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red1cutie Thu, Aug-14-03 11:13

Hi Guys! How is everyone?

Hope everyone is doing well with their water/workouts/eating.

My workout:
Cardio: 41 minutes (2.65 miles)

Thanksgiving here we come!


20b430 Thu, Aug-14-03 11:51

Hello Lady Losers!:)

I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well, and getting their workouts done.

I'm feeling pretty darn good, and almost positive I will be able to contribute to the numbers tomorrow!!!!!

Looks like we're going hit our goal, actually pass it!! :wiggle:

Got to get back to the water.....

Good Luck to All!!!!

Take Care!


amiee3377 Thu, Aug-14-03 20:02

Exercise Challenge
Ok ladies my tom is here and I'm a little tired. I've done well with my food but I've been having chocolate cravings. The pure delight sf chocolate is so good.

Here are the totals for the challenge:

Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377 1 mile
Ketodiva 35 minutes
Red1cutie 84 minutes 2.65 miles
Angel: 40 minutes ***I did not count those crunches. Please let me know how long it took you to do them****
Total: 159 minutes 3.65 miles

Cummulative Challenge Numbers
429 minutes and 15.59 miles

We have almost reached half of our goal. Come on ladies, let's get those other 71 minutes. :thup: We only have a few more weeks to work on those miles but I believe we can do it. :yay: I will try to add more to the total next week.

***If there are any changes that need to be made please let me know****I will help me to calculate the numbers better if you just type your information in the subject area. If you use quick reply please type it at the bottom of the post. Thanks

20b430 Thu, Aug-14-03 21:31

2 miles 30 mins for me!
Hello Ladies,

Just got in from my workout!

Went to the track. My husband was really motivated tonight. It rained on us, but we kept going. It was wonderful, we were the only ones out there.

Hmmmmm No pain, no gain, and a little water won't hurt. (except for my hair :lol: )

Take care all!!

Continued success!


skeeweeaka Thu, Aug-14-03 21:53

Worked out Step Aerobics...1 hour today... Hope everyone is having a good day...


angelicsim Fri, Aug-15-03 11:37

Hello all
Yesterday worked out 20 minutes of taebo and it takes about 15 minutes to do crunches 35 minutes in all....Will try to do 71 minutes to day.

keep up the good work ladies

Atkins05 Fri, Aug-15-03 16:38

Aimee thanks so much for inviting me to this thread. What a great idea :-) I would love to join.

skeeweeaka Fri, Aug-15-03 17:25

15 minutes of free weights...upper body.... Hope everyone is having a productive day... Trust me it's a big

amiee3377 Fri, Aug-15-03 19:22

You're welcome Atkins05. If any of you other ladies see a sistah in another thread, please invite her to join us.

red1cutie Fri, Aug-15-03 21:08

Hi everyone! Welcome Atkin!

Well we had a Blackout in Toronto (other areas too) from yesterday until tonight. I got my water back yesterday morning and then my electricty back tonight. All my food spoiled. I was so mad.

Everyone is doing so great. You all should be proud! :D
:clap: :clap: :clap:

My Workout today:
Lower Body Workout: 40 minutes

Hope everyone is safe! :wave:


skinnyme Fri, Aug-15-03 21:33

CAD versus Atkins
Hello Ladies,

Looking for some advice...I am thinking of changing my program from Atkins to CAD. I have both books so I have a good understanding of both programs. I put a post in my journal regarding this (#17). If any of you would like to take a look a tell me if you have any thoughts. I think the most important thing is to pick one that works and stay with it. I guess I just hate to filp flop between the plans.

Thank you red for your input. Hope all is well with everyone.

20b430 Fri, Aug-15-03 22:02

Adding to the workout numbers 2 miles 30 mins
Hello Everyone!!!
Glad you could join us Atkin...............

Red: glad your power is back!!!! I know that was tough.. It was plastered on the news yesterday.... :)

skinny: I've read that book. The only down fall was eating the carbs in an hour....I'm a slow eater, and I get full quickly....I honestly like to eat 4 or 5 small meals, which you can't do on that plan..... But you're right, you want to do something that works for you and that you can stick to. Good luck to you,,which ever plan you decide to roll with :roll:

Just wanted to report my exercise.

