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20b430 Sun, Aug-10-03 20:28

Hello and Welcome Valliagator and Feebee:wave:

Thanks for the heads up red.....
I hope I lose something this week, or it will be an offical stall:cry:

Today was a good day......I stuck to all meat........I also worked out.
2 miles 30 mins.

Well I'm going to go.....

Take care all and continued success:roll:

amiee3377 Mon, Aug-11-03 06:04

Good Morning Ladies,
Today is Monday, August 11. As you requested, we will use the same thread. I will start recording our exercise information for the challenge. So let's move those bodies.

Welcome to All Newbies!!!

LowKarbKK Mon, Aug-11-03 07:54

Started excersizing this weekend...Finally!!
Hey everybody!

I finally got my big ole' butt up on that expensive treadmill I bought last christmas!! (Pitiful huh?) Anyway, I walked on Saturday and Sunday for 30 minutes. Not much I know but I have to start somewhere right?? If felt good to get moving and I'm really looking forward to my walk tonight when I get home from work. Because I'm so out of shape I'm not sure if I should start pushing myself to get my muscles built up, should I? And when should I start introducing weights/muscle toning??

I'm on my way...just taking baby steps....but at least I'm taking steps at all :)

skeeweeaka Mon, Aug-11-03 08:13

Step Aerobics - 1 Hour
Hi....did 1 hour of step aerobics Sunday.... Will try to do some free weights today and perhaps a walk.... We're on a roll ladies, let's keep up the momentum....

red1cutie Mon, Aug-11-03 10:01

Hope everyone is had a good weekend. Too bad it goes by so fast.

Last week:

*20-Minute Cardio BFL Workout 1.27 miles
*20-Minute Run-Walk Program 1.26 miles
*20-Minute Interval Program 1.25 miles
*60- Minute Walk
*Upper Body BFL Workout
*Lower Body BFL Workout 45 minutes
*Abs: 5 sets-25 reps feet-on-wall crunches, 1 set-25 reps both-way-crunches, 1 set-25 reps side bend with weight 5 minutes

I was not that consistent with my workouts last week.


20b430 Mon, Aug-11-03 10:52

Not a Happy Camper
Hello Everyone, hope all is well.

I am not a happy camper at all today.
I woke up this morning and was 2lbs heavier.:cry:

I don't know what it is, maybe it's water, I don't have a clue. I started the meat fast yesterday,no carb whatsoever,,,I exercised and I drank my water.
This morning I didn't feel well at all, maybe it's just the side effects of the fast. Not sure.

Yesterday I ate:
B 4 pan sausages
L 3 small plain hamburger patties
D 15 small chicken drumlettes

skinnyme Mon, Aug-11-03 17:11

Hello All,

20b don't feel to bad I am sure that weight will come off. I am not sure but you have been doing alot of running/walking that may be some muscle you see on the scale, so that is good weight. Measure yourself and let that be the judge. Let me know how it turns out.

This A.M. my scale was reading 144.6 so it went down a little (not what I expected after my little slip up -my mouth slipped on a burger and fries :nono: )

Today I went to the gym :yay: 25 minutes cardio 2.0 miles on the elipital machine then 20 minutes of weight training upper body (bicepts/tricepts/chest).

Hope everyone is well and you are all getting the results you want. :thup:

ketodiva Mon, Aug-11-03 19:32

Hello Ladies.
I added the No cheat insignia today to indicate my commitment to exercise. I did the Joyce Vedral upper body workout today. It takes about 45 minutes. Tomorrow I'm doing The Firm Ab workout. Wednesday I intend to do the Joyce Vedral lower body workout and Thursday, I will do a cardio tape. Friday I go back to the upper body and Saturday, another cardio. I take Sunday off, but will include walking. Last night hubby and I had dinner out and walked home from the restaurant. It wasn't that far, but I really surprised him. He started hailing a cab as usual and I said, "Come on. Let's walk and then stop by the book store." After shopping for about 40 minutes we walked home from the book store. We made it just in time to see "The Wire" on HBO (one of my favorites).

