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PilotGal Tue, Nov-18-03 02:22

Jane-O, i hear you loud and clear. this WOE is not cheap. Carbs are cheap. I've found one thing that i can share with you. i found that soft tofu blends well. and i've learned to make all kinds of different flavored dips for my chips! (pork rinds) so i make a big bowl with 16 oz of cottage cheese, 1 lb of soft tofu, 1 cup of mayo. blend til creamy. now you have the base for any flavor dip you want. i make an assortment and then put into small containers. i make blue cheese, french onion, artichoke and sundried tomato, good seasons ranch, good seasons italian, taco w/salsa. whatever is in the fridge goes in that bowl.
I also read once about someone putting dill pickle juice in the base... I tried it, whatever it is.... it rocks... don't even ask!

another thing i found. crock pot. get the cheapest cuts of meat, throw in the crock pot with no additional liquid. throw in whatever you have in the cupboard, and cook overnight. you have the next day's meal at your finger tips. and who says that shredded meat with salad doesn't taste good wrapped up in lettuce? so... there are other ways to skin a hog!

PilotGal Tue, Nov-18-03 02:26

i say ftppppppph :}~~ on opinionated humans!!! we all have an opinion. we all prefer certain ways to follow our destiny, and sometimes people's opinions get outta hand. after awhile though, LOL, i find that they eventually come over to my side of the corral after they see it works for me!
right? LOL

PilotGal Tue, Nov-18-03 02:49

Wheat Grass
Perhaps one of you might know this. any carbs in wheat grass shots?

AntiM Tue, Nov-18-03 04:19

Bi vs. Gay
How many on this thread are Bi? I have a question is any are: Why isn't that when you are asked if you are gay and you reply you are Bi, people treat you like you sleep with everyone?! Its so frustrating.

Hi Lessara ... Did you ever read that magazine 'Frighten The Horses'? Bi-themed, addressing our perceived sluttiness, very fun.

There's so much 'they're born that way' (probably very valid) theory out there in regards to homosexuality. I always wonder how society will react to people like me who choose to live as a lesbian? I mean, we're talking 20 years now in primary relationships with women ... I doubt this leopard is going to change spots ... but I couldn't rule out loving someone due to gender.

I've always felt, sexuality-wise, I'm bi ... but my preference is to live as a lesbian. That's thrown folks, gay and straight.

I worked in a co-op with some lesbian-feminists who kept me at serious arms length. I think they were worried I might contaminate the Sapphic gene pool. :lol:

And of course, all the confused friends and family who ask stuff like 'Well, if you can be normal, why wouldn't you choose that?' Even if I did choose a male partner, I'd still be light years from 'Normal', so why compromise my heart and mind?

Not a lot that we can do except being who we are and living our best lives, right?

Take care all!

PS - Emily (or should I say 'Captain'?) loved learning about the ST connection!

JYounginer Tue, Nov-18-03 10:14

Hi everyone. Welcome newcomers also! It's great to see more and more people in here! Well, on the "BI" issue, I really don't have an opinion. I think that the GLBT community should be just that, A COMMUNITY. There is enough judgement happening from everyone else in the world that we should at least accept eachother for what we choose. I, personally am lesbian, but think that anyone that can choose to love ANYONE regardless of gender deffinately is a great person in my book.

As for beginning "induction" advice, I really don't have a whole lot. The main things that I find that are true in this WOL is that you've got to have lots of variety (eating the same thing over and over makes you feel like this is a diet instead of a WOL) and I truly think that excersize is very important. I know that you don't have to excersize to loose weight low carbing, but it sure makes you feel alot better.

Did everyone here about the case in Massechusets that might allow civil unions in the state? It's pretty exciting. You can find out more at

Hope that everyone had a great weekend!

PilotGal Tue, Nov-18-03 14:41

hehehe the woosh fairy visited me today!!!

JYounginer Tue, Nov-18-03 14:48

Congrats Pilot! :yay: Keep up the great work! :wiggle:

PilotGal Tue, Nov-18-03 15:26

I have a bi joke. will i offend anyone if i tell it? :roll:

Lessara Tue, Nov-18-03 16:06

Tell me! :D

tholian8 Tue, Nov-18-03 16:10

How about that Massachusetts Supreme Court!?

Finally, a few steps forward. Now it remains to be seen what the legislature will do, but I think they'll probably end up with civil unions like Vermont.

