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shone Wed, May-28-03 11:56

I want to play! I was doing really well, but went off for my friends wedding Sunday. I'm having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. If I have a goal or challenge it's easier for me to stick with it, so here I go.
1. Exercise at least 5x a week.
2. Limit anything sweet.
3. Drink more water.
4. Take my vitamins.
5. No alcohol.
6. Loose 10 lbs. by July 1st.

Good luck everyone!

lperk002 Wed, May-28-03 11:59

Okay - here's my June commitment...
1. Answer or greet two newbies a day.
2. Take my supplements and drink my water.
3. Do my 20 Minutes to s.e.x.y. plan 5x a week.
4. Fitday for the entire month.
5. Make planning and preparation the words of the day.
6. Take note of what, when and why I eat.
7. Limit coffee to 2 mugs a day.

Okay, I think that's a good place to start.


pink Wed, May-28-03 13:15

Attention Everyone...
:wave: This is an invitation to my journal to read a post of an email I received from a woman who lost :eek: 100 pounds and works every day to keep it off. She is an inspiration and a wonderful writer. I thought this particular message would be helpful to all of us here. :D It is on page 33.

Love & Light,
Pink :dazzle:

I did 50 minutes of aerobics this morning...yeah!!!

lperk002 Wed, May-28-03 13:21

Way to go on the aerobics Pink !

Here's a direct link to the journal entry Pink mentioned in her post...

fishie48 Wed, May-28-03 14:55

I want to join too. I've been doing Atkins for 3 months today but I feel I'm beginning to slide a little. Those carbolite bars are becoming an addiction. Went from 1 each Sunday as a reward for a good week, to 1 each weekend day, to this past weekend eating 2 each day. Gotta stop.
My goals:
1. Lose 10 pounds by July 1
2. Keep carbs below 30
3. Cut out the carbolite bars or at the most 1 a weekend.
4. Drink all my water before the diet-rite.
5. Get the fat percentage to 70. (I'm at 63 for the past month).

summer*rai Wed, May-28-03 15:35

hi everyone
fishie:....I understand about the carbolite bars, or atkins endulge....I ate 3 today...I love chocklate...and one of my goals is to leave them alone...I notice that you haven't started a journal...I strongly suggest that....we'll make it....Trisha

DarB Wed, May-28-03 16:28

Hi all,
I want to play in your sandbox too. I have been one month on Atkins..have managed to keep my carbs below 20 every day, initially lost quickly...and now...up three pounds and no loss for over a week. I did start eating a Ross Choc. bar each day...seems I don't really crave them...they are here so I eat one.
My biggest struggle with Atkins is that I don't tolerate meat very much, and don't like fish very much either...soooooo, my protien is down I think...and often so are my calories.
The other problem is that I have a disc thing in my back which is preventing me from working or doing much exercise...although I try...I managed to walk a mile last week on a treadmill at took me awhile, but I got need to increase my exercise. I heard today from the hospital, and they are going to inject my back next Wed...and if all goes well, my back will start to feel better...That being said...
I have a couple of goals for the month of June...

1. Keep carbs below the 20 mark
2. Eat meat at least once a day...preferably twice
3. Eat fish at least once a week...?????yikes
4. No Ross Choc. bars for the month of June
5. Lose at least 8-10 pounds between now and June 30th
6. Increase my activity level and walking distance with in reason
7. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day..try for more
8. Post my Fitday numbers here everyday for all to see
9. Post my progress with other goals here as well..good and bad
10.Eat my supper earlier than 8 or food after 7 pm

This should be great...and I get to meet and know a whole bunch more people..
Thanks for thinking of it...
If you guys do another get fit together thing...I want to join that too after this one is over.

FionaMcB Wed, May-28-03 16:43

Hi All,

Count me in also. I need accountability also, so you guys are stuck with me.

