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Jas50 Mon, Mar-13-06 16:19

Lez - Have an awesome time in Goa - my sis is a travel agent and she highly recommends it!

Neela - are you on vacation?

Good to see you too Sandhya...

We had a snowstorm here and we took in a weekend of snowmobiling and of course ate & drank....I feel awful - I think I will start Induction tonight.

neela26 Mon, Mar-13-06 19:29

Nope, I'm not on vacation. My vacation starts May 13th to Costa Rica! I've been working out like crazy. I workout in the morning and when I get home from work.

Jas50 Tue, Mar-14-06 16:09

Neela - Go girl!! You will look hot in your bikini!

So.....I started Induction in serious as of yesterday. The weight will come off if I stay on plan and of course work out like Neela!

How is everyone else?

Here is my menu for today:

2 eggs for breakfast
Chicken (barbecued) for lunch
Cheese for snack
Supper will consist of pork chop, possible green beans & salad

I went and got all kind of meats so that I am totally prepared! :agree:

neela26 Wed, Mar-15-06 07:33

Hi Jas

I hope to look good in that bikini! I've been working so hard and staying at or under 25 carbs a day and I didn't lose any weight last week. It was so upsetting! I hope it starts to come off soon. I have less than two months left!

Jas50 Thu, Mar-16-06 11:57

You will do it Neela....I was 134.2 this a.m. Of course my bikini days are long gone but I would settle for shorts and a tank top.... :lol:

Jas50 Wed, Apr-05-06 09:58


Our basement flooded with all the snow melting DH and I have been busy cleaning. Other than that nothing much to report. I go for my bone density test on Friday.

neela26 Wed, Apr-05-06 10:00


I'm doing great! How was your vacation? I am doing M&E and I'm finally starting to lose weight again. I'm at 147 as of this morning! I'm getting there and hit my 20 pound mark yesterday. YAY!

Jas50 Thu, Apr-06-06 11:30

Neela - what is M&E?

neela26 Thu, Apr-06-06 12:42

Meat and Egg, check out the thread in genereral low carb. There's a great group of people on it.

Lez Sat, Apr-22-06 01:41

hi everyone.

I got back from Goa last night and I'm in love, I have never met so many beautyful people in my life the women have a striking beauty I have never seen anywhere in this world,

the poverty is a bit hard on us westerners I just hope I made some dent by over tipping I'm not rich but whats a few bucks to me when it means so much to them, average wage is $1/day

if you are thinking of going to Goa then go.


Jas50 Tue, Apr-25-06 09:00

Hey Lez - is it fairly cheap to travel there? I am wondering about the hotels, sight seeing, etc.

Lez Tue, Apr-25-06 14:47

Hi Jas

I don’t know where you live so I cant say regarding travel costs.
Hotels vary from a few $/night up to $100s/night the most expensive I noticed was $150/night.

What most independent travellers do is get to Goa, find an hotel and book 2 night and go look for an apartment for about $150/week, as far as I could see everything is booked on a daily basis. Charter flights are in the region of $1000/1500 for two weeks from the UK.
Taxies are very cheep my taxi from the airport to my hotel an hours drive cost an agreed price of $15.00 and carry up to 4 people

Sight seeing and guided tours are in abundance and easy to arrange, also very cheep a day trip to a spice farm including transport, food and drinks will set you back about $20 I was not to impressed eating curry chicken and rice with my fingers off a banana leaf, but it did taste good, to feed and wash their elephants is extra, about $5 didn’t understand that, being charged to do the work of a Mamute (sp)

Food is some of the best I have tasted most restaurants serve Indian, Goan, Chinese and European food and very cheep the most I paid was $16 for lobster. Waiting, well you have to wait for you food everything is cooked fresh, nothing pre cooked or warmed over.
Tipping is not compulsory but expected 10% is quit enough say a meal and drinks for 2 came to $30 a $3 tip is 2 days pay for a waiter.

If you speak Hindi, then half the above prices.

