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musicmama Thu, Jun-19-03 11:48

Thanks for the input..I will give that a try and see what happens.
Also,,I checked the thread on supplements,,cause I am very erratic,,cause I dont know whats absolutley essential,,,,and they mentioned L'Carnitine 3 times a day for the Metabolic Resistant,,,so I am gonna try that too,,,,in fact, I just started.
I will let ya know what happens!!! Thanks again!!! :D

willeke Thu, Jun-19-03 13:30

L-carnitine is a good idea, I've been using that for a while too, and it's given me a lot of energy!

Let us know how you go!


musicmama Thu, Jun-19-03 22:08

Energy I can handle!!!! Been feeling kinda tired too,,,think it was cause i stopped taking the potassium andmagnesium. Started the up today too.
In another thread I posted what I ate,,and another member said it looked like I was in starvation mode cause I had no veggies. I had been out for a few days , but tonight I had a salad,,so far today 14 carbs , but 2880 calories, I hope that doesnt work adversely that the calorie count was too hiigh. Got my fingers crossed,,it is a year today that I have been LC.
Hope a year from now I have lost another 42 pounds!!

abouttime Fri, Jun-20-03 20:22

Hey musicmama,
First of all, don't give up. i had a stall and found that I was eating too much cheese and not enough fat. The fat thing has been difficult for me because it goes against everything that I have ever been told about dieting. I also eat my vegies (usally a salad with chicken) at lunch.
Don't give up, hang in there and you will do fine.

musicmama Fri, Jun-20-03 21:46

Thanks for the words of encouragement!! :D
I am encouraged today,,,,I have been doing without all the caffeine,,sweetener,,(except a little spenda in my coffee), cut way back on the cheese, stopped the diet pop.. drinking water,,taking the Lcarnitine,,,and today I can see some changes, :thup:
I had more energy, and my skirt was looser!! I didnt weigh,,,gonna wait awhile on that,,,but I even was thirsty, and that is a good sign. been drinkinga lot more water too. So,,,,I feel like I have made some progress!! I will keep ya posted! :wave:

musicmama Sat, Jun-21-03 07:49

Just got a minute,,gotta go towork,,,but hadda share. I got on the scales and was 9 pounds down!!! Thats the 6 I had gained plus three. A brand new number on the scale this morning! I screeched,,,,I"ll take that!!! Woo Hooo, No more aspertame or caffeine for me,,and less cheese. Thanks everyone for the support. And I will always take my Lcarnitine!!! :D
Catch ya later!!!

abouttime Sat, Jun-21-03 08:01

I have been read about Lcarnitine in this forum. Can some one tell me what it does?

musicmama Sun, Jun-22-03 00:35

It helps break down body fat .......I read up on it in some of the posts on supplements...they said to take 500mg before every meal (3 times a day) , it is great for the metabolic resistant slow loser, so Ibought some, it gives you energy too. It is in the vitamin department at Wal Mart or any drug store.

abouttime Sun, Jun-22-03 05:53

i think I will try it

black57 Tue, Jun-24-03 22:48

My stall
I lost twenty lbs. with some ease. As of late March or early April, however, my weight loss came to a halt. I had spent a couple of days walking and I managed to lose a lb. :yay: I also noticed that I am not drinking nearly enough water. So I will also change that and report back to ya.


Terri_K Sun, Jul-06-03 14:48

Hi everyone. I am a newbee turtle!
I am so glad I found this forum. I have been following Atkins since May and couldn't understand why everyone was loosing all this weight and I have only lost 5 pounds-no inches. The only way I lost the 5 lbs was on that Fat Fast and that was after 3 weeks of induction with no results. I remain on induction proably forever! I read the above article and thought is was great. I drink 9-24 oz of water a day- drink nothing else and go to the gym 5 days a week. Fromt he article above I noticed bacon was on the list- This is something I might consider not eating anymore? . :wiggle:

Nicol Thu, Jul-10-03 18:34

I a turtle too
Im a TURTLE too & today Im O-KAY with it.. :daizy: I lost weight real fast the first time I low carb'ed and tomorrow will be my 2nd full month since i totally committed to LC as a lifestyle. I have only lost 6-7 #, but I know I am eating right and the weight will eventually come off. It's all good. I just wish everyone love and peace with themselves and others. If we were as hard on our friends sometimes are with ourselves.. we would not have any friends.. That is just my two cents.
Peace, Nicol :p

trw1966 Tue, Jul-15-03 06:42

Prescription Drugs and Hormones that impede weight loss
I just came across this thread and read the article---but when I click on the link to where it reads Prescription Drugs and Hormones that impede weight loss it says page cannot be displayed.

