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adukart Tue, Jan-06-04 09:34

Kathy, I am a computer geek (like my signature says) but I do not mess with graphics or HTML (internet stuff) I am to busy learning and studying everything else, sorry. My fiance is but you mentioned that you already found someone.

Suzzee2003, I understand that I can replace the sugar cravings with items with AS but my issue is deeper than that. I will then crave the SF stuff and eat it all just because it's sweet. So for me I actually have to remove all sweet things and make no alternative. This had never happened before. My first big cheat was over Christmas and ever since then it's been real bad. I took the L-Glutamine last night before supper and I think it worked. It was either that or my will power, actually I only thouhgt about sweets once last night and that was right before bed.

Gothicmom Tue, Jan-06-04 11:07

Me, Me, Me!!! I want to join too! I just found this site and I LOVE it! It is exactly what I need. I started my induction on Jan. 2, 2004, so I am 4 days cheatfree!!! Trust me, I need all the praises I can get. LOL

My rules:
1. No more than 20 carbs per day.
2. At least 80 oz of water a day.
3. No Caffeine!!! :(
4. Workout at least 4x a week
5. Eat breakfast everyday. (Yuck!)

I am sure as I pass the induction stage, my rules will greatly increase, but this is a good starting point for me.

Lammie22 Tue, Jan-06-04 11:44

Thanks for the encouragement, Nawchem!


adukart Tue, Jan-06-04 12:43

Just want to vent at the moment. Yesterday I was extremely tired again in the afternoon. I took my potassium but still didn't help. I think it was the SF turtle that I had. So today will be the first lunch with L-Glutamine I hope it curves the sweet craving so that I can find out if that is why I am so tired in the afternoon. Does anyone have any suggestions about this issue? All I had for lunch yesterday was a 2 cup salad (romaine and green leaf mixed) ceaser dressing 2 tbls., cheese, and mushrooms, and a peice of chicken breast with season salt for flavor and of course a RS SF turtle.

nawchem Tue, Jan-06-04 14:32

Welcome Gothicmom, I visited your website, very nice stuff!

I love the Lady Jayne Teacups in the little rose suitcase. (MY bday coming up). Is that your bestseller?

Lammie22 Tue, Jan-06-04 16:11

Originally Posted by adukart
Just want to vent at the moment. Yesterday I was extremely tired again in the afternoon. I took my potassium but still didn't help. I think it was the SF turtle that I had. Does anyone have any suggestions about this issue?

Hi Adukart,

For me, SF does the same thing as sugar does -- in other words, my body reacts the same to artificial sugar as it does to real sugar. I learned that the hard way. So I never lost cravings while I was still ingesting artificial sweetners.

As far as being tired, it may be that you are feeling low blood sugar effects, from not eating sugar. I read an article that said your body is feeling low blood sugar, if you feel tired, and/or have that strong hunger that makes you nauseas. To combat this, the article suggested taking one (only 1) sweet tart -- or one or two (only!) Smarties. That should not throw you out of ketosis, yet it should make you feel better. (This has worked for me.) I'll look for the article -- I've been meaning to reread it anyway.

Here is the article -- when I reread it, I noticed you can take up to 5 smarties, but one or two has been working for me.

Hang in there

adukart Tue, Jan-06-04 16:53

Thanks for that article. I think I found the answer at the bottom. I am taking extra potassium but I have just lately increased my water by about 40 oz. usually drunk in the morning. For example this morning alone I drank 80 oz. and again was tired this afternoon. I will either need to decrease my water in the morning or increase more potassium. I also got another answer from that article. If you search my posts, I had posted early on that I was getting cramps. They went away without me noticing the solution, it was the fact that I added potassium. I will definatly try less water tomorrow and it may not help right away so I will try for a couple days.

2B-ABLE Tue, Jan-06-04 21:17

Hey everyone, three days along and doing great.. I hope that when my weigh day (sat.) comes I will be down some!!!

angieK Tue, Jan-06-04 21:22

Hey Adukart:

"usually drunk in the morning"

are you really? Is that what happens when you drink water? No wonder you are tired in the afternoon. LOL

2BE-Able- way to go. Keep on going.

nursey15 Tue, Jan-06-04 23:04

lol angie I had to re-read that twice too.

adukart do you take any Lasix or other type of diuretic with the potassium? Just wondering. I knew about the effects of low K+ for years even before becoming a nurse, my brother when we were little had terrible charley horse cramps. The doc told my mom to increase his K+ intake and so 1/2 banana a day was enough to do it for him. You might also not want to decrease your daily intake of water, just spread it out more. You may be flushing out your system too quickly after taking your meds in the morning. Wait about 1-2 hours after you take it so it's a little better absorbed. Do you take a SR (sustained release) form of K+?