Lez :wave:

Jas50 Wed, Apr-26-06 15:27

Thanks for the info Lez - does speaking broken HINDI in Canadian accent count? lol

Lez Thu, Apr-27-06 00:47

Originally Posted by Jas50
Thanks for the info Lez - does speaking broken HINDI in Canadian accent count? lol

I got by speaking broken English with a Liverpool accent :lol:

I only have a little hindi, but not for youe eyes :blush:

lez :wave:

soulmia Sun, May-07-06 00:47

Hi Anu,
My name's Natasha and i currently live in Delhi. i will move to Bangalore in June.
I am 15 kgs over weight and am desperate!! I have been on every conceivable diet but yo-yo back to being over weight.
I am very tempted to do the Atkins diet but find it very hard to make it compatible with Indian food.
I don't eat red meat except for bacon.
Have you had any success with this??
HELP!!! I would really like to start a diet plan....but dont know how to go about it.

anu Sun, May-07-06 23:39

Jas, Neela, Lez,
Hi to all of you. :wave: I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to Goa. There are just as lovely places in other parts of India too. Kashmir, Ladakh, Sikkim....I could go on and on and on...... Give them a try sometime too. :)

Soulmia....welcome to this site. You've come to the right place. There are many many discussion areas on the Atkins way of life and I'm sure you'll find them useful. As for finding the right diet plan.....Atkins is a very good plan, but I suggest you read the book first. If you understand the science behind it, the chances of your sticking with the plan would be that much better. :agree: Also, Atkins doesn't tell you to eat less. The diet keeps you full, lets you eat the stuff like butter, bacon, meat (sinful stuff according to other diet plans :p ) AND helps you to loose weight....what could be better?
As for adapting to the Indian style of cooking/eating.....I've found that cutting out the rice and roti is all you really need to do. Once you can get your mind around not eating the subzi/dal "WITH" something, it works fine. So basically, you continue eating whatever you did before (excluding the potatoes, carrots, peas) WITHOUT the rice/roti. So not much extra effort also.
I'll just add one pc of advice..............don't get obsessed with this whole weight thingy. It took years for you to to get to your present weight, don't expect it to fall off in a hurry. Adopting the Atkins way is a lifelong commitment and if you are looking for quick fixes, the yo-yo is all you will get!

All the best in your efforts, and do keep writing in. This is a great site for support in weight loss attempts! :)


Lez Mon, May-08-06 05:58

Hi Anu. :wave:

I am trying to work my way around India, I have visited Calcutta several times, Bombay and Cochin and of course Goa.

I am going back to India in November for as long as my visa/money lasts, I’m a bit old to go backpacking so with the help of a map the internet and friends I shall see as much of India as I can.

Lez :wave:

Jas50 Tue, May-09-06 12:01

Hey nice to see some lovlies posting again! Lez, I noticed your saying at the end of your - I fall under the word stupidity!

Anu - good advice....what is new with you?

Soulmia - welcome! Hey, how much is 15 kg? Patience is the key along with peseverence....I lack in both - lol! What ever plan you follow, post lots as we ladies enjoy our chit chat!

Okay things were going pretty good but then last Friday, I had a quad accident - I was a passenger behind DH. We hit a major hole, flew up in the air 4 feet and the back tire ran over my leg and foot. The result - sprained ankle - black & blue and on crutches.

Lots of pain but I am getting better! Advil helps! Sitting in bed and eating has not helped and summer is here....yikes!

Will bbl

soulmia Tue, May-09-06 12:13

I kid you not
15 kgs is about 33lbs! But i've decided to bite the bullet and try and drop 36lbs...:lol:

Jas... your story sound horrible...take care!! Ask me... I have just recovered from a fractured wrist... FREAK accident... I live in India and am an spanish neighbours were going back to spain and decided to have a farewel party... organised an elephant to stand at the door and greet people as they came in..:rolleyes: The elephant must have been mad because he walked over to me ( I was standing about 50 metres away) very casually..put his snout around my ankle and flung me on the street!!! :eek: He had me up in the air about 3 feet!!! I'm tellin' you: hearing your own bone snap is NOT a sound I ever wanna hear again :( I'm much better now... got the cast off but still very sore and stiff...
so you're not alone..i'm missbrokenbones :)

Originally Posted by Jas50
Hey nice to see some lovlies posting again! Lez, I noticed your saying at the end of your - I fall under the word stupidity!

Anu - good advice....what is new with you?

Soulmia - welcome! Hey, how much is 15 kg? Patience is the key along with peseverence....I lack in both - lol! What ever plan you follow, post lots as we ladies enjoy our chit chat!

Okay things were going pretty good but then last Friday, I had a quad accident - I was a passenger behind DH. We hit a major hole, flew up in the air 4 feet and the back tire ran over my leg and foot. The result - sprained ankle - black & blue and on crutches.

Lots of pain but I am getting better! Advil helps! Sitting in bed and eating has not helped and summer is here....yikes!

Will bbl

Jas50 Wed, May-10-06 10:36

Natasha....GOOD LORD....Freak accident is right! How often does that happen with an elephant! I rode an elephant when I was 10 yrs. old in India. But thank God, that trip has good memories! Lucky you only had a fractured wrist - it could have been so much worse - as could my accident!