I've been reading over all of the entries to this thread and you all sound wonderful. I'm glad many of you are tackling the battle of the bulge before it gets out of hand. It's much harder when you are over 40 or have a lot to lose. I fall into both categories. But you know, you have to feel like you owe it to yourself. In college I was a 9-10. I had a tiny waist and big hips (like most of you). Through the years I became dependent on food to provide me comfort through career woes and bad love affairs. The problems always worked themselves out, but I was left with the weight. After a while, I didn't even like myself. And let me tell you, it didn't help that men still found me attractive and that my body still had the same curves. I just had a LOT OF BODY. This year I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. It could be managed with medication. It runs in my family. But it scared me. I realized that it could be the start of a lot of problems for me. So instead of deciding to lose weight to fit into a smaller size or to look cuter, I decided to lose because God had blessed me with a wonderful body that worked and deserved respect and love. And when I put crap into my mouth I was disrespecting my most prized possession.

I don't believe in cheating. Now that doesn't mean I don't occasionally eat something that is too high in carbs. I'm human. But I'm going to LC for the rest of my life so I have to be realistic. And once I get to my goals, there's no going back.

I noticed that a lot of you are on Induction or are thinking about doing different things to break out of stalls. My advice is this:

1. Induction lasts only 2 weeks (you can do longer if you want, but at least 2 weeks). Read the Induction section of the Atkins book and follow it to the letter. Don't add anything. Don't change anything. Just follow the rules. It's only 2 weeks. You can indure anything for that long. You're a strong, vibrant woman. If you decide to extend your induction, based on some of the criteria outlined in the book, be strong and follow it to the letter.

2. Once you decide to go on Ongoing weight loss you have more freedom. But you must maintain your discipline. Read labels on everything. Utilize Fitday.Com. It's a free tool that will help you keep track of your food, your exercise, your water and help you figure out where you might be going wrong. Post it to your profile so others can view it and help you when you need it.

3. Measure yourself once a month. If nothing else make a chart of your measurements of the following: Waist, abdomen, hips, upper arms(right and left), upper thighs (right and left), calves, wrists, chest (under breasts), and breasts. When the scale isn't going where you want it to, a lot of times the measurements are going down anyway.

4. Drink water. The more you drink, the more you lose. It's no joke. I used to hate water. Now I can't stop drinking it. And remember, everytime you pee, you are losing some fat from your fat cells.

5. You're not on a stall unless you have not lost a pound or an inch in a month. Your body is a machine that has to become accustomed to it's new parts. You're developing new muscle mass, you're losing fat from your fat cells, your metabolism is changing, you are ridding yourself of lots of poisons. Cut your body some slack. It's been there for you. Now give it some props.

6. As you become a smaller size, get rid of your larger ones. It doesn't matter if you take your clothes up, give them away, sell them, trade them. Don't keep them "just in case". You are never going to be big again. If you take up the clothes, trim the inner seams so there's no letting them out again.

7. Finally, really look at yourself in the mirror. Notice the beautiful parts of your body as well as those you want to change. Moisturize your skin to avoid loose skin or stretch marks, try some new colors. And smile, we all love you.

Take care my sisters. And stick with me.

kalondra Mon, Aug-11-03 20:20

Hello my sistahs!!! I am so happy to find this thread. :yay: I have to go back and read all that has been posted. I started LC last year and lost 30 pounds in about 8 months. :thup: Then I got off track and really haven't been back on track since then. :bash:

Like most of you, I have the same problems. Diabetes runs in my family. I am 5'9 so I sort of disguise my weight. However, one of the great things I do love about being a sistah is that I still have my curves. ;) Even though they are starting to get out of proportion, they are still there. I don't want to be really skinny b/c I like having hips and butt, well not too much butt, but I'm sure you all get the idea. :blush: Anyway, I am happy to see all of you here.
kalondra :rheart:

amiee3377 Mon, Aug-11-03 20:54

Exercise Challenge
Thank you Ketodiva. That was beautiful advice.

Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377 1 mile
Skinnyme 45 minutes 2 miles
Ketodiva 85 minutes

Total Challenge Numbers
130 minutes and 3 miles.

I listed the information beside the names so that you ladies could check the numbers. Please note that the challenge started today.

Our Challenge is to have 500 minutes and 50 miles. I may need to increase those numbers. :thup:

** Edited to say Welcome Kalondra.

LowKarbKK Tue, Aug-12-03 05:21

Hey Ladies :) Hope everyone is having a blessed day!

I went for a great walk with my BF last night after work. We walked for 30 mins/1.5 miles. It seems like so little compared to some of you but at least I'm getting started right? It was also really nice to walk with someone. He and I had a really good talk so I enjoyed the benefits of excersize as well as some positive communication.

