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YoungGal Sat, Jan-03-04 12:22

Hello everyone, I hope I'm not too late to join. I started Atkins again on Jan 1st, but I keep cheating here and there...I want to join this challenge as well, just to motivate me....

My Guidelines to NO CHEATING!!!

1. Limit 20 carbs during induction
3. Curves 3-5 times a week
4. No Processed meats
5. Read the labels!!!
6. Drink more water (icy water in my case, since that's the only way I can take it.)

That's all I can think of right now, I will update as I go along

nursey15 Sat, Jan-03-04 12:33

I need some help with planning. I'm going back to work after 3 weeks off. My job is kind of boring and stressful. Sometimes I have nothing to do for weeks at a time. They also supply us with all our meals and unlimited sodas, chocolate etc, which are to be avoided on Atkins. Any tips for avoiding the work foodtrap and the associated emotional eating?

Nawchem- pack your lunch, pack snacks that are LC for when that urge hits, stay as faaaaaar away from the place they keep the treats as possible. Are you allowed to bring things to keep you busy at work? Crafts reading whatever floats your boat? Are you allowed to leave your work station and if a craving hits go out and walk around the parking lot or somewhere nicer than that? Do you have a computer at work so if you get a crave you can come in here and rant or read to keep you focused on you and not food? Can you hang little motivotional signs up around where you will see them to keep yourself on track. Pack a little pick me up note in your lunch- like a daily affermation type thing. Ask your hubby (if you have one) to suprize you with a note now and then, telling you how great you are doing. Stay away faaaar away from the treats- said that didn't I?? lol Are others in your workplace trying to diet? Make up a little group where you all get together and eat lunch. Ask the company to please supply more LC or at least healthier snacks for those of you who are diet conscience?

Do these help any? I'm lucky I"m a homecare RN and am in my own car all day. I do have days where when I go into a patients home and the food smells are wonderful. But withing 30-60 minutes I'm out of there and they leave. It's my choice when and what I eat and I only pack my lunch. I don't carry much extra money so I don't eat out, and if I don't have snacks with me I don't eat them.

suzzee2003 Sat, Jan-03-04 21:21

HI AGAIN Everyone! Geesh it is awesome to read all of your posts! I have had such a wonderful day today!
Jo-Ann2... How right you are and I love your list too!
Kathy... Are you feeling better??? I just have to say THANKS so much for thinking up this 100 cheat free days club! Your suggestions for nawchem were good ones!
Younggal... You hang in there and remember what JoAnn said Cheating only cheats yourself.......

time2shine Sun, Jan-04-04 00:09

Hi all!!
Still sick but back on program...Day 1 cheatfree down!

Thanks nawchem for the get well wishes! :)

Welcome YoungGal..:D your list three! lol...think its great that you know your triggers too and have your anti trigger plans down.

Everyone is diong so great! Keep it going all...lets blaze to 100!!


surfnmom Sun, Jan-04-04 07:12

Glim glad to see your feeling better. I have been lucky so far and hav'nt gotten sick yet. normal I get one nasty cold a year :( Hang in there and sooo glad to see you back on plan

Yesterday went great, Tomorrow, Things finally get back to normal :) I will hit the stores and stock up on my lc stuff.

I pulled out my beef jerky maker and food deyhderator, and bought new spices for it. Plan on making some up for snacks. Only trouble the kids love to eat it too. I will prob. end up makeing a bunch LOL

I am a kitchen appliance junkie, the next think I want to by is a good yogart maker.

Have a great day all

Jo-Ann 2 Sun, Jan-04-04 17:52

Trigger number three, also know as, NOTE TO SELF. Don't :nono: and I mean don't :nono: :nono: make anything with splenda. It tasted so nice and sweet :yum: and it went down so nicely, then I started craving, the candy bowl :devil:, oh one won't hurt :devil: :devil: :devil: . I shall save you from the nasty details :cry:. Felt so sick after though that I had to lay down and felt like I was going to be physically ill. :bash:
So here I am at day 1, with another lesson learned. Thankfully I had quiche and a LC chicken broccoli bake in the fridge. I certainly didn't have any trouble getting the water into me to day. I felt like I had been in the desert.
So I've changed back my cheat sign and with the patience of you all have started again.
Jo-Ann :wiggle:

