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alto Fri, Dec-14-01 09:02

Great post, Victoria :) I've been LCing for six weeks now (seems like six years) and am finding that planning and consciously breaking habits and old connections with foods is the key for me.

Sh'ra Fri, Dec-14-01 09:56

I needed to hear that post, Victoria. Stepped on the scale again today, and it was back UP to 257! I know I feel bloated and it's nearing TOM, but gimme a break! I feel I've been doing so well with doing the food and not getting far at all. My temptation is just to stop, eat "normal" for a few days, and start this all over again, but I don't want to lose the little ground I feel I've gained. It seems an awful kick in the pants to have lost nearly all the ground I felt I'd gained, though. *sigh*


Lessara Fri, Dec-14-01 11:54

I can do it. I think I can, I think I can...
I have gone two days without eating potatoes and I made more last night and none passed my lips! :D No cravings.
Its tough sometimes because you just don't want to feel left out.
That's how I feel at times.

Sh'ra Fri, Dec-14-01 12:09

Congrats on that will of steel :)

It is hard not to feel left out. We had candlelight dinner for all the kids at this facility Wednesday, and they had the traditional Christmas feast of turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry fluff, and cheesecake, so all I could have was a little turkey and green beans - HARD. But, at least I got the pleasure of letting two boys split my piece of cheesecake :D

I do think I'm modifying. I'm thinking of cutting way back on cheese and adding some berry types of fruit in minimal quantities. Least then I'd be "regular" in the restroom :D


alto Fri, Dec-14-01 12:31

Hip hip hooray to Lessara! So this wasn't a mistake. It was an experiment. Now you know you can't eat potatoes :)

Sh'ra, I feel for you. I had the same thing last week -- bloat, constipation, then indigestion. It's taken eight days. I had cut out my one apple a day -- it's going back in.

That's the one thing I do NOT like about "Thin for Good." It allows 3 oz of cheese a day, but no fruit and practically no vegetables. Again, this may work for some people.

Put this week down to a failure of your digestive system, not YOU. Next week will be better. I didn't weigh last week because I could feel I'd gained. I began to feel lighter two days ago and got on the scale today -- and I'm down 2 pounds. I hope the same thing will happen to you.

I sinned today. I passed the street corner hot dog stand and stopped to get a Coke, as I've done for 15 years. Took it home. Drank it. It wasn't until I logged on that I remembered that that was not something I could do anymore.

kezza Fri, Dec-14-01 18:29

TOM blues
Sh'ra, don't get too discouraged about the weight gain.
Maybe it is pre- TOM bloating (I gain from 5 to 10 pounds!!!)
Maybe you have reached a plateau and the TOM month weight gain is making it look worse!? :q:

I WILL NOT weigh myself the week before TOM because I know I will get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO discouraged and I can't afford to be mentally ' down' right now. Not after my recent brush with a chocolate cake! :rolleyes:

So keep going. You can do it. :)
We can all do it.
Go for it 250 clubbers!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
See ya,
kezza :wave:

alto Fri, Dec-14-01 18:56

Kezza, I think not weighing yourself the week before TOM is a great idea. Weigh yourself the second day of TOM -- or just wait a week.

Isn't it odd, how much we tell ourselves the scales don't matter -- and they don't -- but oh, how they do.

Hope you've recovered from Chcolate Cake Attacks.

Karson Fri, Dec-14-01 23:57

way to go ladies
What a great treat to come home from working a double and find such uplifting words from my fellow low carbers. I have had a decent day at work and with my eating. This is a one day at a time situation for me, for sure. But boy do I wish I could :p just snap my fingers and have about 50 lbs at a time fall off.

Now back to reality. Today went much better since I took time to cook for myself yesterday. Amazing that taking care of myself pays off. If I don't take care of me, who will? K

Dizz Sat, Dec-15-01 01:33

Karson, if that works, please come and snap your fingers at me!

Karson Sat, Dec-15-01 08:50

not a problem
Dizz, I wouldn't be greedy and keep that talent all to myself. Just wanted to let you know I really like the verse you use at the end of your posts. K

Dizz Sat, Dec-15-01 20:48

"Just wanted to let you know I really like the verse you use at the end of your posts. K."

Thanks K. I know at times its not "popular" to be Christian or people just don't want to hear it but I know I cannot do this alone. This forum to me is God sent, I pray for each of you daily and thank God that I have each of you. :angel: Diz

kezza Sun, Dec-16-01 00:54

Being strict with the carbs is paying off
Just wanted to jump in and say that my recent experiment with being extra strict with the carbs is helping me. :)
At long last the scales are moving downwards. I recently did claim a few pounds loss but I'll soon be claiming some more :D
I just want to wait a few more days because my loss has always been a couple of pounds down then one up and then a couple down and then a couple up..etc. (Does anyone else lose weight like that?) :q:

So I will wait a few more days before I claim the downward trend.

What has REALLY made the difference this time is the following;
-Being strict with the carbs
- Lots of FAT and PROTEIN (very filling)
- extra supplements to curb cravings
- 2 litres water a day
- Taking own LC food and drinks to parties.
- Writing EVERYTHING in my Journal- both successes and failures!

All of this advice I got from replies from members of this low-carb site and many of the 250 clubbers !! What great support! :spin: :spin: :spin:

And Dizz, I like your verse too. Thanks for the prayers as well!
See ya,
Kezza :wave:

wawtigress Sun, Dec-16-01 07:21

About the 190 thread
Hi , I just moved to the triple digits today even tho' I'm at 190 now and have 50 lbs to lose.There was never any response to the 190 club either thread and I want encouragement from reading other people's experiences and how they did it.So I don't know if a 250 will work or not. Wawtigress

SAMTigress Sun, Dec-16-01 08:09

250 - a magic number
Hi there...thought I should drop in. Sh'ra, remember my post -- you said I'd probably beat you to 250? Well, I'm happy to say I've done it...YEAH!! For two days I've waited to confirm it, 'cause I was told you should watch for two days to see if there is a change. There wasn't...I hit 250 -- YEAH, again.


However, Sh'ra, I think when you reach it, there'll be more room for'll have come a long way...longer than where you are now. It was just a matter of ten pounds for me, and 'Induction' helped with a lot of that. So, I think your hit will be much more dramatic...good luck with hitting 250.

Hey, and don't worry about the weight slip, that's bound to happen now and then, just remember how far you've come.

WAW (mom) -- there's bound to be a group out there...we'll find you one that fits your needs...hang in there. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing -- including e-mailing me :D Love ya...xoxo

Victoria Sun, Dec-16-01 09:09

Up and down scale
Kezza, That happens to me. I don't know if it's my scale, or water retention or what. But I go down 2 pounds and then up 1 pound, and then sit there for a while. It's up and down, but on a weekly view---the trend is down. So I try not to be too concerned from one day to the next. But try to notice weekly trends. I just lost another 2 lbs. But I probably won't change my stats for a couple of days, to make sure it is consistant.

Sh'ra, Are you eating salads? I eat tons of vegies, and don't have problems with constipation. Which is really weird, because before this WOL I would have that problem if I ate cheese. But now I can eat cheese and still be OK because I drink lots of water and eat at least two big salads a day. I use spinach or green leafy lettuce too...none of the regular head lettuce that isn't as nutritious. Just a suggestion. Oh, and I eat nuts more than before, which are good for that might help also. I also have fruit once in a while...yesterday I had an orange with dinner. I know melons and berries are the best low carb fruits, but sometimes you gotta have an orange. :roll: Victoria

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