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angieK Sat, Jan-03-04 15:28

Amber by all means join in. I have added you to our list. Weigh- ins are on Mondays starting with this monday. You have lost weight and then gained back some, that can be very depressing but now you are on the road again and you can do it.

Adukart-- wk#1...129..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Lise-- wk 1... 203..
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..
Michelle--wk 1...162..
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..
Teresa--wk 1...197..
Zuleka wk.1...171..

Annie-Pie Sat, Jan-03-04 17:06

Wow, never have I seen such support like this month. It's always been great, but I see a lot of openness.

Welcome, Amber. Today is a new day and you are on the right path. Thanks, Angie for adding her for us.

I do not want to weigh in on Monday. We had hardly any food yesterday, so ate what we gleaned, including croissants. The airline didn't pay most of the employees with automatic deposit. I had to rely on the groceries from gleaning. So thankful for them!

Got plenty of red, green, orange peppers, cilantro, celery, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc . Blended a few of them today into a sort of chutney. Will add cooked hamburger, will put over salad. I have been eating what we have because we cannot access our account until they clear their mess up. So yes it is an excuse, but at this point, we eat what we have and I still try to be good. Hopefully by Monday we will have access to our accounts again. It has hurt many people. I fear for those who had automatic payments taken from their accounts on the 1st of the month.

It is snowing so much. We have about 5-6" and are expecting 19 degrees tonight. Will leave the faucets trickling in farthest bathrooms, including the toilets. Water damage is not fun!

I would be surprised if school resumes Monday or even Tuesday. It is supposed to remain in a cold snap through Wednesday, meaning below 32 until then.

Hubby's birthday tomorrow, could not even get him a present because of the payroll messup. But it doesn't matter. Am making the Vancouver almond no-bake cheesecake from this forum. Will add cocoa...splendid!

Hugs to you all. Everyone is dear to me, needing you now more than ever.

angieK Sat, Jan-03-04 17:30

Annie i know what you are going through. It is not fun. Last September I changed banks for my regular banking. I had been with both banks for about 5 years but one banks had no service charges and the other banks charges never stopped increasing. So I cleared out my bank account with the manager giving me a cheque because I didn't want to carry around cash. In October I tried to use my bank account and I had no money. I found out that the bank manager cancelled that cheque after a month because there was no signature on the back, he was a jerk anyway . So I had to borrow and scrape through until that mess got cleared up. For the first time in my life I had had NSF cheques. I wrote a nasty letter to his boss and got all services charges I had to pay back, plus some extra for my inconvience. But man or man that was scary.
Annie a question for you - what is "gleaning" I have never heard of that word before.

rodmick Sat, Jan-03-04 18:05

Mushroom, Hope ya'll enjoyed the snow!!!!
Angie, good luck on the smoking thing!!!!! I quit about 9 yrs ago. After you've quit a while the smell is repulsive! My saving grace while quiting was hot tea.
Amber, Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm inyour same boat with letting myself regain(after 2 yrs grrrrrr).
Lets kick some flab to the curb!!!!!
Annie, what a mess! So sorry this happened to you! It seems very unfair !Do what you have to to get by.
Were suppose to be below zero here the next few day also. No snow though.

I have a special favor to ask. I'm going to start journaling my menu's/. I'd really appreciate if someone would give me a kick in the butt when needed. Or I could post a short menu here if no one objects.
I am really struggling with the sugar bug. I was going along great today. Got home with a 10lb bag of chicken, went to cook it, it smelled funny. I ended up eatting tuna salad(noodle type), 4 pieces of fudge and a cookie. How in the heck could I first have lost 73 pound and maintained for 2 yrs??? Where did that willpower go????? When I was getting my diabetic supplies I saw a supplement that is supposed to help with blood sugar regulation, cravings etc. Anyone ever tried anything like it? It wasn't buy the diet stuff it was in the diabetic section.

angieK Sat, Jan-03-04 18:17

Michelle thanks--I am drinking peppermint tea as I write.
Annie tomorrow wish your Hubby a Happy Birthday from me, and enjoy the cheese cake, I will have to try that cake one of these days.

