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Marebear Sun, Aug-10-03 08:19

Happy Sunday Gang!! :dazzle:

Echo - you pee purple?? wow!! wish I did, mine is just a pale yellow LOL (just kidding)

Gotaloseit - I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

Week 3 Goals:
I'm starting BFL on Monday -so I will be doing weights on M,W,Sat and 20 min cardio on T,Th,Sun
1. Cardio 20 min 3 times a week with 1 high intensity interval. I did it today and it was challenging.
2. Weights 3 days - upper body on M and Sat, lower body on W
3. Add some ab work to my weight workout, but go slow so I don't kill myself LOL
4. Water 100 oz a day
5. Look at the butt, feel the butt, love the butt - does it have to be MY butt??

I lifted on Friday, took yesterday off, and did 20 min cardio this morning with 1 high intensity interval.

Hang in there!! :yay:


tlmarshall Mon, Aug-11-03 07:36

Hey all - here I am in Ontario and online. My mom managed to get a few things fixed after the lightning strike and before we arrived for our visit. Of course nothing was plugged into the right anything and she couldn't figure out why she couldn't connect or use the keyboard :rolleyes: but I have it all up and running now.

My few days here have gone :nono: well...not too bad but with the family and all its sometimes a bit difficult to pass up the heirloom food. For the most part I have been doing okay.

Worked our tails off for about 4 hours at my Gramma's cutting brush and trimming trees for her - it was so hot and humid (we don't get much humidity in BC) but really glad to be able to help her. She is almost 80 and lives on her own. A very proud and stubborn woman and it serves her well.

Anyway a little bit about me. I have been walking most days since arriving....and drinking plenty of water and trying to watch what I intake for food. So it is going fairly well. :agree:

Off to Toronto and Kingston early this week, then to Niagara Falls for a few days. Hope you are all having a fun time with this project!


AntiM Mon, Aug-11-03 12:45

Hello Everyone!

Good job, DusterCat, you Meatloaf loving girl! It’s not always easy finding an alternative way to exercise. I’m jealous of your smooth bottom … J … I’ve always been a little fuzzy, although being blonde it’s not obvious. But I always wondered, what would I do if I was very hairy? Get a butt wax (and isn‘t that something used on surfboards?!)? It’s definitely not a place for a daisy razor! One good thing about growing older … body hair seems to be getting sparse (of course, it could all be relocating to my chin!). Ah, the many joys of menopause.

I’m so sorry to hear of your Grandmother’s cancer coming out of remission, Tanya. My mom had ovarian cancer a few years back, so I can relate to the pain and stress of seeing a loved one suffering from this destructive disease. As professional nurses know, caring for someone is hard work - you’re probably burning extra calories - although I know it’s most likely the last thing on your mind right now. It’s amazing you’ve been able to stick to your LC eating plan … that is so great! Be sure to ask for help occasionally so you can get out and take some time for yourself. I’m sending you my warmest wishes and best hopes.

Hey, Breecita … knowing what a computer wizard you are, it must be super frustrating to have your internet connection be so unreliable. Good luck at getting that fixed quickly. I’m also glad your doctor convinced you to let your neck and back fully heal before you stress it too much with exercise. It’s the kind of injury that could come back to haunt you as you get older, so it’s worth all the time it needs now to completely mend. I look forward to seeing you again when you feel much better!

Great job, Echo, on re-committing to your exercise goals! I’m one of those folks who once I’m off plan, I can sooooo easily say ‘screw it’ and quit altogether. So I see you as exceptionally strong willed. I’ve heard people all over the forum talk about how important exercise is in achieving their weight loss goals - many folks say it’s *as* important as what we eat! I know some people are able to lose weight without any exercise at all, but my metabolism is slow to begin with … I need all the help I can get! One question - have you taken your measurements? Maybe you’ve been losing inches, even if the scale hasn’t budged.

Mary … You’re my shero! I look at your workout and think - Wow! That’s where I want to be next August … or the August after that, but I will make it back to that level of activity. Yes, you must try to love YOUR butt ... ROTFLOL ...
But I don’t see anything wrong in loving other bottoms, either!! ;)

Hello in Ontario, Teresa! Good to hear that some things were quickly fixed after the lightning strike. Oh my goodness, the Heirloom Food issue. I’ve been thankful at times that I’m not close to my family and their incredible Scandinavian food - probably not that appealing to people who didn’t grow up with it, but I’d kill for some special dishes. Sounds like you’re definitely getting enough exercise in cutting brush and trimming trees - talking about cardio! (Not to mention the good karma for helping your Grandmother out - may we all be so strong an independent at her age!) Also, great job drinking plenty of water - with the heat and all that activity, I’m sure your body appreciates it. Enjoy the rest of your visit!

