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Gemma Fri, Mar-29-02 21:51

Hi Cali

My parents always went to Qld for 6 or 8 weeks over winter as they loved it up there - but they felt it was too hot in summer to move there. Have a few relatives who moved up and are still there - Gold Coast and another lot at Buderim.

Like you I don't mind the drizzly Melbourne weather - find the extreme heat debilitating - and so hard to maintain any exercise plan in.

Glad it is cooling down up there!

Bye now


Jimsgems Sat, Mar-30-02 16:52

Great moments and info....
I have been chronically depressed for most of my life, it started at about 12 and I'm 55 now. I'm successful despite crushing depression and no help, I'm just too stupid to roll over and play dead. I've led a somewhat normal life, whatever that is, I was a Eagle Scout, a Green Beret (before it was cool) and had a fairly successful career so far. I’ve just lost 100+ pounds and recently started on Welbutrin 300mgs a day, I haven’t noticed much and I understand it takes a while. I’ve been to therapists and the one thing for sure is… they are more messed up that I am, and relative ineffective, including wife #4, "The Psycho Psychotherapist", but that’s another story in itself, for another place and time.

Cheryl R Sat, Mar-30-02 17:19

I've been on prozak for almost 1 year, 10 mg... for anxiety and due to the fact that I lost 2 sisters 1 to cancer 1 to a heart attack in a matter of months. I also had an unbearable situation at work which is now resolved...but any way... I had been gaining weight at about 10 to 15 pounds a year. I haven't gained any since I started on prozak and infact have lost about 10 pounds since I started taking it.
I have been trying to lose weight for many years...and not having success. I do not want to go back to the way I felt before I will be on it yet for awhile.

Gemma Sat, Mar-30-02 18:38

Hi Jim and Cheryl

Jim, fantastic that you have been able to maintain a relatively normal life despite depression. I think there are lots of people out there "existing" rather than "living" and that when it is the chemical imbalance depression or anxiety, while counselling can perhaps give people new ways to think about things, the chemical imbalance will generally "rule". Like you, visiting a psychologist, attending stress management courses etc, did nothing to relieve the actual sensation of anxiety or depression, it just gave me different ways to think about it and also made me feel bad that I couldn't use my different ways of thinking to actually "make" myself feel better. Thank God I found a Dr who thought Aropax would be worth trying! Boy, was she right!

Good luck with the Wellbutrin - hope it kicks in and works for you, and WOW - fantastic weight loss :thup: - I have only shed 31 lbs yet with lots still to go!

Laughed at your comment about marrying a Psycho Psychotherapist! I don't imagine that experience helped your depression!!!!!!! :eek:

Hi Cheryl

I have heard lots of reports of Prozac being good for weight loss - I have found even Aropax helps in that I feel good and don't want to comfort eat!. Good luck and like you I have no intention of coming off the meds while I feel so much happier. I know I am easier to live with for my family as I just feel so much more "alive"

Your loss of your two sisters so close together must have been absolutely dreadful! I can't imagine how you got though it! Thank goodness you sought help from your Dr and your Dr was sensible enough to prescribe Prozac. Wow, what a relief the situation at work resolved as that must have been close to the "final straw" at a terribly difficult time - life often seems to throw everything at you at the one time doesn't it!? So glad you are losing weight AND feeling so much better!

Bye now


EveLee Sun, Mar-31-02 15:29

To: Jim's Gems
Hi, Jim . . . Love that name . . . JimsGems. If you care to share, what happened, if anything, at 12? What do you think the root of your depression is? Is there family depression? Were there significant life events?

Are you familiar with Self Matters by Phil McGraw? I'm currently working it. It's really challenging, but, I think it will be productive. I, too, spent years in therapy. However, I feel I got a lot out of it. My life has been one of recovery; seeking answers that will promote healthier living. All in all, everything has pointed me in a direction of better functioning. I guess there is no magic and the effects will always exist at some level.

Cheryl R Sun, Mar-31-02 20:43

I'd love to hear it
My 4th wife was a psycho psychotherapist sounds like a great title for a book, I'd buy it.
I've been reading boring romance novels while my foot is propped in the air over my head....I think reading that book would have speeded my recoverie...the things it got going through my head. :daze: :daze: :daze: :daze:

Jimsgems Sun, Mar-31-02 22:52


My "handle" JimsGems is the URL to my business site. I am a gem and jewelery appraiser and I put the site up for customer service.

I've "owned" the name since 1989 and use it all the time... jim~ is my e:mail is the address of my web site and everyone is welcome to visit, I don't sell anything off the site yet, so I don't think there is any conflict.

