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sinistress Sun, Apr-11-04 22:51

Hmmmm....let's see...I've tried the cabbage soup one, horrible, I didn't even last 2 days and it made me so sick.

The mayo clinic diet...actually had some success on this one..lost about 20lbs, got pregnant, and never could go back on it because I can't eat eggs anymore.

Slim fast....never worked for me but I use the lc shakes for breakfast all the time now and have had no problem

Diet Doctor....prescribed phentermine.....I lost about 30 lbs and half my mind...LOL...that stuff is bad! I felt so on edge and would blow up so easily that I had to quit taking it so my kids wouldn't end up being scared of me. Of course along with the phentermine I was prescribed a diuretic daily and I didn't even realize how important water basically...I didn't eat, I didn't drink water, I was cranky, nervous, agitated and when i did eat it was junk. My dh said he felt like he was living with a speed junkie cause the meds gave me all the side effects of it. Man am I glad i got smart about that stuff!

This woe is the only one I've been able to find that actually works and doesn't make me feel like crap!

LadyBelle Mon, Apr-12-04 00:27

I hated the cabbage soup part of the cabbage soup diet. I liked the day we got to have bananas and skim milk though :)

red1cutie Mon, Apr-12-04 07:48

Originally Posted by LadyBelle
I hated the cabbage soup part of the cabbage soup diet. I liked the day we got to have bananas and skim milk though :)
Oh yeah! I loved that day. I thought of that cabbage soup makes me wanna barf though. Yuck! I liked the baked potato dinner day. :)


magnamater Mon, Apr-12-04 08:55

My first strange one:

an egg, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 cup coffee, 3X's a day.

And I didn't like coffee back then.

Later, I did Optifast--worked great, but I gained it all and more back--could have kept it off if I had done LC back then.

Wish I had that to do over. . .

Then I almost died--seriously--with FenPhen. Doctor said it must be reflux, to get back on the FenPhen--I was in heart failure. . .

Good to be alive.

NewDieter Mon, Apr-12-04 09:47

Oh Lawd- I have done some of the most REDICULOUS things all in the name of diet. Da*n that Barbie doll!
- As many of the posters, I attempted the cabbage soup diet. MY GOSH- If I ever smell that nasty mix again it will be too soon. I think the principle behind that mess is that it stinks so terribly you have no desire to eat. Sure didn't work for me. I think I lasted three days.
In my teens I attempted to become a diet guru myself, inventing truly mad eating regimens, including the "7 calorie-a -day plan, consisting of SF jello (for the gelatin to keep my hair and nails healthy) and diet coke". I lasted on this ingenilus plan (of my own creation) for three weeks. I was so week and ill that my Mother had me admitted to the hospital. That plan was NOT SO WISE - but I was "skinny".
After that disaster I decided that perhaps I would follow a more liberal plan, so I invented the SF jello, diet coke, and twinkie diet. Again a flop. There were many others of my own creation that were just as rediculous, dangerous, and damaging to my poor metabolism. (And this was all in my late teens and very early 20's) I am only 26 now!
As for more conventional diet plans, I did the Slim Fast plan; I found the Pritkin Diet book in my Mother's book shelf, and attempted that as well.
Now, my goal is HEALTH!! Thank you Drs. Eadie and Dr. Atkins!

AFwife Mon, Apr-12-04 09:55

I've done the cabbage soup diet but the most bizzare one was the Orange drink diet. What you did was buy 12 oranges. Peel them all and put all the peels in a huge pot. Fill the pot up with water, just enough to cover the peels. Then you boiled for about an hour or until you started to see some white foam stuff. :lol: Anyways, then you took the peels out and trashed it and poured the water into a GLASS jug. It had to be glass so it wouldn't spoil fast. You put in fridge. Then every morning before you ate anything or even brushed your teeth, you would pour yourself a shot glass of this stuff, warm not hot, and shug it down. NASTY! It tasted real bad. Then you run to bathroom and brush your teeth. :lol:

It made you go potty alot the first few days that's for sure. But hey, as nasty as it was I did lose 50 pounds doing this. Oh and of course you had to eat 3 simple meals a day. No junk food.

Anyone else done this wierd one?

Bella22 Mon, Apr-12-04 10:21

When I was 14 my sister (who was 15) decided that she was going to go on a no eating diet. I thought, hey great idea. My younger sister who was 12 decided to join us on it also. Well after 3 days of not eating, I decided to go outside in the middle of a 100 degree summer day and mow the lawn. I nearly passed out. That was the end of that diet!

shortstuff Mon, Apr-12-04 11:09

The grapefruit diet where you ate nothing but grapefruit, boiled eggs and cooked spinach. My mother, of all people, put me on this diet when I was in high school. Any wonder why I have problems relating to my mom? To this day I totally despise grapefruit and only recently have been able to eat boiled eggs. Cooked spinach I won't touch with a 10 foot pole but I love it raw in salads. I also did NutriSystem - ate a lot of cardboard food and wasted a lot of money. As soon as I tried to eat regular food again I gained back all of the weight I lost and then some.

