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losingmich Tue, Oct-25-05 13:22

Slipped up on the weekend...
Hey everyone,

There are definately some really inspiring measurements and weigh ins on here. I had a bit of a cheater weekend, but I am back on track now and visualizing my bikini and my good looking bod in it! Shorter term, I am imagining how my family will see me at Christmas and how great I will look slimmer then. Even if I'm not at my goal yet.

What do you all eat for breakfast? I'm finding that eggs are getting really boring! I really don't want to eat any more of them for a while, but I'm looking for some fresh ideas!

Cheers, Mich

AllieCat Tue, Oct-25-05 13:38

This is a great thread! I am on 4th week of induction, 10 lbs gone, feeling a little steam slipping, this is just what I needed! Good job to everyone! Great support system!

truckgirl Tue, Oct-25-05 15:15

Originally Posted by losingmich
Shorter term, I am imagining how my family will see me at Christmas and how great I will look slimmer then. Even if I'm not at my goal yet.

:thup: That's awesome! I just decided what picture to send out with my Christmas cards.......and I'm 20 lbs less in this picture than last years Christmas picture!! :D

Originally Posted by losingmich
What do you all eat for breakfast? I'm finding that eggs are getting really boring! I really don't want to eat any more of them for a while, but I'm looking for some fresh ideas!
Cheers, Mich

I like sausage, however one has to be careful to look at the package because some of thos Maple Syrup and Brown Sugar flavored sausages have quite a bit of carbs! I know you said you're tired of eggs, but I've made some quiche (crustless) that was really good, and with all the other ingredients the eggs didn't annoy me as much! Let me know if you would like a recepie. :) There are also "Brecky Balls" which are basically meatballs made with half sausage and half hamburger, an egg to hold them together, some cheese, and some spices. :)

I've discovered I have a pretty wimpy workout when I'm on I'm thinking about having just a little bit of carbs at breakfast to help me with my workout, which I do immediately following breakfast. Then induction foods the rest of the day. We'll see, I'm not sure yet :q:

greeniz35 Tue, Oct-25-05 18:59

Hey girls, 10 days cheat free here....I hate to even say cheat free, but actually if I go off plan, then I am cheating myself. I am definitely thinking of this as a change of lifestyle, No Doubt. Tomorrow is my weigh/measurement day, hope this goes well!! Gonna try and do it in the morning before I go to school verses waiting until I get home??? We'll see!! Wish me luck girls!! And keep up the good work!!! Rock on Ladies, We are SOOO worth it!!


veronicac Tue, Oct-25-05 19:12

hi guys i would like to join your little club today is my #1day on induction phase i tried atkins a year ago and did very good lost 13lbs on induction and then figured i could go off for a few days and from their i went downhill gained it back BUT NOW I AM GOING TO GO ALL THE WAY THANX TO YOUR COMMENTS &SUPPORT :agree:

browniz30 Wed, Oct-26-05 05:54


Dont lose that steam girl!!!! ;) We are here to get you excited again!!! You are doing great!!! I know it does get tough...but we gotta keep our focus on what wonderful things we are doing for our bodies and health by this WOE!! ;)

veronica~ welcome back to Atkins!!! we know how tough that first week is...stay srong.....focus on how great you will feel in a few days!!! I am like you...I started Atkins a couple years ago..lost 50 pounds....thought i could have a little sugary snack....and there it went!!!! spiraled out of control!!!! gained EVERY bit of it back!!! I am a desparate sugar (it's like crack for me...I swear!!!) addict!!! I have been back on the wagon now almost a month and am down 16 pounds!!! :agree: :agree:

greeniz~~~ you are doing wonderfully!!!! :cheer: :cheer:
12th day is it?? you go girl!!!! you are right....WE ARE WORTH IT!!!! we all need to quit settling and go claim that victory!!!! and we are well on our way there...I am soooo excited!!!! way to go packing all that healthy food to take to school with are truly determined!!!! ;)

well girls...have a great day!!!!!!

AllieCat Wed, Oct-26-05 06:39

I am still not experiencing real good energy yet. I have had spurts, but lately I am not sleeping good, either. I am 20 carbs or below for 3 weeks. For all I know it could be emotional. Maybe I'll do some meditating.....any suggestions?

truckgirl Wed, Oct-26-05 09:53

Originally Posted by AllieCat
I am still not experiencing real good energy yet. I have had spurts, but lately I am not sleeping good, either. I am 20 carbs or below for 3 weeks. For all I know it could be emotional. Maybe I'll do some meditating.....any suggestions?

Hey Sweetie!
Have you been keeping track of how many calories you're getting? When I did, I found I wasn't getting enough! Now that I've been getting more calories in, I have a higher energy level. Just a thought. :)

truckgirl Wed, Oct-26-05 09:56

Morning Ladies!
I see many of you have several cheat-free days in a row- good job everyone!!
I'm starting a new plan of attack.....a little bit of carbs before my workout, and induction foods only the rest of the day. I've found that I just can't lift worth beans if I don't have some carbs before hand. I don't mean I'm going to scarf a donut, it will be something like an advantage bar, some wheat, barley or flax, something along that line.
You all have a great day!

