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Breecita Mon, Apr-14-03 10:59


I've gone twice and already gotten a friend signed up... I love it! Originally I thought I was going to have to force myself to go 3 times a week... now I'm thinking 5 will be no problem. ;)

GNCLCGirl Tue, Apr-15-03 19:40

I love curves. Anyone else go. We could post our results here. Anybody for it?

Meadow Wed, Apr-16-03 14:16

I've been thinking of trying Curves. Would love to hear what it's like and why you love it. How long have you been going and what kind of results have you seen? :)

yvonne326 Wed, Apr-16-03 14:29

Joined 3/18/03. Today was my 20th workout (was doing 3-4X week - now committed to 4-5X week) and I love it. I find that going in a.m. is best for me (I am there when they open at 7am).

I have my first measure day on the 19th. Unofficially I know I lost an inch on my hip, tummy, 1/2 inch on my thigh, calf. 1 inch off upper arm but I gained 3/4 inch on my waist! I have not gone down in weight either but my body is much more toned that it was this time last month.

I will post my Official measurement on Monday (they are closed on Saturday the 19th).

Miss Melis Wed, Apr-16-03 14:46


REally glad to hear that!!! :thup:

take Care, :wave:

Miss Melis Wed, Apr-16-03 14:50

Meadow --- read some postings from the other curves thread you will find on the first page here...

GNC- What are your reading/measurements/success like?

M- :wave:

jadc Wed, Apr-16-03 15:04

I've been going to Curves for about 6-weeks now and love it.

Just going three times a week as that is what the instructor told me was the best.

Do you feel you're doing better by going more than three times a week?

I love it...and I've always hated exercise. This is totally different and I'm so glad I don't have to feel self-conscious as I would at the bigger gyms.


Meadow Wed, Apr-16-03 15:33

Well, I see that my post got moved here which is good. I just knew there had to be others looking for information on Curves. We have 4 Curves within 5 miles of my home, so I will have several options. I'm terrified to join. I'm so use to being stared at because of my size that it's going to take a lot for me to put myself in the position of exercising in front of anyone. It really helped me to read the post of the one lady who just joined and weighed in at 300 lbs. I thank her for sharing her story as that is helping me work up the courage to move forward. It also helps me to know that people with limited mobility or joint problems can do the circuit. I have read from several that they have not lost weight doing curves.... BUT...they have lost inches....I don't care if I weigh 500 lbs....long as I loose all these extra inches. LOL!! I carry a huge portion of my weight right around my middle (good luck in measuring or finding a waist.) so if I can loose inches I could care less about loosing lbs. I know though that eventually the pounds will drop, because the heavier muscles will start burning those calories. It's all a matter of time and physics. Thanks for all the posts. This has been a great help. :)

Breecita Wed, Apr-16-03 21:03

Originally posted by Meadow
It really helped me to read the post of the one lady who just joined and weighed in at 300 lbs. I thank her for sharing her story as that is helping me work up the courage to move forward.

*grins* No problem!

I've gone five times... and I can say I'm well and truly obsessed. I'm going tomorrow for the fourth day in a row (4th day of voluntary exercise! that hasn't happened since high school!) and just love it.

If I can do it at 300 pounds with asthma... anyone can do it. And yeah, sometimes I feel like people are looking at me... but most of the time they're friendly and smile, so it gets better.

The trainers are great, too. They really know how to make you feel comfortable.

And I can't tell you how much my energy level has changed, just after a week! I'm getting more stuff done, and feel so much better. I even sleep better, because I've put in some good work during the day.

I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone!

*g* I even made my mom join in Minnesota. ;)

And as for posting results here... I'm all for it! I've got a few weeks before I get my first measuring... but I can hardly wait. :daze:

mma3735 Fri, Apr-18-03 15:05

16th workout
I had my 16th workout today. I've been going 5x per week--partly because I want to make it a habit (21 days to form a habit!!) and partly because it feels so good.

I also had to share--at my Curves they have little stars for everyone. You get one after you've been going for a month--well, I just noticed this week there is a woman who has lost 7 FEET WORTH OF INCHES. And, she did it in less than 9 months! Absolutely amazing!

mommyto3 Fri, Apr-18-03 18:54

WOW! 7 feet! That's fantastic! Did she follow the Curves diet, I wonder.....I'm sure that wasn't on her little star, was it? lol

Meadow Sat, Apr-19-03 21:05

Ok, I have a question to some of the ladies with larger tummies. I notice that one of the Curves machines is one where you must bring your feet up close to your chest and place your feet on these two platforms. Does anyone have a problem getting in that position with a tummy in the way. At 5'9" and 260lbs, I a little concerned about being able to do that machine. Sure don't want to make a fool out of myself. LOL!

Also...I read where someone said that the instructor showed them how to use each machine. Is this done during your first visit? Wouldn't that interupt everyone elses workout??