I was thinking about your question and I can't come up with anything that happened specifically, and it could have been 10 or 15. One of my closest friends, dating from around that time, commented in a conversation that I was always very angry and that he never understood it. I’ve mellowed now but I was a very angry person and channeled that anger into accomplishment rather than outwardly, on others. I was a Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, Green Beret (before it was cool) a policeman (naturally) and a investigator, I retired from the force and became a successful engineer with a good lifestyle.

Is the Doctor Phil you spoke about the same one as on the Oprah Show? If it is good, I haven’t read any of his books, but I like his folksy, down home style and he seem very squared away. I’m forever using his phrase; "and how’s that working for you?" I’ve always felt that my chronic depression would be OK as long as I could be constantly doing activity, but being off work due to a lay off, I’ve had lots of time for introspection and looking for work is one of the hardest things I think anyone has to put up with. There are so many what ifs, what if I did this instead of that. I’ve finally stopped doing that so much and concentrated on what I have to do now. I asked my endocrinologist about Welbutrin and he told me it had very few side effects and once it kicks in it is very helpful. In a month or two, I’ll have to ask myself; "how’s that working for you?"

Be well and have fun.

Lessara Mon, Apr-01-02 11:19

Hi Gemma!
I just wanted to relieve your fears about Prozac, I've been on 20mg of it and it hasn't stalled me yet :D

Hi Jim! Haven't see you in a while!! Hope things are continuing to be good on your end :)

Cheryl R Mon, Apr-01-02 11:35

can't imagine
I can't imagine getting through this last month of Pain in the foot (literally) without my meds.
dh is driving me crazy...he is pampering me to no extent. Everytime I get up he gets on my case to put your shoe back on...get your foot's been over 3 weeks now... I think I will get my doctor to write dh a note saying I can be out of bed for a while and that my foot doesn't need to be up 110% of the time anymore...and that the shoe is for walking and it doesn't need to be on if I walk to the bathroom as long as I walk on the heel or side of my foot.
I know he does it because he loves me and he says he wants it to heal right so we can get back to our long romantic walks. When we first started dating about 5 years ago, we both lost weight because of our long walks. I got off subject a little...but I'm so glad I'm home alone for a few hours, I'm sitting at the computer barefooted and loving it.
I see the doc tomorrow..I'm hoping he lets me go back to work. It really is better. I hardly have any swelling now.
Wish me luck

EveLee Mon, Apr-01-02 18:41

"Existing Rather Than Living"
Gemma . . . "Existing rather than living . . ." makes quite a statement. And, oh how true it is for so many people. What is living? What is existing? And, there must be so much in between. You've got me thinking.

Cheryl . . . I can understand your appreciation for the hours of alone time. Feels so good. I seem to have a lot of it now and really enjoy it. Hope your foot has a speedy recovery; would do some hands on healing if you were closer. Oh, well, my thoughts are there.

Jim . . . Yes, I'm talking about the Dr. Phil on Oprah. This latest book, Self Matters, is really good. I'm working through slowly; can't handle too much at one time. I think, though, that it is more focused on resolving life issues. I have a lot of those, so there is a lot of work to be done. I love the format; it's very structured (don't get me wrong, I'm not). And, that makes it easier to get to the stuff. I just keep taking one bit at a time. I can't even read too many pages at a time. I get overwhelmed.

The combination of the work in the book and some recent cranio-sacral therpy treatments is really pulling the issues together. They're falling together from early on experiences to current behaviors.

It's a humbling experience. Humility is good.

corrie8 Sun, Apr-07-02 08:47

dear animaldoc re: paxil
I'm taking paxil for depression, have been for about 1 year. It's really helped with the fuzzy head disconnected feeling. I've been losing weight since I started of the LC food plan, so it doesn't seem to inhibit weight loss.

EveLee Sun, Apr-07-02 10:33

Hi . . . Tell me more about the fuzzy head. Sounds familiar. Haven't had a clue what it was about. Thanks.

animaldoc Sun, Apr-07-02 14:15

Off to the Doc...
I'm off to the doctor on Tuesday to stop the Celexa (as planned). I'm not going to switch to anything else as I should be out of my SAD time, and I will only be at this job until the end of June (YAY-I'm almost outta here!). Hopefully my weight loss will start up again.....

-animaldoc :wave:

Cheryl R Sun, Apr-07-02 15:03

I'm not giving up my way....I've been on prozak 10mg for about 8 months... too much going on in my family. I also started a new job...(In my same department) and I've only been doing it for 3 days...and so far so good. I've been staying relaxed and calm. I know this was a good move for me, not even taking into account the raise. I think I will like this job a lot. I'm staying on my meds for at least another 6 month, that's when my prescription will run out...and I will decide then wether to see my doc and get another rx.
but...go luck to you in getting off meds.

