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missydog Wed, Nov-28-01 12:15

Day 5 - end of first cycle
So, I'm on Day Five of my CKD. My cardio workout this morning was a bit of a butt-dragger and I honestly don't think it's from the ketosis, but I could be wrong. I think a much bigger factor in my performance is just that I have mental ups and downs. Two thirds of the way through my workout I wanted to stop, over and over again, and I had to just force myself to keep going. But I'm hanging in there, and I completed the full workout. I'm supposed to start the carb up tonight after I lift weights, but I'm tempted not to carb up tonight and to begin the carbs tomorrow morning instead. I'm looking forward to it, LOL. It's been months since I've enjoyed carbs without guilt.


YogaBuff Wed, Nov-28-01 13:52

Missydog, wow, have you been busy! Very inspiring. I'm scrounging off all the info TrainerDan has been giving you--LOL!

I have to thank you, too, your weight lifting(etc) regimen has gotten me back to lifting. Boy, were my free weights dusty. :p
Thanks for the kick in the butt!

I know what you mean, I don't weigh very often when lifting, It makes you really pack on the mass, which shows up on the scale-- usually just as a 'no loss', but can get me crazy, even when I can see in the mirror that I'm getting toned, tight, and even getting A LOT SMALLER.

Why can that scale get us so nuts?-- Well, me, anyway.


missydog Wed, Nov-28-01 15:11

Actually, YogaBuff, you are the one who did the inspiring. Your story of how you trained with weights once upon a time got me to go out and buy a curling bar to add to my collection of workout junk at home (is there no end to the $1000 bicycles and benches and cycling trainers and dumbells I can collect?). So now you just think I've inspired you-- and you're back doing what's going to be great for you. I'm really interested in the details of your weight training. Do you still use tapes? And especially, how much weight do you lift?


missydog Thu, Nov-29-01 10:24

So, this is my first of two days of carbing up. Had bran cereal with raisin and banana and orange juice for breakfast! I don't want to overdo the eating on these two days though so I'll still be watching how much I eat.

Last night I was so exhausted from work that I couldn't bring myself to do my last requisite weight training session of the week, so I went to bed instead, then woke up around 3:30 AM and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and did a full weight lifting session! Hope the music didn't wake the neighbors!

Now I'm not running, swimming, biking, or lifting a thing for the next two days-- until Saturday in other words.


missydog Fri, Nov-30-01 10:11

Eating carbs!! Lying around!!
It's the morning of my second and last day of carbing up. Having two days off from workouts and eating carbs to boot just seems so decadent. However, I wonder if all this rest hasn't caused some sort of "consolidation of gains". My body feels noticeably stronger today and there is more spring in my step as if I've achieved a slightly higher level of fitness. I don't feel my (considerable) age so much today. Ah well, tomorrow the cycle of rigorous low-carbing and rigorous working out begins all over again.

Actually, I'm hoping I haven't undone all my hard work by eating too much or too many carbs over these two days of rest. I'm thinking about restricting what I eat more on Days Six and Seven of the cycle. It's hard for me to believe it's all right to spend two whole days carbing up. I left a question for TrainerDan in another forum to get his opinion on this.


missydog Sun, Dec-02-01 07:53

Well, it's the morning of Day Two of a new cycle of working out. Yesterday I did a good cardio workout (as usual, actually) and when I lifted weights I bumped up the amount of weight I used to a new level. Basically, I only increased it by five pounds, but it was enough to leave me with sore muscles this morning. I did 3 sets of 20 squats with the new weight and my legs are really feeling it. I hope it doesn't interfere too much with my jogging workout this morning. Anyway, I think I ought to be in ketosis by now, since I also started eating low carb again yesterday. More later.

Trainerdan Sun, Dec-02-01 16:49

carb paranoia
I'm hoping I haven't undone all my hard work by eating too much or too many carbs over these two days of rest. I'm thinking about restricting what I eat more on Days Six and Seven of the cycle. It's hard for me to believe it's all right to spend two whole days carbing up

I will just cut-and-paste a few sections from CKD101 to help put you at ease ... And I am glad that you have now experienced the performance enhancing benefits of the CKD vs. a typical LC WOE.

Here is some info from the 101 post:

1. During the days of high carbohydrate eating our muscles will supercompensate with glycogen and while we're also causing liver glycogen to refill and insulin to be secreted like crazy, this period is not long enough for the body to store any appreciable fat.

What did I just say? I said you can go nuts 5 days of watching calories and eating a ketogenic diet, without any fear of getting fat because of it. And as an actual survivor and thrive on this diet I can tell you that those hours are absolutely great!

2. Expect a weight gain by Sunday or Monday. During your first week or two you may even be heavier on these days than when you started. This is due to glycogen supercompensation occurring within the muscle. You will literally store up to 50% more glycogen than normal. Remember the glycogen-water issue. The extra glycogen will be used up as fuel during your early week (Monday) workouts, so the water weight will be gone. It's like the bunny hop ... you WILL come out ahead of the game by the end.

