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SDgrandma Mon, Jul-14-03 19:49

I'm here. Was away for a while and when I came back everyone was gone. Musicmama hasn't posted anything on the board since June. Been looking for her.

Bet you had a great vacation. I've heard Nova Scotia is beautiful. My daughter lives in Vermont so we get there every few years. Next time we go I want to go to Montreal. Have never been in Canada. Been to Niagara Falls but didn't cross over.

Good job on only gaining a lb. It's hard when you are away from home. You ate PIE? How did you dare? I would be afraid to, thinking I would get sick. Back in th 60's I was on a diet that was very much like Atkins except you could have 2 slices whole wheat bread per day, fruit, and cottage cheese. Absolutely nothing with sugar in it. I lost a lot of weight and after several months and being at my goal I had a Snickers bar when I was out with friends. Boy, did I get sick! And it was so sweet I couldn't eat it all.

I've been somewhat stalled myself. Been bouncing up and down 3 lbs for a couple weeks. I'm trying to be patient. This is my WOL whether I lose weight or not.

Dreamdancer had a great idea. I would love to learn how to ride a horse. Love horses. My kids had ponies when they were little, but I've only had 2 opportunities to get on a horse.

I'm rambling again. CYL

musicmama Tue, Jul-15-03 10:13

Hi!! Welcome back! I guess we are just al lbusy, eh?
Well,,as for me,, I am back on track,,I decided to reread the book,,,and get brutally honest with myself. I havent been real careful about counting my veggies and my dairy stuff. so I was over in my carbs, thats why I wasnt losing. Now I am back in ketosis and being very careful. Gotta get back into the water thing tho,,,that is the hardest part for me.
Glad youhad a great trip! I messed up last ngiht, but it was for a good frined Jennifer is expecting septuplets,,and last night the Pizza Hut here had a fund raiser for them,,,,a percentage of every sale went to them,,so we had to support em!! And dont even expect me to go to Pizza Hut and not eat Pizza!! Cause thats my favorite kind. But I ame home and started counting again. Maybe it wont have hurt me too much!!
Well,, I am off to day, so I have decided I am gonna sew.
Are the Advantage bars really good?? I have seen em but been afriad to try em because I bought one kind of protein bar that tasted like something from the Litter box!!! YUCK!!
Catch ya later!!

SDgrandma Tue, Jul-15-03 12:50

I like the Advantage bars. Eat half a one per day for midafternoon snack. Can't eat a whole one. I think they are very filling. I tried the Carb Solutions bars but didn't like those at all. Just opened the package and could smell the sugar alcohols. About made me sick. Threw them all away. Have been afraid to try any other brand. I like the Atkins shakes, too, but have them very seldom. My friend bought the strawberry but didn't like it so gave it to me. I added fresh strawberries and a little cream. It was yummy.

musicmama Tue, Jul-15-03 21:10

I better not try em....would probably not stop at half a one!
I have some of the shakes too, but havent had any for a lon gitme, cause I forget about em.
Oh well,,,,I am tired so am retiring early tonight, was up to three am with a family crisis. Catch ya later!!

Maryocon Wed, Jul-16-03 09:54

Hi all, I'm 65 and just starting the diet again. I have been on a sugar binge for a few weeks and my blood sugar is up. I need to loose about 50 pounds. I do have a hard time getting my weight down. I'm good for a few weeks and can loose about 8 to 10 pounds but then it stops. I get discouraged and go off the diet. I hope you allow new people to join. I really want to get it right this time.

musicmama Wed, Jul-16-03 17:45

Welcome!! The more the merrier!! We are all in the same boat,,so lets make it a fun cruise!!
We all get discouraged at times,,but this group is great for support and encouragement. Read some of the other threads too,,,it really helps keep ya motivated.
Gotta go for now,,,,be back later!!!

SDgrandma Wed, Jul-16-03 19:52

Mary, glad to have you aboard! We are all here for the same reason. This board has been a great help for me. Just reading about other's experiences lets me know I am not alone. The people who have been LCing for a long time with a very slow loss inspire me. They have such determination and patience. I am trying to learn that - patience. I have not lost for over 2 weeks, but I am not giving up. We have to realize that there will be times when we do not lose, but that we are here for the long haul. I keep reminding myself that I'm eating to live, not living to eat.