Thanks in advance for any replies.

mommyto3 Sun, Apr-20-03 05:53

When I started Curves, I probably weighed 250. I worried about it too. I did 'plot' my strategy before I got on it. :) But I had no problem. Already I can hop right on it like everyone else! Don't worry about it! You'll do great! It's very non-judgemental - at least where I'm at. I'm sure the same is true where you are too. I mean, that's what they're there for!! Give it a try. My guess is you'll be hooked like the rest of us. :D

purnois Sun, Apr-20-03 07:46

Hi Meadow!
I hear that Curves has a promotion going that you can try them out for a week free. You might want to ask about it. I've been toying with the idea of joining for months and haven't talked myself into spending the money yet. I'm anxious to hear what you think.

Kathy :rheart:

Breecita Sun, Apr-20-03 07:47

Re: Question
Originally posted by Meadow
Ok, I have a question to some of the ladies with larger tummies. I notice that one of the Curves machines is one where you must bring your feet up close to your chest and place your feet on these two platforms. Does anyone have a problem getting in that position with a tummy in the way. At 5'9" and 260lbs, I a little concerned about being able to do that machine. Sure don't want to make a fool out of myself. LOL!

Also...I read where someone said that the instructor showed them how to use each machine. Is this done during your first visit? Wouldn't that interupt everyone elses workout??

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Actually, the little pushy machine is my favorite one! I have to do a little manuvering to get started--but NOT because of my big belly (and yes, at 309, I certainly have one!) but because of my very long legs. I have see other women who are over a certain height do the same thing... *g* If you want a good plan of action... sit down, put one foot onto the foot rest and push it out a little, and then position your feet and go at it!

As for the instructor showing you how... the way the workout is set up is that each person spends 30 seconds on each machine, then 30 seconds in between on a rest station. When mine showed me, she just got one stop ahead of me and went around the circle with me once, and while I was bouncing on the rest station she showed me how to use the machine, then I used it while she watched. Works out great, even if there are lots of people there. And if there are--they're always very encouraging.

And even as out of shape and self-concious as I am--I still went every day, Monday through Saturday this week. Trust me--you'll love it!

Pugzilla Sun, Apr-20-03 20:23

I just started Curves this past week and have gone twice so far and I love it! This is coming from someone who always HATED exercise and was so intimidated by other exercise places and programs I wouldn't even consider them.


Meadow Mon, Apr-21-03 23:54

You Sold Me!
Ok, enough talk...time for action. I sighed up today. I will go tomorrow (Tuesday) for measurment and my first session. The Curves I'll be attending is pretty new. Membership is still low enough that there is no crowds or waiting. Looks like they have 8 machines...and I'm told they will get 4 more as membership increases. I'm sure they will be up and running at the max before I know it. In the mean time...these 8 machines will be just fine.

Breecita...When I went in today to sign up, the instructor allowed me to try out that "pushy" machine. LOL! She told me to do it just as you discribed....I certainly do qualify as having long legs. LOL!

I'll check back and post how my first work out went.

Breecita Tue, Apr-22-03 05:56

Re: You Sold Me!
Originally posted by Meadow
Ok, enough talk...time for action. I sighed up today. I will go tomorrow (Tuesday) for measurment and my first session. The Curves I'll be attending is pretty new. Membership is still low enough that there is no crowds or waiting. Looks like they have 8 machines...and I'm told they will get 4 more as membership increases. I'm sure they will be up and running at the max before I know it. In the mean time...these 8 machines will be just fine.

Breecita...When I went in today to sign up, the instructor allowed me to try out that "pushy" machine. LOL! She told me to do it just as you discribed....I certainly do qualify as having long legs. LOL!

I'll check back and post how my first work out went.

:cheer: WOO! You go girl!

I'm proud you decided to take the plunge! Make sure you tell us how your first workout went... but I'm sure you'll love it, just like we do!

yvonne326 Tue, Apr-22-03 09:52

Today was my 1st month's measureing day and here are the wonderful results:

Total inches lost - 4
Total lbs lost - 1.5 (per their scale, .5 on mine)
Total body fat % down: 2.1%
Total body fat pounds lost: 3.86 (wow)

And this despite eating pretty awful last 4 weeks (many, many cheats) and not enough water on a daily basis.

CURVES works along with a good LC plan!

Breecita Tue, Apr-22-03 10:51

Originally posted by yvonne326

Total inches lost - 4
Total lbs lost - 1.5 (per their scale, .5 on mine)
Total body fat % down: 2.1%
Total body fat pounds lost: 3.86 (wow)

CURVES works along with a good LC plan!

WOOO! Congrats!

I can't wait for my measuring time... I buttoned up a pair of paints this morning that wouldn't fit right over my hips three weeks ago... this is good, right? *g*

I think I'll start buying a pair of pants the size smaller, and instead of obsessivly weighing, I can keep trying to wear them. :D

Meadow Tue, Apr-22-03 15:40

Hey Yvonne, Congrats on the inches lost!!!! WTG!!

Went for my first workout today. It went great. I was very pleased to be able to use all the machines without stressing painful tendons and joints.

I decided to weigh in without my shoes on, since shoes can very greatly in weight. They took measurments, but I'm not as confident in how the measurments were taken. I'm afraid they may have difficultly remembering exactly where the tape measure was placed for re-measurment. I think I will back things up by taking my own measurements as I can be sure to measure the same each month.