The UK is set to legislate civil partnerships for same-sex couples. It'll be in the legislative program for the year, which comes out next week. We already have immigration rights--obviously, or I'd still be living in Philadelphia :lol: --but no other couple rights whatsoever. Go figure.


Lessara Tue, Nov-18-03 16:25

Can I ask a personal Question:
How do you ladies in same sex relationship deal with religion? I had a counsilor who once told me that I was really a lesbian but because of my fear of being not allowed in the Catholic religion I buried it. Now I think this isn't true total but there might be a grain of truth.

tholian8 Tue, Nov-18-03 16:47

Originally Posted by Lessara
I had a counsilor who once told me that I was really a lesbian but because of my fear of being not allowed in the Catholic religion I buried it. Now I think this isn't true total but there might be a grain of truth.

I once had a counselor who told me I really wasn't a lesbian and was just working out certain "issues." (Sorry, don't want to be more specific than that on a public site, you understand, I'm sure.) My reaction to that pronouncement was to get a new therapist. This one evidently had never heard of the Kinsey scale, on which I had never claimed to score a 6. And besides, nobody tells me what I am or what I am not. That is my business.

Can you imagine if these counselors went around telling "100% straight" folks the same kind of crap they spew at us? No one would ever bother with therapy.


Sorry I can't help you more on the religion question. I left the church very young (age 9), and after flirting uncomfortably with atheism, which did not feel quite right to me, I finally became a Pagan in the mid-80s. So I have no religious problem with my sexual orientation.


Titanic Wed, Nov-19-03 01:33

Another one..

I didn’t notice this group till yesterday. That’s the real problem with this board finding all the great groups and threads.

I’m a 43 year old lesbian living with me wife in Copenhagen, Denmark. Denmark was the first country in the world to allow civil marriages for same-sex partners. The law is more than 10 years old now and nobody has attempted to repeal it.

Denmark has a state church that so far has held out against gay weddings, but at least in Copenhagen it’s no problem to find a priest who’ll perform one if you want.

The only civil right’s we’ve been denied so far is the right to adopt. Much point to that right being given within the next five years.

Lessara: I consider myself a Christian but I don’t attend church regularly.
There’s no conflict between my religion and my sexuality. I believe I was created in God’s image – he wants me this way.

Jane-o Wed, Nov-19-03 02:04

Pilot-girl-- mmmm, tofu! Yes! I see it there dancing on the end-of-induction-horizon.... Thanks for the tips and recipes.

Regarding civil marriages.
Thought I'd pitch in that the same issue has been in Canada's parliament this last season. The bill to change the federal definition of union from 'man and woman' to 'two persons' was put forward (after 10 years of effort) and at the moment is being checked over by the Supreme Court to make sure all its details are legit and consitutional. There's been a lot of media coverage and public debate, which is good. The real battle is likely to come a year or so from now, when the bill comes back and is put to a final vote in Parliament.... by then the government will have changed and anything could happen. I personally suspect that the whole thing will become much stickier and the opposition will be really well organized by then. Aiyee.

And about religion and sexuality, Lessara.
Although I don't belong to a religion, two of my closest friends are Catholic gay men, and so I've witnessed a lot of their turmoil on the topic. So my heart goes out to you.
There are a lot of resources out there set up by gay Catholics, though, (wish i had a specific link to put in here) online and otherwise, if you want to find more discussion on specific theological details or whatever.

Lessara Thu, Nov-20-03 11:13

I had a discussion with a friend of mine who is Catholic. And it got pretty heated as in an arguement. To me, my Bi is totally a natural thing and not just in a sexual way. Its the way I think and react to anyone. I mean, if you are single and straight. You get a little wierd when you talk to a guy that interests you. I do the say wiether its a man or a women. I react differently to a man boss or a woman boss than straight people - I'm not itimidated by either. I don't treat them differently.

Well to get to the point. I asked if gay isn't allowed by the church, why do they have gay priest and gay nuns?
It like its all based on sex. But if gay isn't allowed by the bible, then why accept them? If allowed, why not marriages? Seems confusing. I haven't looked on the gay catholic site yet.

Another question, Does me being BI make me a turn off for Lesbians? Would I be looked down upon? Because sometimes I feel I just don't belong in any group.
Make sense?

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