You'll do fine if you come to this board for help and support. There are great people here.

SDgrandma Thu, Jul-17-03 19:46

Where is everyone???

My scale was finally back down to 200 this morning. I think I've just been eating too much. Yesterday I was so busy I didn't eat a meal until supper. Just snacked during the day so I could take my supplements. Was busy, but also not really hungry. If I'm hungry I can always stop what I'm doing to eat.


Azraelle Fri, Jul-18-03 18:35

I guess I have a vested interest in saying this but here goes: I have always felt that you feel only as old as the age group you identify with--in my case at least, this is the age group that I graduated from college with. I took my time about getting through college--I was 29--then went on to serve a 3-year stint as a "young" officer in the Army, supervising and working beside (due to chronic lack of personnel) the company's motor pool staff--average age 19. I got intimately acquainted with their ways of doing things, talking, music, etc. Add to that the fact that my oldest child was just 3 at the time, and I felt the need (and still do) to keep current with her musical tastes, her moral dilemmas that she had to contend with (as opposed to the piddling ones that I faced growing up), etc., the upshot of all this is that I feel, like a child of the 80's or even the 90's rather than the 60's-70's. At 50, I feel like a fish out of water--I act and dress like I was 35 or so. The graying hair on my sideburns and mustache unfortunately gives me away, although I have been known to minimize it a little from time to time with mascara (cheaper than mustache wax, easier to use, and just as effective!). The point is that because I don't mentally identify myself as 50, I don't feel 50 physically either. Neither should anyone else be expected to. :wiggle: :yay: :nono:

SDgrandma Fri, Jul-18-03 22:01

Welcome, Azraelle.

How is 50 supposed to feel? As you just proved everyone feels differently based on life experience and lifestyle. I will be 60 next year, but since starting Atkins, I feel 40. No more fatique, shortness of breath, joint pain, and lack of energy. Isn't Atkins great?

I checked your profile. You have a wide range of interests. You have done really well in 2 months. I know men lose easier, but you may be above average.

I never knew men used mascara for that!

Glad to have you aboard.

trixiesmom Sun, Jul-20-03 17:21

Hello all
Hello all, Can another granma check in here? I started Atkins (should say restarted) yesterday. I did very well on Atkins about 2 years ago, but started listening to all the negatives and went off and tried the typical low fat varieties - WW and ediets. Well, of course I regained all that I had lost and yoyoed the same 10 lbs the last year. When I read all the new reports and then saw that ediets had added Atkins to their program I decided to do it again. So wish me luck and have a great evening all.

summer*rai Sun, Jul-20-03 18:28

Hi'''...I'm 51 and a grandma....55 isn't that far away....I still have the same desires and attitudes that I had at 21..just my body doesn't have lost 37 lbs...had lost 40 but went on vacation...and gained 5 lbs with mom...who is 71...and I really don't see her as an older citizen...she works rings around me....

Went I hit the 200 pound mark a year or so ago, and I just gave in and said "oh well,"....but when I stepped on the scales at 213....I felt so upset...I'm just now admitting that I weighed that much..210 sounded much better than 213..LOL....however, Somehow something clicked and I got on atkins and am so happy that I have...both my hubby and I who were skinny childhood sweethearts, have both lost over 35 lbs since January 17th, 2003...My first goal is 150....then hopefully someday down to at least 130...I'm only 5'3"...

I am also a lupus/fibromyalgia patient, have diabetes, and high blood pressure...but now my triglycerides once 980 is 170'sh and my cholesterol is now 206...a great improvement...I am now also off my diabetes meds...and I feel great and able to work home, but at least my brain is working're not old, till we feel old...have a great week everyone....hugs, trisha from texas

SDgrandma Sun, Jul-20-03 19:05

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
Charlotte and Trisha, so glad to have both of you here. :yay: Nice to have a few more to talk to on this thread.