EveLee Sun, Apr-07-02 19:11

Good Examples
Your posts support the whole idea that nothing is the right thing for everyone. It's good to see people who know what is best for them.

animaldoc Mon, Apr-08-02 07:36

Oh yes, I would absolutely encourage anyone who thinks they should stay on their meds to do so! We had decided when I started, to stop them in the Spring after I made it through the winter since my SAD should be better and my job is ending soon (a VERY good thing). Hope it helps me start losing again!

-animaldoc :wave:

Jimsgems Mon, Apr-08-02 12:41

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animaldoc and anyone else...

I lost my job in January'02 and my stress level is for all purposes is non existant! Despite crushing depression despite medication (Wellbutrin 2X a day) but just as I have done for the last 35 years, I just keep going, kinda like that darn enegizer bunny. I have been at the effect of persons 1/2 my age since interviewing and rejection is largely based on very real age discrimination.

Realizing full well there is nothing I can do to overcome the way they feel about hiring someone their fathers age and other biases. I'm doing what I can, I've lost over 100 lbs to date, I'm 72% of the way to my goal. I've shaved my mustashe and am dying my hair some what darker as I'm almost totally gray. It really bothers me that we have seemed to have gotten to a place where experience and abilities don't seem to matter, just youth and enthusiam.

Well good luck to you all and good luck in your search.

Frances Mon, Apr-08-02 16:44

I think you look very sexy and very employable. If they don't hire you for the sophisticated atmosphere you would bring to a workplace then they are mad.

I can identify with you a bit, I had to get through the child bearing years to be taken seriously in the workplace.


Jimsgems Mon, Apr-08-02 18:22

Thank you Dear One...


Thank you for your special kindness and words of encouragement. It gives me a boost. I truly know what you mean, I watched my wife hit the "Glass Ceiling" while she was VP of New Store Construction at See’s Candy, Little Cesars Pizza, while she was making a very good income, the board rooms were "Off Limits" in those companies anyway, and when she lost her vision, they fired her w/o cause. That’s speaking of See’s on that one.

Today she runs a business accounting and tax service out of our home. There is always a way to provide, I’m currently looking and in the process and doing my "due diligence" before I start a business representing other manufacturers product as a independent agent. I truly believe that… " where He guides, He provides."

Thank you again. Jim

EveLee Mon, Apr-08-02 18:45

Jimsgems & Others
I agree with Frances . . . You are quite handsome.

Where he guides, he provides. Isn't that the truth. You seem to be pretty much at peace with the world. How are you guided?

I study A Course in Miracles. The premise of which is to surrender everything and let happen what needs to happen. Not a simple task; well, actually quite simple if we can just do it.

This has brought some peace to my chaotic world. For that, I am most grateful.

Jimsgems Mon, Apr-08-02 20:10

Thank you, again.
SPECIAL be warned, Christian Values will be expressed below if that cause any personal discomfort… Please don’t read any further. The "G" & "J" word will be used in my testament, well actually it my way of answering a question.

I am a rabid, Bible believing Christian. I was raised In the Baptist church and later we moved to what is called the "Frozen Chosen" (that’s an inside joke) we worship with a Presbyterian, USA congregation, I’m currently an Ordained Elder in the church and I have sung in the choir for 16 +years.

I amalmost in spite of myself, at times; very calm and even somewhat mellow. I do have a very hard side and I try daily to keep my angry side in the barn and bedded down. I was a Airborne Ranger (Green Beret, before it was cool) and served in Vietnam, twice and still carry the scars, both foreign and domestic, the injuries and scars I got in Vietnam have healed, the ones I got here at home are slower to heal, but they are and they will. I was also in Police work as a Crime Scene Investigator as a sworn officer, until I was run over by a fleeing felon, almost killing me and causing me lots of pain and discomfort, I couldn't work for almost two years, six major operations and 16 years later, I'm doing really well. I have forgiven the man who ran me over and the local DA who gave him a sentence in a plea bargain of 18 days in jail. Hey, I don’t call it the Justice System, for there isn’t much fairness, you just have to let go of the awful feeling , they can really burn you up inside.

I constantly work towards my salvation and that of others, I chose the vehicle of music as a ministry. I sing in addition to the choir at church with a Southern Gospel Quartet, Living Faith is the group name, we sing concerts in nursing homes, hospitals, churches and almost any where we can call a group together, we will sing. We are currently working on a CD Project as it’s euphemistically called in the music industry jargon, believe you will all know when it is produced.

I take my cares and woes to the foot of the Cross, everyday and I pick them up almost at the same time, like He doesn’t know, but, I am learning the path by traveling it. I’m not a sidewalk preacher by any means, I think that is rude, but my music is for the Glory of my God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I call from Him to gather others by word and song. I rest calmly in His arms and am calmed by His presents in my life and His Works. Amen and Amen

Sermon and my testament closed.

