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cc48510 Mon, Oct-20-03 09:37

I think that I once [or maybe more than once] tried eating nothing but Brown Rice Cakes and Puffed Rice. I didn't last more than a few days.

TeJae Mon, Oct-20-03 10:52

Jadie, I did the RICE DIET. You were supposed to have fruit with it. It worked. I lost 50 pounds. It took 2 years but it came back and here I am.

MaggieP Tue, Oct-21-03 12:59

Cabbage soup diet. And I lasted for about a week. I still can't stand the smell of cabbage soup!

gawdess Tue, Oct-21-03 13:01

lol any diet put in the grocery line usually with no fat and all popcorn cakes

TarHeel Tue, Oct-21-03 13:13

One of my many own diet inventions was one where I decided I could eat anything I wanted but I had to eat it with chopsticks.

I didn't lose any weight, but I became very adept with chopsticks.

MyJourney Tue, Oct-21-03 14:22

Oh God I am the queen of psycho diets.

2/4/6/8 Diet 200 calories the first day, 400 the second day, 600 the third day, 800 the 4th day and then you repeat.

liquid/water fasts.
juice diet, bohemian diet, scarsdale diet, slim fast

Eating 2 bags of low fat popcorn a day and water

Ephedrine caffeine and aspirin stacks working out nonstop and eating about 600 calories a day

Chew and spit diet - would put everything in my mouth, chew it up then spit it out instead of swallowing

Cabbage soup diet

lettuce diet - eat nothing but lettuce and cod liver oil all day.

diet pills galore

drinking 3 protein shakes a day and nothing else

A few other scary ones

Gaining and losing dramatic amounts of weight even when I was thin put my metabolism through such a wreck!

This is the first time I am on a WOE that is sustainable for more than 6 months (its scary how long I lasted on some of these)

A whole bunch more I am sure but I can think of them at the moment. Basically over the past 10 years I have been going up and down on the scale and 90% of the time I was on some freaky diet.

I used to wish for tapeworms because I thought they would make me thin. Even contemplated doing drugs because supposedly heroin and coke would make me thin. Pretty scary now that I think about it.

bcadieux Tue, Oct-21-03 14:36

A doctor put me on a "protien" diet back in the 80's. I could have 3 oz. of meat 3 times a day for 6 weeks.
I was determined and I did it. I lost weight but guess what. I had to start eating again and gained it all back plus alot more

SlimShAdY Tue, Oct-21-03 16:29

Weight watchers is probably the most bizzare one I've ever tried. I couldn't understand those stupid points. To me it said I could eat low fat icecream all day if I stay within my point range.

Once a few years ago I went on an 800 calorie bread/toast and skim milk only diet. 80 calories a piece so I could eat a lot lol. I made this up after having a really bad cankersoar in my mouth and bread was the only thing that didnt hurt to eat. I lost 10lbs in a week so I made up my own stupid diet.

Earlier this year I tried to make Atkins simple by drinking protein shakes all day with cream added for fat. And 1 salad a day. Did that for a week.
Drinking so many protein shakes just gave me horrible gas pains and gas all day long. Learned my lesson. I didn't even lose an ounce.

LondonIan Sun, Apr-11-04 09:12

This thread needs reviving - it was great.
Mine was the grapefruit diet. You could eat ANYTHING as long as you ate half a grapefruit first. The enzymes in the fruit were supposed to predigest and destroy all the calories in the meal!

Rosie Real Sun, Apr-11-04 09:17

When I was 13 my sister convinced me to try a really strange diet with her. We could eat one food every day. Ex: mondays would be all meat. Tuesdays would be all fruits, weds all vegetables and so on. Well.....Saturday happened to be all fruit day and I ate an entire 22 lb watermelon by myself and spent the next 3 days in the bathroom. My mother, through hysterical fits of laughter, made us stop at that point. (she knew we couldn't stick with it more than a week anyways.)

I never tried a diet with my sister again.

Paris Sun, Apr-11-04 09:22

Not really a diet... but I did the ice cream/vodka diet for most of my 21st year. Not my shining hour... :rolleyes:

fridayeyes Sun, Apr-11-04 10:09


I went to a *doctor*, a supposed weight loss specialist and a natural foods/alternative medicine proponent. I won't give the name, but he has some fairly well known books on 'seasonal diets'. He did pretty extensive (and expensive) bloodwork and then gave me his book. If my thryoid had been one point lower, it would have been out of the 'normal range, but this elicited no comment. Instead, I was to eat a measured amount of certain vegetables (potatoes, onions, broccoli mostly) drizzled with organic butter and olive oil. There was also a really ugly "intestinal purge" associated with this, and a morning cocktail of lemon juice and cayenne pepper. After a week, I went back and he weighed me. I had lost a few pounds, but not within the "expected range."

Well, the good Dr. looked at me and told me that if I wanted to lose any weight, I would have to stop *cheating*. You all know what I'm going to say next, don't you? I had followed that idiot's program to the letter! Fury doesn't even begin to describe my response. I (diplomatically) told him a thing or two about automatically assuming that anyone who didn't meet his 'expectations' must have cheated. He asked me when I wanted my next appointment. My answer?




zipity Sun, Apr-11-04 10:24

I've done the "specialist doctor" thing before as well. Nightmare con artists!

Was watching the Sharon Osbourne show a few weeks ago (ug .. daytime TV) and one of her guests was a woman who had lost a ton of weight by eating nothing but glazed doughnuts. They worked it out and the amount of doughnuts she was eating was equivalent to a couple of pounds of butter a day & she mentioned briefly about the amount of time she spent in the loo. Well, she lost the weight but REALLY is in an unhealthy state! Hope she gets the help she needs. Bless her.

Originally Posted by slimshady
Weight watchers is probably the most bizzare one I've ever tried. I couldn't understand those stupid points. To me it said I could eat low fat icecream all day if I stay within my point range.

Quite a fair point there about Weight Watchers. I was on it and did OK actually, but it didn't really teach me a healthy, balanced WOE. I mean I could "cheat" with a sweet or something and make it up later by having loads of "zero point" veggies or salad. Not incredibly balanced at all!

MyJourney Sun, Apr-11-04 18:09

I know my neighbor goes to food specialists all the time, and there was this one time that this specialist had these bottles or something filled with a special fluid that you hold and each bottle with the fluid represented a specific type of food, and he weighed you while holding the different bottles and thats how he determined what foods you can eat, and he stated that all other foods you were allergic to.

That totally turned me off to specialists.

Grimalkin Sun, Apr-11-04 20:34

:lol: Tarheel, I did the "chopstick diet" too, thought it might make me eat so slowly that I would get full before I got very far. Like you, I became extremely adept at using chopsticks! I didn't lose any weight, but eating at Chinese restaurants got to be a lot of fun at least.

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