Have a fabulous week everyone!

hatetocook Mon, Aug-11-03 12:46

Hi Guys!

Did OK last week as far as fitness. Again having trouble remembering to stretch after walking. This is the last week for the paper route so maybe I'll remember better when I'm just walking for the sake of walking.

We'll be leaving for the beach on Saturday night so I'll list both my week 3 & week 4 goals...

WALK: week 3 continue with at least 30 minutes per day REMEMBERING TO STRETCH AFTERWARDS!!! Week 4 will try to walk the beach at least 40 minutes every morning and/or evening.

WEIGHTS: hope to get in 3 workouts this week but it will be tough. Just started new workout with Technogym equipment & my muscles can really tell the difference!! Week 4 will try to get to the Y at the beach 1 evening & should be back in time for regular Sat. workout on the 23rd.

BODY AWARENESS: Will again be difficult to focus on my butt with only a medicine cabinet mirror, but easier than the back! And since I'm assuming you're moving your way down the body Monika, I'll spend time in week 4 with my thighs. I'm sure I'll be seeing alot of them in my swimsuit! Next week, I'll also work on not bumming out when seeing all the buff beach bodies.

Marebear Tue, Aug-12-03 04:50

Hi again :)

I started the BLF challenge yesterday and had my upper body workout and all I can say is OMG!! LOL It was incredible. I know I have never pushed myself like I did yesterday, and I don't know if I loved it or hated it LOL (actually I loved it). Today is 20 min of cardio. I am going to do a video and add one high intensity interval. The BFL way is to do 4 high intensity intervals, but I know 1 will challenge me enough, and if it doesn't I'll go for 2. My long term goal for this challenge is to be able to do the 4 without dying.

Wednesday will be my lower body workout and more cardio on Thursday.

I have been drinking the 100 oz of water that was my goal. I still need to do more "butt work" and I know both cheeks will be talking to me loud and clear after the workout tomorrow LOL

Monika - I know you will get there! You are doing a wonderful job at leading our group here too. Thanks!!

I would encourage anyone of any size or strength to lift weights. You don't necessarily need to attack it like a crazy woman like me, but it does incredible things for you. It makes you feel soooooo good!! Strong and lean and ready for anything. You don't even need much to start, a few dumbbells, or even a resistance tube, and you are ready to go. Right now I do all my lifting at home, since I don't like the thought of going to a gym.

Have a healthy week everyone :wiggle:

MTEcho Tue, Aug-12-03 22:05

Holy smokes!!! Yesterday was my 4 month anniversary, so today I took my measurements. Lost 4 inches since I started to exercise. The biggest loss was from my thigh. 1 1/2 inches!!!
Also, today when I did my WAP tape (1 mile), I noticed it was easier. So anyway, I went to Target to see what they had for a new video, and got the 2 mile tape. So we'll see how that goes. I'm pretty excited. I actually hit a new low today. Finally!!!! I'm really praying that the exercise will be the key to a more steady weight loss. I'll let you all know how it goes.


Hope1 Wed, Aug-13-03 12:58

Hi all. I am ashamed to say that I have allowed personal problems to come between me and my fitness goals. I have re-commited myself to the challenge and have sworn to visit this forum at least once a week so I can maintain the integrity of my commitment. I hope you guys can forgive my temporary flake. I am slowly learning how it fit my life into my life. Odd that it's not such a simple tailoring job. I have also added "The Firm" tapes to my repetoire. I'm throwing them in with bellydancing and pilates so I'm doing something different practically every day. Boredom is the kiss of death for me. I'll journal on paper as I go and share it here once a week. Wish me luck.

MTEcho Wed, Aug-13-03 13:43

Wow, did the 2 mile WAP last night and it was so great!! I even got all the way thru it with no problems! I can hardly wait to see the results in a month.