P.S. Splenda is perfectly harmless to some people when LCing. It just happens to be an incredible trigger for me.

suzzee2003 Sun, Jan-04-04 20:43

Awwww Jo-Ann2 I'm sorry that triggered a slip but don't worry about it! You just keep on going and it will be ok!
Time2Shine glad you are feeling better! I too have been fighting a terrible cold but I'm just thankful it's not the flu so many have been suffering from!
I've done well today. It was so gloomy and rainy all day but I still hung in there and made my 7th cheat free day!This is so easy especially with all the great support we get here! Hang in there friends we can and will get to our goals!

w82bthin Sun, Jan-04-04 22:16

Well, I've almost finished with day four back on track. I'm doing good now. I bout went crazy trying not to cheat the first two days. I have a dh who can eat almost anything he wants with out gaining a pound. He trys to snack in a different room so i'm not tempted.:)
Glad your back on track Jo-ann2. Good job all, we'll get through this. :yay:

angieK Sun, Jan-04-04 22:46

Jo-ann you will do great. Pretty soon your sign will have alot more cheatfree days on it. The hardest part is finding out what we can eat and can't eat, but once you have that under control your days will just zip on by.

judyr Sun, Jan-04-04 23:20

I am really discouraged. This is day four and I haven't lost any weight. Sunday is my normal weigh-in day. Last time I was on induction, I'd lost several pounds already (3.5). I have been very good, even giving up coffee - the ultimate sacrafice!

nawchem Sun, Jan-04-04 23:30

Jo-Ann thanks for all the wonderful ideas :yay: I went to the store and bought a ton of things to keep at work. Went to church tonight and got some inspiration there too. The pastor was reading about Paul and how he didn't let his circumstances control his emotions. I need to learn how to do that!

Yesterday I only had 900 calories and 6 carbs. I feel like between kiss my refusal to eat beef and the butchers strike there aren't that many fresh choices. I bought salmon steaks that labeled artificially colored and some deli meats that have nitrates. I felt guilty but I was so hungry I found myself picking up a package of oreos :nono:

Jo-Ann you should add splenda to your "rules". Its good that you know what not to do though. I would have a tough time having a candy bowl at home.

judyr, its only 4 days, just relax the pounds will start coming off. I'm sure there is some logical reason that only your body knows, that things are different now. For some reason last week I hit a new low and then my weight bounced up 3 pounds for practically a week.

Have a good week everyone and thank you so much for the support.

nawchem Sun, Jan-04-04 23:34

judyr, You have 63 cheatfree days!!! Oh my gosh you have done so well. The first time you did induction you probably lowered your insulin levels a lot and were losing water. This time around your insulin was already low from lowcarbing so whatever you lose is going to be pure fat.

surfnmom Mon, Jan-05-04 03:49

jo ann don't be to hard on yourself. I agree with the splenda about setting off the cravings. with me its anything tht tastes sweet. So I stear clear. Swiss chesse is a trigger food for me LOL I have no clue why, In my old atkins days of past, I would love haveing a hamburger w/ swiss cheese and as soon as I ate it, I would get the munchies soooo bad, I would be stuffing my face and end up throwing atkins out the window. It is soo great, tht you could jump back on plan :) congrats to you :)

judyr Just hang in there, Im sure tht the weight will come off. :) nawchem has prob hit it on the head. Since you have been on for awhile you will lose fat not water. Try uping your water intake, maybe that will help flush the fat faster :)

w82bthin I have a husband who can eat anything alsooooo and not gain an oz. he wears a whopping 29 or 30 inch waist jean. Makes me ill LOL. we can do this :)

This morning I kicked off my day by re-starting my walking tapes. Was off of my workouts for the past 10 days. I plan to get 5 days of walking in a week :) staying cheatfree so far. First thing in the morning I change my day. This is sooo coollllll :)

Have a great day

Granadino Mon, Jan-05-04 07:56

Is it too late to join?
Hi girls.

My cheatfree stats were almost of a month, Holidays included, but got sick and had to start all over. I re-started induction yesterday.

My cheatfree rules.-

1.- Follow Atkins 100%
2.- Drink 3-4 liters of water per day
3.- Exercise 3-5 days a week
4.- Convince myself that the measurements are more accurate than what the scale says
After induction will recheck my rules.