Marieshops Sat, Jan-03-04 18:52

Annie-Pie - you poor thing! What a mess for you to deal with in the middle of all the snow and a birthday to go with it! Does your dh realize he is lucky to be married to Wonder Woman? To handle everything that you do with such grace and humor is unbelievable. I understand the trying to find food in the house when you really need to go to the store for anything decent. My big help is living in hurricane possible area, I always have that stash of emergency food and water that we have to keep in case we get stuck without a way out. It came in handy when I had the flu a couple of weeks ago. Out came the "emergency" kit with shakes, canned chicken etc. It was too funny going through what I had tucked away trying to find easy food to go together. :) Take care and blessings to you and yours.

want2bfit Sat, Jan-03-04 18:52

Amber, welcome. So glad you joined us. The people here are so wonderful and kind.

Angie, that is wonderful that you decided to quit smoking. I started smoking when I was 9yrs.old.(at a slumber party) and didn't quit til 31 years later. Think of all that money. You may feel worse at first. Coughing, hard to breath but that is your body purging itself. It was certainly worth it. I'm amazed at your determination.

Annie, coupons, coupons, coupons! Make them for your hubby.:Party: They can last for the whole year. ex: 4 special dinners of your choice with 24 hrs. notice, back rubs, doing his regular chores once a month, snowball fight just the 2 of you & makeup time of course, wash his car during the summer. You don't even need to spend any money. I'm sure time with just you would be special. The kids can do the same thing for him. Our best memories even for the kids is when we gave non monetary things. By the way please blow really hard that snow. We have nothing. Today was so warm we were in Tshirts.

Michelle, once I ate carbs it was so hard for me to get back to stictly lc eating. I guess that is called an addiction. Everytime I tried to go back on induction I failed. I gave up til the 1st of the year. I guess something psycological. Blessings, Maureen

sr5 Sat, Jan-03-04 19:20

Hi, Is it okay if I join too...

Annie-Pie Sat, Jan-03-04 20:01

Welcome, ChancyRose. You will be amazed at the support and friendship on this thread!

Adukart-- wk#1...129..
Angie-- wk#1...191.5..
Lise-- wk 1... 203..
Liv2004 --wk 1...232..
Michelle--wk 1...162..
Mossling-- wk#1...278..
Mushyroom--Wk #1...210..
Teresa--wk 1...197..
Zuleka wk.1...171..

Maureen, Thanks for the coupon ideas! I forgot all about that stuff!

Brrrr it's getting so cold out there. The wind chill factoris at 17 right now. More chill predicted for tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday before warming up. Poor hubby has to drive all the way to airport in this!


Annie-Pie Sat, Jan-03-04 20:06

Michelle, I'm not a medical professional, but I am a devoted Atkins follower. One reason we eat the fats and low carbs is so our bodies won't have to work hard to produce insulin. Our fat stores get used up, and our glucose levels remain about even-steven. That's just the LC gospel according to Annie. So if at all possible, put yourself on induction and stay true to it for two weeks if you haven't. You will notice a marked improvement in your sugar cravings even by the 3rd or 4th day. At least I did. Never did I think I of all people could do it.

We have all been where you are, and I struggle with it even tonight. be true to yourself and keep at it. Make sure you have plenty of good healthy choices laying around the house, like celery sticks, cream cheese, LC Choc whey powder, etc. You are going to do fantastic, girlfriend. Do NOT give up!

Hugs to YOU!

PS Thanks everyone for your kind words. I really wasn't sharing to sound like a pity party person--that's a tongue twister! I was just saying I am in a position where the choices here are not much at all, so we eat what we have. Thank God we have those!


sr5 Sat, Jan-03-04 20:08

It sounds like you have the same weather...We have about eight to ten inches and it is snowing again. Sorry to hear about your direct deposit...I work in payroll and that is my greatest fear that the direct deposits will get screwed up and not go into peoples accounts. I would have quite a few people mad at me.

rodmick Sat, Jan-03-04 20:19

Annie, thanks! I have never done an induction. I was introduced to LC by mr dr for DM2. I generally ate 80-120 grams of healthy carbs. 80 was the end while losing all the weight the first time around.
I think alot of the problem is all the junk we still have atround from the holidays. Thank heavens everything I really like is pretty much gone!
My original 80 gr(estimate ) went something like this: no more than 15 gr. of carbs daily from fruit, nuts,cheese, treats and unlimited lc veggies.
Maybe I should try induction.
I promise you did NOT sound like a pity party at all!!

