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Marlaine Thu, Aug-08-02 11:14

Just checking in to say......I'm still NO CHEAT!

Have been planning and eating my 5-6 meals a day and cleaning up my act as far as 'nibbling' in the evenings! Continuing to do my exercise Cher....You could be correct that the lack of loss has to do with building muscle. My jeans are getting looser and looser and I love the way my shoulders and arms are looking these days!

:cheer: for each and everyone of us that is CHEAT FREE!!


Princesspp Thu, Aug-08-02 11:20

:hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay: :hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay: :hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay:

CHER'S BACK :hyper: CHER'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!

:hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay: :hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay: :hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay:

Princesspp Thu, Aug-08-02 11:22


Tanyaskees Thu, Aug-08-02 12:03

Hey there, me again :wave: Well, made it through lunch. I don't think I did bad at all. Had meat, meat and more meat. Nothing breaded and stayed away from the stuff that is too sausey(sp?). No rice all noodles either.

Welcome back Sher, sorry you're not feeling good. How do you make flax o meal pancakes? It sounds really good.
I really do love jezzercise, it is a lot of fun and a very good workout.
I'll check back in later, keep up the good work everybody :).

Ranger Thu, Aug-08-02 15:43

Hey challengers!
Hi Everyone,

Just checkin' in quick before the grout needs to be cleaned...almost done with the floor! knees will be happy...I have been stickin to this but for some reason have gained a little....I will not cheat!!!! This will come off...I know it.

You guys are all doing so great...Richard you are certain to be out of the 500's by Labor day...we are cheering for you!

Princesspp...too bad we live in such a small town that we don't have a gas station on the corner....or a stop light...or a store....we are out in the boondocks of Massachusetts if you can believe it! The guests will just have to use the trees! LOL....just found out they are coming Sunday instead of Monday! Yikes! Better go clean up this disaster area....

Take care everyone! Donna I am so proud of you!
We can do this together!

Princesspp Thu, Aug-08-02 18:47

:yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper: :yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper:


:yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper: :yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper:


:yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper: :yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper:


:yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper: :yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper::yay::hyper:

That's my story for the day .. Hope everyone else had a super LC day ... :D

We're going for day 6!!!!!!

Love ya all!!!!

qcchevyman Thu, Aug-08-02 19:06

OK Another No Cheat Day for me.

Today I had a Omlete with Crushed Pork Rinds Topped with 1 oz of Cheese. 5 Strips Of Bacon. Snack 1 oz of BBQ Pork Rinds. 44 oz of Water. Dinner a Real Nice Grilled Sirloin Steak 16 oz and a Nice Salad and 44 oz of water.

It's now 8 pm and I'm still full. It's working.

adnil53 Thu, Aug-08-02 19:33

Another no cheat day for me as well... :wave:

j. mcadams Fri, Aug-09-02 07:30

:thup: Day 5 is just a memorie and have begun day #6 of NO CHEAT TILL LABOR DAY.
Sally Anita came up with a real cute name for Oct. Thru Nov. she posted it in my journal check it out.

Already drank 64 ozs. of water got a late start wanted to go to grocery store before it got busy.

I must say again how glad I am Cher came up with this ideal, WTG, Cher, we love ya. Need to run All you NO CHEATERS HAVE A GREAT DAY. Love joan :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

Pepperoni Fri, Aug-09-02 08:29

Hey NO CHEATERS!!! Loookin' GOOOD out there!

I am happy to report that Day 5 was a breeze.... no cheating and no thoughts of cheating! Now ain't that a dooozy? I did really well and I am so glad CHER started this! Way to go!!!

Food tally for Thursday:

B: Atkins Shake with a little cream
L: Hard Boiled Egg
Chicken Soup with Celery, Onion, Mushooms
D: Ham with Fiery String Beans
S: Slim Jim Beef Jerky

I started today off with another shake and I'm feelin' GOOD!