Greetings ;)


ps.- Glim I just noticed you weren't feeling fine either!! hugs to you!

Jo-Ann 2 Mon, Jan-05-04 14:45

Many thank you's
Couldn't bring myself to the sight yesterday I was so ashamed of myself and then I stumbled again, but, and I me butt, I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and said "is this what you want to look like" the answer to myself, "no". I carry all my extra weight on my stomach and butt, it's not a pretty sight, you know the marbley meat that just sages there.
Then I came to this site and saw all the kind words and thoughts that were sent my way. How tender your words to me were. How could I dissappoint you. I have gotten rid of the Slpenda, it was an expensive purchase but an even more expensive cost to keep it in my house. The chocolate is gone from the candy bowl, and I ate breakfast, lunch and I'm going to eat dinner then go to the movies with my mom. I promise to be good, you can count on me.
Thank you so very much, you are special.
Jo-Ann :wiggle:

nawchem Mon, Jan-05-04 14:59

Hi Granadino, welcome to the group!

JoAnn, I'm glad you're here. Don't let the mental part get to you.

I've made it through the first half of my day, no cheating. Something funny happened at lunch. I went to the doctors for a bloodtest. The nurse dropped the cotton ball on the floor that you put on after they draw the blood. She reached in the drawer and grabbed anything. When I sat up I saw that she had stuck a maxipad on my arm!!! :lol:

adukart Mon, Jan-05-04 15:47

I've decided to run to the store after work and get some L-Glutamine. I've been real strong for the last four days but the urge to eat sugary items is taking over. I am constantly telling myself no, then I try to talk myself into it then again I have to say NO. I read on the forum that L-Glutamine can help reduce sugar cravings. Hopefully this helps, I don't know what to try next. I hate constantly thinking about food.

1adothis Mon, Jan-05-04 15:57

Sometimes I feel guilty reading all of the posts from people who are constantly battling cravings. I haven't really had any problems with my own cravings. I had a HUGE sweet tooth before I started this woe. But since I have started I don't care to eat them. I really can't offer any suggestions to any of you, but you have my support to beat them senseless (the cravings that is)!!! So keep fighting the good fight and sooner or later they will go away.

Good job everyone and keep up the good work!!!

Lammie22 Mon, Jan-05-04 20:18

I'm on day 3 of my TOM, and miserable. Feeling soooo big and bloated -- and feel that I haven't lost anything in spite of finishing up on day 8 cheat-free.

I sure could use some sympathy? explanations about how others feel during their TOM on Atkins?

(I'm just feeling cranky and mopey, and hoping for some encouragement :help: )

Thanks everyone!

angieK Mon, Jan-05-04 20:46

Once your TOM goes away so will those feelings. Just keep up with the no cheating and you will get where you want to be. I tend to lose a week after my Tom, I guess I hold in water for awhile.
Keep on going.

Lammie22 Mon, Jan-05-04 21:13

Thanks, Angie. I'll see if I lose in a week, like you do. I hope so!!

ncwingnut Mon, Jan-05-04 21:17

Hi all! just checking in....hope that everyone is doing well!!

My son's 13th birthday is on Saturday....he wants Red Velvet cake for this.....UGH!!.....HELP!! lol....hope that I can stay strong and not cave...I may have to get me some cool whip and sf jello or something to get past it....hubby will take the leftover cake to work, but the thought of it being in the kitchen all weekend is just BLAH! lol

have a good one all!!

nawchem Mon, Jan-05-04 21:43

Adukart I hope the glutamine works. I have been having crazy bad cravings too. Last night I dreamt that I was making a 7-layer hot fudge sundae. It sounds so good too. When this challenge is completed I will have a cheat day, I'll have to remember how to make it. Do they make lowcarb hot fudge? With the ice cream and the fudge lowcarb, the pound cake, marachino cherries and whipped cream wouldn't be so bad.

Lammie-22. Its just your hormones making you feel bloated. Just a couple more days and you'll be back to your normal self. Look how well you've done through TOM.

Wingnut I have never heard of Red velvet cake, what is it? Do you have to make it? Definitely get yourself a lowcarb treat that day and eat a lot of allowed foods.

nursey15 Mon, Jan-05-04 22:35

ok guys- I haven't been ignoring everyone here, I blew my computer yesterday morning and have been out of commision for 2 days while my BF rebuilt it, then I had to reinstall EVERYTHING!!!!