Can anybody direct me to a page that lists the drugs?


Karen Tue, Jul-15-03 08:37

I just checked the link and it worked but the site seems to be really slow. It's from, the Atkins official website.


chrisews Tue, Jul-15-03 14:11

Terri K. Did you say you're only drinking 9 to 24 oz of water, and nothing else, You've got to drink water, I drink 64 oz a day, plus de caf coffee, and I know, I'm not drinking enough. If you are even slightly dehydrated, you won't lose. chris

abouttime Wed, Jul-16-03 18:39

I have a question, I have read in this forum that people have done "fat fast". Can someone explain to me what that is or where I can read about it. I seem to need boosts periodically. I started to work-out again hoping that it gives me the boost I need.

Jeepgirl Tue, Jul-29-03 15:11

sorry started a new thread instead.

DerBlumers Thu, Sep-04-03 14:10

Well, I suppose I fit into this Turtle Club category...:(
Four weeks on induction....the first three weeks absolutely NO weight loss....the fourth week a three pound loss only because I eliminated processed/cured meats and added two glasses extra water. I've recently started substituting my prescription diuretic with 1500 mg Taurine plus several's an experiment, but my doc said previously that since I was taking the diuretic for a tendency to retain fluid (not a heart or blood pressure problem) that if I could wean myself off, he'd be curious as to the outcome...he's skeptical, but if it works...go for it.
It's too early to tell how the absence of the diuretic will affect the diet.

So....I guess the important thing here is...don't give up hope...right? :D

Nille Mon, Sep-08-03 10:15

Dear DerBlumers !
Another person with by problem - at last !
I'm on Moduretic Duiretic due to water retention problem...went off 4 days ago, - gained 4 lbs. Taurine is not for sale in Norway, and I have no substitute. How did it work for you ??
I lost 6 lbs the first 3 weeks and have stalled for 3 weeks now, - maybe due to the diuretic ? I'm bloated, head hands and feet hurts ! Have to give it another week I think

Regards Nille :wiggle:

DerBlumers Thu, Sep-11-03 22:40

Oh, Nille! I hope it gets better soon!

There should be other natural diuretic substitutes you could take....Some of the herbs I also take with the taurine are juniper berry, uva ursi, dandelion leaf....see if you can find dandelion leaf in capsule form. However, until you might have to go back on your diuretic. What does your doctor say about this? He/She might have another idea...

My weigh-in day is Monday....I should know by then if the taurine is going to help me. Good luck to you...if I have any other ideas, I'll reply again.

We can't give up hope...

DerBlumers Thu, Sep-11-03 22:42

Oh yes....I forgot the simplest thing....drink a LOT more water...and put your feet up whenever you can. It does help ..............

Nille Fri, Sep-12-03 01:48

Hi Der Blumers !
On Tuesday I had to give in.....I started taking my pills again.
Here is what I wrote in my jorunal yesterday morning:

"Thursday is not my "weight day", but after this hell.....I just had to check ! I'm back to 164,7 lbs and my feet are still a bit swollen. Could mean I've started losing again (as my plateu was 165). I will NOT update my profile yet. I will only do that Mondays, but I'm soooooooo happy today ! The best thing is that I've sticked to the diet, no more no less and drinking ALOT of water !

Breakfast, Lunch, dinner and snacks (snack=the rest of the dinner the day before - 4 pieces of the little piece thats loose on the chicken breasts when you buy only the breasts) as in my first entry yesterday. Even had a hamburger at work. (just with a cup of salad, low carb dressing)Found the package and it contained 7 cardbs pr 100 gr. No weight at work though, so I just had to presume I was under 20 carbs yesterday..... (I'm pretty sure I was, it was small and could not have been over 100 gr). "

Yesterday I also got hold of potassium (which is called kalium in Norway - I thought kaluom and kalsium was the same, but its not !) and chromium in add to my other vitamins and minerals. I think I've started loosing again, - but I'll have to wait until Monday to be sure.

Thanks again DerBlumers, for all your support, it really helped alot when I was own and out ! :wiggle:

jsandrock Fri, Sep-12-03 06:58

Dear Nille - I think the "fat fast" is described in one of the chapters in Dr. Atkins NEW Diet Revolution book -- and it is supposed to be used for just what you are describing, if I recall correctly, a jump start when you are stalled. Hope that helps!
Good luck, jsandrock

DerBlumers Mon, Sep-15-03 18:28

Hi Nille!
I mentioned I'd let you know if the Taurine works for me....well, I haven't gone back on my diuretic....haven't gained any weight...but, alas, I haven't lost any weight either. The Taurine makes a good natural substitute for my diuretic, but my diuretic might not have been the source of my inability to shed any more weight.