One more thing--you aren't diabetic are you? That article can be misleading. The reason they tell people with diabetes to drink OJ then eat crackers and p-butter or cheese is that they usually have such a low BS that they need the "quick fix" of the OJ and then the more stabilizing longer lasting effect of the crackers and protein.

nawchem Tue, Jan-06-04 23:23

I'm hypoglycemic what works really for me are the combination foods- fiber with protein and carbs. One tablespoon of peanut butter is good or a lowcarb tortillas. Sometimes when its really bad I eat rolled oats just a half a serving. Unless you're blood sugar drops really fast, you don't need to eat pure sugar to get out of it.

What do you guys think could be causing my toe cramps. These last few weeks I have them almost everyday. I take supplements equal to 100% calcium and magnesium on top of a multivitamin and 2 99mg potassiums. I do drink 3-4 liters of water a day. Can being low on iron cause it?

Well I made it through another day. So glad I'm not doing this alone. :)

w82bthin Wed, Jan-07-04 06:57

Good morning all. Day 7...woohoo.. a whole week of no cheating.:yay: Went to Walmart yesterday and they have this area full of Low Carb items.. My eyes just about popped outta my head.. I can't believe all the stuff they have. I grabbed some low carb peppermint patties that have only .1g of carbs. Let me jsut say YUUUUUUUUM! My dh tasted them and said they were really good. I can't believe I can have candy. I see some of you guys talk about the lowcarb stuff but til yesterday I didn't know where to find it. (thank you Atkins) I can eat candy again.:Party:
Have a healthy day.

angieK Wed, Jan-07-04 08:56

Be careful, those things tend to stall people. They are good for once in a while.

adukart Wed, Jan-07-04 09:37

LOL, angieK, I wasn't sure how to spell it or the correct way to write so I took a shot, is that wrong, should it be drunken, or drinken, or drank?

nursey15, I do not take lasix or anything like that and I am not diabetic. I take two 90 (I think it's mg) potassium pills at noon, either before or after lunch whenever I remember. How do you know if you have a SR potassium?

nawchem, thanks for the suggestion but I do not want to and am really not able to snack in the afternoon while I'm at work. I am usually very busy. Have you asked your toe cramp question in the health section. I usually get good answers from there.
w82bthin, them candy's also make you go to the bathroom and cause me alot of gas.

time2shine Wed, Jan-07-04 11:33

Check It Out
Hey there how we all doing? Great I hope! Look at my cheatfree sign :D...I spotted it from someone who posted in my journal...its definately fitting for this challenge...Nursey is getting Boos to make us an unique sign...I decided Im gonna use this one while waiting for the other.

If anyone would like it..the image command is

[ IMG][ /IMG]

Again with no spaces between the [ ]

Again like the last time ya wanna change the number accordingly..01.jpg,02.jpg,03.jpg and so forth..

Have a wonderful day everyone!! :sunny:


angieK Wed, Jan-07-04 11:52

Hey Glim I'm going to use until the new one shows up

adukart : I am the last person who should be correcting grammer. I will leave the grammer correcting up to other people.


adukart Wed, Jan-07-04 15:04

Hey everyone, I guess I must really like this thread because this is the most I've written on any thread. My day is going good. It's 2:00 I usually get tired around 1:30-2:00 but I'm not. I hope it was the water. I am just spreading it out more instead of cutting in down. I will drink more in the evening that way if I get tired I wont know becuase I will be sleeping :)

I am also changing my sign until ours is done.

nawchem Wed, Jan-07-04 15:19

The only thing thats keeping me going with kiss is that I'm planning a cheat day when I finish the 100 days. I never did induction and had expected that all my cravings would disappear when I cut out AS which I used a lot of. Its been 15 days and I think about sweets all day. I can resist them but I think about them. Did this happen with anyone else?

adukart Wed, Jan-07-04 15:36

nawchem, my post on page 3 of this thread was my first confession about the same situation. I started taking L-Glutamine because of it, only for the last 2 days. I can honestly say that I did not crave or think about sweets yesterday and not so far today. Now if it works throught the real hard times like when it's in front of my face I will be a true believer. So my suggestion would be to try L-Glutamine.

nawchem Wed, Jan-07-04 15:48

thanks aducart

Jo-Ann 2 Wed, Jan-07-04 18:15

I like the star cheat free signature, it's the only way I'm ever going to be a star. Winter has arrived today, cold, cold, no there has to be another word for it. The sun was bright and shining and if you were sitting in your house by a window it was just like "being a cat". Go outside though and it was a different story, went downtown today and the wind was coming off the water and straight up into town. We have been having really nice weather and then it changed over night.
Thanks for the visits girls, I have gotten back on track. It's nice to come here and be positive again. I'm going through the cravings again but as I mentioned before the Splenda is out of the house and so is the chocolate. So I'm officially on day 2.
Hope everyone is doing well, I see double digit stars. Here's to seeing stars in our eyes.

nursey15 Wed, Jan-07-04 19:23

I like the star too, when Boo get's the other one finished I'll post it here and you guys can use what you want. Thanks to whoever Glim stole the star from!! It looks neat to see all of us with the same star and announce how well we are doing to the rest of the board.