I stayed cheat free and am ending day 5!! I didn't lose this morning, but am finally down to my pre-cheat weight lol.

You all are doing great. When I started this challenge I really didn't think anyone would want to join let alone post much in here, but WOW. We are doing GREAT!!!!

One question- anyone computer savey enough that they can make a different cheat-free symbol that would just be for our challenge-so we know each other even in the other forums and announce to the rest of the board just how well we are doing on our own challenge? Kinda the same concept- but a different color (I've seen green, silver like this one and maybe blue) Maybe a purple or orange or yellow one to signify us that says "100 cheat-free day challenge" at the top and bottom and then the number of days in the center? I don't have a program that can do this but I know lots of people are more computer smart than me!!

Hey I "broke" my computer didn't I I don't think you want me to mess around with a new cheatfree symbol just for us!! lol

surfnmom Tue, Jan-06-04 05:02

nursey15 soo sorry to hear about your computer. My computers are like extra kids, Infact my kids may tell you I take better care of the computers LOL

I agree a new cheatfree logo for us would be great, Hopefully someone on our challange will be able to come up with something really neat for us :)

Ok last night the dreaded cravings hit me, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting ready to start Tom next Week :( I always get the munchies a week before) last night I almost blew it, Then I rememmbered the ziplock ice cream. LOL after freezing my hands off shaking it in the ice cubes LOL it did taste good and seem to hit the spot. Today am going to up my water and hope it takes care of some of the cravings :)

Thursday is my weigh in day, Hoping to drop a few pounds :) Trying not to make a habit of jumping on the scale.

Have a good day everyone, I'm off to make my beef jerkey


ncwingnut Tue, Jan-06-04 05:14

Wingnut I have never heard of Red velvet cake, what is it?

It's kind of like devil's food, but a little heaviear....moister, I should say....and I put cream cheese icing on it.....I can either make it, or I can buy one. I may just buy one, because I can't stand store-bought cakes....they always taste stale to me.

nursey15 Tue, Jan-06-04 05:59

wingnut- maybe you could ask the bakery in your store to just make a little one or 2 serving cake only for him. I see those little cakes all the time at my local grocery (Kroger) my brother lives in NC and he said they don't have Kroger there but I'm sure you have a store close that has a bakery?

Cheryl- I have someone working the logo thingy!!! We'll see what she comes up with in the next couple of days. I'll let you all know.

suzzee2003 Tue, Jan-06-04 07:26

Hi Everyone. As I read all the posts since my last visit I just want to say to those of you who are having those cravings, it will go away. I know how hard it is! I don't have them hardly anymore. But when I do I always have some SF jello, SF pudding or that good recipe of Mock Rice Pudding with a little cool whip. We all have to find one thing that we really love and keep it on hand in the hard times of a craving attack! I love this challenge and I'm so glad to see all the posts and support. I don't weigh in except at the Dr's. office every few months. I threw my scale out because I started becoming obsessed with it, "just like I used to be over food" I go by how my clothes fit. I know if I stick to the plan, it will eventually all come off. I was sick and tired of letting the scale control my mood (and it really did for me)! I can concentrate on the LC eating instead of worrying about what the scale said. I'm only saying this just to let you know what works for me! I just look back at where I was when I started and where I am today and I'm thankful for the program and I know I'm better off than I was! Keep on going everyone and don't give up! All we can do is take it "One Day at a Time" and running with it! Have a Great Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy I like your Idea about the new logo but I like you and not computer savvy!

Granadino Tue, Jan-06-04 07:59

Hi there...
2 Attachment(s)
For those who like playing with graphics, there's a very basic and fun webpage that tutors you to make logos and banners for free.

I tried a couple, just to give you an idea. you can try your own ideas at:

nawchem Tue, Jan-06-04 09:16

That would be great to have our own cheatfree logo. Wingnut that cake sounds too good. I really only like the frosting though. In the recipe section there is a recipe for shrimp bake. I made it last night with salmon. It is so good. I'm having the leftovers for breakfast.

I've been whining about how there isn't much to eat on kiss, but I have had my best weight loss ever the last 2 weeks I've been on it. Now I'm thinking I don't mind having fewer choices for a short period of time.

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