Anyway, I'm going to be sure to walk again tonight. I think I want to get started with weights too. Does anyone know any good tapes/programs I can start at home? I'm not ready to walk into a gym just yet....but I will be soon!

Sending everyone support and motivation!
KK :roll:

red1cutie Tue, Aug-12-03 06:46

Good Morning everyone! :D Hope we all have a great day today!

Welcome Kalondra! :D Glad you decided to join us. :dazzle:

Ketodiva, thank for sharing your life and the lessons you learned. Thank you for all the advice in that post. It is invaluable. I hope we read it again and again. I really love this line because it so on point
I decided to lose because God had blessed me with a wonderful body that worked and deserved respect and love. And when I put crap into my mouth I was disrespecting my most prized possession.
I agree with that! When we disrespect our bodies we are disrespecting God because our bodies are a gift. All your advice was excellent! Keto, how many carb grams are you at now? I need to move my carb grams beyong the 20g I have been at for so long but it is kind of scary. I am so used to the 20g but I know I need to move on.

Okay today I did 40 minutes of cardio--I did 20 minutes BFL stye and another 20 minutes walk-run program. the total was 2.63 miles.

Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377 1 mile
Skinnyme 45 minutes 2 miles
Ketodiva 85 minutes
red 40 minutes 2.63 miles

Total Challenge Numbers
170 minutes and 5.63 miles.

Thanks Amiee for setting up this board for us to get together. Be safe and be blessed everyone.


20b430 Tue, Aug-12-03 07:35

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome kalondra !

Thank you Ketodiva for your advice, much needed when we feel we have reached a stall. Again thank you.

Skinnyme: My clothes feel a little loose, however, I don't see any inches lost. I might just be a little hard on myself. I do know,,,but I will succeed!


I didn't work out yesterday, b/c I had to go to my part-time job. However I will get it in tonight.

Good Luck All.

ketodiva Tue, Aug-12-03 10:15

First of all, thanks to all of you for your kind words. We all can learn from each other. And I'm learning a lot from all of you. I haven't done my exercise for today yet so I'll post later with the time. However, you should only have me down for 45 minutes yesterday. The other was 40 minutes of shopping and that's not exercise--that's fun.

I've tried a lot of different tapes. If you want to start out with dumbbells, the Joyce Vedral tapes are good. There's a Joyce Vedral website where her products are sold. There's also a telephone number so you can talk to somebody and ask advice on which tapes to use. The tapes are kind of corny, but they really work and are good for beginners and intermediates.

The Firm has a series of tapes and equipment that I also have. These tapes are no joke. You can buy the set of tapes and a "fanny lifter" which is a two part very high step thing. You use it in a lot of the exercises. These tapes are strenuous and challenging, but they show results really quickly. Since most of you are younger, I think you'd like these tapes. I use them but modify them because the high step hurts my knees. But I do the Ab workout and my stomach is really getting flat. That one isn't as hard for me because it doesn't involve the knees. As I progress, though, I find them more and more fun.

Finally, a lot of people use the Leslie Sansome power walking tapes. They are good for cardio and I use them for that. Like some of the others, they are corny, but they give you a good workout and it doesn't take all day.

Got to run. Will post my exercise stats later.

Oh, by the way, if you haven't started a Journal, do so. You'd be surprised how much it helps and people visit it and give you a lot of good advice and encouragement. Visit mine anytime.


harleydee Tue, Aug-12-03 15:07

Hello everyone!!

I haven't posted for quite sometime now, but I've been good! Feel free to have a glance at my journal if you want to.

I was supposed to start exercising yesterday as agreed, but I totally and completely forgot. Don't worry though, it definitely won't happen again - I guess because I haven't been using the machine I just kind of forgot that I was supposed to.

I'm going to try for 30 - 60 mins per day, 5 days a week. I use an eliptical machine (it's supposed to be easier on the knees, joints and ankles).

Glad to see we have so many members. It's true that I have 75 lbs to lose, but I know for a fact that I will still have my curves (hips, thighs and butt). That may get smaller, but there's no way humanly possible to LOSE those!! But hey, I like them and so does my hubby, so that works for me!

I have to agree that it certainly doesn't give you any incentive to lose weight when men still find you attractive! That's probably why it took me so long to start this diet - never thought I had a reason to because I still looked good (not to sound conceited, but you all know what I mean right??!!)

