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Cher Thu, Dec-27-01 10:45

that's a great idea...
That's a great idea Sunshine2. I have also been stuck in the 190's for quite some time and I would love to set another interim goal date... What about setting a goal to lose 10 pounds by Valentine's day? I agree that we could either weight in on Monday's or, just report in and talk about our progress and our obstacles. What does everyone think?

sunshine2 Thu, Dec-27-01 11:13

Okay, 10 pounds by Valentines Day
Cher, lets do it. Lets make a challenge amoung ourselves and whoever else wants to chime in, 10 pounds by 2/14/02. Lets all report our weight. I'm starting mine today, and Valentines day is on a Thursday as well, thats 7 weeks we have to loose 10 pounds, thats about 1.5 pounds per week we need to loose.

Weight 12/27/01 195

Just think, by Valentines day, we'll break these 190's and FINALLY be in the 180's. Man, won't that be so wonderful!

Who else wants to join the challenge?

Cher Thu, Dec-27-01 11:30

Awesome! I'm looking forward to this

Oh great...I think this is a very healthy challenge! I weight in on Monday' I'm make sure to check in with my weight this coming Monday.
How Fun! I'm excited...thank you for your support!

I blew it on Christmas Eve and, I know that I might pay a price this week. But, I feel like this challenge will help me to get right back on track again!

I really look forward to being under 190 :cool:

sunsight13 Fri, Dec-28-01 01:43

You guys, you will be well out of the 190s club before I get there, but my goal is to be part of the 190s club by Valentine's Day. I am at 216 today.

Cher, I applaud you. Your goals are so close to mine. I, too, am 5' 8.5" and am shooting first for 165. I would be ecstatic at 150, so we shall see.

I am a California girl, having spent most of my life in San Diego, so right now, with a foot of snow outside my window and 22 degree weather, I envy you being in Southern California. I will be back for a vacation next September and will never tire of being in that corner of the world.

I so want to be part of this forum soon, so I will watch your challenge and root for you. Good luck on breaking into the 180s! :cheer:


sunshine2 Fri, Dec-28-01 08:21

How about that, I'm a California girl too, I was born in Bakersfield, lived in Santa Paula/Ventura area for quite some time, until my family decided Oklahoma was the place to be. So they loaded up the truck and moved to Tulsee ( :D )

Susan, I was once where you are right now, and I thought I would never see under 200, it took me a while, and you would've thought I won the lottery when I stepped on the scales and it said 199, I really did cry. Now, I can't believe I'm trying to get to the 180's. Who would've thought it. Anyhow, what I've trying to say, I know you'll get there, we're cheering for you too!

Marlaine Fri, Dec-28-01 13:08

Rate of Weight Loss
Hi there Everyone!!

I'm not quite to the 190's yet, but I'm gonna be really soon!

I keep reading posts about rate of weight loss and I wanted to share with you my point of view on it. If you've read my journal, you know that I had a lot of difficulty in the first six weeks or so that I did LC. I think that the only control that we have over our rate of loss is to follow the program to the best of our abilities, tweeking and tuning it until we find the unique version that suits us best.

For that reason, I try not to set "pounds lost" goals for myself because if I don't make it I'll be disappointed. I think our bodies work they way they work and drop weight at a rate that is beyond our ability to control other than fine-tuning our fuel. Since I weigh myself every morning, I look forward to it with eager anticipation. If I've lost, I am delighted, and if I didn't lose, I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am following the plan and that the pounds will drop when my body is ready to shed them. It's like I'm observing a scientific experiment. The question is: What does it take for Marlaine to lose weight most efficiently? I'm working at finding that answer.

This is a mindset that I've been developing since I started LCing and it sure relieves a lot of stress and negative feelings for me. My Number One goal in life is to live peacefully and positively. I choose to be happy and I'm getting better and better at it as time goes by. I think LCing has really helped with my body and brain chemistry and I'm grateful for that as part of my success.

I'm looking forward to participating in this thread.


AngelaR Sat, Dec-29-01 05:54

Go for it girls! If you need the challenge of losing 10 pounds by Valentines Day, and it keeps you motivated and on track, then more power to you. Good luck. I'll be watching and cheering you on. Here's hoping that your body is going where your mind wants to be. :p

I'm choosing not to participate because I loose so slowly, and my body will get there when it is ready, not by a date I set in a calendar. I lost 11 pounds in the first week. In the following 7 weeks I lost 8 pounds. That's only ounces more than 1 pound a week. I doubt that I'd reach a 10 pound loss by Valentines so I don't want to set myself up for a disappointment.

Instead, my first short term goal is to hit 166 some time in 2002. That would be the first weight in 10 years that doesn't have a 7, 8 or 9 in it. When I hit that, I'm going for a spa day....facial, manicure and pedicure.

We all have different things that motivate us. For me it's a chance to spoil me rotten at the spa.

