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Mims Tue, Mar-30-04 21:37

Hi all, glad to hear things are going well. Having some health issues right now, I'll be back as often as I can.

suzzee2003 Wed, Mar-31-04 18:43

meiz, LOL on the pizza! But good for you and DH for giving it up. Theres a good pizza recipe in meals thread. Try it. I worked on mine and it turned out great! My mom didn't know it was LC!!!!

Oh...Mims I'm sorry you are having problems. We carry on the challenge and will be waiting for you when you get back.....

I had another cheat free day. Being able to come in and see you girls has really helped alot!
It is still raining here in Ohio you know just the drizzle then downpours and etc....But I know it is the time of year and it does help all the spring flowers, trees, grass and everything come alive! I love that!
Have a great cheat free day everyone!

Mims Thu, Apr-01-04 10:29

Good Morning
I'm having to revise my plan as I can't take some of my supplements while in a flare, they make me ill, so I'm following everything else and doing good.

I'm glad to hear you all are giving this your best, we'll be skinny minnies in no time. :cheer:

suzzee, we're getting the same rain here in PA, I don't mind the drizzle but the downpours always seem to happen when I have to leave the house. Great job on another day, you are just cruising right along :yay:

I have the same problem with pizza miezimau, I have to stay away from it completely or it's pig out city for me. I'm glad the ultra light beer is making a difference :thup:

How's it going Akasha? I've added your days to the chart, let me know if you want it posted on Sunday. Keep up the great job. :clap:

nawchem, we miss you! :bhug:

Take care everyone and remember just one day can make a difference.

Mims :rose:

Akasha Thu, Apr-01-04 12:56

Hey Mims, I had a bad three days (Mon-Wednes). I do fine in the mornings, but at night I always end up cheating. Trying to get back on track today. I think I'm not eating enough earlier in the day, and I get hungry and uncontrollable at night.

Oh well, I'm back on track now. Thanks for adding me to the chart, and I'm sorry about your health problems. Hopefully things will start looking up for all of us :)

suzzee2003 Thu, Apr-01-04 19:46

Akasha, When I don't eat a power packed protein breakfast I always end up so hungry later in the day, and that was causing me problems too. Try the best you can to eat more in the mornings if you can, to see if it will help you!
Good Luck friend :)
Mims, I was so happy to see your post! I really do miss all your encouraging words and motivation! I am sorry about how you are feeling, but I'm so glad you are doing good and hanging in there too!! LOL on the rain! I know the feeling!
and thanks for all the......... :cheer:
And the "we'll be skinny minnies in no time" :agree:

nawchem, mim's is so right we really do miss you alot!! :thup:

miez, you hanging in here? Hope all is going well for you!!!!!!!

I had another good day today! After reading about pizza I went ahead and made the pizza from the recipe I copied off the forum and it was really good! I also tried to make the old adkins revolution rolls, and :lol: You should have seen how they turned out! Looked like big flat cookies hehehehehe, so I just peeled them off put a little SF jelly and cream cheese on them and made them edible so I wouldn't waste the ingredients! Have a great day tomorrow friends~!

miezimau Thu, Apr-01-04 21:02

Hey Suzzee, thanks for asking actually doing pretty good. I was able to stay cheat free on Monday, Tuesday cheated yesterday and again cheat free so far today.
Yeah for me :)

suzzee2003 Fri, Apr-02-04 17:42

Whoo Hoo Miez, Great! Glad to hear you are doing so well!!! :agree:
Keep it up! Only a couple more days to end this week!

I had a good day today. Geesh I guess I am on a roll and hope to stay on it for a long time! I made some peanut butter drops today. They are a little bitter so I thought I would try and tweak the recipe to make it more mild. Only 2 carbs for one so in a pinch it would work! I broke down and bought some Adkins bake mix and will probably get frisky over the weekend and try something new. I'm trying to help my daughter, she needs more choices than I do. She misses bread and I think I will start off with the biscuits first. That way she can have something with her eggs in the am and won't feel so tempted sometimes. She is only 12 and this has been hard on her. She has my metabolism but, that's just the way life goes, and she knows she must change her eating habits before things really get out of hand. My son or DH hasn't got any problems with any kind of food but I have been incorporating this WOE into our dinners without telling, because they would freak out if they knew I was feeding them something LC :lol: This WOE is so great, and so much healthier for everybody! Well friends have a GREAT DAY TOMORROW.....See you then!

Akasha Fri, Apr-02-04 20:40

Hey Suzzee, I tried eating much earlier today, and it seems to have work so far today. I think it's safe to say I have had a day without cheating. I did have some sugar free jello, but I'd say that's alright :)

I gained a couple pounds over the last few days and have slacked off on my exercising. I think it is because TOM is coming soon. Dont feel like doing anything. Gotta push myself to go walk tomarrow morning.