I keep hovering between 200 and 202. Can't seem to make it past that 200 mark. I probably need to go back to strict induction for a couple of weeks. Then maybe I can figure out if something I'm eating is causing me to stall. I have all my menus from induction (when I lost 21 lbs.) so I could eat exactly the same thing again and see what happens. If I lost I would know that it is something I've been eating or if my body just doesn't want to let go. I'd be happy if I was losing inches but I'm not.

I also have high blood pressure and am hypothyroid. Water retention is a real problem for me. I stopped taking the diuretic because I was doing so good, but then the ankles started swelling again. So back on them. Maybe they are having an effect on my loss (or lack of it!)

I'm just thinking out loud (so to speak) trying to figure things out.

I made fish for supper. Dipped filets in egg and then in mixture of crushed hot & spicy pork rinds and Atkins bake mix. Then fried them. They were absolutely delicious and I'm not a big fish eater.

Well, CYL

SDgrandma Sun, Jul-20-03 20:44

I see we have a new forum of our own. Not sure I like being called "Elder" though. As least it doesn't say ElderLY! LOL

Azraelle Mon, Jul-21-03 01:50

SD: My 3 older brothers (1941,1944,1946, respectively) all are in various stages of "decrepitation" from various forms of arthritis (Ankylosing and rheumatoid), and obesity. Acknowledging that it is hereditary, they believe that the severity is attributable to the way they abused their joints playing basketball and football. Having experienced about a 90% remission of severe GERD (with which I have contended for the better part of my life about 2 hours after every meal) since going on Atkins 2 months ago, I have to believe that at least some of their symptoms could be alleviated by trying Atkins for a month. I wish I could convince them of that, but I could more easily convince Bill Clinton to give up sex!! What gave you (and others your age) the impetus to give Atkins a try??

In answer to your comment about mascara, I doubt many men (my age at least) do use it, for that or any other purpose--too afraid of losing their precious manhood, probably. The younger generations (especially the goths) use it for eyebrow enhancement (a heavier brow than God gave them is supposed to attract girls). Figuring on a possible second career in digital graphic design/animation/photography, I figured I needed some knowledge of how shading and highlighting could change the appearance of faces--so I took a stage makeup class my first semester back in college. It was one of the most incredible learning experiences I have ever had, and a lot of fun, as well. I had to learn to let myself go and kick back, something I had never been able to do before. Along with a stint in the armed forces, I'd recommend it as a needed, perspective-changing and eye-opening experience to anyone, especially male! But I digress...sorry.

Scorpiovs Mon, Jul-21-03 02:52

I'm with you SD don't know if I like being an Elder.
Just getting used to being a Senior...hehe.......


SDgrandma Mon, Jul-21-03 06:16

I have been overweight since I was a child. I have had a few periods of dieting during my life. When I was 14 my doctor put me on a diet - 900 calories a day. I had to come home at lunchtime and eat a plain wedge of lettuce. I got down to 120, but of course put it back on. I was 150 in high school. With my first child I added 35 lbs. permanently. Another 20 with my second. Those were the days of 'diet pills' (amphetamines). My doctor gave me those and I got down to 135 again. (The last time I was a size 12) In the late 60s I found a diet by a Dr. Moore. It was no sugar, low starch, portion controlled. Lost good again, but then started eating sugar again. Sweets are my problem. I stopped dieting because I knew the yoyo was not good for me. The last time I lost weight was about 10 years ago. The Dr. put me on blood pressure meds and said I was on my way to heart disease. (My dad died at 61 with a massive coronary) It scared me and I started watching the fat and eating more vegies and fruit. I didn't weigh myself then so don't know what I weighed. Since then I went through menopause and got sloppy about watching the fat and gained again. When I started Atkins I was heavier than I had ever been.

When Atkins first book came out in 74, some of my friends did it and lost weight but they didn't stick with it. Then started hearing about it again last year. Found a copy of his old book at a thrift store, bought it and put it on the shelf. When he died, my daughter commented that she was thinking of doing Atkins. I got out the book and she started reading aloud from it. It described me perfectly. I bought a new book. The part where he talks about the history of man's eating convinced me - the fact that man for 1000s of years survived on mostly meat and vegies. I knew that this is the way that God intended for man to eat in the first place. It is only when mankind begins messing with God's creation that we get into trouble. It was also the health benefits that Atkins describes that helped convince me.