Shirlfe Sat, Dec-29-01 15:09

Hi everyone
I am back and rarin to go! I had a sinus infection and thought I would never get over it, and then Christmas, and I wasn't a very good girl over Christmas. I am pushing restart. I am in induction. 1st. day. Hope everyone's dreams come true in the New Year, 2002. Hug's, Shirl.

Shirlfe Sun, Dec-30-01 08:13

Hi everyone
I am in my second day of induction. I plan on salad's and maybe boiled eggs. Meat in my salads. I ached all over this morning, hope that's not the norm. I feel better now, since I have been up a while.
Alto ,I deleted my Private message's so you can get me now, they said you tried to message me, but I had to delete my messages, that it was full, so I did.
Well, I will Ck. back with you guy's later in the day.
Have a good one.
Hug's, Shirl :wave:

donnaj Sun, Dec-30-01 18:17

In the 190 range
Shirlfe and Kyfaithly,
I was 192 and I am down to 187 in the four days on induction.
Here is what I had today: Breakfast: 2 slices of bacon with two eggs. Lunch: cucumber,3 slice of roast beef,1 tomato slice with salt,pepper and splenda),cooked brocolli with cheese. I have 64 oz. of water and 2 cups of coffee. :wave:

Shirlfe Sun, Dec-30-01 20:27

Hi Donna
:thup: Way to go Donna. I will weigh Friday and let you know what I weigh. I have gained back some of the weight I had lost, so need to change my stat's again. I am not giving up. This is my year. I am going to start using my stepper for exercise. Hug's, Shirl

donnaj Sun, Dec-30-01 20:35

we well make it this year
We well make it. :thup: I am tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. I want to live life to the fullest . I will email tomorrow to tell you how I am doing and what I ate. Soon, we see a new us. :wave:

sunshine2 Fri, Jan-04-02 12:12

Re: Rate of Weight Loss
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Marlaine
[I keep reading posts about rate of weight loss and I wanted to share with you my point of view on it. If you've read my journal, you know that I had a lot of difficulty in the first six weeks or so that I did LC. I think that the only control that we have over our rate of loss is to follow the program to the best of our abilities, tweeking and tuning it until we find the unique version that suits us best. ]

Marlaine, I read your journal, or at least I've started reading it, I can see you did have some great difficulty the first weeks, but boy, look at you go now. I was reading it because I saw a post where I believe Alto committed on how you struggled and now you are on a roll, she recommended we read it, so I've started reading it. I have that same problem, I loose, and I continue to be very strict on the program, and I start gaining. I just can't figure it out. I'll give you an example

(these are all on the same very accurate digital scale, the same time and everything and I always weigh in the nude - saves a few pounds ;) )

12/28/01 - 203
12/30/01 - 199
12/31/01 - 196
1/1/02 - 193
1/2/02 198
1/3/02 193
1/4/02 197

NOTICE 1/2/02, jump up 5 pounds, then lost three, then this morning up another 2?? anyhow, it gets discouraging. I want so badly to get out of the 190's, I've just been here too long. Nothing seems to work. I thought I was so close on 1/1 and just so happy, then bam back up to 198. :( geez, will I ever get there?

Marlaine Fri, Jan-04-02 12:36

Bouncing Scale
Originally posted by sunshine2
NOTICE 1/2/02, jump up 5 pounds, then lost three, then this morning up another 2?? anyhow, it gets discouraging. I want so badly to get out of the 190's, I've just been here too long. Nothing seems to work. I thought I was so close on 1/1 and just so happy, then bam back up to 198. :( geez, will I ever get there?

Hey there sunshine!

I can certainly understand your frustration and discouragement. However, the fact is that you can't gain that much FAT overnight.

I'm of the opinion that those scale bounces are all water. When I hit a new low, I adjust my stats here and consider it a fact. When the scales bounces up after that I don't worry too much because I know that I am following the program, doing the same things I've been doing all along. So, when my body is ready I know that it will let go of the excess water and next few pounds. I think it's just a matter of having confidence in our ability to do the LC program. I'm trying not to waste any mental energy fretting over how fast I'm losing. And anyway...I'm doing this as a WOL, not just a temporary diet!

There was an excellent post about water that I read in the last day or two, but unfortunately I can't find it right now. If I come up with it, I'll post it here again.

Hang on there....your time will come!


sunshine2 Fri, Jan-04-02 13:14

oh Thank you

Thank you so much for your kind words. I never really thought about the fact that YOU CAN'T GAIN 5 pounds of FAT in one night, and only posting my low and the rest would be water weight. I have a major problem with holding water, my doctor used to perscribe me water pills to help, but I became addicted or should I say dependent on them. I got to where I would take double the dosage if I gained 1/2 pound, then I would quickly loose 7 pounds, then gain it back again, over and over, vicious cycle, finally my potassium was so low, the doctor refused to give me any more. So, I'm glad I found this WOL. I need to develop your attitutude and just accept the fact that when my body is ready, it will release this weight, and nothing will change that. It will take some work and attitude adjusment for me to think that way, I'm so hooked on that damn scale.

Thank you again, you helped more than you will know. Your a very inspirational person.

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