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bugujo Thu, Sep-25-14 18:09

Beautiful weather here. I will be weighing in on Sunday, the 28th for my once a month weigh in. I know I will be down of course. People keep commenting about my weight loss too which is encouraging.

never2late Thu, Sep-25-14 21:11

Mindless eating.
Didn't know I did it.
Last night I was watching the finale of Big Brother and taking my medications.
I take the gummy vitamins as I have swallowing problems.
I'd gotten interested in what they were saying.
Kept eating those delicious little candies.
Oh wait a minute I don't eat candy.
Oh wait another minute, this isn't candy.
I'd eaten maybe half a bottle without even paying attention.
Now that is mindless eating.
My stomach hasn't liked me today.
My head hasn't liked me today.
Lesson learned.

On Swimming, I absolutely love the water.
It is 20 miles to the nearest pool.
We used to have one right next to our home in Littleton, CO.
I swam 1 hour of laps every night after work while my children has a good time in the pool.
Was in the best shape of my life.

omablue Fri, Sep-26-14 20:42

Originally Posted by bugujo
Beautiful weather here. I will be weighing in on Sunday, the 28th for my once a month weigh in. I know I will be down of course. People keep commenting about my weight loss too which is encouraging.

:thup: :thup: :thup: Way to go Vicki

bugujo Sat, Sep-27-14 14:52

N2L, holy cow, OD ing on vitamins. Yikes

bugujo Sun, Sep-28-14 07:08

Drum roll please . . . . 206.4 this a.m. See siggy stats I see onderland next month

Getting ready for church then we may go out for lunch to Texas Roadhouse since DH got a gift card for his bday this past week and to an art show.

DH detailed my van yesterday, all day. What a sweetie and needs to clean the carpet and seats today. I washed down the refrig/freezer yesterday, it is so sparkly LOL

omablue Sun, Sep-28-14 08:10

:thup: Vickie sounds like a great day, keep going!


jmh6251 Sun, Sep-28-14 12:56

Good morning ladies; Congratulations!!!!! on your weightloss Vicki!! I always appreciate it when someone cleans out my car it makes you feel appreciated. Hope you enjoyed your lunch. I realize you already know this N2L, no disrespect intended but, I would be careful with vitamins. I'm not sure what an overdose will do to you. So many things mess up your liver. I always enjoyed swimming, haven't been for many years. My sport was always running, I wouldn't be able to get away from a perpetrator if my life depended on it anymore, but I still walk.

never2late Mon, Sep-29-14 03:05

Vickie, Nice going girl.
You will see Onederland at your next weigh in!
jmh6251, thank you for the reminder.
I do know that ODing on vitamins can be dangerous.
I spent some time after my binge trying to find out just what I'd done to my body.
All that I read said if the gummies didn't have iron it should be alright.
That said, I don't plan to do it again that is for sure.
Susan, so glad to see you posting.
I'm concerned about Jet and all the rain in Phoenix.
Wish she would post again to let us know she is o.k.
Had a chicken salad today and 1/4 apple with unsweet tea.
97% humidity here today.
I have the softest skin today as a result.

jmh6251 Mon, Sep-29-14 08:16

Chicken salad sounds yummy, I haven't had it for awhile. Today is probably going to be another busy day. Have to take DGS to do his shopping, probably bring him back with me. I need to go to my women's bible study at 2:00. Food is going pretty well, been staying on track all weekend. Friday I ate more then I should have. I've accepted the fact that some days are going to be like that. I will jump on the treadmill here shortly and try to get in 30 minutes

never2late Wed, Oct-08-14 01:24

What an amazing storm we've had for the past couple days.
Lots of rain, much needed.
Continuous thunder, never have heard thunder that just went on and on for a couple days.
There was lightning with it and some lost power, tvs, and other electrical things.
We were fortunate, no power loss or any damage to anything electrical here.
It now feels like fall getting ready to go into winter.
Hope everyone doing well.
Have a great week.

bugujo Wed, Oct-08-14 15:58

Two very small chickens are in the oven. Each under 2 lbs, that won't go far LOL.

I love this weather too. Did anyone get to see the lunar eclipse today?

never2late Wed, Oct-08-14 21:32

Vicki, Cornish game hens?
Been forever since I cooked any, used to be a regular thing back when I cooked and ate anything and everything.
Back when I was thin.
Don't know why I now think eggs, eggs, and more eggs.

jmh6251 Thu, Oct-09-14 09:17

Good morning ladies; We have had incredible weather today. It's been mild and warm all month so far. The 2 small chickens in the oven sounded delicious. What did you have to go with them Vicki? We had Pork Chops and mashed Cauliflower for dinner last night and I made a LC Pudding for dessert. I think I need to get my back and hip pain reassesed next week by the doctor. Though he probably won't do anything since he never did anything last time I saw him except sympathize. There are days I can hardly move the pain is so bad. Though I will say today it seems better. I can relate N2L, There are days I think fondly of being able to eat anything and not gaining an ounce. Of course that was before having children. I see pictures of myself and think whatever happened to that girl. Well this morning I woke up at 3:10 and have been awake ever since. Finally got up at 3:50 and decided to get a head start on morning chores. Although I still have quite alot to get done I am ahead of the game. Hope everything is going well Omablu, and we miss you Chanteyl and anybody else who hasn't posted in quite awhile.