I knew that to prevent the yoyo dieting effect, if I when on this diet, it would have to be for life. I was mentally prepared before I started. I know that this is my way of eating for the rest of my life. That attitude has helped prevent temptations to cheat.

The 1st day was fine. The 2nd and 3rd days were awful withdrawal symtoms, and the 4th day I woke up with more energy than I have had in 10 years. I worked outside in my flower beds all morning and wasn't even tired. I could not do that before - would have to rest often. The pain in my knees and hip was gone. I could run up the stairs without getting out of breath. (I took a stress test 2 years ago and could not do the treadmill.) I want to lose weight and not have to buy 'fat lady clothes', but if I don't lose another lb. I will keep eating this way because it is healthier. I am looking forward to my first Dr. checkup in about another month.

I didn't intend to write a book. I do tend to ramble....

I is frustrating when we have relatives and friends that could benefit from Atkins and we can't convince them. But they have to want it themselves. We are a society of instant gratification. And too much of our social life revolves around food.


MizSteaks Mon, Jul-21-03 15:23

Another 58 yo grandma here...can I play too?! :)

I read all the pages of this thread this morning and thought about that title...elder? Hmmm.....okay, but it must stand for Enlightened Ladies and Dudes Encouraging the Regiments....or something 'cause an elder is an OLD person...and that ain't me!!! Doesn't sound like it is any of YOU either!

I just joined the site, but have been low carbing for about 7 months now. My health has improved a thousand fold and I am passionate about this WOE. The weight is stubbornly hanging on but that's okay. Patience is the key and I have finally learned that lesson...I think!

I am one of the few who didn't have a weight problem when I was young (I always was a BRAT!)but had a hysterectomy at 28 and oh my Katy bar the door! It starting piling on...first just ounces and then pounds and the last few years I swear it was TONS!! Now I've almost doubled my wedding weight and I'm determined to become HEALTHY again. If I lose weight in the process..great...but I'll settle for feeling good for now.

SDgrandma Mon, Jul-21-03 16:17

:yay: Welcome, Miz Steaks!! :yay:

Ohh, I admire your attitude. That's the attitude I strive for but this bouncing just above 200 is driving me crazy. I started in April and lost 21 lbs in 2 weeks, and 9 the third week. 3 lbs a week after that until 3 weeks ago when it came to a halt. So maybe my expectations were a little too high after losing so fast at first. I'm going back on strict induction tomorrow so see if I can jumpstart it again. I've been keeping carbs at 20 to 25, but eating nuts and berries. Only induction foods for the next 2 weeks.

Tell me about your grandchildren. I finally had my first grandchild, Samantha, in Dec. 2001. She is a joy. I was lucky enough to be there when she was born (DS & DIL live in Kansas City). She was 1 hour old when I held her for the first time. It was the most special moment of my life. I get to see her every month or two. She is growing so fast. Going down there next weekend. DD from Vermont will be there, too.

It will be nice visiting with you. CYL

SDgrandma Mon, Jul-21-03 16:22

BTW, I love your "Enlightened Ladies & Dudes Encouraging the Regiments" idea. Anyone else have any good ideas?

SDgrandma Mon, Jul-21-03 16:33

Scorpiovs...I'm so sorry. I forgot to welcome you.

:clap: WELCOME :clap:

MizSteaks Mon, Jul-21-03 21:09

Hi SDgrandma ! I just try to laugh at Life an everything...weird I know, but, by golly, it sort of works!

Aren't those grandkids a thrill? My first one (Donovan) was born 17 years ago and I got to watch it happen. Pam (DD#2) had lots of problems and after 38 hours of labor they did a C-section and Grandma got to watch! Truly was the most awe inspiring moment of my life up til then! She added 2 more boys to the gang and they are now 12 (Jordan)and 14 (Dakota).

DD#1 (Theresa) had the next one in December 1995...our first granddaughter, Kayra. She was followed eleven months later by (Randy) and she ended her family with Ethan in April of 2000.

DS (Tony), and his wife had Lexington in April of 1998 and followed with Phoenix in September of 2000. They will be having more they tell us in hopes of having that elusive son.