Adukart- SR Potassium is one that is released slowly throughout the day, like over 8-12 hours. You would know, your bottle would indicate it.

Everyone is doing so well. I was frustrated this morning. I can't seem to get the scale to MOVE. I get stuck for like a week every 5 pounds I lose. First I was stuck at 222, now at 217.5. (I can't believe I so openly tell my weight so many places here lol)

Hoping for at least a little whoosh in the morning. Hey I'll even take 1/2 pound!

Live free-eat cheat free- :lol: gonna be my new motto I think.

nawchem Thu, Jan-08-04 09:52

Did I Cheat?

I feel so guilty. Yesterday I just ate meat all day and planned to have a salad when I went out to dinner. I went to a Mexican fast food place with a bunch of friends. I had never been there before. I ordered a shrimp salad and water. The salad turned out to be rice and beans, not lettuce. I just ate the shrimp and avocado but there was rice stuck to it.

I think I'm too biased to know if I cheated. So you guys decide.

adukart Thu, Jan-08-04 10:05

Nawchem, I personally wouldn't count that as a cheat because it's like ranch dressing, you are not supposed to eat sugar but ranch has some and I eat it anyway because the amount is soooo small.

I will have to check my potassium bottle to see if it's SR.

I am back to 130 today, still no cheat but pretty upset. I ate low carb bread for the first time last night and peanuts, and that was after my supper. I have to stop snacking but I couldn't make the bread and then not at least try it.

Lammie22 Thu, Jan-08-04 12:14

Originally Posted by nursey15
Live free-eat cheat free- :lol: gonna be my new motto I think.

that is just too cute!

w82bthin Thu, Jan-08-04 12:40

Hello everyone.. Having a good day today. Thought I was comming down with something yesterday. I was weak and tired and just didn't feel like myself. Then last night I was writting down everything I ate (a personal food journal)and I realized I had only had 500 cal. and 8g of carbs.:rolleyes: I made some eggs and bacon and I felt worlds better. I just don't feel hungry very often anymore. This is what I ate. Oh btw.. I do eat ranch dressing everyday for lunch but I only have the two tablespoons. I modify Atkins a bit. But I still lose the weight.

Breakfast: cereal bar
Lunch: salad w/ranch and cheese
Dinner:Baked chicken and spinach

Oh well, today I had a bigger breakfast and feel a little better.
Also about the candy I found, deffinately can only have once in a while I wanted to run out to the store and get loads more.:nono:

A little long winded today...sorry. Have a healthy day

nawchem Thu, Jan-08-04 14:27

Nursey your whoosh is coming. I thought that was interesting that you lose 5 pounds then rest for a while. I kind of lose in chunks too. My fitday weight graph is stairs up and down. I just started exercising this week. Hope it will.

Adukart thanks for the permission to keep my cheatfree sign!!! I'm kind of carrying guilt around with me. Shesh.

w82bthin, I've noticed the same thing happening. Whats weird is that my stomach never feels empty I just run out of energy. Wow 500cal though. I've been adding fat to my meals since it keeps my calories up.

time2shine Thu, Jan-08-04 16:24


I made an oversight!! Sorry Marissa ...I have not been keeping up with this thread too well and had no realization you were with us on this challenge!!

Welcome aboard ..Im glad youre here...and thats for the getwell wishes back when...Sheesh maybe I should read this thread and check in more often.

ANYWAYS....everyone...ya know how I said I had seen the challenge sign off of someone that posted in my journal? Well its from Marissa aka(Granadino) please thank her...when I saw it I just figured she was on her own personal challenge ...and I grabbed it meaning to ask her about borrowing it and then I got sidetracked and never made it over.

Sorry gf...glad you are with us...and THANKS for the sign!!! :D...Im still anxiously awaiting what Boos working up for us.

Hope everyone is doing great ...Im on plan and working it!!

Will be later to backtrack this thread and see whats been happening.

Love to all,

Lammie22 Thu, Jan-08-04 18:58

Hi everyone!

I slept all the way through the night last night. I can't remember the last time I did that (if I ever did). For most of my life I would wake up every hour. The last few weeks I have had a few 4-hour stretches. Now 8 hours!

Is that a benefit of low carbing?

Why am I still so tired during the day? (This is kinda bugging me, because I read about so many people having all this new energy.

Love this challenge!

2B-ABLE Thu, Jan-08-04 21:05

Hey everyone jsut and update.... sorry I havent posted as much as i had wanted but I've been pretty busy. It towards the end of day 5 for me!! YAY!!! Day five..stayin alive! Ive been doing reat actually. Ive been excersicing everyday. I tried on a pair of 30 inch waist pants today, and they fit pretty comfortably. (normally it was thighs that were tight) It is still a little tight around the butt area but the things is that if I WANTED to, I could wear them wih a slightly longer shirt and they wouldnt look bad. Things like this keep me motivated. I hope I still have that same motivation come my weigh in day Sat mornin ..hehe!

7 days will be a mini goal cheat free mark for me.

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