Have a great LOW CARB Day everyone!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

greg5756 Fri, Aug-09-02 08:48

Hello all
Good morning it has been a really exciting and eventful morning for me. got up did my morning work out had some bacon and eggs took my shower and have been posting since. I really like this WOL I do feel so much better. I will keep posting

cya Greg

Tanyaskees Fri, Aug-09-02 09:35

Good morning no cheaters :wave:
How is everyone. Doing good so far, but I am going outto lunch again, indian food this time. I will stick to tandori chicken and maybe some veggie korma. Planning on having a protien shake for dinner. Have a great day........bye for now.

RawSienna Fri, Aug-09-02 09:47

Good morning no-cheaters!!!

I've finally made it back here....and I'm going to read this whole thread...going back to page one. Gonna do it if it takes me all morning...and it probably will...LOL. Here goes...brb.....

Whew!!! What a wonderful group! Cher....this is a great thread!!! And ALWAYS make me smile with all your little hyper dudes. I swear, just looking at those little fellas makes me lose weight!! LOL

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

I'm not sure that I really should be a part of this thread....except in the capacity of cheerer-onner. I am not nearly as strict with myself as ya'll are. I don't count carbs per say. I have one day a week off, and I don't follow any real set plan. SOOOOO, having said that, I'm here to help cheer you all on, watch your progress, and be motivated by you!

Ya'll are doing SOOOOOOOOO great! There's going to be a Whoosh Fairy convention on the 2nd of September. I'll bring the cam corder...ya'll bring the snacks!!!

Big, big hugs all round!

sunshine2 Fri, Aug-09-02 10:24

Day 6
Day 6 and 24 more days to go...........Then we will all see what wonderful progress we've made by not cheating!

I haven't weighed since I started the challenge, but will at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to it, and so excited, I know I'm losing, my clothes are starting to get baggy, you gotta love that.

I dont count carbs either, but I just watch what I eat, here is an example of my menu:
Breakfast, protein shake (low carb, the container says 2G)
Lunch, chicken or turkey patty, a few celery sticks
snack - energy drink, has around 6 Carbs
dinner - last night had 3 cups of salad with blue cheese dressing

And thats all I had, not sure how many calories, or how many carbs, but It seems to work. I'm not hungry and I enjoy my menu.

You No Cheaten' guys & girls, have a great low carbing day.......

Cher Fri, Aug-09-02 14:35

Day 6 – no cheat…wow! We’re doing it…

Victoria…thanks for the congratulations on the whoosh…that was very cool! I’m so happy to have that 1.5 pounds off. It sound funny, but, that the equivalent of 1.5 pounds of butter!

Marlaine…isn’t it cool to know that your jeans are getting looser and that you love the way your shoulders and arms look (I want to say that too). The exercise challenge is starting soon…so, I need to get myself in gear….Christmas will be awesome time of the year – we will be so skinny.

Sally…I just love you…you’re always so sweet. Thanks so much for placing all those links to this site…I’m such a computer newbie…I haven’t figured out any of the fancy stuff yet. I’m so excited that you’ve seen a benefit from 6 days of NOT cheating. OK…so, has Richard told anyone about his whoosh….has he kept it a secret or, Sally did he tell you. Inquiring minds would just love to know. We’re so excited about his Whoosh. Also, your post about making it to Day 5 was just so cute…I loved it…that’s how happy I feel!

Tanya, Good luck with the Indian lunch….tandori chicken sounds pretty safe to me. OK…. Flax-O-meal pancakes…

I started with the LowCarb Success Pancake and Waffle mix – Banana Walnut. – Found at local health food store.

Combine 1-1/2 cups of pancake mix with 2 Tbsp. Of oil, 2 eggs and approximately 1 1/2 to 2 cups of water. (for richer flavor you may substitute cream for a portion of the water.

