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tigeraspen Sat, Apr-12-03 19:02

Hi Willeke, Welcome!

Kay, I appreciate your sense of humor for sure. It isn't easy, I agree. Congrats on the weight loss. I have been gaining and losing the same two lbs since I lost the first five. But what is keeping me going is I do not feel hungry although the choices do seem limited at times. Also the WOL is a fatigue buster for me.

I like the threads where there is support but not scrutiny. I am happy as long as I am not gaining. The weight loss will come in time.

Ellen :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin:

willeke Sun, Apr-13-03 01:55

Hi Kay,
I can understand you're disappointed when you compare our speed of weightloss with what's in the Atkins' book, but believe me, the first time I did it, in the seventies, it really went as fast and as easy as he describes.
Later I read somewhere about the "golden shot", i.e. your metabolism isn't a machine and cannot automatically be put into the same diet mode and react the same every time.
When I had lost all that weight the first time, it stayed right off, until the doctor gave me tranquilizers to cope better with the illness and death of my young sister-in-law. Those pills made me gain back 20 pounds in 2 weeks and took away my determination to stay on Atkins. So in the course of time I gained it all back and a lot more.
The second time it went a bit slower, but still, it worked great. I was end thirties then and didn't even have a scale, but went by my clothes and it went fine. That was when I lived in Australia, and when I came back in the Netherlands, I was so stupid to not want to hurt people and say no when they offered me cookies etcetera, so there I went again.
In January 2002 I started the Radiant Recovery Program, and with that I lost 6 pounds or so in 10 months' time, with a LOT of hunger.
So then I decided to give that up and I swithed to Atkins in November. I feel much better and never hungry anymore, only when it's time to eat and that is so great! No more strong mood swings either, but that may be thanks to my hormonal condition which is hopefully balancing out a bit by now.

Wow, this has become a lot longer than I intended, hope you still know what I wanted to say, i.e. that Atkins told us the trutch, but maybe at that time he didn't know that you can only do it with a lot of fast success when you do it for the first time. But still it is a healthier way of life, and we WILL lose weight when we persevere, and in such a nice way, too <g>!

a happy weekend to all,

tigeraspen Sun, Apr-13-03 06:54

Hi Willeke,

What is the Radiant Recovery Program? And thank you for telling your story.

I have had good sucess on weight watchers all the way down to 150, then I switched from teaching to administration and put the weight back on. I can say over a 15 year period I have kept the first 20 lbs of WW off as my highest was over 200.

I haven't taken my measurements but my jeans are fitting better. Next week is break week and I plan to measure up on Saturday. Today I put on my 14 petite reference jeans. They are comfortable to get up but do not fit across the belly.

So we can all persevere together...

:wave: Ellen :wave:

BarbCA Mon, Apr-14-03 06:14

Hi all, I just found this thread. I'm 68 and started Atkins 6 weeks ago. Have lost only 6 1/2 lbs. but that's 6 1/2 less than when I started. My first stab at it was a couple of weeks prior, stayed with it for one week and gave it up. Gained back all but 2 lbs. so I started over again. Now I'm used to this WOE and I'm never hungry. I'm keeping my calories down a bit because of the slower metabolism.
Execise is a problem for me because of a foot problem that keeps me from walking except on alternate days. I also had Rotator cuff surgery last fall and I'm still in Physical therapy for that. My weight workout is very light due to that.
Lost 40 lbs. in 2000 on low cal/low fat but after a lot of family tragedy, lost DH, Dad and a niece. Sis lost everything in a fire, Mom had a stroke, I just gave up and started eating "normally".
I just want to get fit, lose some pounds and get my energy back. That 6 weeks with my arm strapped to my body so I could do nothing really took me down strengthwise.
Tarheel thanks for strting this.

willeke Mon, Apr-14-03 14:36

Hi Ellen,
the Radiant recovery programme is based on the book Potatoes, not Prozac. I had gained 30 pounds in a few months when the doctor put me on Paxil, and I never seemed to be able to get rid of those anymore- and did the Radiant program. It works very well for many people, only my metabolism is too sensitive to carbs, so I was starving as soon as I got in the weightloss stage.
Dr Kathleen Desmaisons is the creator of the program, and again, it is based on NO sugar, but lots of complex carbs, and for my body that was just too much.


tigeraspen Mon, Apr-14-03 18:09

Hi Barb! Welcome! You have been trough some ordeals. Hang in there. The support is great here.


Now I know what you are talking about. My cousin went on that program, but he is a skinny one.

I love the complex carbs however they do not love me. I was so tired before switching over, at 3 pm at work I would want to scream. I was exhuasted. Then I'd get home, get in bed and not be able to fall asleep. (part of that was job-stress related).