Spent my Friday night at the gym.....Felt good.:yay::yay:

Have a great weekend Ladies, and keep up the good work.

amiee3377 Fri, Aug-15-03 22:44

2 miles my mom did 1/2 mile

amiee3377 Fri, Aug-15-03 22:57

Exercise Challenge
Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377 2 miles
My Mother 1/2 mile (She really worked hard to do that. I'm proud of her)
Red1cutie: 40 minutes
Angelicsim: 35 minutes
Skeeweeaka 75 minutes
20b430 4 miles 60 minutes **Girl you are doing GREAT!! :yay: Total: 210 minutes 6.5 miles

Cummulative Challenge Numbers
639 minutes :yay: and 22.09miles

We have reached half of our goal. We have 27.91 miles to go. :yay:

Red: I'm glad your light are back on.
Atkins05: Our Challenge is 500 minutes and 50 miles before labor day. Come join us in the challenge

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

feebee67 Sat, Aug-16-03 07:21

Morning everyone,
First let me report my exercise...6 miles since my last post. I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 2 mi. tapes every night except for last night.
**Red1cutie this is my reward meal that I had last night. Chicken fried steak with cream gravy, grilled vegetables, skillet fried cabbage, a coke, and chocolate cake. Yum, yum, yum!!! You could have pizza, salad, and dessert. As long as the meals are somewhat balance. My reward meals are not always balanced. For example one night I had pizza and ice cream, but I'm still losing weight.

**Skinnyme..CAD is working great for me. I'm not familiar with Atkins so I can't compare the two programs. CAD is easy for me because I know that I can have all of the "forbidden foods" for my reward meal if I eat good stuff during the day. Also the weight loss is pretty slow..usually 1 to 2 pounds a week; but I'm also loosing inches. The one hour time limit is not a problem for me. I'm a teacher so I'm used to scarfing down meals in 20 min. You have to choose what's best for you.

Have a great day everyone! I'm off to school to work on my classroom. School starts Monday:tears:

red1cutie Sat, Aug-16-03 08:27

Sup everyone?

Guys we are doing really awesome with the workouts. We should all be really proud.

Amiee, tell your Mom that she is doing great.

Skinny, the most important thing is to find a WOL that woks for you so you can achieve your goal. And if it does not work you can always come back to Atkins, right? The thing is if you are interested in it you have to try it. Just remember to make sure that your reward meal is balanced. Good luck Skinny. We are rooting for ya. Let us know how it is working, please.

I am finding the humidity unbearable when I am working out. I get kinda dizzy and nauseous if I don't workout in the morning when it is at least a little cooler.

Hope you guys have a great saturday! :wave:


skeeweeaka Sat, Aug-16-03 11:18

Feebee... I have tried CAD in the past... I really loved those reward meals...and yours sounded yummie... Sometimes when I want to go off plan...I use the same principles for my meal and don't gain weight (usually around my TOM)... So it is an interesting concept...
I'm hoping to use that plan to maintain my weight loss...

Atkins05 Sat, Aug-16-03 14:05

Hello ladies,
By all means please count me in. I want to be a part of the challenge.:agree:
I work out 5 days a week for 2 hours (1 hour cardio 1 hour strengh training). Mon., Wed., Fri., Spinning Class (cardio) & upper body weights. Tues., & Thursday Kickboxing (cardio) & lower body weights.

I really love :yay: this WOE and this is the best I've felt in a long time. I've always been naturally slim but after I reached my 30's I started adding a litle weight. I guess all the carb's finally caught up with me :-).
I have now given up sugar & starch (white flour for sure!!! :nono: ) and I don't miss it. :rolleyes:
I avoid any high carb meals - except when I intentionally went off plan during my vacation (and was willing to accept the negative consequences). I felt bad and promised myself I would never do that again. But I'm resolved to accept those consequences with grace.
I think this is something everyone works out for themselves. Some things to think about: :roll:

Does having such a meal trigger cravings or make you attracted non-lc foods the next day?

Do you end up retaining water like crazy and feeling bloated for a couple days after?

Eventually, you will need to add carbs to your diet when you get to maintenance (also if your working out a lot). It's probably better to gradually and slowly add back just 1 or 2 higher carb foods at a time and see how you do. Rather than a complete, traditional off plan meal (like pizza & real sugar added ice cream), maybe have one higher carb dish and keep the rest of the meal LC. E.g., when you try Mexican, have an enchilada, but skip the chips, rice and beans in favor of a salad.:dazzle:

OTOH, this is "real life". So if you need to eat a non-lc meal once in a great while to feel that all is well with the world; :Party: and -importantly- you can handle any undesireable consequences, well, you do it.:Party: Once in a great while. But try to aviod the sugar & white flour.:thup: IMHO
God Bless you ladies,
Take care.....

VM :

angelicsim Sat, Aug-16-03 15:27

hi all
hi amiee hi ladies

friday I worked out for 20 minutes of taebo and 20 minutes of crunches. I weigh 182 instead of 189 after 6 days of atkins. The only problem is I'm feeling tired all the time any suggestion, maybe I need to work out more? I work at night and exercise before I go to work so I'll probally will post my exercise the next day.