AntiM Thu, Aug-14-03 14:38

Did everyone read the ‘Who Doesn’t Exercise?’ thread in the TDC sub-forum? Many great answers to Sophotia’s post (notably fellow Challengers DusterCat and Marebear!), but MisterE’s response was incredibly inspiring, it‘s the 6th post down. Check it out if you haven’t already.

hatetocook ~ What’s Technogym equipment? It sounds very intense. You’re doing so good, planning ahead to exercise while vacationing! Walks on the beach sound wonderful. I hope you have a great time. Love those thighs!

Mary ~ How’s the BFL challenge going? I’ve taken your advice and found my resistance bands. I’m going to research how I can use them to best effect. I also got some of my ‘emergency preparedness’ gallon jugs of water out of the closet. Low budget, to be sure, but possibly a start. I want to feel strong and lean and ready for anything, too!!

Echo ~ Happy Anniversary! Four inches gone … that’s 1/3 of a foot! Amazing progress. I wanted to ask your opinion of the Walk Away the Pounds tapes. As fall approaches with colder and wetter weather, I wanted to find indoor alternatives, and I’ve been eyeing these DVD’s. They are obviously a good thing for you, since you have had such great success and have moved onto the 2 Mile tape. If you don’t mind, tell me what you like best about them, what you don’t. You are significantly further along the fitness trail than I am, do you think a slow-poke girl could do half time, or only part of the workout at first? I appreciate any light you could shed. (BTW, I read on another thread that the 2 mile walk was actually more difficult for many people than the 3! Something about the pacing … so you are doing so good!)

Hope1 ~ Please don’t be so hard on yourself! Life is like that, sometimes. What is great is re-committing yourself to exercise, even in the midst of personal problems or an overcrowded life. BTW, I think your idea about exercise rotation is great. I look forward to your weekly check-ins!

Marebear Thu, Aug-14-03 16:05

Hello everyone :wave:

Week 3 in the TDC Challenge has gone great! I have even surprised myself :) I have worked out at an intensity I really didn't know I had in me. I know I don't have a life right now (school starts next week, I'm a teacher) but my workout is the high point of my day. It blows me away to reach such heights of intensity - then of course I have to recouperate LOL. I have added another high intensity interval to my cardio, so now I am doing 2 intervals in the 20 minutes. The goal is to get to 4 intervals in 20 minutes.

I am on Day 4 out of 84 in the BFL Challenge. I really love it and it has certainly kicked me in the butt. I know next week when I go back to work will be when the real challenge starts. But I am 100% committed to completing the 12 weeks. It will just take some planning and effort, but it will certainly be worth it.

Monika - great going on the bands and the water!!
I found this site that had some exercises for a band:
I'm sure there are more sites out there too, I just googled it quick.
Oh, BTW - I do one of those Walking Away the Pounds tapes too sometimes (like this morning) - I have the 3 mile one, not that I go the 3 miles LOL. I just figured it was the best for the money and would give me something to shoot for. My thoughts - I hate the music (BORING!!) and hate listening to Leslie baby and her skinny friends LOL, so I turn the sound down and put on a CD that I burned with some good fast music. I love doing it that way!! The pace is a mile in 15 minutes - 3 miles in 45 minutes. She uses hand weights 1/2 way through, but I'm not sure about the third mile I have never done it that far. I like doing tapes and have a jillion of them, and I use hers at least weekly.

How's everyone else doing?? Have a wonderful day! Life is Good!!

MTEcho Thu, Aug-14-03 16:08

Hey there Monika!
I got the 1 mile tape quite a while back, but did not really start doing it until this challenge. After doing it and listening to Leslie for a while, I quit listening and put on some kiddie tunes so my kids can sing while I exercise. Great, eh?? I'm still listening to the 2 mile one, tho after I get a little better I will turn the sound off again. I think that's the worst part, hearing the same words over and over again. I really enjoyed the 2 mile walk, much more than I thot I would. I really didn't think I would make it all the way thru. I like the name of it too, "High Calorie Burn", just what I need, ya know!!?? Plus, the whole thing is more than just walking, you also get to use those upper body muscles. I think you would like the WAP tapes. I use them here in the summer cuz it's too hot to walk outside. I believe it's a worth while purchase.


