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mviesprite Tue, Mar-21-17 06:34

Ken that you are doing this at all - 2 years in a row - is great.
Good luck on race day!
Kat :)

khrussva Mon, Mar-27-17 06:38

Thanks for the encouragement, Kat. The 10K is less than a week away now. I'm a little lighter, I'm in slightly better shape, but I'm a little older. I should beat my time from last year if I don't wimp out.

I ran 5 miles yesterday and that will be my last longer run before Saturday's race. The first mile or two was the hardest and the slowest pace. After that it got easier and my pace picked up. I could have gone the whole 6.2 miles of a 10K and did walk it out to that distance warming down. But 5 miles was enough. I want to be fully recovered by race day. I may jog a mile or two on Tuesday just to stay fresh and perhaps work on that starting pace.

Kelsey is coming back from college this Friday to join me. 3 of her friends (including a new BF) will be coming down too to root her on and hang out for the weekend. That should be interesting.

Our starting time for the race has been posted: 9:14am. I'm several waves ahead of where I started last year. Hopefully that will result in fewer walkers to weave around. The forecast at this point is 72 degrees and clear for that day. Warmer than last year, for sure. It should be a good day to run.

khrussva Thu, Mar-30-17 21:27

I picked up my t-shirt and personalized race bib tonight. I like it. :thup:

I'm as ready as I'll ever be for this race. I walked for an hour at lunch. I ate 3200 calories today - mostly fat and very few carbs. I feel good. I feel strong, albeit a little heavier than I wanted to be. It is expected to rain tomorrow, but on race day it will be clear and in the 50's. So it is still looking like it will be a good day to run.

khrussva Sat, Apr-01-17 05:14

Race Day - 2017 Monument Ave 10K
Unlike last year, there was no motivational music playing when the clock radio alarm went off this morning. I slept well, though. I ate an egg, a patty of sausage and some fat loaded coffee this morning. I'm ready to run.

We picked up Kel from college last night. She had a cold earlier in the week and was concerned that she might be sick today. It looks like she is over it. My daughter Courtney drove in from her college to be a spectator. All three of us will be heading downtown in 15 minutes. It is overcast and 55 degrees. It may be sunny by the start of the race. Good weather and some good daddy daughters time. :thup: :thup:

cotonpal Sat, Apr-01-17 05:41

Yay Ken!


mviesprite Sat, Apr-01-17 13:45

Since you're on the east coast and I'm in the west, the race is probably long over but I was wishing you luck last night for it! Looking forward to reading about it. Go YOU!! :)

khrussva Sat, Apr-01-17 15:34

Thanks everyone. Well, I didn't run like an April fool today. It could have gone better, but I did alright. The race is done and the official results are in... 66 minutes and 58 seconds. So again I didn't hit my target goal, however; it was faster than last year by 4 minutes. I'll take it. I was surprisingly slow the first half of the race. I just couldn't get going. After about 2.5 miles I was warmed up and it started getting easier. Again I finished the 2nd half faster than I did the first half. I thought about pushing harder to make up for lost time. I decided to run at an enjoyable pace instead. I may do it again next year and I may not. Kassie (my west coast daughter) has indicated that she might want fly out next year and run it with me. If she does, I will do it again for sure.

I finished ahead of my 19 year old daughter Kelsey. Her time was 74 minutes and 39 seconds. That is an 8 minute improvement over last year! She was well ahead of me for much of the first 5K, then the old tortoise caught the hare and never looked back. Kel can jog faster than me. I can jog farther than her. I jogged the entire 6.2 miles. Kel walked some of it.

My daughter Courtney was at the finish line and got some pretty decent shots of me doing that last 100 yards. She couldn't spot Kel as she came across. There were 22,000 participants. That's a lot of faces to look through.