bugujo Fri, Oct-10-14 16:36

I don't think they were cornish game hens, just very small chickens. I ended up baking them but of course there wasn't much for leftovers after feeding two teen boys, a hubby and myself.

jmh, I have nights where I do the same thing, awaken early and finally get out of bed. I have started taking magnesium in the evening and that seems to help with the sleep. I have tried Melatonin too with some success. What is nice about the magnesium, it knocks out my leg cramps.

jmh6251 Tue, Oct-14-14 15:20

Good afternoon to all. Well it has been a few days since I have checked in so I thought I would. Nothing much going on around here. Next week CJ my grandson leaves for school. I will certainly miss him, but it is time he did something. The weather is finally turning fall like, yesterday we went for a ride to see if any fall colors were left and they were not. I have been lazy today not feeling too much like doing my household chores, but I know I have to get off my duff and get something done. I have been going on the internet to get more ideas on menus. I seem to have fallen in a rut. I get tired of eating the same thing all the time. I tried your Magnesium trick Vicki, but maybe I have the wrong kind because it didn't work. Well I hope this finds everyone doing great and have a good week

bugujo Wed, Oct-15-14 19:23

Magnesium glycinate is what works for me 400 mg

myrt4930 Thu, Oct-16-14 18:58

I had surgery (outpatient) Oct. 8th and it went just fine. It was a left hip arthroscopic bursectomy including a bone spur. He said I wouldn't have a lot of pain. He put 5 staples at the top and 5 at the bottom. I'll be glad when they come out which I think will be Oct. 21st. After that I can probably go swimming and then I think I'll have home exercises along with swimming. I sure feel weird not swimming and have more time on my hands. My main activity seems to be eating. Those steroids just say eat eat eat. Take care, myrt

never2late Sat, Oct-18-14 00:09

Myrt, those staples will be in for a long time.
Is it because that is a spot that has so much movement or because they went so deep?
We too have had a sunny day here in East Tennessee, nice.

bugujo Sat, Oct-18-14 09:10

Myrt, I hope your recovery goes well.

never2late Sun, Oct-19-14 09:41

It's a smiley day here.
Fall, but not ugly fall yet.
Trees are turning and such lovely colors.
DH has taken dog to the dog park and he came back satisfied with his exercise.
Now wants extra rations to compensate, lol.
Weight is steady for me, not up, not down, just steady as I experiment with nutrition versus all low carb diet.
We'll see how it goes.
Still waiting for my turn at the library for The Wahls Protocol.
They've already told me that I won't be able to renew when it's my turn as there is a waiting list for it after me.
When the new one comes out shortly I'll purchase a copy if it all makes sense.

bugujo Sun, Oct-19-14 17:07

We went for a hike in our local state park. Very gorgeous with all of the turning leaves.

jmh6251 Mon, Oct-20-14 08:21

Hi everyone it has been awhile since I have posted anything. This weekend I had to help CJ get ready to go to Boise for school. Since he and his dad butt heads most of the time he moved his belongings out of dad's house. It's sad, I hope they can find common ground one of these days. I sure hope your recovery goes well and it isn't too painful Myrt. Surgery is never fun. I wish you luck on your eating experiment N2L. At least you are not gaining weight that at least looks promising. I love to hike, hubby and I love to go to the national forrest and climb the mountain. There is a beautiful lake half way up, it is so still that you can see fish nosing up on the surface, very peaceful. My food plan is going well haven't even cheated in quite awhile. Had a taco salad last night minus the bowl, I haven't decided about breakfast yet. My back pain is still there even though we flipped the mattress. I am sleeping better though. I can't believe it is fast approaching holiday season and everyone's birthday. Coupon time I guess. Holidays are my most difficult time sticking to a diet plan. I will need to pray for strength. Hope everyone has a blessed week

never2late Mon, Oct-20-14 13:37

jmh6251, sons and their dads.
Especially first born sons and their dads.
Too much expectation on the side of the father.
Mines 45 and they still don't get along like I imagined they would.
Waiting still for the book.
Found a gym nearby that I'm going to check out.
Called Vital signs.
I don't go to gyms because of my health problems.
This one is owned by doctors.
I got to go to one after my heart surgeries, however, even with insurance it cost $180 per month.
Had to stop.
Hope it will be what I need.
Holidays, yes.
Just brought a huge bag of Halloween candy for the 100s of little tots who come to our door.
Hope there are some left by then.
DH is a chocoholic.
The dampness and colder weather plays havoc with my body pain.
I think it is time to flip my mattress too.
Can't do it myself any longer.