It sounds like you indeed need your diuretic, because you can't find anything natural to least, not yet. Let's keep looking for our solutions....;)

Nille Tue, Sep-16-03 04:21

Hi again Der Blumers !

Thanks for getting back to me..... I started taking my diuretics last Tuesday, I just HAD to ! I have started losing again :yay: and I hope the loss goes on (check out my journal) I've checked and L-Taurine are not available in Norway. I need a special import license to import it :mad:.

I will try some herbs, - but I've think I've tried everything available !

I wish you luck and hope you start losing weight stood still for close to 4 weeks !!! Even if I followed the diet, no cheating and drinking a lot of water !! Maybe it's an adjustment thing ????

Anyways, keep up the good work, - if you can manage without diuretics I guess that's the best anyway......

DerBlumers Mon, Sep-22-03 01:06

Hello, Nille...

Apparently the L-Taurine doesn't seem to make much difference...I'm still not losing weight. I might have to start my diuretic again...but I hope not. It's possible that I might have a chronic yeast infection....something that I hadn't known about for years. I'm considering trying the anti-candida diet for a month, along with natural supplements to see if it makes a difference.

Nille Mon, Sep-22-03 01:41

Oh so nice to be hearing from you again, - strange..I was thinking about you this morning....Monday=Weigh in day......and I'm 74,5 kg/164,2 lbs. Back to where I was before I stopped the diuretics. Or maybe I just misread the weight to 1 kilo less last week.....I don't know....Fast fast has been suggested, but as I am in ketosis (not the darkest purple, but almost the darkest) I don't know if that's the sollution. (according to Atkins Support the fast fast is mainly for those who are NOT in ketosis and a toole used to get there) I received a looooong e-mail from the Atkins people, as I wrote them for advice. I've gone through it pont for point and I cannot see that I'm doing anything wrong. I've checked that I'm in Ketosis, I've checked the protein amount, hidden carbs, I don't use any sweetner, I do excercise regularly, I take all my vitamines etc, I don't drink tea or coffee - only water, and enough of it ! I'm not drinking alcohol (I miss my glass of wine). I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, will have the tests done, like thyroid T4 and T3.

I cannot follow the recommendations taking L-tautine and L-carnitine, as these are products not sold in Norway. WE don't have any Atkins or Low carb products, and as I've mentioned earlier, there are strickt import restrictions for the products as well. There's only an hour and a half flight to London, maybe I'll go there for a few days and stack up ! Will be a bit expensive....but.....

I so hoped you would have started losing would have been a BIG inspiration to me. I hope you fine out what's wrong. Maybe I'll get the yeast infection test as well, - not anything much left, is there....?????

If you want a copy of the e-mail from Atkins Support, send me a PM with your email and I'll forward it to you ....

Will keep you updated, and thanks again for remembering me !

Nille Thu, Sep-25-03 11:38

Hello DerBlumers !!
..just a short note to tell I bought Dandelion Root Pills today. I will try to switch one of the diuretics with one of those. If there's no change I'll try that for a couple of weeks and then switch one more. They must be more healthy than the drugs, right ?

I also checked my T3 and T4 the other day. Will get the result tomorrow I think....I hope I don't have to start that again.....All my tests have been perfect for the last year. Would hate to start with more drugs.....

I'll keep you posted......take care and hope everything is OK at your end !


DerBlumers Sat, Sep-27-03 14:32


In my research...(and personal experience) ... the dandelion ROOT doesn't work quite as well as the dandelion LEAF. Here in the US, the LEAF is difficult to get in capsule form (the ROOT is easy). :(

I hope it works well enough for you....I have to special order the leaf...I only found one brand that carries it. Good luck! :)

Nille Tue, Sep-30-03 23:37

Hi again DerBlumers ! really need to start a journal, then we can follow each others progress !

Just wanted to let you know I've successfully exchanged one of my diuretic pills with dandelion root. I tried first with two diuretics + dandelion root. I was running back and forth to the toilet all day ..... did that for three days and now I have been taking one duiretic and two dandelion root pills. Works like a charm.....In a week or two I'll try to change the second duiretic pill with two more dandelions ! Cannot get hold of the leaf thing here in Norway, but I have few more places to check out. Have the week of nex week I will roam the health food stores to see if i can find that and some other ingredients I need for my recipes try out !

I'm still waiting for my T3 and T4 result. I will call them again today to check it out.

Will let you know how it goes !
Take care and hang in there !

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