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Jas50 Wed, Feb-01-06 13:44

Neela - that is too funny about our hubbies!! Sounds like you are a newly wed. I got divorced after 19 yrs. of marriage and ended up with my now hubby - who is the greatest man in the world!! We got married 2 yrs. ago after being together for nearly 8 yrs. Check out our wedding pictures at!! By the way, is that you in the picture - very pretty!

Anu is probably the only one working.... :lol:

Actually it is lunch hour here and I am trying to get some paper off my desk..... :D

Sandhya - Low carb probably is hard for a vegetarian. I love my meat so it is hard to relate. Now lets see, SB has 2 weeks of strict rules where no fruit is allowed - very much like Induction. Here is some information:

Allowed Foods in Phase 2 (Foods you can reintroduce
to your diet)
Apricots-dried fresh

Milk-light soy, fat-free or 1%
Yogurt-light, fruit-flavored, plain, low-fat or fat-free

Bagels, small, whole grain
Bread-multigrain, oat and bran, rye, whole wheat
Cereal-Fiber One, Kellogg's Extra-Fiber All Bran, oatmeal (not instant), other high-fiber, Uncle Sam
Muffins, bran-sugar-free (no raisins)
Pasta, whole wheat
Peas, green
Pita-stone-ground, whole wheat
Potato, small, sweet
Rice-brown, wild

Beans, pinto
Black-eyed peas

Chocolate (sparingly)-bittersweet, semisweet
Pudding, fat-free/sugar-free
Wine, red

Bagel, refined wheat
Bread-refined wheat white
Pasta, white flour
Potatoes-baked, white instant
Rice cakes
Rice, white
Rolls, dinner

Potatoes FRUIT
Canned fruit, juice packed
Fruit juice

Ice cream

Hope this helps....

neela26 Thu, Feb-02-06 18:18

Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I will definitely try to cook a little more with your advice. We've been eating american food for the most part, except we spice up the green beans with some indian spices. They are so good. I can't believe I actually get cravings for green beans!

Jas - Your wedding was beautiful! I'm very happy for you that you found the best man! Yes, the picture is me. Thanks for the compliment! There are some more pictures in my gallery. I have pictures of my two dogs in there too. They are cute!

Jas50 Fri, Feb-03-06 11:52

Neela - you are gorgeous girl! Love your wedding dress. Did you also wear an Indian outfit? Your dogs are very cute! I gather you guys don't have any kids as yet.

Well ladies have a great weekend. I am going to really behave this weekend and hopefully I will see the scale move!!

Sandhya Mon, Feb-06-06 12:34

G'morning Ladies

I have finally recieved the SBD book. Hopefully will manage to find time to go through it.Hubby aint losing any weight and is getting restless.Well, neither am i - but i know i hav'nt been very good lately.Too much of allowed food can be bad too.That's what i'm doing or rather overdoing.

Hey, i tried making seekh kebabs, well- not exactly looks wise- these were without the skewers, like round shammi kebabs.MMM mmm MmMm...i'll make a big batch today and freeze them for emergencies.For those who want to know the recipe, here it is:

Ground turkey/ chicken/mutton (i used trukey as its easily available)
Chopped leeks/green onions
green chillies
Coriander or parsley
roated ground cumin
red chilli powder
roasted ground coriander
2 eggs to bind the dough
olive oil-abotu 2 tbsp

If you make indian food often, you'll have most of the spices at home, you know what i'm talking about, but-If you cant find the spices mentioned above just use all in one-Seekh kebab masala found in any Indian grocery store.or spice it up with your own spices, maybe even some tandoori masala if you dont have anything else!

make into small round balls and gently flatten it.
Pre-heat oven on 375D, and throw these in & bake for about 15-18 mins till cooked. broil for 5 more mins.Have with coriander chutney or hot salsa
Enjoy ! This dish is absolutely lo-carb and very can even add some grilled veggies on the side.

Bye for now- Keep lo-carbing

Sandhya Mon, Feb-06-06 12:36

Hey there Neela-Cute doggies !! What have you named them?

Jas50 Mon, Feb-06-06 16:07

Hey Sandhya - thanks for the recipe....I will have to try this! Good luck with the SB!

How was everyone's weekend?

neela26 Tue, Feb-07-06 08:14

Hi Ladies!

My dogs names are Joey and Rika. No kids yet!

Thanks for the recipe ideas. I really don't cook much but I need to start.


Sandhya Wed, Feb-08-06 11:19

Hey there

I'm feeling so horribly bloated and its not even TOM- Must be the nuts i've been munching , and oh yes, the pria bar i ate !!!
What a horrible feeling...

I wonder how long i'll keep going back and forth like this. I need to be more honest with myself.No cheats means NO CHEATS.

How's everyone doing? How are you all dealing with the"sweet tooth"? Are you all exercising? My exercise is limited to walking 2-3 miles/day other than the housework and kids which is lotsss.....(according to me !)