I added blueberries (Yumm)…

Mix and pour immediately onto greased hot skillet or waffle iron.

I made these for friends and they really liked them. I feel so healthy now

Carol… I’m with you…I WILL NOT CHEAT. I wanted to last night :LOL:but, I was really good. What is it about losing weight….usually, when I’ve seen a drop in the scale, I feel like cheating…how weird is that. But, I’m determined to make it – with all of you – till labor day!

Richard…..I like omelets too….what is this about Shila…they make her sick! I just love them. I had an Island favorite omelet today and it had avocados …yum! Those pork rind thingies…I haven’t been able to eat them yet. But, some people use them to coat fish or chicken in and then fry them…that sounds pretty good to me. OK….I’m just waiting to hear how your whoosh went??????????????

Linda …yey! Another day of not cheating…we’re doing great! How’s the exercising going?

Joan…hey, I’m a LOSER too :LOL: It’s Day 6 and I’m feeling great about the challenge and all the commitment on this site. It’s makes it easier to get through the rough times.

Oh you just reminded me…I need to Joanize today!

Pepperoni…oh you and Sally have the cutest pictures from Sienna….they are just adorable. I’m with you…all the no CHEATERS are looking good…just wait till Labor Day!

Greg…wow you’re just doing great…congratulations on getting your morning workout in…that’s awesome. Did you see Marlaine’s thread on exercise? We’re committing to three days of cardio a week (ouch, ouch).

Raw Sienna….your little pictures are so cute and they’re all over the site. I love Sally’s and Pepperoni’s…they are so appropriate for their names. OK…Sienna this is up to you…but, If your program allows you to have one open day…then, you’re not cheating…it’s OK. I know we all have slightly different programs…but, I’d love to have you stay here with us…NO PRESSURE…but, STAY (LOL). We Love You Here…your posts keep us happy!

Sunshine…we’re on day 6 – doesn’t that just feel great :spin: I happy to hear that your pants are feeling baggy….
:yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer:
:yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer:

OK…I weighed the other day but, I sort of like the idea of not weighing until labor day. I think our whooshes will seem more sizable at that time.

Star…I think you’re joining us for the challenge so I hope that you’re able to find the link. Just wanted to welcome you…it’s so cool that we’ve made it this far! I’ll try to find your journal today!

Have a great LC "NO CHEAT Day" everyone

qcchevyman Fri, Aug-09-02 17:38

Hi Cher. Sheila told me she likes Eggs, but only with a Dab of Catsup on them. She can't stand to see Cheese on it. Go Figure.

She told me some of the things she does eat for Breakfast and I wish I had what she has.

today I had a 4 Egg Omlete 3 or 4 Carbs

Crushed Pork Rinds in the Omlete 0 Carbs

8 Slices of Bacon 0 Carbs

Muti Vitamin

30 oz of Water.

2 1 liter Diet Pepsi's

Tonight I'll have another 80 oz of Water.

Maybe that will help Flush out the Diet Pepsi.

qcchevyman Fri, Aug-09-02 17:39

Whoops I forgot to add I had 4 oz of Cheese to on the Omlete.

Princesspp Fri, Aug-09-02 17:45

Good evening, morning, afternoon....
Whatever it happens to be in your part of the world!!!!

I won't be posting my results until later, cuz happy hubby is gonna take me out for dinner tonight and he doesn't get home til later ... :D

Tonya -- WTG on your Chinese lunch .. I've got that dilemma for dinner tonight .. Good news though, not a buffet:D .. and then TODAY = Indian food ... :yum: ... Good job at resisting the no-no's :nono: though .. that's tough to do!!!!