Time for a little nap. I'll post some photos later.

thud123 Sun, Apr-02-17 16:21

Nice recap Ken. Must have been fun catching site of Kelsey mid race. Did you make your presence known? Nice job on the training and running. It would be fun to try an organized race this year. I have not run much since my college days (trying to loose beer fat). Most of my running these days involves interval sprinting away from a goof up on a skateboard ;)

What's next on your athletic bucket list?

khrussva Sun, Apr-02-17 21:08

Originally Posted by thud123
Nice recap Ken. Must have been fun catching site of Kelsey mid race. Did you make your presence known? Nice job on the training and running. It would be fun to try an organized race this year. I have not run much since my college days (trying to loose beer fat). Most of my running these days involves interval sprinting away from a goof up on a skateboard ;)

What's next on your athletic bucket list?

Thanks, Thud. FYI: I missed the final pass of my daughter. She ran out ahead of me in that first mile. I caught her walking about a half mile later and I did make my presence known. She said "not this time" and dashed ahead again. There were lots and lots of runners and I still had to do some weaving around those walking or jogging slower than me. I went past Kel without knowing it. She said she saw me go by (the sign on my back made me easy to see), but she didn't have the oomph to kick it into gear and catch me again. I thought that she might have beaten me this year. Nope. We both ran faster times, though. So we both won.

What is next? We are going to climb Old Rag Mountain in the Shenandoah National Park. It is a very popular & beautiful destination - 11 miles round trip and a tough hike. I will be doing it with Kel and a couple of her college buddies. The tentative date for that is 4/28.

khrussva Sun, Apr-02-17 21:35

Richmond 10K Race Photos

Kel and me pre-race

Promoting the LCHF cause

My babies - Kelsey & Courtney (my finish line photographer)

Getting the tunes playing in the starting gate


Crossing the finish line! Elapsed time: 66 minutes 58 seconds.

Showing off our finishers medals. Kel and I earned these.

P.S. It is kind of nice to be able to sit down and not have my belly resting on my lap! :thup: :thup:

One note about why I am running 10K races: The number one reason is because I can. I still find that hard to believe and totally amazing. Second - to get fit. Preparing for the race gives me the motivation I need to up the workouts and that makes me a more capable human being. I like competition as well. It is not so much competition with the other race participants (although I am curious how I compare). It is more about competing with myself - striving to do better. Weight loss? Not really a factor. I started preparing for this 10K last December adding cardio workouts to my routine a couple of times per week. I worked out more as the race drew near. I averaged 19K steps per day in March. My weight has stayed the same give or take a few pounds. The exercise wasn't done for weight loss.

Working out, especially cardio, does make me hungrier. I naturally want to eat to the level of my activity. This wasn't really the case when I had a considerable amount of fat reserves. My body was happy to cover the extra energy expenditure with yesterday's lunch (my fat stores). But now that I am no longer obese I do find it harder to eat less energy than I expend. In fact, I find fasting easier than undereating.

I decided to do something for the cause on race day. On my front side was my LCHF ROCKS race bib and on the back side was a poster I made promoting and Healclinics. There were 22,000 participants in the event and lots of spectators. I received plenty of kudos and positive comments before and after the race. One of those people I spoke with was a patient of my PCP - the doctor I saw last week for my annual checkup. She told me that our doctor had shared my success story with her at her last visit. I'm very happy about that. The official photographers for the race, Marathon Photo, took my picture (front and back) after the race. My daughter (running the race with me) told me that some people were coming up behind me and talking photos of my backside during the race. So I guess I'm happy to be doing what I can to get the word out on this healthy way of eating. LCHF ROCKS!

thud123 Mon, Apr-03-17 04:57

SO GREAT!! I love the back of the bib - That is a genius Idea - so cool.

I can also relate to the picture where you're getting your tunes ready. It all the racing I've done there's something magical about it. I LOVE/HATE it if that's even a thing - the heart is ready to explode but the mind needs to keep things together. So much thanks for posting those pictures and story Ken!

PS Courtney, thanks for getting those shots of your family. You played a big part in that day no doubt as support. Racers need support! You have a good eye for catching the action.

khrussva Mon, Apr-03-17 12:51

Note to self for next year... Do more outdoor workouts in the weeks preceding the race. I think I relied too much on the gym equipment this year and that cost me some minutes in this 10K. The machines at the gym are good workouts, but they are not the same as real life running. I reread my posts describing my preparation for last year. I packed a lot of work into 4 weeks. My last 4 weeks this year was much the same. Next year I need to do longer runs and work a little harder if I want to do the 10K in under one hour.