Do write in what's happening with everyone.Any new tips, magic spells or potions to lose 10 pounds as in woosh ?..Huh...Anyone.........ANYONE....?

neela26 Wed, Feb-08-06 19:15

I've been cheating a lot too. I'm on during the week, then cheat for 3 days in a row. It's a vicious cycle. I've decided to go back on induction and count every little carb again. I also decided to start eating breakfast again. I found I'm a lot more successful when I eat breakfast. It curbs your appetite and keeps your blood sugars in check.

Jas50 Thu, Feb-09-06 10:44

Hey ladies! Cheats - no one is better at it than I am. Like you neela, I do real well for a few days and then cheat and the 2 lbs. that I lost come right back on. I am certainly not going to make my goal before I leave for Houston. The only good thing is that DH and I are exercising faithfully. The pants are not as tight but not as comfy as I would like them to be.

Work is so busy here....I might have to work this Saturday. DH also leaves on Sunday for a course for 4 days....God I miss him when he is away....must mean that I love him.... :lol: this Valentines day will be the first one that we will be apart....

Sandhya, how is DH doing with the SB?

neela26 Fri, Feb-10-06 07:31

I don't like it when DH leaves too. I'm usually OK for the first day or two then I get lonely. It is nice to be able to watch what I want to watch on TV!

I've been doing pretty good this week so far. The weekend is always hard for me. We are having chicken wings tonight so I think I'll be OK. Tomorrow we are going out to dinner with some friends for DH's 30th birthday so that will be a little more challenging. I still haven't gotten anything for DH. Any ideas?

Jas50 Fri, Feb-10-06 10:01

Neela, it must mean we are totally in love!! Today DH went to the hospital to get his blood work done....we met at the gas station by accident at 8:00 - of course he gives me a big kiss - tongue and all :D and the gas attendant just about freaks out....of course he has never seen my was really hillarious!

I agree about the remote!! MEN :agree:

Gifts - 30th ummmmmmmmmmmm - It would depend what he likes! But whatever you get him Neela, make sure to do one thing that he will remember.....for example, I have dressed up in a boustiere (sp?) and nylons to greet him when he comes home or some special thing at bedtime.....let your imagination roam.....ENJOY!!

anu Tue, Feb-14-06 01:44

Hi Girls, welcome Neela.........great to see the thread picking up some steam! Sorry, I've been away for a while so haven't checked in and when I did....wooooo, you girls have really been chatting! Some great recipes too!
Hey, you know, saag paneer is a favourite in my house too. This is really eerie....maybe it was the sag paneer that brought us all together?
See u later ladies, have fun!

Jas50 Tue, Feb-14-06 10:50

Happy Valentines Day ladies!! My hubby spoiled me with a dozen roses! He sends these every year but to me it is always like the first time!! This time he added another touch....this a.m. he phoned me from his hotel and told him there was another present in our computer room....a beautiful robe!!

So, in return, I am taking him to a hotel when we go to Houston!

Good to see you Anu - too funny about saag paneer!

neela26 Tue, Feb-14-06 18:37

Sag paneer is sooooo good!

Jas - sounds like you have yourself a keeper! My hubby isn't very romantic. I asked him for a jewelry box for valentines and I didn't get anything! He didn't even say Happy Valentines. But I know he still loves me :)


Jas50 Wed, Feb-15-06 16:28

Neela - that is the main part any ways!

Well, winter has hit here hard.....getting down to - 41 C with the wind chill.....brr...........we have been so spoiled here with our warm winter!!

I have been working out but I sure don't see the scale move.....depressed about this!

Jas50 Tue, Feb-21-06 14:11

Hello everyone - Monday is gone already for us as it was a holiday!!!

Only 4 more days and we leave for Houston, Texas. I have not lost any more weight as I was planning but I have been working out like a fiend so the clothes are fitting a bit better......

How was everyone's weekend? Check in ladies!

neela26 Tue, Feb-21-06 18:05

I had a good weekend except that I cheated again. I've been back on plan and exercising heavily. We want to go on vacation around September and I want to wear my bikinin!!


Jas50 Fri, Feb-24-06 11:10

I am off to the bright lights of Houston ladies....see you all on March 7.

Sandhya Sun, Feb-26-06 13:03

Hello everyone

Sorry for being away from all the action.Just been very busy .Much as i try to be good....i end up cheating during TOM. So whatever i lose during the month comes right back to where it belonged ... Depressing...huh..:confused::mad:

So i see Valentines was very eventful for you girls.....reminds me of my younger days (lol) This time, it was working like crazy all day long and then we finally hit the bed with only enuff energy to cuddle up and drift off to sleep.Half asleep i heard him murmuring and remembering how we spent our first valentines together.....that was enuff for me...!! Not that i mind being wooed with a dozen red roses, but hey if he did that-i'd die of a heart attack..!!!I prefer him the way he is.