I felt good after the workout. I wasn't TO tired, yet I could tell I had a good workout. So far, my arthritis pain has not that's a positive. I love the 30 seconds per station idea. It prevents me from overworking on any single area. I found the machine that worked me the hardest was the "squat" machine. I was told to go down very quickly (2 seconds) and then start to push up, as it is the pushing up motion that is the most important on that machine. That one always increased my heart rate.

I will go back tomorrow as long as my joints are ok in the morning. Looking forward to it. It's actually FUN!!!! Whoaaaa....did I say that???? LOL!

cyntalkalo Tue, Apr-22-03 18:32

I never liked th "The Gym". Curves is women only and where I go there aren't abunch of Barbie Dolls in their designer work out clothes hanging around. Just a buch of ordinary mosly middle age women. We do have you and the way older than me.
I also have never felt so good since I started. I go Mon Wed & Fri's. It is a 35Min work out 30 secs on approx 22 workout area. Half of them are step boards where you can march/jog in place. Nothing was so hard or so long on it that I couldn't stand it.
I live in Claremont NH and it costs $29 per month. I go early in the morning. It gives me a jump start for the day. On the days I don't go I see how much more tired I am at the end of the day.
I just finished the lst month on the 18th. I lost 3lbs and 3 3/4 inches over my body. So I am pumped. I say Yeah for Curves

jadc Wed, Apr-23-03 13:15

Heart rate.........
I've been going to Curves for about two months now and love it.

But....I can't get my heart rate to correspond with the chart they have on the wall.

I should be around 23 or so, and I'm always about 28 or 29. The instructor said yesterday that indicates that I'm burning muscle and not fat.

Any thoughts???


Meadow Wed, Apr-23-03 17:21

You might try slowing down a little on the platforms. If you work to hard on the platforms it will bring your heart rate up much higher. If you jog on the platforms...try slowing the pace down.

Target heart rate is determined by finding your "Maximum heart rate". However... the only way to find your real "Maximum heart rate" is to have a treadmill test. Soooooo.... the target rate is estimated using the following formula

226 (estimated maximum heart rate for women)
subtract your age
mutiply by 70 percent
then divide by 6 to find your 10 sec target heart rate.

Using me for an example.....
226 (estimated starting max. heart rate for a woman)
- 51 (my age)
=175 (max. heart rate for a woman MY age)
then 175 x 70 percent = 122.5
then 122.5 divided by 6 = 20.4 (target rate is 20 beats per 10 sec.)

70 percent of your maximum heart rate is the fat burning zone.

Hope this helps you some.

Miss Melis Tue, Apr-29-03 20:27


Meadow... looks like you are on board!! even knowing all the details about the heart rate and such! you go girl!!

and Brecita... glad you are continuing to go....

JadC and Yvonne thanks for the updates!!

My appointment is for next week...

and I AM READY!!! :thup:

TAke CARE, :wave:

GNCLCGirl Tue, Apr-29-03 20:49

I love curves mine is new and has 14 machines. can't wait for first weigh in. ladies the most important thing is to have water and protein no more than 20 min after workout. ;)

Meadow Wed, Apr-30-03 15:48

Originally posted by GNCLCGirl
I love curves mine is new and has 14 machines.

Wow...14 machines? My Curves opened in January. They started with 8 machines. They will be adding 4 more as membership increases. Right now the workout lasts 24 minutes. When the four new machines are added, a workout will be 36 minutes. If you have 14 machines, than your workout is 42 minutes long. That's a full 12 minutes over the advertised 30 minute workout. Wonder how they get their numbers? Wonder what the extra two machines are that your Curves has. It seems (in my area anyhow) that when first open, they start with 8 machines, with the option to add up to 4 more machines as membership increases. I'll have to ask the owner how that works...unless anyone reading this has that information for us.

Breecita Wed, Apr-30-03 17:48

They told us that when we get all the machines, we only go around the circle twice... or something like that. *g*

Jackisue Wed, Apr-30-03 20:45

What is the latest "attire" needed when going to Curves or any gym.....I've really been out of exercising for awhile! :o

Will regular shorts and loose fitting shirt do?

Also does anyone know if Curves membership is for all locations?
Like can I go to another Curves when I travel?

Thanks for all the great support here - this thread has really encouraged me to try Curves.

:daizy: :rose: :daizy: :daizy: :rose: :daizy: :rose: :daizy: :rose:

mommyto3 Thu, May-01-03 04:24

You can wear whatever! Shorts are certainly fine although I have yet to subject anyone to the sight of my cottage cheese legs! ;) I wear a tshirt and knit pants or sweats. I go w/3 much thinner people and they sometimes wear shorts or pants. I've seen people wear dressy clothes even.

As for the travel, I haven't checked on this personally but I have heard that they can give you some sort of card or something for this purpose. Someone else can probably tell you more.

Give it a try! I bet you'll be hooked as well!

I weighed in and measured last week. This past month I lost 12 lbs and 5 inches. :D

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