Graceful Thu, Aug-14-03 19:46

Echo, I am glad to see your post on the walking videos. I have been debating whether or not to buy them. I think I will now, knowing that someone enjoys using them. I have been doing bodyflex and I need a little more. I don't feel like I am doing enough with the bodyflex. So thanks for the info on the tapes. :roll:

AntiM Fri, Aug-15-03 09:11

Onto Week Four …

Congratulations, folks ~ If you’ve been meeting your fitness goal, you’ve come a long way towards making exercise a permanent habit! It takes at least 21 days to create one, and Challengers, believe it or not, we have now finished three weeks.

Review your goals from last week. How‘s it going? Can you challenge yourself to take the next step?

* Consider renewing or setting other health goals …

"Reward is incredibly powerful and drives a lot of the learning we do." From MIT research on making or breaking habits in 1999. Find a way to reward yourself for doing your best this week.

Body Image Review
As we start Week Four - our ‘Half Way Point‘ - it‘s time to check in with this process. How are you feeling about really noticing your body? Has it been hard at times to ‘suspend all judgement’ and appreciate your physicial form? If so, you are not alone. Especially during the process of changing ourselves with weight loss or exercise, we tend to notice all the things that are wrong with how we are right now.

Our goal is not to erase every negative thought we have. Instead focus on allowing yourself to also feel pleased about the blessings of the bodies we live in right now. Require yourself to find balance, add self appreciation and live your life to the fullest.

Body Image Exercise: Legs
There are few amoung us who do not appreciate having fully functioning legs. If you’ve never had an injury, you might take them for granted, but as we age, life will invariably give us opportunity to value them all the more. Just imagine what life would be like without them, and as we know, plenty of people don’t have to.

Pick a time when you’ll have at 5-10 uninterrupted minutes. If at all possible, use a hand and full length mirror so you can see the back of your legs, too. So take a good look, from the top of your hips to the soles of your feet. Point your toes, then flex them and watch how the muscles respond. What do you see when you look at these long, powerful calf and thigh muscles? Can you see the effects of exercise?

Take a look at your joints. As larger people, we experience more pressure on this essential architecture. Do they feel flexible? Can you straighten your knee completely without pain? Are your ankles swollen? Find ways to support and protect this area.

Now notice your feet. There are 26 bones, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons and 125,000 sweat glands in each foot. Maybe that why 75% of Americans will have some sort of foot problem in their lifetime.* Your feet are often the first place to show signs of disease. How is the your skin integrity? Any cracked or peeling places? If so, it might be time to address them.

* Statistics from Harvard Medical School

Leg stretching exercises to reduce pressure on feet:

Home and Garden TV’s simple leg stretches:

Home and Garden TV’s thigh exercises using household items:,00.html

For the next week, try to suspend all judgment and really appreciate your legs. Your homework assignment is to notice and praise them whenever you think of it. If you find yourself being self-critical immediately stop and pay yourself a compliment. Your legs are yours, uniquely yours, to use, take care of, and to treasure. Find new ways to pamper them this week … Report back here how it felt to give them extra attention.

Affirmation Of The Week
Taking time to honor the needs of my body is taking time to respect the needs of my soul.

MisterE Fri, Aug-15-03 09:46

I have been a good boy as far as exercise and my commitment to do the TDC thing. Better than good. Not quite all the way to great. Somewhere in between. Have not missed a chance to exercise. Make some chances on my own!

And coming from where I could not walk to where I am beginning to regain hve no idea how I NOW appreciate my legs. Woo! Hoo! Now, THEM is some gams!

Marebear Fri, Aug-15-03 10:30

WTG Mister E!!

One good thing I have noticed about my legs is that my knee pain is a lot less, and that I can stand on them for longer periods of time without them aching. My legs use to kill me after standing for 10-15 minutes, but now they are much better. Every day they feel a little stronger :)

I am keeping the same goal for the week - continuing my BFL Challenge. Each workout is progressively harder, as I challenge my muscles to work at a level 10 intensity.
Friday - upper body weights
Sat - cardio 20 min 2 high intensity intervals
Sun - day off!!
Mon - lower body weights
Tues - cardio 20 min 2 high intensity intervals
Wed - upper body weights
Thurs - cardio 20 min 2 or 3 high intensity intervals (I might be able to bump it to 3 by then)

I have always liked my legs, so this week will be easy. Maybe I'll talk DH into giving me a foot rub :roll: I'm already having him feel my "buff" muscles LOL

Have a great Week 4!

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