I figure 'the more, the merrier'. If the kids can support them, I sure can love them!

Is that 8 of them..or did I miss one or two!! Get them all together and it is a riot of activity. DD#1 and her husband are both deaf, so the whole family is trying to learn sign language and it can be quite dangerous some times with the flashing hands...especially at the table when those hands are holding forks!

That's enough geneology for now! Fill me in on you and your family!

I don't get too impatient on this WOE. I figure it took me 58 years to get into this shape...what's a few more years to get thinner? I have lots of healing to do inside before the weight becomes the focus. It'll happen when it's supposed to.

Be Good To Yourself!

SDgrandma Tue, Jul-22-03 04:54

Miz Steaks....What a great family! And I love those names. I can tell your kids inherited your creativity. You must have gotten married young, too, with a 17 yo GS. I was married at 18, had DS the first year, and thought I could be grandma by 40. But DS didn't get married until he was 37! Daughters aren't married yet. DD#1 is 38 and lives a few blocks away. DD#2 is 30 and an RN in Burlington, VT. DD#1 is doing Atkins, too. Her kids are a dog and 5 cats.

BTW, how did your DD come up with the name 'Dakota'? Any ties to North or South Dakota? It's unusual. I bet you have fun family gatherings. I'm so excited about having mine all together this weekend. I can't imagine going thru life without children.

A sense of humor is not weird! It is necessary. People without one have the emotional problems - depression, etc. They take everything too seriously.

Have a great day! :)

MizSteaks Tue, Jul-22-03 09:35

Good warm morning SDgrandma! How's the weather in the Dakotas today? We're in for another scorcher here in Oregon. Glad this is the last day of our heat wave...tomorrow back into the 80's.

Dakota's name was because my DD always liked the sound of it during geography class! Our 'Kody' was the first one we had heard of with that name. Now they are all over the place, but most of them are GURLZ! He hates it! Yeah, they are a pretty creative bunch...especially at getting into trouble! LOL!

I got married at 18, had Theresa exactly 9 months later. Sort of grew up with the kids so to speak. Jim was almost 5 years older than me and had just got back from the army when we met. We'll celebrate anniversary number 40 in December! Gosh...that's a scarey thought!

I am so glad you will have your whole family together this weekend! Such fun for you getting to see Samantha (LOVE that name!) We just had a family reunion in Seattle at my brothers' two weeks ago. Mother is almost 80 so we try to ALL get together every couple years or so. Had a good time catching up on all the news.

I'd better get off of here and get my work done while I can still move. This is going to be so addictive I might have to proclaim the office as an 'off-limits' area except for a certain length of time a day!! But oh what fun I am having!! WOOHOO!!

Have a terrific day!

Azraelle Wed, Jul-23-03 03:02

My ex-wife's 6th (and last) child--a son (the first 5 were by me) is named Dakota Pepper. He isn't old enough to resent it yet. He may even decide he likes it! My first 5 had some fairly unusual names as well: Gabrielle Jennefer Yvonne, Zefyr Graeme Pierce, Leif Allyn, Katie Luisa, Raven Jesse Rafael. They all really like them. I, myself, on the other hand, have detested my name for most of my 50 years: Alma Joe. Since both my parents are now gone, mom having checked out on St.Patty's day, I will probably change it to something more palatable, keeping the initials AJ as that is what I have gone by for the last 30 or so years.

SDgrandma Wed, Jul-23-03 07:00

Miz Steaks....The weather's been gorgeous the last couple days - in the 70's. Might make the 80's today. Hot as humid as it was last week either. Need to get outside and weed the flower beds. That is, if I can get off this board. I'm alread addicted. But this board has helped me so much. I don't know if I would be where I am today without the support and encouragement here. My DD, who's also doing Atkins, doesn't have a computer and she has a tougher time.

Azraelle....What mother would name her baby boy Alma? No wonder you hate it. Your kids do have unusual names. I don't have that much imagination. We picked Jay David (DH is David), Kristi Marie (my grandmother was Kristina Marie), and Susan Ann (I just like it).

:yay: Scale was down to 198 this morning. Maybe I've broken through that stall finally. I got so many compliments yesterday, but then I was wearing my new 'skinny' jeans - size 16.