Cher --my sweet Cher ... I'm so happy you're feeling better ... :hyper: .. I hope you stay that way, or get even better ... shhhhh be vewy vewy quiet -- Richard's hinted as to how well he's doing, but doesn't wanna reveal it til the end of the challenge ... shhhhhhhh

Vicki -- I done did good yesterday!!! (but I'm so far really low today .. Oh-oh ... mom's gonna yell again!!!! :eek:

Carol -- Boy - you've just been one Ms. Clean!!! I live in a little town too, where the closest gas station is about 2 miles away ... Your increase could come from alot of stuff .. if your not normally "active" and now you're just goin' like a house o fire -- or if you're area is humid ... etc ... etc ... don't get discouraged .. keep on truckin!!!!
Richard -- My on line sweetie!!! Only a few more hours, then I can try your omelet too ... :yum: ....oooooo my belly growled as I was typing this ... :eek:
Joan --Sweet Joan ... I read in your journal the name suggested for the October "fest" ... shhhhh -- keeping it a secret for now ... (unless of course someone stops in your journal :lol: ) but it's a cute one!!!!
Pepperoni --Little Pepperoni!!! WTG on your no cheat -- you're doing excellent
"NANNY NANNY BOO BOO - YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" (wait - I'm backing back up -- oh-oh - she might pass me up with flying colors ... ) Grrrrrrr ... WAIT - JUST WAIT TILL AFTER TOM PACKS HIS BAGS AND LEAVES!!!! I'LL BE BACK IN THE RUNNING THEN!!! :lol:
Greg --Isn't routine nice!!! You just keep right on posting - We love to see ya!!!!
Sienna --Like Cher said -- if your plan is to eat what you want one day a week, then you're not cheating .. no matter what your plan is .. if you didn't cheat on it, then you did a good day for the day :daze: ... You don't need to post counts either - that's just something "some of us" (I won't name names) < me obsess about -- but if you've just want to be cheerleader -- have fun!!! keeping the hyper :hyper: pace up in here ... (and yes .. I JUST LOVE THOSE LITTLE GUYS!!!!! :hyper: :yay:)

Sunshine -- WTG on the baggy clothes and I definately commend you on obstaining from the scale til the end of the month ... I couldn't do that IF YOU PAID ME!!!! :lol:


Okay all .. I'll put in my day end results alittle later ...
We're closing in on the end of the week ... (some of us have a weekend problem.... :eek: ):rolleyes: but we will make it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk later all!!!
Love ya all!!! :rheart:

Cher Fri, Aug-09-02 18:00 guys/gals/ have to see the pretty "Cher" pic that Sienna's so cool...I will figure this out sometime tongiht...somehow, I will get it into my signature line....Oh...I'm so impressed...Thank You...Thank You Sienna... just e-mailed it to DH...cause he's in Florida right now...

Richard...I'm making Donald's Deep Dish Pizza in a few minutes...and, it feels like I'm cheating. I don't just make the pizza...I make a pan of just the LC bread...and then, I make garlic bread and bruchetta out of it...YUM...I'm so glad Donald left us that recipe.... It make NOT CHEATING Fun! Sheila doesn't like the cheese...oh, she's so good (I just love the cheese part)!

Sally....Oh...I hope you have a great "NO CHEAT" dinner at the Chinese place. I was thinking about Chinese last night...but, just the shrimp made with garlic and shallots...yummm...even the thought is good! Ok...I can't wait to see Richard's results...but, I'll keep quiet until labor day...oh this is gonna be soooo tough . Sally... your posts are so cute..they always make my day. Did you see the pretty "Cher" pic that Sienna made? I'm just so excited about it. It's in my journal...but, how do I put it on the signature line???

Off to make p-i-z-z-a :yay:

Tanyaskees Fri, Aug-09-02 18:02

Hello out there, it's THE WEEKEND..........The real challenge for me starts now. How I love weekends and how I love to cheat on weekends. Can I stay cheat free?????????? Of course I can :clap: Having a protien shake for dinner now, I love them thigs :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I'll check in later.

sheilaraye Fri, Aug-09-02 18:42

Sorry guys, I didn't cheat--but I did get a glucose IV
bag attached to me at the emergency room. So I will
withdraw from the no-cheat thread. GRRRRRRRRRrrrr.
Sorry to have to be the first "quitter"!!!