As for eating in the days before the race... eat more fat and less protein & fiber. This year I was simply eating more food at the same macros. I put a lot of bulk into my system that didn't pass by race time. I was stopped up some - finally getting some relief today 2 days after the race. Just get more calories from fat next time.

Meme#1 Mon, Apr-03-17 14:18

Hi Ken, Great pics of you and your daughters!! :thup:

khrussva Fri, Dec-01-17 08:10

Kelsey and I just signed up for next year's Richmond Monument Avenue 10K. This will be our third one. Kel's BF is joining us this time. So it's time to hit the gym again. I've got two college kids to beat next year.

The race took me 70 minutes 20 seconds to complete the in 2016. I jogged the 10K in 66 minutes 58 seconds last April. Both times I weighed in the 205 to 210 range. I really want to run this next one in under 60 minutes. I know that is asking a lot. To do it I need to get serious about staying in the keto zone and tracking food everyday. When I do that I am the master of what I eat. That is the only way that I will lose weight. I'll will need to get some more weight off of me to have any chance of doing that 10K in under an hour. The race is April 14. That gives me 4 1/2 months. It may seem like a long time, but I'm sure that date will be here before I know it.

I do better with life and this WOE when I have goals. Running a 10K in under an hour is not all that important to me in the grand scheme of things. It is more of a macho "want", not a "need." I still marvel that I can even do a 10K, considering where I've been. But I know that if I raise the bar on my 10K mark, whether I accomplish it or not, I will get back on track with my maintenance and make progress again. It is what happens between now and April 14th that really matters.

khrussva Mon, Dec-18-17 20:42

I've started working some jogging into my daily walking routine. I'm really out of jogging shape so I'm easing into it. Yesterday was a tough workout. During a 6 mile walk/run I walked most of it, jogged some, and did some sprinting (or at least faster running) on the steeper uphill sections of my path. I'm feeling that workout in my hamstrings and buttocks today.

Kel will be home in 2 days. I'm sure she will prefer going to the gym. I like to workout outside whenever possible.

BTW: My bib name this year is going to be KETO MAN. I wanted to do I RUN ON FAT, but they set a character limit of 11 this year. KETO MAN will do.

khrussva Fri, Dec-22-17 10:22

Kelsey is back home for the holidays. She has already started working out in prep for the 10K. She and her BF have been going to the campus gym a few times per week all semester long. I had better get my act together if I want to compete. I've only recently started prepping for the April 14th 10K.

Last night Kel and I did our first workout together at neighborhood gym. She jogged a fast 1.5 miles. I did a 32 minute aerobic workout on the elliptical. It was surprisingly easy, considering the fact that this was my first extended aerobic workout since the 10K last spring. As is typical for me, I felt like quitting after 2 minutes, then it got easier. I spot checked my heart rate a couple of times. It was in the 130 to 150 range the whole workout. When the 30 minutes was up I was cruising along just fine and could easily have continued on. The only reason I stopped was because Kel was done and waiting for me to finish. Like last year, I did a sprint at the end - one minute of pushing my speed to the max. I got my heart rate up to 170 BPM. That's about what my max heart rate is supposed to be for my age. So my ticker seems to be doing fine. I had no ill effects from this first longer cardio workout. I felt great afterwards. I just need to start making a routine of it - 3 (or so) times per week.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 66 degrees. I want to take advantage of that. I may go to the middle school track and try my luck at a longer slow jog. I'm sure I'll feel that one the next day, but I've got to get started on the "real thing" some time. Last year I didn't do real jogging outside until the last month before the race. I felt that I was less ready for that race than I could have been. That was a mistake that I don't want to make again this year. My goal is to finish this 10K in under 60 minutes. To get to that I'm going to have to put in some serious work.

thud123 Fri, Dec-22-17 15:52

Subscribed: Go KETO MAN! :)

khrussva Sat, Dec-23-17 17:18

First major prep workout for April's 10K
Thanks for the support, Thud. You inspire me. I'll do my best to inspire you right back.