LadyBelle Mon, Apr-12-04 12:22

I had the Dr's Quick Weigh tLoss Diet book. I read through it, but didn't follow it. Basically it was a collection of fad diets colelcted by this suposed doctor, which he claimed all of were safe. Such features included the grapefruit diet, as well as one diet where youpicked one day a week and only ate food on that day. I decided that didn't sound healthy, no matter how credientialed the author claimed to be.

There was also a diet book that was named after a fancy neighborhood. Something like the Winsor wives diet. Basically it called for martinis, lobster and having your own pool. Not one I think I could afford.

vixen69 Mon, Apr-12-04 16:54

I too have tried many diets from the time I was about 10 yrs old. I did the pill diet (dexatrim, phen-phen, ephedrine, etc.), rice diet, tuna and cottage cheese diet (I hate cottage cheese), Susan Powter, very low fat (10g or less a day), juice diet, fasting diet, Weight Watchers, ... I'm sure that I'm leaving something out. I gained 15lbs on Weight Watchers and was starving the whole time. I lost 20lbs on the fasting diet and I was able to keep it off for about 2 yrs, but I was tired and light headed the whole time. Perhaps this is why it's so hard for me to lose weight now.

146pounds Mon, Apr-12-04 17:20

The cabbage soup diet. It was okay in the beginning when I liked the flavor, but after several days, I was ready to throw it in the garbage. Not to mention it gave me anal leakage :mad: Actually a funny story. I ate the cabbage soup and it was giving me cramps. I was going to the pharmacy to pick up some medication for it. When I went down to tie my shoe......Sorry to be so crude guys!

LondonIan Mon, Apr-12-04 18:12

Actually, one of the weird ones I tried worked quite well, lost about 46 pounds in 6 months - you'll see why. I picked this one up from my older brothers, who also have a weight problem.
The chicken and green bean diet. That's it. Period. Nothing else but roast chicken and green/french/runner beans.
Occasionally you were allowed chicken and peas for a change. Was also drinking Miller Lite. So, in a strange way, I was LCing without knowing it!

fridayeyes Mon, Apr-12-04 18:20

Whoever posted about the doctor with the little vials? OMG, ROFLMAO!!! I'd have taken my checkbook in one hand and very carefully checked its weight against each vial. When the doc asked me what I was doing, I'd have said, "This is telling me how much to PAY you."

My mom dieted a lot, she did WW, grapefruit, cabbage soup, Scarsdale, and a liquid protein diet. On the protein diet, there were these mushy little squares of dietetic 'chocolate' candies she was allowed to have. I snuck one once and they tasted like utter crap. Even better, they were called "Ayds."

My dad is a character, btw. He knows most of us are doing Atkins. When people ask him what diet he's on, he says he's on the "Alphabet diet". "I'm having a burger. Burger starts with B. So do 'buns' and 'beer'.

This thread is a riot! :)



Nancy LC Mon, Apr-12-04 18:52

Originally Posted by Atrsy
The most bizarre thing I ever did was misunderstand CAD and think I could eat anything I wanted as long as I could eat it within one hour. I really had fun eating, but you can only imagine what happened! LOL

Back when I did CAD the book said you could have whatever you wanted at your Reward Meal. :) They toned that down in later books though. I didn't lose anything on CAD. :p

Other than that, I can't remember anything too weird. I guess there was a diet where you were supposed to have 1200 calories one day then 1800 the next to "shock" your system. I don't remember it working all that well.

nitrovixen Mon, Apr-12-04 19:25

my mom and I went on a strange one she read about where you eat exactly whats on this list. All I remember eating is 1 cup of cottage cheese, 2 saltine crackers, and canned beets. I HATED beets but I was so incredibly hungry I licked the bowl! Talk about a calorie deficit, I was starving the whole time. It lasted about 3 days and I did lose weight until I went off the diet.

Also tried the chew and spit diet,

the starvation diet,

the lowfat cottage cheese/tuna/veggie diet (lost about 8 pounds in a week but gained it back when I went to Cancun and ate everything in sight.)

And the fat fast, ate 6 mini cheesecakes for two days. I would have KILLED for anything that wasn't cheesecake. Almost had an orgasm when I cheated and had a piece of cheddar!

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