See ya-------- Sheila

Tanyaskees Fri, Aug-09-02 18:46

Hi Sheila, I hope it's nothing major and you are ok. Take care of yourself :bhug:

Princesspp Fri, Aug-09-02 20:07

du du du du du du <trumpet fanfair!!!!!
DAY 6!!!!!!


NO CHEAT!!!!!!


19 CARBS!!!!!!!


Okay ... now that I got the three colors that I think clashed the best ... that way I got your attention :lol: ....

We're rounding the turn into the weekend ... :hyper: ... anyone that needs moral support .. just come and look at this post ... and it will definatly detour you from food ..

I'm gonna try and stop in tomorrow ... but if I don't .. EVERYONE HAVE A SUPER DUPER LC SATURDAY (DAY 7) < one whole week!!!!! WTG Everyone!!!!!!:yay::hyper:

Talk later
Love ya all!!!:rheart:

adnil53 Fri, Aug-09-02 20:55

Day 6 already!
And no cheating!!!! Cher, my exercising is going ok... still at it!

Cher Fri, Aug-09-02 23:14

Sheila...what happened...are you OK?

Ranger Sat, Aug-10-02 05:09

Day 6 Whoo hoo!
Hi everyone,

I feel great, the scale hasn't moved but that is ok....I am stickin to this thing!!! I love coming here for all of the support from you guys! You are all terrific!

Sheila, I don't think a glucose IV is a means of cheating??? I hope you are ok...can't you still play with us? Feel better ok?

We can do this together!

sheilaraye Sat, Aug-10-02 05:55

Thanks guys, I think I will STAY!!!

I need this to keep me focused.

I just knew that glucose is another big fat word for

And I wanted to be "legal".

I didn't starve myself--that's not why the low bpressure
happened, it's just the way I am. Sometimes it bothers
me more than other times. It has been a LONG time
since it has been this bad, though.

The good news is the dr. said that I am very healthy!!
My grandma that had low bpressure passed away last
October at going on 102!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for all the concern!! Sheila

Wendrew7 Sat, Aug-10-02 06:26


I just want to say that this thread has saved me many times this week and has been a source of support and inspiration...many many thanks to all.

but I had a whooshy this morning....2 lbs!

I hope the whooshy was from my tushy!

I also walked last night...just a mile, but it's the start of a habit, I hope. My sweetie came with me and it's a very nice walkway along the Long Island Sound.

Everyone have a great weekend!


greg5756 Sat, Aug-10-02 07:06

Way to go everybody
I agree with Cher I don't think having a glucose IV stuck in you by medical professionals is a means of cheating. I am not saying you should make it a daily occurrence, and if you did I would begin to think you were cheating.

For the people reading this besides sheila, it is only my maccab sense of humor she likes so well.

I really don't believe anybody would be addicted to sugar enough to get glucose IV's daily.

Well the no cheat thing is going well for me. I am not experiencing any cravings. My exercise is going well and I am happy at my progress. I did not move the scale this week I think that is fine.

I did wear size 36 shorts out last night and didn't look to bad. So I guess my body is readjusting. My legs are looking good nice and defined, but my torso from the waist to my chest I can't seem to do anything with, but this has always been the case. I will just keep at it day by day. I am confident that I will triumph over this (as dw say's bloating) fat.

Well I sure didn't mean to be so long winded. (unless you ask VictoriaT) she always thinks I am long winded, but spouses say that about each other all the time. will write later.

congratulation Wendrew on the whoosh I love that feeling of stepping on the scale and it goes down.

cya Greg

Marlaine Sat, Aug-10-02 10:08

No whooshing in this part of the world, but still no cheats either!! Good to see everyone doing so well and staying so motivated! What a great bunch of losers we all are!


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