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nikkil Wed, Mar-05-03 08:16

I had my first person notice 2 days ago--felt really good!

But, maybe you need to get some clothes that are a little more fitted? If you're anything like me, I always buy "bigger the better' to hide my body, and now it's hiding your body!!! :D That could be part of the reason nobody's said anything. I also agree that there may be some jealousy, people who see you every day don't notice as much (the person who made the comment to me hadn't seen me in about a month), and they don't want to hurt your feelings (ie love your new haircut, it looks so great--what was wrong with my hair before???).

Last comment...

I lost 25lbs about 3 years ago and nobody noticed until I bought some black jeans and closer fitting long-sleeved t-shirts, wore a bit of makeup. Then, comments galore!

Good luck to you!


ps--maybe take a picture of yourself now and compare it to a picture from before your loss, just for your own 'notice' !!

mrschmelz Wed, Mar-05-03 08:45

My friends have told me people don't like to comment on weight just in case the person takes it the wrong way = like what I was fat before? So they just keep to themselves.

That is my experience too! My first and only comment came one day while watching tv, out of the blue a friend of mine said "oh my god, you have lost so much weight" :) I admit it does feel when somebody notices.

Now everyone knows I am trying to lose weight, so there isn't as much suprise factor now ;) But I am going on vacation to see friends adn family I haven't seen for a couple months in 2 weeks.....that should be interesting!

Pokey Wed, Mar-05-03 09:04

Keep up the good work!
Dont get discouraged! :D
They are just jealous. :rolleyes: LOL hehe

Teardrop Wed, Mar-05-03 09:24

I'm at 25 or so lb and no one has noticed yet. :( I finally bought some new jeans the other day since the ones I had been wearing were starting to look like jodphurs (sp?) Myy co-worker who knows I'm doing Atkins noticed and said she was going to suggest I get some new pants, but other than that, nada. We have to remember we're doing this for us, but I admit, it sure feels good when someone notices.

paradise Wed, Mar-05-03 12:56

gardensjoy, I posted earlier and realized I forgot a thought. All this made me think back several years. I, too, like lpioch stated, am good at dressing to hide the excess. So good was I at this that no one at work even noticed that I was pregnant! I was six months along before I got my first comment. There's a voice inside you that is screaming, "Notice me, I've lost weight/am pregnant!"

gardensjoy Thu, Mar-06-03 12:11

I'm satisfied now that it doesn't really indicate anything about me!
Thanks for your (and all others) story and comments. I'm satisfied now that people not commenting doesn't really mean that much about me and my looks as much as it does about all of us being too busy or polite or whatever to comment. I mean if you could be that pregnant and no one commented, then I guess being a wee bit smaller without comments can be easily excused! Good point!
I know I no longer comment on people pregnancies even unless it is so obvious, as I have made the terrible-feeling mistake of being wrong a couple of times and had my child's pediatrician be wrong about me being pregnant once!!

Maybe I should look at it like this... as long as no one asks me if I am pregnant (which I am not), I can assume my new weight loss/look is being noticed.... because they didn't think my stomach was sticking out as much as it used to!!!
So, thanks much... no one has asked me if I'm pregnant.. so all is well! :-)
I also think the loose clothes are an excellent point others made. I'll have to treat myself to something new and see how that goes. Anyway, this is certainly a nice "problem" to have isn't it? Having the luxury to "worry" about why a loss of weight isn't noticed!? Guess I'll go back to life's less smiling, more relavant questions... like, "What's for lunch?!"

Puggy Thu, Mar-06-03 15:30

Well, how about this one....

I went to a swim party at a local pool recently and ran into a friend I hadn't seen in six months. We live in Maine and all Fall and Winter everyone has been bundeled up and house bound due to unusually cold temps. Dressed in a new swim suit 4 sizes smaller than my last one, I was having a great time splashing around with my buddy. However, the entire afternoon she kept staring at me when she thought I wasn't looking and finally asked me in a grave tone, "Honey, you have cancer? Whats going on?"
I laughed so hard I practically peed in the pool! Of course cancer isn't funny and my friend is a kind well meaning person, but I had just been complaining to the husband that morning about how no one has made much mention of my 50+ lb weight loss.
I guess i just had to get nearly naked for anyone to notice.

Think Spring.

quietone Thu, Mar-06-03 15:36

Too funny, Puggy!

Kathy54 Thu, Mar-06-03 18:42

Well of course close family have commented and a few observent co -workers, at one location, ( work 3), but only at the 10 pound mark, it took a girl today, who has been away for a while. I walked in and she ballared, you look fabulous!! Have you lost weight? Gee that felt so good. :D :p ;)

But I can understand some people, being alittle shy about saying anything.
And some do not like to say it , thinking they may infere, you were fat before, (like we don't know it),LOL

Cheers Kathy

junebug61 Fri, Mar-07-03 06:26

The people who know I am on the diet say they can see it in my face. That is not where I want them to notice the weight loss. Oh well. Although, last night my dh said your stomach is really looking thinner, I guess I just got use to ya the other way. Meaning, he didn't mind my blimpyness. He also said I am loosing my butt. For me it is hard to lose it in the places it collects to easily. When I weighed 127, I still had fat thighs :mad:

People who don't know I am on the diet ask, did you cut your hair? :confused:

Alina Fri, Mar-07-03 09:53

We have noticed!

it has to do with the clothes, I'm sure. Just wait a little longer...

Good luck!


shannonlea Fri, Mar-07-03 11:38

OMG I can totally relate! I've lost 27lbs since November! NOBODY CAN TELL BUT ME!! I know how you feel it'd be nice for someone to say.. "Hey you've lost some weight!" My mom and sister say they can tell,but they are just being nice! lol Anyway, I'm sure after another 20lbs they'll say.. "YOU LOST TOO MUCH WEIGHT!" This is My husband can't even tell a difference. But he has been chasing me around the house like a teenager again.. So I guess actions speak louder than words! I have realized that my heavier friends act funny around me.. distant as if they are jealous. I would appreciate it if people would just be happy for me! I mean lord knows I'm far from skinny,but it'd be nice to get a little ATTENTION>>LOL Anyway.. I understand where you are coming from.

shannonlea Fri, Mar-07-03 11:43

[QUOTE]Originally posted by junebug61
[B] When I weighed 127, I still had fat thighs :mad:

Don't feel bad! I'm the exact same way. I can never get rid of weight where I wanna lose! I will lose my breasts and keep the big thighs! And lately my butt is taking on a pancake like appearance!! NOT PRETTY>>LOL I just had to respond to this because I can totally relate!!

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