'm not going to let this ruin everything-- no way. I'm starting a new CKD cycle beginning tomorrow. That's five days low-carbing with workouts. Soon I'll be able to add weight lifting to my schedule once again.


YogaBuff Wed, Dec-12-01 10:35

There's no end to what you do, is there? 12 yrs. of piano! Renewing sewing skills! :eek: You won't spend too much time beating yourself up about the 'lapse'. You've already committed to getting right back to it. :thup:

I't seems like as I get toward 50 yrs. old, I want to do EVERYTHING. Read everthing, try everything, create things, relearn forgotten skills. All the things I guess that went on hold while I raised kids. Not that I minded that, they have turned out to be grat kids, if I do say so myself, and worth all the effort.

Have you always been a sponge for new skills and info. or is this a relatively new 'force' in your life. Just curious. ;)


missydog Wed, Dec-12-01 17:12

Well, I've just been experiencing a major crash and burn. I have had things going on in my personal life that have drained me of all energy for exercise. For these last three days I've just had to accept that my workouts have been disrupted. But I am not giving up!!! There are still 12 days until Christmas and I'm going to make every day count, if my life settles down some, which there is a good chance it will.

And YogaBuff: Actually, since I realized I'm approaching 50, I started asking myself what it is that I don't want to put off, and I decided I wanted to progress in my language studies-- you know, read a French book now and then, and even learn Spanish since I live in such a hispanic part of the country. I have modest goals for my life, at this point. The piano is way behind me, and sewing I never really learned in the first place. Even just making this dumb shirt for my brother I had to have my Mom help me out of several fixes!! :p


missydog Thu, Dec-13-01 10:19

Okay, here it is Thursday and I'm just now getting back into my CKD regime. I don't think I've done TOO much damage. Today on my lunch break I am GOING to get out and exercise. And I'm back on the low-carb regime after a 72-hour carb-up that never should have happened. But I figure if I do well from now until Christmas I will have reduced this lapse in my regime to just a blip in the road that I can barely remember. In three days or so I can get back into my weight lifting (per my doctor), and I'm looking forward to that (really!). All these lapses make me wonder just how I'd ever survive a Marine bootcamp if I had to. I guess being a 48-year-old woman has its advantages. :rolleyes:

Later: Well, I've been out on my lunch break and I went over to the UCLA track stadium and hiked all the stairs-- twice. It took about 22 minutes and I wasn't trying to race. It feels good to get back into my regime. I'd been away from it long enough that I was starting to get those sneaking doubts that I'd ever get back to it. Left leg is still bothering me, so what else is new. I really have a lot of respect for Fern and anybody else who can see a CKD regime through to the end!! I tried, but certain obstacles got the better of me. But I'm ready for my next phase of self-punishment, LOL. The only obstacle I forsee at this point is Christmas dinner at my folks' house. I'll be abandoning my regime for that one day. If I'm lucky, Christmas day will turn out to be one of my carb-up days and then I won't need to feel guilty.

Yeah, (checking calendar) if I stick to my schedule, Christmas will be a carb-up day. Hurray!


grrlpwer Thu, Dec-13-01 21:59

Hi :wave: No i havent started BFL yet i'm going to wait till jan to start...i have got my weight bench and weights and the book,and i'm testing out some protein shakes right now :) and also trying the Ab bootcamp almost and it is hard...have you read BFL book?very inspiring :D

Trainerdan Thu, Dec-13-01 22:58

CKD fun
Well Missy, CKD's are tough to stick to as you can see, but they work ... no doubt about it.

As for the little lapses in your program ... injuries are obstacles. Once you are healed properly, then you can go back full swing into your weight training.

But, you are doing exactly what I would do if I was unabel to lift weights ... I would stay on my cardio program and do leg workouts.

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