Well, today is Day 7 of STRICT induction for me. I've been keeping my intake of carbs at 20g or under everyday, limiting my cheese intake and I am going to start my exercising today!

Hopefully, I will be down to a size 12 by Christmas, and should reach my goal within a year! That is my goal. However, I know the road is rough, so I am glad to have the help and support of everyone!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Good luck!

feebee67 Tue, Aug-12-03 18:27

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies. Here's a little bit about CAD for those not familiar with it. It's basically a low carb plan that allows you to eat 2 meals with no carbs or starchy vegetables (meat and low carb veggies only) and one reward meal each day. You can basically eat ANYTHING that you want on the reward meal: however it has to be a balanced meal. 1/3 each of veggies, meat, and carbs/starchy veggies,dessert. For me, the plan has given my control. I am a carb addict for sure. CAD has calmed "the beast". No more hunger pains, and no more cravings. I use the Leslie Sansone 2 mi. Walk Away The Pound tapes for exercise. Also I'm down another pound since my last post. I am totally committed to a healthier life style.

skeeweeaka Tue, Aug-12-03 18:37

Exercised...step Aerobics...1 Hour
Hey guys...just checking in with my exercise...

Yesterday....lifted weights...30 minutes...

Today...1 hour of step aerobics...

Welcome to the new members....good luck...

I'm on Protein Power and enjoy it... They basically suggest lower fat meats...and cheeses... I adhere to the meat, but don't particularly like lower fat cheeses...except for mozzerella... Anyway...I feel lighter but am still stalled.... I was eating lots of smoked sausage, bacon, and other processed meats which could have been causing the stall... I eliminated them this week and also decided to not eat after 8:00... Let's see if I can do that

Good luck all...

skinnyme Tue, Aug-12-03 18:50

Hello All,

I went to the gym today, here are my stats:

30 minutes on elipitacal machine 2.31 miles
20 minutes lowerbody work out

I must confess, I have not been true to the induction these past few days :cry: So, MY NEW GOAL is to start (restart my induction as if it were day 1). I was having such great results. It is true about addiction (at least for me) it is better to just give up what is controlling you. I also had a much better attitude when I was sticking to the program. So I am restarting and plan to at least go to the gym 3x's a week.

angelicsim Tue, Aug-12-03 20:24

hi amiee
just been on atkins about 3 days. I need the support of my sisters to keep it up. I'm having a hard time finding things that I like to eat just cant go for zuccinee.[COLOR=purple] :cry:

amiee3377 Tue, Aug-12-03 20:25

Exercise Challenge
Total from Yesterday...130 minutes and 5.63miles (Ketodiva, I adjusted the numbers to reflect the change that I made for you)

Here is the information that was posted after I did the totals earlier:

Exercise Challenge
Amiee3377 30 minutes 2 miles
Skinnyme 20 minutes 2.31 miles
Skeeweeaka 90 minutes
Feebee67 2 miles
Total: 140 minutes 6.31 miles

Cummulative Challenge Numbers
270 minutes and 11.94 miles :thup:
We should have no problem reaching our goal. Just look at what we've done in two days. Come on ladies for those of you that haven't contributed to these numbers. Let's move something. :wiggle: It doesn't matter if you walk for 5 minutes, you are still benefiting from it.

**Please check the total that I posted for you. If I need to change something please let me know. I'm tired:yawn: Good Night ladies.

TOM is starting so my exercise will be limited tomorrow.

amiee3377 Tue, Aug-12-03 20:26

Welcome Newbie!! Sorry I missed you all.

red1cutie Tue, Aug-12-03 21:47

Amiee, you forgot mine!

red 40 minutes 2.63 miles


amiee3377 Wed, Aug-13-03 06:12

Red, I didn't forget yours. You did a new total to include your number so I took your total and subtracted 45 min. for ketodiva to get the new total that is posted.


skinnyme Wed, Aug-13-03 06:46

hey Aimee I'm moving but not that fast. I did 2.31 miles in 30 minutes (maybe after awhile I could get it to 20 minutes :lol: )

Going to the gym after work. Will put in an update

WELCOME Newcomers

20b430 Wed, Aug-13-03 07:53

I didn't do my exercise like I was suppose to. This might sound odd but I have PMS bad, meaning that I bloat and cramp a week before AF, and then I'm able to workout during (strange huh)...So forgive me, if my numbers are a little low this week. At least I got to do some Sunday!!!
Take Care All and continued success!!!