MiaHope Wed, Oct-26-05 10:56

I just want to weigh myself. I am just afraid of being discouraged! I will wait unti Sunday. That was my original plan anyway. I am still cheat free and congrats to you all!


veronicac Wed, Oct-26-05 19:21

hi browniz30 thankyou for your support today is my second day and i actualy dont feel as bad as i thought i was going to is 9oclock here in tampa and i am very proud to say I HAVE MADE IT THROUGH THE DAY CHEAT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay:

greeniz35 Wed, Oct-26-05 20:24

Welcome Alli, Mia and Veronica!!! Girls I am 11 days cheat free today. Wow I can't believe I've lasted this long, but honestly, once you get that sugar out of your system you just don't crave it like before. I know I have a "sugar beast" that lives inside me who would love nothing more than to attack a chocolate pecan pie.

I am finding more and more recipes from the ppl on these support forums that are really saving me. So girls just keep looking around and asking folks what helps them and you will definitely get help. When I started a little over 2 wks ago, I HAD to have something to crunch and browniz was like, get a bag of pork rinds...and low and behold, that and a diet riet, did the trick for me. I keep my foods really simple, baked/roasted/ boiled chicken (boil it for fresh chicken salad), boiled eggs, fresh veggies like cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes, and loving brussel sprouts. I just try to make things ahead of time and have them ready in the fridge so when I do get busy and hungry, all I have to do is open the fridge and I've got healthy food all ready. Chicken salad has saved me a couple times. You know I'm thinking of it like this, I take care of my kids with loving care and make sure they are eating well, now I am going to do the same for me!!! I AM WORTH IT!! AND SO ARE YOU!

I'm learning all long with you girls, browniz gave me Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, and I've checked out the induction foods in there, it helps to have it to refer to and read. I am also drinking tons of water everyday, and I love herbal tea in the a.m. with splenda. Since I've started drinking all this water, I am noticing I seem to almost be thirstier now than when I wasn't consuming as much.....or maybe it's my body telling me...this is what you were suppose to be drinking to begin with? I don't know. But I know it helps keep me flushed out and my skin is really starting to look good!!

Well I gotta run girls, gotta study for my first accounting exam in the morning!! GOOD NIGHT ALL!!!! REMEMBER YOU ARE WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF THIS SOMETIMES VERY HARD WORK!! WE CAN ALL DO THIS TOGETHER!!ROCK ON!!


browniz30 Thu, Oct-27-05 05:58

alliecat~ I didnt get good energy til after the first week!!! actually the first week is just awful for me....I have NO energy!!!! I think it's just alot of detox going on...getting all that "junk" out of your system and also adjusting to our bodies from burning carbs for energy to burning fat!!! once your body switches will feel great!!!! and yes.....make sure you are getting as close to the 20 carbs as possible!!! eat your veggies!!!!! and of course drink tons of water!!!!
I really encourage everyone to start a's a great tool!!!! you can post your meals,feelings and questions!!!! I need to post in mine today...I havent in a couple days...been hectic around here lately!!!

one last thing ladies........DO NOT FOCUS ON THAT SCALE!!!!!!
I know it's hard cuz I wanna weigh everyday too...but,yes,it can be discouraging!!!! I highly suggest you take your measurements and compare those every week also!!!! you will be amazed how fast the inches just melt off!!!! some weeks the scale will say nothing and yet..inches will be gone!!!! Every week I measure:arms, thigh, hips, waist, chest, and lower ab!!! :Puke:

cant wait till that ones gone!!!! ;)

ok ladies.....have a great day!!!

SoSexie Thu, Oct-27-05 06:23

:wave: Hi ladies!! I am still on the wagon. I figured I would try and exercise this morning and I got terribly lightheaded so I had to stop. I will start once induction is over I guess although I plan to stay on induction at least a month. It was a WATP dvd so maybe I need more vitamins or something. Oh well I am with you Mia Hope I want to weigh soooooooooooo bad but holding off till maybe Sunday or Monday and see how far I have gotten.

You gals are doing a wonderful job we will be at our goal weights in no time flat at this rate!!! Keep up the great work and keep thinking about those skinny jeans!! :)

AllieCat Thu, Oct-27-05 06:48

Thanks for all the support here! I think I may not be eating enough carbs (veggies). I just don't get hungry on this plan! I sure don't crave sugar anymore! 3 weeks cheat free! YEEEHAAA! We can Do it ladies! Keep plugging! I have to keep my scale in my garage out of site because I tend to want to weigh all the time too. I will start watching measurements as well! Have a great day everyone!

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