Hang in there, everybody! Your patience will be rewarded. :agree:

MizSteaks Wed, Jul-23-03 08:01

Barb, WOO HOO! Way to go with getting under that danged ole 200 mark! Proud of you girl! Envy you the weather too! We're still in the upper 80's low 90's here today...and I don't do 'hot' very well at all. :(

Azraelle , we haven't met yet. Mighty pleased to meet you kind Sir!

My uncle was an A.J. and that's what we called him! Stood for Abner James, which he hated. I agree with Barb...your mother must
have had an interesting idea about names to choose a feminine name for a male child! Bet it built some real character in you though, having to deal with society's reaction to it! With my wacked out sense of humor I would have told everybody it was short for ALMIGHTY!

I love your kid's names! I would have named ours something really wacky, but Jim likes the simple, old fashioned ones. Actually, Pam was supposed to be Rebecca Louise when she was born. Jim went elk hunting...I went into labor...had her and she did NOT look like a Becca. I named her Pamela Marie and made it back home before Jim did and it was too late to change it!! LOL!

My Dakota is coming to stay with me this weekend. He loves to cook and we have some recipes he wants to try out. Rest of the family is off on baseball play-offs mid state. I call him 'Kadota' and he calls me 'Gram Cracker'...we have a blast together. He also has been stressed out lately and, when he is, his Tourette's symptoms flare up so he needs some 'de-stressing' here on the mini farm. He has a very mild case and is learning to 'try' to control it, but needs a safety valve sometimes. He's the one I think of when I fall into the pity trap. Makes me realize I'm not the only member of the family with a problem I don't like. Unlike Kadota though, I sure as heck can DO something about mine!!

Off to change the water on the garden. Have a successful low carbing day Gang!


Scorpiovs Wed, Jul-23-03 08:23

Good morning,

Thanks for the welcome SD, sounds like everyone is doing good.

We're off to the CA coast tomorrow morning, visit with my FIL/MIL for 3 days then going to Napa for "our" vacation, we're going ballooning for the first time, and take the Wine train, sounds like fun.

DD is due with her 2nd son in a couple of weeks, since I'm supposed to watch the 2 year old, told her to she has to wait til I get back, we pushed our vacation up to accomodate her :lol:

Weather here has been great, mid 70's unusual for this time of year, but with a lot of storms most of them at night.

Catch you all soon, hope I don't back slide too much while I'm away, but I'm going to try to stay on plan the best I can.


MizSteaks Wed, Jul-23-03 10:51

SDGrandma I just saw your picture! Either you just added it or my computer just decided to add it! Samantha is adorable! You must be counting the minutes until this weekend! look just like ME!'s like looking in the mirror except you're a BIT better looking!! :D :D :D

Scorpiovs, pleased to meet you! Love the quote about strangling teenagers! Us grandmas have all been THERE haven't we?!! Have a terrific visit with the relatives and good luck staying on target with the lc'ing. You can do it!

SDgrandma Wed, Jul-23-03 19:23

:lol: Miz Steaks...
We look alike? That's interesting. They say everyone has a twin somewhere. I doubt the better looking part, though. One of my SD friends on the Dakotans and Friends thread asked me to add one. I HAD to include Sammy. She was 1 yr. old then - at Christmas. Now she's 19 mo. and has really grown.

Scorpiovs...Have a great time on your vacation. Ballooning, though? You're braver than I am. I have a problem with heights. Don't even like flying in a big plane. Nervous wreck until I get back on the ground. Wine train does sound like fun. I love trains - they don't leave the ground. :lol: A new grandchild - how exciting! How many do you have?

We went through Chicago once - never again. It took us 4 hours to drive from I90 on the north to I80 on the south. And another 2 hrs. to get to Gary. Traffic was moving at 15 mph if it was moving at all. How does anyone get anywhere in that city? Luckily I brought a whole bag of change for the tolls. And this was on a Saturday. We go to Kansas City a lot and traffic is always lighter there on Saturday. I'm rambling again - and about traffic of all things!! I'll shut up now. :rolleyes:

Bye, for now.

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