1. Keep carbs to 20-25 a day.
2. Attempt to eat 1800 calories a day. (I usually fall way short.)
3. MORE water than my usual 68 ounces, less coffee and tea.
4. Cut way down on Splenda.
5. Walk when leg isn't bad, and do other forms of exercise on an every other day rotating basis.
6. Remind myself of the dress that I want to wear to my son's wedding in August. :)


red1cutie Wed, May-28-03 17:54

Wednesday, May 28
Did my 20 min BFL cardio on treadmill :D

Walked at a moderate pace on treadmill for 1hr

Did my Abs 2 sets of 4 different exercises...felt that burn

Fat above 70%...actually 77% (total cal.-1502)

Added: Drank my 6 litres of water

Hope everyone had a great day! :wave:


Princesspp Wed, May-28-03 18:26

Hi Everyone ....
Here's my fitday info ......

Calories = 1267 (alittle low, but I couldn't put anymore solid food in my belly .. ergo -- eat only until full) besides -- working on DE-carbing from this last weekend .. Tuesday had a major Carb Hangover .. (gruesome details were put in my journal :lol: )

ECC = 11 (definately under 25)

Water = 128 oz .. and stopped counting .. ergo - got to have my soda with my dinner (treat for being good :lol: )

Protien = 34%

That's it for today ... did take a 1 mile walk last night after I signed off of here .. but not tonight .. RAINING :(

Talk later everyone .. sounds like everyone has most excellent reachable goals for themselves ..

Let's see if we can make it for the month ... :D only 3 days left before the official startup !!!:yay:

Talk later everyone !!

shama Wed, May-28-03 19:57

Hi all,

I'm in for the long haul. I'd like to be challenged too, I think it helps me more. Wow, princesspp you look fantabulous!!!!!!!
Thats about how much I'd like to lose at least. I hope I get there, this forum has really helped me, to stick to it and to get back on the wagon when I fall. Thanks to everyone.

Heres my goals....

Eat less than 30 carbs per day

Drink at least 2 liters of water, before diet pop.

Exercise at least 5 days per week for at least 45min to a hour.

Get into ketosis and stay there.

Gotta tell you, that my b-day is on the 30th, and I will be doing CAD on that day. And I have my MIL and FIL, plus my mom and dad coming this month so I hope I can do this, wish me lots of luck and lots to all of you too!!!
Hope the CAD change is alright. Let me know.

Shannon :rose:

coolazchic Wed, May-28-03 23:16

I am in. I have been cheating WAY too much lately!


Exercise at least 3 times a week
Keep carbs around 25
Quit eating so many sweet treats.

Munia68 Thu, May-29-03 05:45

I want to join too. My goals --

** No cheating, I mean, seriously, NO CHEATING
** carb -- below 20 gm
** Stay between 1100-1300 cal (my basal is 1600 cal)
** Take my vitamins everyday
** Water, water
** Exercise -- as much as is possible
** Make entry into fitday everyday
** Lose 7 pounds by the end of June (I am in a plateau now)

And I am not waiting for June 1 -- every single day counts. So from today, the challenge begins....

Wishing all of you a very healthy, satisfying June :)

Goat Lady Thu, May-29-03 06:05

Can I join??
Hello All! I've been LCbing since March 16th '03. I've been cheating for two weeks straight and having trouble getting back to LCbing again. (I've been trying for about 3 days now). I need some sort of challenge and this looks like this has got to be it!

Hope ya'll will take me in....I'll post some goals later. I need to sit down and make me a goal list and post it on the refridgerater so that I can see them everyday!

This WILL help me get to my goal weght!!!!!!

Wolfiesask Thu, May-29-03 08:12

Count me IN!
I haven't cheated yet and I'm my 34th day of Induction. but I dp admit that I've thought about it more than once. After some pondering here are my goals:

1) Keep carbs under 20 grams/day
2) Stick to the biblical 3 cups of veggies/day, regardless of leftover carbs available
3) Drink 100 ounces of water per day, minimum! (usually over that but not always)
4) Be sure to have consumed at least 2 Litres of water before I have diet pop
5) Limit diet pop to 2 cans/week and NOT on the same day.
6) Quit whining about the hot weather and get myself back on a gym schedule (TBA)
7) Continue weekly weigh-ins on Saturday mornings
8) Post on this site and fitday every day, no matter how brief
9) Remind myself daily why I've chosen this WOL and how good it's going to feel shopping for clothes with no X in the label!

That's all I've got for now, will add more if I think of them. Happy Thursday all!

Nicole :wave:

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