EveLee Mon, Apr-08-02 21:20

A Recovering Baptist
I grew up in Tennessee, in the country, as a Baptist. The Baptist church played a very important part in my life. It was through the church that I was able to feel attached and cared for. Everything happened with the people at church. For that I feel great gratitude.

However, as I approached adulthood, I became angry with God. I felt betrayed; if there was a god, then, I didn't want to know him/her. I felt god had played a cruel joke on me by placing me in such an abusive and chaotic family.

Then, I took an astronomy class at University of Michigan. I was overwhelmed by the massiveness of the universe. Then, I knew for sure that life as presented in the Baptist Church could not have meaning.

I know what you mean by the singing. I was always moved deeply by the songs of the church. I felt so close to god during the songs.

I rebelled against god for many years. Then, I heard about Marianne Williamson's book, A Return to Love, about 10 years ago. It took me 6 mos. to pick it up; I was embarassed to look at a book that had god and Jesus in it.

Then a friend talked to me about A Course in Miracles. Again, I was embarassed that he was talking about Jesus in public.

Somewhere along the line, I fell to my knees and rekindled my loving relationship with a power much greater than me. I am comfortable saying God, Jesus, or whatever. I know where to go every day and I know where to go when I need help.

Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for your involvement in Vietnam. My brothers were there and my friend died there at age 19. I am sorry for the treatment that all of you received when you returned home. It was inexcusable.

I salute your ability to forgive and to persevere.

Jimsgems Mon, Apr-08-02 22:30

I know what you are saying, I had a 20 year detour into the belief that a loving God could never ever let me do some of the killing, murders and other genuine awful stuff I have done in the name of God and Country. I couldn’t forgive myself, I was a successful jewelry designer and manufacturer and made more money than I would have held as impossible. I fell into drugs and drink trying to cover up the demons and one day I got it! I got it that I was killing myself and I quit everything at that moment and no drugs or drink in 18 years. I had by that time had several families or at least wives, I was a tough person to live with and I suffered fools badly, and I was the worst fool of them all. When I got that everything else fell back into place. I went back to church and found the kind of forgiveness by pure Grace and not by works of any kind, certainly not by me. I found even the wealth in my heart to forgive others and most of all, to forgive myself, that was much harder than I would have ever thought. I hope you continue on your journey, that He makes your way easy, that you are kept safe from the things of the world that you really don’t need and that the words; "He Loves You, connects directly to your heart and your head.

Jimsgems Tue, Apr-09-02 01:43

Another Journey...
1 Attachment(s)
Dear Ones;

In my search for a more youthful appearance , here is my progression. I'd really like to know what you like, don't like or...

Last Week...

Jimsgems Tue, Apr-09-02 01:44

1 Attachment(s)
This way yesterday... No mustache, OK.

Jimsgems Tue, Apr-09-02 01:46

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This is today... No mustashe, dye job and a haircut. OK.

Frances Tue, Apr-09-02 16:52

It's just my opinion...............
............but I like the grey hair better. But then I have a thing for men with grey hair, so I maybe biased.


EveLee Tue, Apr-09-02 19:01

Hi, Frances . . . I can't believe you're sitting in Australia and we're chatting here. Wow, how did all of this happen?

Jim, you look great either way.

Thanks for the kind words. I look at everything that has happened in my life as leading me to where I am today. Without the experiences, I wouldn't be able to do what I do today. I truly have taken lemons and made lots of lemonade.

I work in a high school. I wrote grants and brought in money to do all of the things for kids that are usually not possible. For example, I have a group of kids I have worked with for 7 years in school. I was their teacher in middle school; now, I'm not teaching, but just looking after them. Many are living in out of friends homes, etc. The graduating seniors will have access to prom tickets, tuxedos, dresses, pictures, etc. They have been supported with tutoring, food, clothing, etc.

My experiences have allowed me to empathize with their needs, to connect with them in a non-judgemental way.

Jimsgems Tue, Apr-09-02 19:03

I like it too!
Dear One from Down Under;

You are kind; I like it too! I feel uncomfortable about this because it is a bit dishonest. I have a wife and family to support and an expensive race car too! So I gotta do, what needs to be done for the short term, for my economic survival in the long run and what’s better for me and my family.

I feel like I've earned each and every strand of gray hair I have left but, here in the states, age, experience and how young you are seems to mean more that the "real" stuff that really matters. Does this make sense?

EveLee; You are an inspiration, you are wonderful.

Well, I off to sing, see ya all later. Bye for now (TTFN) J

Frances Tue, Apr-09-02 19:18

It's pretty cool isn't it EveLee,

I love these forums and listening to all of you, I wonder if we could be as open if we were face to face..........writing your feelings down is a great uninhibitor.


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