Mims Sat, Apr-03-04 10:19

Good morning all. I think I'm going to make the full 7 days this week, as long as I don't eat anything toO bad while at the mall today. Hopefully I won't have any problems with the walking. Yesterday I treated myself to a day at the beauty salon to celebrate my 35 lb loss. It was so great to feel good about myself/ the way I look for a change.

Akasha, I have the same problem when I don't eat breakfast, by 9 pm I'm ready to eat the paper off the walls I'm so hungry. I'm really glad eatting earlier has helped. You might also want to add a little extra fat and protein to your evening meal as that will help you to feel fuller longer. The sugar free jello is fine to have as long as you don't have a problem with aspatame stalling you. I am so proud of you for not getting frustrated and giving up. :clap:

Good for you miezimau, you are really doing great. And I absolutely love the fact that you are celebrating your good days and not dwelling on the little slip, with that attitude I know you'll succeed. YEAH FOR YOU :clap:

suzzee, you are doing so amazing. I am so happy for you. :agree: I completely understand what you are going through with your daughter, I'm helping to raise my 4 yr old neice (my sister is a single parent) and she has been put on a low carb diet by her Dr. I feel so heartbroken when I have to tell her she can't have something because it contains sugar.

I'll post the March Progress Chart tomorrow, so be sure to let me know how you did this week.

Lets make the most out of our last day... soooooooooo
:cheer: GO CHEAT FREE :cheer: GO CHEAT FREE :cheer:

Akasha Sat, Apr-03-04 16:18

Hehe, that sounds exactly like me too. 9pm-12midnight is when I seem to be at my weakest to resist cravings. Another problem I have is not getting up earlier. I'm on vacation right now from school, so I'm having a tendency to sleep in and skip breatfast.

Did good yesturady and today so far. I woke up today with a pleasant 4 pound whoooosh! That brings me back to about 164, where I was before I went off the wagon. *pouts*

Oh well, my own fault.

suzzee2003 Sat, Apr-03-04 19:16

HI EVERYBODY!!! All I want to do right now is write a page long reply to everything you guys have said but I don't have but a couple seconds right now! SO HOORAY YEAH HOORAY YEAH !!! Im so happy for all of you doing so good this week!!!!:) GO TEAM GO!!!!!
I had a HUNGRY day today for some reason it was driving me NUTS! BUT... I didn't cheat! :)
Mims I have 7 cheat free days this week! whew!
Can't wait to talk to you all tomorrow!

miezimau Sat, Apr-03-04 22:52

Hey Mims, I was able to stay cheat free for 4 days.:yay: Wednesday and Today I was cheating (today we had to attend a Bday Party plus we are having our almost weekly Poker night)
so I am not too bummed about it.
So please add my 4 cheat free days to my total.
Great job every one ! :)

Akasha Sat, Apr-03-04 23:37

Hi Mims- I had 3 cheat free days this week, 7 last week in case ya didn't know. I'm feeling pretty good after my 3 pound whoosh yesturday morning. Must go to sleep now and weigh again when I wake up for the most accurate readings.

Good luck everyone! Wahoo with all the cheat free days I see you all are having!!!!!!

Mims Sun, Apr-04-04 17:23

Cheat Free Totals
:Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:
:clap: WE ROCK! :clap:




:cheer: GO US :cheer: GO US :cheer:

suzzee2003 Sun, Apr-04-04 17:34

WHOO HOO :dazzle:
Mim's I am SO Happy for you going to the beauty salon to celebrate your 35 lb loss!!! :clap: And for feeling good about the way you look! :yay:
Gosh I feel for you about your niece! At least my daughter understands why she has to. Bless your heart I know it has to be hard, but maybe as young as she is will help her, and by the time she is older it will be a natural thing for her to eat this way. As we all know, this WOE is so much healthier.

Akasha, I am so glad eating earlier helped you! Congradulations on your 3 cheat free days this week! :yay:

Miez, Congradulations to you too for your 4 day cheat free week! The best thing I see in everybody is being able to keep on going Not giving up because of a slip, and not putting yourselves down!:agree:

I LOVE ALL of your attitudes! :thup:
It really helps us all to keep focused and not put ourselves down! :clap:

OK Beginning week 3 :sunny:
I think I will keep my current plan as it seems to be working for me. I do have a problem with not having an extra cup of coffee now and then, So I will once in a while If I want to. For instance my SIL came up from Florida and stopped by for a few hours. We drank a pot of coffee. I'm not beating my self up over having some extra now and then.

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