SO Jas, you have a great time in Houston.Enjoy the weather and family.:dazzle: Try and be as good as you can !!!

Neela, Anu- what's up ? How are u 2 doing ? ive been stalled at 139 for almost a month and a half.What's your progress like?

Will try to get in here more frequently....U all Take care and keep lo-carbing !

Jas50 Tue, Mar-07-06 14:22

Well, I am back from sunny Houston!! We have slippery roads here so much snow that driving is treacherous! What a change from Houston weather - it was so nice and warm! We had tea every morning outside on the deck. All my sis' flowers were still blooming! Sometimes I think we have rocks in our head living out here!!

I already miss my sister - we had such a great time! My sis is skinny - I felt quite fat! I gained about 7 lbs. so I need to get serious!

So how are you ladies doing?

neela26 Tue, Mar-07-06 19:32

Sounds like you had a great time in Houston. My hubby is in California for a business trip. I'm so jealous he gets to be in some warm weather. I'm dying for summer! We are going to Costa Rica in May so I've been very strict on my diet. I'm so excited about the trip.


Jas50 Wed, Mar-08-06 12:08

Hey Neela - good for you! I thought I had dieted and lost some before I went but standing next to my sis...I was fat! (sigh!) My birthday is in April - so the diet is starting in earnest! Are you doing Induction? Costa Rica sounds great - is it expensive to go there?

Lez Thu, Mar-09-06 14:33

an e-mail from my indian friend
Shocking Story about Gurgaon !!!!!!

Read this true story... and let everybody you know in and around Delhi,

especially Gurgaon know this.......

My friend lives in Delhi... One day he went to Gurgaon to visit his

uncle for some days. One evening he and some other of my college friends

went to Priya's for a movie. He had so much fun that he forgot that it was

very late. He reached Gurgaon around midnight......

He had to walk about a mile from where his friend dropped him.... As he was

walking alone, he could sense that the night felt very creepy as it was so

dark. While walking, he was astonished to see an old creepy looking guy

selling some books. It was a very unusual thing to see a thing like

that..... It got the shivers on him when he noticed that his old guy is

unusually pale and staring at him...

The old guy said "Son why don't you get a would keep you

company". Then he did something which he would regret for the rest of his

life .........

My friend started to act brave & thought why not & had a look at his

collection.. he noticed that all the books were related to supernatural

activities...but he found one that was very interesting. So he asked the

old man "how much is it?"....

The old guy replied, "Well son...this is an interesting's only

for Rs 250. "

My friend was shocked and said "'s expensive"

This time the old man stared which freaked my friend. My friend quickly

checked all his pockets & found Rs.200 & said "This is all

I hav e." The old guy replied "It's OK son can have the book

for that price"

As ! my friend was just about to run for home...the old man called

back & said "Son ... whatever happen, you don't ever flip the book

to it's last page... remember these words or you would regret it...!!!!!"

My friend nodded and never looked back ... Reaching home...he

quickly asked his Uncle whether there was any new old book seller

nearby? The Uncle replied "not that I know of but ...we've heard that

there's 1 old man comes once in a while during full moon nights but heard

that there is something creepy about it...why son?"

My friend freaked out... he told his uncle "nothing uncle...just

asking". He started reading the book with the old man's words on

his mind. At night, 2 o'clock, as he went to bed, a gush of wind blew which

chilled him up to his bones. At that glimpse, he noticed the wind had blown

the pages to its last page. He remembered what the old man has said! But we

humans tend to have the tendency to know. Out of curiosity, he flipped to

the last page & fainted...

What he saw at the last page is stated below:

Don't look further down if you have a weak heart I warn you


Original price:-- Rs. 20/-

Promotion price:-- Rs. 10/-

Ha Ha Ha ! I also wasted my time reading this mail so why cant you?

Lez Thu, Mar-09-06 18:07

sorry but i thought it was funny


Sandhya Fri, Mar-10-06 09:38

Lol Lez.....Where are you from? Goa? Gurgaon ?

Sandhya Fri, Mar-10-06 09:39

WB Jas...Good to see you around

Lez Fri, Mar-10-06 10:04

no i'm from Liverpool UK

I'm going to Goa for 4 weeks on the 23rd of this month for a vacation, to see if I can still take the heat 95F today (not a spring chicken any more) and just see about retiring in India.

I have been to India many times when I was serving in the merchant navy but its not the same as being there for a long stay.

lez. :wave:

neela26 Fri, Mar-10-06 10:34

I want to go to Goa. I've heard its beautiful.

Lez Fri, Mar-10-06 13:02

yes Goa is beautiful and so are the people.

if you go to find the Goa thread lots of photos reports comments and not one bad comment.

another good site is this is more all india related you can sign up at indiamike and just have a good laugh if you know hindi even better


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