I am on celebrex for arthritis and norvasc for BP. I also take 1 or 1/2 xanex at bedtime if I need it. I'd like to consider getting off of meds but will take it in baby steps and under my Dr's supervision.

Ellen :daze: :roll: :daze: :roll: :daze: :roll: :daze: :roll: :daze: :roll:

Joe1950 Tue, Apr-15-03 11:47

Slow loser over 50
I totally relate! I tried Atkins back in the 70's also and the pounds melted off and ketostix turned Deep Purple (another great band in addition to Country Joe!)

Now in almost a month, nothing seems to have happened. Sometimes the ketostix turn a little pink so I know I'm in ketosis. Also, craving for sweets has gone. But no weight loss!

willeke Tue, Apr-15-03 14:47

Hi Ellen,
Yes, you're just as sensitive to carbs then as I am. I love bread and potatoes, but since I've been on Atkins, I don't mind not having them at all!
All medicines can influence your weightloss, I used to be on Istin for my bloodpressure, but have been off it now for about two months. I take L-carnitine and my BP is great - I measure it often just to keep an eye on it.
I understand about the Xanax, good idea to let your doctor help you with weaning off of that. If I can't sleep I take two vit B 1 (I think, it's thiamine) and that helps me relax and sleep.
I can't say my losing weight has much improved yet, since I've come off all those meds, but it may still happen!


willeke Tue, Apr-15-03 14:48

Hi Joe! I replied to you in my journal!

SueJ Wed, Apr-16-03 18:22

How wonderful to find this thread...
Last week I was prepared to post a good-bye to everyone. I'm on the longest stall in history! I lost about 5 lbs last November and nothing since. In fact, I've just kept regaining and losing the same couple of pounds for months now. But this WOE makes me feel good.

Everyone that I've recommended this too (all younger) I'm 53, has done really well. We eat our lunches together and discuss the plan ad nauseum.

Well, I've been following all the advice I've read on this forum and tried to do everything perfectly. I've also tried to figure out why it isn't working for me. I took tests to see if I had alergies that would cause the problem, ate extra fat, recorded everything on fitday, blamed myself for hidden carbs that I may have not known I was eating, blamed my mother for her cooking (see lives with me and at 84 is still underweight), you get the picture.

Well, I think I had a revelation...I'd been eating 10 times my goal weight in calories, and I believe that's the culprit. I started eating below 1000 a day, like I always used to do, and I'm down 2 lbs. Eureka! Maybe that 10x's rule works for the younger more lively crowd, but not for a mature, post-menupausal, non-athletic type like me (ha). My only exercise is walking, and then only when the weather is good. nice to meet you all! Maybe I'll stick around for a while longer. No one says you can't also count calories on this plan, even Atkins suggests watching your caloric intake. I'm eating plenty, but just made a few adjustments.

Thanks for starting this thread!

TarHeel Wed, Apr-16-03 18:39

Sue: I just posted a note of encouragement in your journal. Check it looks as though you haven't been by your journal in a while.....


tigeraspen Wed, Apr-16-03 20:36

Hi Sue! Nice to meet you!


SueJ Sat, Apr-19-03 07:02

Still losing
Hey, this is working!!!

I can see the ounces melting away. I'm definitely down a full 2 pounds this week and can now see the scale moving down little below that.

Here's how my week has looked on average. I think my percentages are still very good. I'm just eating smaller quantities.

Average Calories
source grams cals %total
Total: 646
Fat: 46 413 65%
Sat: 18 166 26%
Poly: 5 49 8%
Mono: 14 128 20%
Carbs: 25 83 13%
Fiber: 4 0 0%
Protein: 34 138 22%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

I was forcing myself to eat a lot more than I wanted before because of the 10x rule. I'm feeling great! I do take a fair number of supplements which I think is critical. I'm also keeping salt to an absolute minimum. Just a little and I retain water. Always did have that problem.

willeke Sat, Apr-19-03 17:02

Hi Sue, it's great that you're losing weight, but are you serious? Are you really only eating 650 calries?? I cannot understand how you can functrion on so little - I know I couldn't. Don't you worry about starvation mode? Would it not be better if you took care to stay at 1600 cals or something?

I definitely don't want to rain on your parade, I'm just worried!!
take care

SueJ Sat, Apr-19-03 17:16

I'm ok, really. I have a very low metabolism, I only have a partial thyroid. I always ate under 1000 a day when I was at my ideal weight, but got far away from that as I got older. I've been on Atkins since last November and was eating an average of 1300+ a day and NOT losing at all.

I've decided this last week to go back to low carb/low calorie to see if it would work. So far, so good. I am eating enough, believe me. I'm just making the right choices.

We'll see how it goes, I'm giving it 2 weeks to see if I can just get things moving here.

Thanks for your concern.

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