Wenzday Sat, Jan-03-04 20:34

Thank you everyone! I really appreciate it! I get the depression stuff really bad when I am PMSing... also when I am not working our regularly....and my kids are 2 and almost 4. They get up DARN early! lol I also suffered PPD...I was on antidepressants for over a year until we lost our insurance and couldnt afford them any longer. I quit breastfeeding then started Atkins and working out and I have been able to keep it under control but lately it's like one HUGE stress after another..hard to handle. I did eat noodles for dinner last night and a half a grille cheese so thats BAD! :( today I ate very very well..not a single cheat. Now..if I can make it 2 more totally cheat free days I ought to be back on track...and I WILL do it darn it!

Welcome to the newest people! I love this group already thank you for lettign me a part of it!

addicted2s Sat, Jan-03-04 21:39

Hi All,
Just wanted to stop and see who is new since last time I looked.
Welcome to the group anyone that joined in the last couple of days

Someone tried to break into our cars last night. Don't know what I was thinking. Out the door I ran in my PJ's and no shoes. I guess I thought I was going to fight them off or something. Lucky for me DH let the dogs loose and they chased the Dude away. Kinda scary but what a rush too.

Started CAD today. I'm going to give it a week or two. Some things I like about it and others I'm not so sure about. I will go back to Atkins if I need to.
I was getting a little laxed in my Atkins WOE, so I though I might need to shake it up a bit , so not to get bored and gain those pounds back.

Annie: I'm always afraid our direct deposits won't go through. I can't imagine how you felt. Bad thing is that at Pepsi where my DH works they have no choice but direct deposit.

Jessie I hope you are feeling better soon.

Maureen: coupons are such a great idea. My Mom & Dad are impossible to buy for. That will work great.

rodmick: You should give induction a whril. I was very surprised at how I felt after a few days.

To those of you with cold and snowy weather : Just try and stay warm and safe. I'm not a winter weather person. If you'd like mud we have plenty.

Amber: I'm sure this bunch is just what you need. They always have such good advise . From reading the post I have found that alot of the things that i'm going through, others here have either went through or are going through. Then I don't feel so bad.
Well gosh I sure have rattled on , Sorry

Best Wishes Tina

liddle Sat, Jan-03-04 22:08

WOW! Look at all these NEW faces! I have to thank you Maureen for coming to get me. I've been in a real bad depression and started binge eating and washing it all down with a couple diet cherry pepsi's and Captain Morgans. I know, I'm binging on a pound of cookies and still drinking diet soda with my Captain Morgan. Funny Huh? I read through most of the posts and found .....
Jesse- Hey, maybe we could help each other from eating. I do everything from putting notes and pictures on the frig. to journaling in my own private hand written journal. I also meditate and PRAY for HELP!!! Right now I just feel like the trash heep from Fraggle Rock. Does anybody remember that show anymore?

Maureen- Love the coupon idea. My husband made them for me for our last anniversary. One of them said " 1 free night out with the girls. If it's past 1am I must take pictures. I could use this coupon 12 times within the year. Anyway, that's how I got to go to the Dominican Republic with my Mom and my sister. I just turned that in! I only stayed 5 nights but it was such a great time, I turned the coupon in even though I had 7 more nights. :lol:

Annie- sorry to hear of your banking issues. Very scary to Not have access to YOUR money. I try to keep some extra cash in the safe, but always seem to forget to replace it. :roll:

Stacey- as far as getting the compliments and then letting it all go to Heck, YEP! That's me! Everyone has emotional baggage and issues. Some of us have better coping mechinisms than others. We just have to find what works for us! Like I said above, I'm praying ALOT! I got so many compliments when I went up North for Thanksgiving. I never was totally in controll after that. If they didn't say anything I would be sad and when they do say something I end up sad because of all the weight I've gained. Vicious cycle.

Hi, my name is Heather and I am a carb addict. :cry:

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