3. A week by week example of this follows. I recorded it from the first time I did a CKD, so the weight is not the same as I am today, but you will get the idea:



Week 1 Monday 200 pounds - Friday 194 pounds

Week 2 Monday 202 pounds - Friday 193 pounds

Week 3 Monday 199 pounds - Friday 192 pounds

Week 4 Monday 197 pounds - Friday 190 pounds

Week 5 Monday 195 pounds - Friday 188 pounds

Week 6 Monday 193 pounds - Friday 186 pounds

Week 7 Monday 192 pounds - Friday 185 pounds

Week 8 Monday 191 pounds - Friday 184 pounds

missydog Sun, Dec-02-01 18:38

Thank you, TrainerDan
Thanks, TrainerDan for putting my mind at ease. As I think I posted to you elsewhere, though, I'm sure I'm not training at your level of intensity, LOL! So I'll give the 36-hour carb-up a try.


missydog Sun, Dec-02-01 18:44

Well, it's still Day Two of the CKD cycle. Just thought I'd report that I did a fine cardio workout this morning and what sore muscles I had from weight lifting last night really did not interfere. I'm a relative newbie at all this weight lifting and I learn about ten new things every week that I never knew before about how my body responds to training.

On the eating front, I had to go to my 90-year-old uncle's birthday bash at a big hotel this afternoon, but fortunately it was a huge buffet meal and I had no trouble eating the prime rib and veggies and just walked on by the French toast and biscotti. I really can't complain, LOL!


missydog Mon, Dec-03-01 10:26

It's Day Three of my CKD cycle. Today I'm going in for an outpatient surgical procedure, so I won't be able to do my cardio today :mad: But I've managed to do a full weight lifting workout early this morning before I go to the hospital. Since it's my shoulder that's being operated on, I may not be able to do weight lifting for a while :mad: but I hope not for a long while. The surgery is superficial and does not involve my shoulder joint so I might be back in action fairly soon.

On another note, I'm already noticing on this my tenth day of my CKD that my body is trimmer and my clothes are fitting looser. But I'm resisting the urge to weigh myself because, as I think I've already said, I don't want my workouts to be influenced in any way by a number on the scale.


YogaBuff Mon, Dec-03-01 12:16

You're doing great on the CKD. I'm impressed by the already loose clothing! I hear you on the scale problem. I don't get near one for a couple of mos. when I'm strength training. Even with lots of aerobics, too. I must gain muscle like MAD, and when I see the scale go up, I start letting my mind dwell on the gains and it messes me up.

If your clothing's looser, that's a real insication of results IMO.


missydog Tue, Dec-04-01 07:34

Well, it's one day post-operative and I'm kinda worn out from the anesthesia and the not sleeping too well. There may just have to be a little blip in my plans to do this CKD. However, I'm going to drag myself out to the track this morning and see if I can't do 30-minutes of cardio. I'm still taking the day off work, but I'm not telling them I ran around for 30 minutes today, LOL! My doctor has interdicted weight lifting for two weeks :mad: I guess I'll do my best to carry on with the cardio and the low-carbing. This situation just can't be helped. More later.


itsjoyful Tue, Dec-04-01 10:50

hi missydog

been following your journey w/ ckd, you've been doing great. don't let the strength training break get you down, remember that if you over do it now, you will have to wait longer later. ;) hope you heal fast!

missydog Tue, Dec-04-01 11:10


Thanks for your post. I'm glad to have an interested reader (I'm certainly quite interested myself in what I have to say, LOL!). When I said I can't lift weights, I meant with my arms. So that cuts out at least 50% of my weight workout. But I CAN do lower body weight training. Thank God for small favors, I guess. I went out to the track and did some cardio training this morning, but I couldn't do very much-- still feeling rubberlegged from the surgery I guess.



missydog Wed, Dec-05-01 14:29

It's Day Five of my CKD cycle, if you can call it that. I haven't had the energy AT ALL to resume my 30-minute jogging workouts (that anesthesia can really upset the applecart it seems). But on my lunch hour I went out to the UCLA track stadium and did a complete set of stadium stairs (up and down, all around, for the entire stadium) and also did some additional walking. It wasn't enough to give me the right to say I'm sticking to the CKD, but it's enough to keep my body still in the game. Tonight I plan to do some lower body strength training and then MAYBE I'll start carbing up. I don't know. I don't feel like I really deserve it this week!:rolleyes:

Later: Well, I've started carbing up. I'm just going to PRETEND that I deserve it. Then I'm going to hope that in 36 hours or so I'll be ready to work out normally ("normally" meaning like mad for the next five days, LOL!).


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