I went to the local middle school track today for my first significant cardio workout since last April. It was 67 degree, but very windy. I wasn't alone, either. I even saw one of my old walking buddies working out at the track. It was a good day for it. Here is what I did:

Total Distance: 7 miles

Walked 2 laps to warm up.
Jogged 4 laps (1 mile)
Walked 2 laps
Jogged 2 laps
Walked 2 laps
Jogged 2 laps
After this I alternated between walking 1 lap and jogging 1 lap until I'd reached the distance of a 10K (6.2 miles)
Walked 3 more laps to warm down and complete 7 miles.

I jogged a little more than 5K of the 10K and walked the rest. I checked my fitness app at that point to get the time. 86 minutes. My jogging speed was bout 5 mph and walked at 3.7 mph. I didn't push things too hard today, but I have to admit that those last two jogging laps were pretty tough. I am definitely NOT in jogging shape. I was drenched in sweat from head to toe, so I'd have to say that this was an awesome first workout. It needs to be the first of many if I have any hope of doing the 10K in less than an hour.

khrussva Thu, Jan-04-18 20:47

I've made it t the gym several times since my last post. Kel is working out with me and she intends to keep it up when she returns to school. Her BF is also working out. So who among is going to cross the finish line first in this year's 10K? If I don't work hard enough, it is not going to be me.

I've hit the elliptical several times - a little longer each time. I'm up to 38 minutes.

Today I did a 5.5K walk/jog on the treadmill (45 minutes). Of that 21 minutes was jogging 5.2 mph. The remainder was walking at a quick 3.9 mph. I worked up a good sweat tonight.

khrussva Mon, Jan-08-18 14:39

Saturday was another gym workout day. Again I did 5.5K (a 5K on the machine plus the 5 minute cool down period).

5 minutes walking 4 mph
25 minutes jogging 5.2 mph
6 minutes jogging 6.0 mph
5 minutes walking 4 mph

I completed this 5.5K in 41 minutes, 4 minutes faster than the last time.

Of note: my recovery time after a jogging workout seems to be much less than it was two years ago. I "feel the pain" of the jog on the following day, but feel mostly recovered on the 2nd day. As I get closer to this year's event I may be able to get away with a tougher workout every other day instead of every 3rd or 4th day as I had to do for that first 2015 10K. I appear to be entering this in better shape than I was before.

khrussva Mon, Jan-08-18 21:14

Today: 40 minutes on the elliptical. Kept heartrate between 130 and 150 for most of it. I did 3 minutes of sprinting at the end, pushing my HR up to 170. It was a good workout. I enjoyed it.

khrussva Fri, Jan-12-18 11:05

Thursday's gym workout: Jogged a full 5K (3.1 miles) on the treadmill

5 minutes walking 4 mph to warm up
20 minutes jogging 5.2 mph
13 minutes jogging 5.5 mph
1.5 minutes at 6.2 mph to finish off the 5K
8 minutes walking 4 mph to cool down

Total time for the 5K: 34 minutes 30 seconds.

mviesprite Fri, Jan-19-18 15:37

Ken, I was wondering if the deep freeze was impacting your walking - I see you have an eliptical and treadmill to use - good! Been thinking about your upcoming race - good luck!
Now I am plopped in a place for 6 months I want to make the most of that - good walking here and my yoga book is on its way - and dancing can resume. My body misses exercise and I always lose better and feel better doing it.
Stopping to say hello,

khrussva Sat, Jan-20-18 20:47

Thanks for the visit, Kat. We had some good times in that old 2 hours of exercise per week thread with Kelly. I'd like to see her back here again. I wish you the best as you get rolling with your exercise routine. It is a big part of my WOL. I like being fit and capable.