So you moving to Banglore - job change or hubby moving?

So it is cloudy and rainy here in Alberta, Canada. We are hoping that next weekend will be awesome as we are off for 5 days fishing/RVing


soulmia Wed, May-10-06 10:46

The doctor who was attending to my fractured wrist on the night it happened asked, "what happened?" and I said " an elephant flung me" and he asked me what happened about 3 - 4 times coz he thought i was just being sarcastic as I was in so much pain!! :lol:
it is an incredible story. I look at it exactly as you do - it could have been much much worse. Also, if you look at it on the bright side: i'll have such a cool story to tell people. beats telling them you fractured your wrist from falling in the bath! :lol:
Moving to bangalore with the boyfriend :) i'll job hunt once I'm there.
have fun what you catch - it is carb free :lol:
keep writin' in

anu Thu, May-11-06 04:28

Natasha! WOW! I mean WOOOOOW! That must have been SOME experience! But what a story to tell after you've healed! This reminds me of the time my family went rafting on the Beas river (Himachal). Our first time and have a super duper time, when, hubby falls into the river! The captain or whatever you call those muscle bound hulks who lead the group, swung the boat around (no mean feat in mid stream, I tell u....raging waters all around, snarling rocks...the works!!) and LITERALLY picked him up by the seat of his pants! When we finally made it to shore, all the others were very envious.....apparently hubby got a bonus (free dunking), which the others did'nt!!
Jas, good to hear from you. Terrible accident, I'm glad you escaped so lightly. Have fun fishing!

Lez, good to know you liked India well enough to come back again. I hope you have a wonderful time here, it's a great country!
Happy LCing everyone,

Lez Thu, May-11-06 07:42

Originally Posted by anu

Lez, good to know you liked India well enough to come back again. I hope you have a wonderful time here, it's a great country!
Happy LCing everyone,

Anu; :wave:

You said I like India enough to return. :agree:

Well I like India enough to go and live there. I am in the process of opening an Indian bank account and getting a NIR permit, so from next November I will be in India for 180 days.

180 days should give me enough time to find a house in an area that I will be comfortable living in and hopefully not too much bureaucracy :lol:


Jas50 Thu, May-11-06 09:06

Anu - Holy Crap - that would be scary! Glad nothing bad happened!

I sure wish it was Friday......but then again, there is so much to do this weekend - the question is how much can I do hobbling along on crutches!

soulmia Fri, May-12-06 03:41

wow! where in india are you planning on moving to?

Originally Posted by Lez
Anu; :wave:

You said I like India enough to return. :agree:

Well I like India enough to go and live there. I am in the process of opening an Indian bank account and getting a NIR permit, so from next November I will be in India for 180 days.

180 days should give me enough time to find a house in an area that I will be comfortable living in and hopefully not too much bureaucracy :lol:


Lez Fri, May-12-06 12:32

Hi Soulnia. :wave:

I will be going with an open mind but, I’m almost certain it will be away from the big cities and it will be very close to the sea, I have a map and a computer so I can research and plan my trip.

To date, my plan is to fly to Goa and buy a motorbike, spend 2 weeks looking at property away from the tourist places, if I find a house that I like in my price range all well and good, if not I will carry on looking, that’s my plan.

Lez I see we have the same birth date (only, 30 years apart) :lol:

coconut85 Sun, Sep-03-06 11:18

Hey! Any Indian low-carbers still around?

soulmia Thu, Oct-12-06 13:35

ok guys,
i'm back! ;)
I have abused every rule known to low carbers...but after 4 months of it, i've put my tail between my now even huge-er legs...and am back to general low carbing.
However, I plan on reading the south beach book from tomorrow....
what happened to this thread? it was meant to swap low carb indian recipies...or?

keep writin in

Tarrenae Tue, Jan-09-07 15:15

Hi i am joining this thread really late but my DH is Indian and he is a strict vegetarian/carbatarian and I have been vegetarian,the Indian foods make me gain like crazy because of all the starches,its really hard to eat low carb when someone you live with only eats carbs,I need some support :-).

greeska Mon, Oct-29-07 04:33

Originally Posted by anu
Hi everyone, :wave:
I'm from Calcutta, India. Anyone out there from this country/city? I'd love to get in touch and see if we can indianise the Atkins cuisine. :yum:
There's only so much of cold soggy spinach or cabbage an Indian can stomach, right?

Hi Anu... I just joined this Forum. I have been looking for someone to get in touch with to Indianise the atkins cuisine. I have started on the kimkins diet today (low cal atkins diet) and I need all the help I can get.... I am located in Bangalore... So... count me in to indianize Atkins...

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