bugujo Tue, Oct-21-14 18:29

I am fortunate that the street we live on is a dead end and the average age on the street has to be around 70. This will be our second Halloween and last year there may have been a handful of kids that came on the street. I didn't buy any candy because I didn't expect any and didn't turn on the porch light. i will do the same this year. I don't have to buy the candy then.

jmh6251 Thu, Oct-23-14 17:00

Hi everyone we are experiencing unusual weather here in Western Washington. First the sun comes out/ then it just pours rain/ then the hail starts. Really strange----- We never get any trick or treaters. We live on the end of a dirt road, and mostly have people without children that live here. Besides if I have candy here I will eat it. LOL Well I used to love to go to the gym, but it is a little spendie for me right now. My oldest girl did join a yoga class though and enjoys it. The dampness plays havoc with my joints too, Chiropractor gave me some herbal anti inflammatory so far it seems to help. I had left over Chicken and salad for lunch. It is 3:54 and I still am not hungry. That is huge for me, since usually I am always hungry. I did flip my own mattress, it was a chore, but I was the only one home. I'm sleeping better on it though I don't think it has done anything for my back. As a side note Vicki, I think your Magnesium suggestion is finally working. At least my hips and back don't feel broke when I get up anymore. Thankyou; I guess I need to get something done so will talk to you guys later.


bugujo Thu, Oct-23-14 19:45

I am glad the magnesium finally started kicking in.

i saw a recipe in a flyer that sounds yummy, Crock Pot Salsa Chicken. 5-6 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless and a jar of salsa. Cook on high for 6 hours to where you can shred the chicken. Add 8-16 oz of cream cheese and cook for additional hour. I saw a recipe that used 1 8oz cream cheese and 1 cup shredded cheddar. Sounds very good to me.

jmh6251 Thu, Oct-30-14 09:43

Boy that does sound good. I am always on the lookout for new recipes. Well it has been a busy week for me. Tuesday I had a bad time trying to control my carb tooth. I think it stemmed from the shake I had in the morning. It was LC but something in it triggered my craving. I struggled all day. Now yesterday and so far today I have went back to normal. The carb monster is been put to bed for now. My DGS went to trade school. He calls me everyday, I told him he should save his minutes, but he calls anyway. He's never been away from home before so I think he is homesick. I started my quilt, it'll probably take me awhile to get it done. In the old days I would work on these with my grandma, but she passed away a few years back at 101 years young. Went grocery shopping the other day, they still had their meat sale going. Buy one pkg and get 2 more for free. I got some Chicken, Beef, and Pork for under $30.00. ((SCORE)) Not too much happening here talk to you soon.


bugujo Thu, Oct-30-14 16:28

Judy, a lot of my recipes as of late, are coming from Pinterest. I have had an account but didn't really start using it until a year ago when I was in FL and saw my DIL and her family using it. I love it. I use pinterest recipes more than my LC cookbooks.

jmh6251 Wed, Nov-05-14 21:50

i think I have a Pinterest account but have never done anything with it. I get alot of my recipes from Linda's Lowcarb recipe site. I also have books that have interesting recipes in it. I even have one for quick easy meals. It has been quite awhile since I have posted, I seem to hit my journal more often. Tuesday I had a disasterous experience with a LC Shake. I made it even put fat in it but it still sparked an overwhelming urge to dive into carbs. I didn't think I was ever going to go back to normal. I won't do that again. The holidays are coming fast. I have to get thru Thanksgiving first. I just know that my youngest daughter is going to have a problem with what I don't eat. My grandson is coming home for Thanksgiving though and that is positive. The other day I went to the store and accidentally picked up fat free cottage cheese. I ate it up but had to add cream every time I had some. I have issues with the scale, I have a phobia anymore about weighing myself. I buried the thing in my closet somewhere. I figured next time I go to the drs office they will weigh me. Hope everyone has a great week

myrt4930 Thu, Nov-06-14 21:00

GI doc put me on a steroid and I've gained 6 1/2#. I think I'll be done with the medicine in about a week and then a colonoscopy a week before Thanksgiving. Went to the rheumatologist in San Antonio on Monday and he told me I have Sjogren's Syndrome/Disease. It's already affecting me quite a bit but have never heard of Sjogren's. It's another auto-immune disease. I guess fibro is one, too? He said my lymph system just started being attacked instead of joints. Went to my family doc this morning for a routine checkup and she confirmed the Sjogren's.
The surgery has gone well but I stiffen up if I sit down a half hour or more. Went to the pool today and did gentle exercises and it felt good
I now have a dependable cleaning lady. She was here today and we worked for 3 hours. She's helping me with some of my organizational stuff that I'm behind on.
W baked a pork loin tonight and we had that and raw veggies. Yum... myrt

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