I know it is too easy to slip out of the habit so I try to do something everyday. Sometimes it can't be helped. Today was on of those days. I had to work 12 hours on a network migration and I have more to do tomorrow. I hope that I get the afternoon off for a good workout.

Yesterday was my last gym workout with Kel. She is back at school now and I won't be seeing her until the day before the April 10K. Now I have to stay motivated all on my own. I am motivated and plan on putting in the effort for a strong race.

Yesterday's workout: 2 mile jog at 11 min mile pace. (22 minutes). Walked at 4 mph to warm up and cool down. I've kept up my walking at lunch, too. 2 to 2.5 miles is the goal and I've been doing that most every weekday.

khrussva Thu, Jan-25-18 08:05

Life suddenly got very busy and 5 days passed since my last cardio workout. Needless to say I was well rested for my workout at the gym last night.

50 minutes elliptical - 21K steps overall for the day

The workout was almost too easy. I had to remind myself to push harder several times as my typical pace wasn't getting my heart rate above 125. For the last 30 minutes I pushed hard enough to keep my HR above 140. For the last 5 minutes I went all out and sustained a HR near 170. I felt terrific after the workout and seem totally recovered from it this morning. I think that I'll start doing 60 minutes on the elliptical from now on.

mviesprite Fri, Jan-26-18 13:32

Originally Posted by khrussva
Thanks for the visit, Kat. We had some good times in that old 2 hours of exercise per week thread with Kelly. I'd like to see her back here again. I wish you the best as you get rolling with your exercise routine. It is a big part of my WOL. I like being fit and capable. ...

That was a good thread - kept me going. But now that I am looking for work, I have the time to really go overboard with's a good thing because I sort of turn to stone when I am not moving. I aim for flexibility and agility that I badly need...going to get back into yoga for that too.

Keep up your training, I know you will! :)

khrussva Mon, Jan-29-18 21:48

The plan get in a outdoor jog last Saturday before the weather set in. It didn't happen. I was wasn't feeling well over the weekend -- like I was fighting off the flu or something. The flu is going around the office. Whatever it was it never got too bad and I'm over it now. So I went to the gym tonight.

Elliptical - 60 minutes - HR 135-145 for the duration with several sprints during the last 5 minutes.

I had plenty of energy even though I was in a fasted state.

khrussva Wed, Jan-31-18 20:50

Another gym night tonight. EF D3.

Machine: Treadmill
Duration: 53 minutes
Distance: 5.6K
Effort: 2 mile jog at 5.6 mph then 3 minutes at 6 mph. Walked 4 mph to warm up and cool down
Max HR: 180 after the 6 mph stint (I didn't think it could go that high at my age). HR was in the 150's for most of the 2 mile jog.

khrussva Fri, Feb-02-18 22:04

I ended the EF on Thursday night after experiencing some leg cramping on Wednesday night.

Machine: Elliptical
Duration: 65 minutes
Distance: 4.0
Effort: 60 minutes - Rolling hills setting (level 10) plus 3 minutes of max effort during the 5 minute cool down period
HR: 135 to 155 for 60 minutes, 160 to 170 during the 3 minute sprint

After the workout I decided to get started with the weights again. I have not lifted since I injured my shoulder a year and a half ago. I did 3 sets of 10 on 3 different upper body lifts (curls, bench, lat pulls). I kept the weight settings well below what I am capable of. I want to ease into this slowly.

khrussva Mon, Feb-05-18 21:25

Machine: Treadmill
Duration: 47 minutes
Distance: 3.7 miles (5K in 34.5 minutes)
Effort: 30 minutes Jogging 5.6 mph. 5 minute warm up walking 4 mph and a 12 minute cool down walk at 4 mph.
HR: 160 to 170 during the jogging. Day 1 of EF.

5.6 mph is right at my maximum sustainable pace for a 2 mile jog. That is about the pace I ran the 10K last year. I've got some work to do if I want to improve my time. I've got 2 months plus one week to get it done.

I was going to lift weights again tonight. I opted not to. I may start going to the gym daily to work in upper body weight lifting on cardio recovery days.

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