Does anyone else eat the low carb bars maybe one a day is to much? I feel like I'm eating the wrong foods. HELP!! :rolleyes:

angelicsim Sat, Aug-16-03 20:15

hi all
Hi all

glad to here everyone is still hanging in there and congrat to your mom amiee :yay:. Saturday I walked for 15 minutes and was surprise when my son agreed to go bicycle riding with me. He's 14 and that's not really considered cool at that age. We road our bicycle for 35 minutes I am so proud of my self. Tomorrow we will play tennis my two sons against me, can't wait.
Well today ladies I feel like sharing I want to tell you the reason I started dieting. I was in a relationship for about 14 years off and on it was never a good relationship but you no how it is you just get comfortable in a relationship good or bad. Well to make things short I had finally broke it off with the dipstick and he started seeing someone else well I wasn't use to that and I was so hurt and I cryed for about a week. But what really hurt was that this other person looked just like me but skinny. I started dieting that was a month ago. But, the funny thing is that I started dieting because I was upset and I wanted to lose weight so he could see what he was missing but known I'm just doing it for me. I am the happiest I've been in years. I think god works in mysterious ways some time. I started dieting for the wrong reasons but known I'm dieting for the right ones. Oh yeah my ex he has been calling and coming over the only thing I tell him is. "breaking up with you was the best thing that ever happened to me". Well that's it that's my atkins story. Just thought I'd share.:angel:

Atkins05 Sat, Aug-16-03 20:55

Hi Angelicsim, what ever the reason good or bad I'm glad you found this WOE. I truly agree with it being the best thing for our bodies (minds, spirit, etc...). :yay:
It must be pretty cool having two sons:thup: (We're working on some, keep your fingers crossed for us :angel: ).
Hang in there, even though you don't want your EX back rest assured he will be eating his heart out in a couple of weeks :lol: :-)
God Bless,

amiee3377 Sat, Aug-16-03 21:23

Hi ladies,

I've had a long day. I've already put in two miles today but I'm going to try to talk my mother into doing another mile with me. I wasn't completely on atkins today. I ate a small piece of cake at my nephew's b-day party but the rest of my food was strictly atkins. I hope I'm not thrown completely out of ketosis.

valligator Sat, Aug-16-03 22:26

Well, I have finally gotten myself in gear... I walked for 45 minutes today!

It's a start....

amiee3377 Sun, Aug-17-03 18:02

Exercise Challenge
Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377: 4 miles
Feebee67: 6 miles
Angelicsim: 75 minutes
Valligator: 45 minutes WTG!!
Total: 120 minutes 6 miles

Cummulative Challenge Numbers
759 minutes and 28.09miles

skinnyme Mon, Aug-18-03 06:25

Went to the gym this AM :yay:

30 minutes on eliptical machine 2.02 miles
10 minutes upperbody

Have a great day

red1cutie Mon, Aug-18-03 06:41

Good morning Sisters! :D Hope you all have a great Monday!

Thank you so much for sharing your story Angelicsim and for the life lesson.

I went to the gym early this morning.
Cardio: 40 minutes 2.65 miles
Abdominals: 12 minutes--5 sets of crunches 25 reps using the abs thing, 1 set of lower body crunches 25 reps.

Good going Skinny, Amiee & Valligator! :clap: :yay: :clap: I'm proud of ya! Skinny, how is CAD going?


20b430 Mon, Aug-18-03 10:04

Good Morning Ladies

I'm glad to see everyone up and moving. Hopefully I can contribute to the numbers soon, AF will make her appearance this week.:rolleyes:

Looks like we've hit our first goal,,,500 minutess.....Now let's shoot for 50 miles......

WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Take Care All,


amiee3377 Mon, Aug-18-03 10:44

I didn't feel good this morning so I didn't exercise. I will try to put in two mile tonight.

MsLayila Mon, Aug-18-03 12:22

Hey Ladies !
I think this thread is great and I want to join let me just scroll up and read everyone's post (laugh)

skinnyme Mon, Aug-18-03 16:27

Hello All,

Red - the CAD's seems to be going ok. I have been keeping my journal up. The first 2 days weight remained the same. Day 3 weight went up by 1.4 pounds :rolleyes: Now, I did not freak out because this is expected (that is why you average your weeks daily weights)and I felt like alot of it (If not all) was water (from my reward meal). I do feel that I am going down in inches. I plan to measure that soon.

One thing I have noticed is a change in mood. I seem to be happier knowing that if my husband wants to go out to eat I can sit with him and enjoy my meal instead of focusing on keeping my hands out of his plate (Very hard for me, he always seems to get the foods I love and that my diet will not allow me to eat -french fries/bread/pizza, you name it).
I have also noticed I get fuller faster and in the first 2 days did not really have hunger. I had to make myself eat because I know my body needs food.
Take care

Welcome MsLayila glad you found us :wiggle:

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