Oh by the way I've started a journal.
Please feel free to stop by and comment.

amiee3377 Wed, Aug-13-03 08:11

Please only count your minutes or miles per exercise not both.

20b430--it's ok about exercising as long as you are moving
How about changing you siggy statement to 30.5 not 31.

ketodiva Wed, Aug-13-03 14:37

Things are going great. I never made it back to post yesterday, but here are the results of my exercise challenge. Yesterday I did the Firm Ab Sculpt tape. Very hard but very good. Only 45 minutes. Today I did the Firm Body Sculpt lower body workout. Only 35 gruelling minutes. But I'm sticking with this with your help. Also, I tend to hold a lot of water--sometimes as much as 10 pounds. It happens after I eat fish or some other foods, but I know it's water so I just keep flushing my system and in a few days, I lose it again. For example, my signature has 265 as my current weight. But in the last week it has climbed to as much as 274. Yesterday I was about to start freak, but I stayed on course, drank water all day and today I was down to 269. By the end of the week I'm hoping to see 265 again or even better 263.

Losing weight has more ups and downs than the stock market. But you just have to keep on doing what you're doing and be patient. It goes down eventually.

Take care, ladies. Talk to you soon.

red1cutie Wed, Aug-13-03 16:01

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great day.

Hi Angelicsim! Welcome! I am glad you joined. Look forward to getting to know you.
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies. Here's a little bit about CAD for those not familiar with it. It's basically a low carb plan that allows you to eat 2 meals with no carbs or starchy vegetables (meat and low carb veggies only) and one reward meal each day. You can basically eat ANYTHING that you want on the reward meal: however it has to be a balanced meal. 1/3 each of veggies, meat, and carbs/starchy veggies,dessert. For me, the plan has given my control. I am a carb addict for sure. CAD has calmed "the beast". No more hunger pains, and no more cravings. I use the Leslie Sansone 2 mi. Walk Away The Pound tapes for exercise. Also I'm down another pound since my last post. I am totally committed to a healthier life style.
Feebee thanks for telling us a little about CAD. What kinds of stuff do you eat for your reward meal? I want to get that Leslie Sansone tape. What goes on in the video. Do you walk in place? Does she do abdominals too? What type of equipment do you need to do her tape?

Okay Amiee! My bad, thank you. :D

Ketodiva, at least you know its water weight. It will be gone in no time.

20b430, I know how you feel last week I was so lazy/beat because my TOM was coming. I also think it's psychologocal too. Listen to your body and when you get your energy back, jump right back in. Hang in there!
They basically suggest lower fat meats...and cheeses... I adhere to the meat, but don't particularly like lower fat cheeses...except for mozzerella... Anyway...I feel lighter but am still stalled.... I was eating lots of smoked sausage, bacon, and other processed meats which could have been causing the stall... I eliminated them this week and also decided to not eat after 8:00... Let's see if I can do that
Skeeweeaka, Remember a stall is 6 weeks without losing pounds or inches. You body is probably retaining water from all the high sodium meat. So you will see a change now you have eliminated them. I don't know which cheese are lower fat. Are you allowed to have cream cheese?

Hi Skinny! Hope you are hanging in there! :wave:

I thought my TOM was done so I weighed this morning and I went down another pound so I am happy.
Workout for today:
Upper Body 43 minutes

Be safe everyone and don't forget to drink your water.


angelicsim Wed, Aug-13-03 17:20

hi all
:dazzle: Hi everyone
Thanks for the welcome I am so proud of my self today I ate bake chicken maybe 3 gr of carbs and pork rings. I also had my first carb solution bar, it made me a little quizy but I'm not hungry now. I am so proud of my self :yay:

for my workout:

20 minutes of taebo
20 minutes of walking
50 abd crunches
50 right side crunches
50 left side crunches
and 50 back crunches

kind of scared to weigh my self though I think I'm retaining water.

amiee3377 Wed, Aug-13-03 19:04

Hi Angel,

I have a quick question. How long did it take you to do your crunches? I need to know the time so that I can add it to the challenge.

for my workout:

20 minutes of taebo
20 minutes of walking
50 abd crunches
50 right side crunches
50 left side crunches
and 50 back crunches

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