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Trainerdan Sun, Mar-31-02 19:10

Thanks for sharing your experience/success with us Myo.

vensula Sun, Mar-31-02 20:41

Early Mornings...
Well, even after reading through the entire thread, I've still got questions :) Must be since I'm not a big excercise guru *pokes her tummy* not that you could tell or anything. He he he.
But anyway! The question I had is... I'm new to the whole cardio and weight lifting scene. Currently I'm working out at a gym 3 days a week (M-W-F around 3:30 pm or so) using 30 second intervals of resistance training, then 30 seconds of aerobics. They say it's supposed to help keep you from pacing yourself and keeps you from fatiguing your muscles. But my question is, if I am doing my weight lifting on M-W-F, is it ok to do some aerobic excerises in the mornings? I have a Tony Little tape that I don't mind using in the mornings, he suggests weights, but I opt for just the workout since I'm already lifting weights. If I use the video during the mornings, is it ok to lift weights in the afternoons or do I need to alternate days? Since muscle burns fat 24/7 I'd prefer to lose fat to muscle! Another thing, is it alright to weight lift more than one day in a row? Every once in awhile I'll go on Fri and Sat. Is that going to damage lean muscle mass since I'm not giving it a day to recoup? Or is that alright as long as it's not frequent?
With all the exercise info out there it's really hard to know where to start. I think once I get a solid routine it won't be so mind boggling. Any advice would be great. Not sure how to mix things up so as not to get bored :) I'm so glad I found this site, you guys have such great advice and info! It's also reassuring to know you all are going through the same things, or have been here at one point. Thanks all !!!

~ Jamie ~

fern2340 Mon, Apr-01-02 07:52

Hey Jamie!
I prefer to lift on MWF but sometimes it just doesn't work out like that for me! As long as you don't lift the same body parts on consecutive days, you are fine. Example: don't do arms on Fri and Saturday. Give your muscle groups some time to rest.

I also will lift at night and do cardio in the morning on the same day. I have never had a problem with that.

Hope this helps!

bansshee Mon, Apr-01-02 10:17

Lifting in the morning?
I am going into my fifth week of working out. I do AM workouts because I have zero motivation in the evenings. I don't eat before I work out. Now I have read the thread and that seems like a good thing on my cardio days. I am I supposed to eat something on my weight lifting days? I alternate and do three cardio and three weight lifting days every week. I hate eating before I work out though. I always get cramps or dizzy. Any suggestions on something I could eat before weight lifting that would be very light yet still do what it needs to do to help my muscles?


Rhonda0726 Tue, Apr-02-02 08:46

AM Cardio-I am so confused!
Help! I had been doing my morning cardio (treadmill-very low intensity), and was doing fine. I am hypoglycemic, and since I have been having some problems getting my glucose levels to stabilize, the dietician said absolutely no more cardio on an empty stomache, since my levels are already so low, it will send them into a tailspin. But this is when I seem to feel better in the morning, but have problems in the p.m.! Has anyone else had this problem? Any advise? I have a LOonng way to go! Thanks so much, I have learned alot from this sight.

fern2340 Tue, Apr-02-02 09:03

Re: Lifting in the morning?
Originally posted by bansshee
I am going into my fifth week of working out. I do AM workouts because I have zero motivation in the evenings. I don't eat before I work out. Now I have read the thread and that seems like a good thing on my cardio days. I am I supposed to eat something on my weight lifting days? I alternate and do three cardio and three weight lifting days every week. I hate eating before I work out though. I always get cramps or dizzy. Any suggestions on something I could eat before weight lifting that would be very light yet still do what it needs to do to help my muscles?


I like to have fuel in my system before I lift. I don't eat a big meal before but I usually lift around 5:30 PM. I'll have a snack beforehand, usually a low carb bar. Perhaps in the morning, you could have a protein shake before your workout? Just a thought...


bansshee Tue, Apr-02-02 09:08

Thanks for the reply. I will try it. I read a couple of really long threads on L-Glutamine also. Can I put that in my shake in the morning before working out or does it need to be taken after a workout?


Trainerdan Tue, Apr-02-02 18:46

Take L-glutamine after a workout, since you don't want it to be used as fuel before your workout. Too expensive. LOL.

yelena Wed, Apr-10-02 00:43

I wonder at what time do you all go to bed if you are able to wake up at 6:30 or 5 in the morning for exercise?
I am thinking if I should start exercising in the morning. The question is what kind of exercise would I do? I don't have a treadmill at my house because I go to gym nearby. I do have video tapes with different types of workout I could possibly use. However, if I do it early in the morning the rest of the family wouldn't be able to get morning sleep. What is left? Lifting weights or walking around the block?

bansshee Wed, Apr-10-02 07:05

I usually go to bed around 11:30 and I get up at 6 for a 7AM workout. I have everything ready to just grab and go. Depending on the day (what kind of workout) determines whether I eat breakfast at home before I leave or when I get to work after my workout. As far as what you should do, any exercise is better than no exercise. I like to going to the gym because I push myself harder there and I can do weight training. I hired a personal trainer to get me started and motivated. I am fortunate in that I only have a husband to worry about and he is still asleep when I leave in the morning. The best thing is to prepare the night before. Whatever exercise you decide on, make sure you are as ready to go the night before as you can be. That will cut down on the "time" excuse.

Good luck and happy sweating!


dwb in nyc Wed, Apr-10-02 07:41

I'm in bed by ten. I have two kids--just babies really--and I wouldn't have time to help with them if I went to the gym after work. I'm there when they open the doors at 5:30 and run and lift for 45 minutes. Then I dash home and get cleaned up and leave for work at 6:45. That leaves a few minutes to feed at least one baby.

It's pretty hectic but you never really have time to question what you're doing. By the time you do, it's become habit and you would be really cranky if you didn't get to the gym.

We're all really well trained apes, I think.

Cherio Wed, Apr-10-02 08:10

I know what you mean DWB! LOL I have a son 11 years old and it's still hectic! We go to bed at 9pm and I am up at 6am and he gets up at 7am. I always use that hour to lift or use the treadmill, which he says never wakes him, thank heavens.

fern2340 Wed, Apr-10-02 12:22

I go to bed usually between 10:30-11:30 and up at 5 when I do AM cardio. I try to do things the night before (pack my lunch for work, or pack a bag for Dan's) so I can get up and just go...

I suggest you figure out what kind of cardio you like and do that in the morning. Exercising is much more fun when it is something you like!!!


Trainerdan Thu, Apr-11-02 18:54

bed time
I am usually in bed anywhere between 9:30 and 11:00 pm, and get up at 5:00 on AM cardio days ...

yelena Thu, Apr-11-02 20:19

Well, I went to bed at 1:30am last night - was finishing my income tax. Had no energy to exercise this morning. Tomorrow early morning I am going out of town. So, no morning excercise until the next week. Sometimes it so difficult to go to bed early... I need to discipline myself and go to bed before midnight instead of playing with computer and browsing Internet.

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