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rachelthea Fri, Mar-28-03 13:24

LBWO 3/28/03
C1 W6 D40
-walk to gym for warm-up

Leg Extension

-12 x 2 plates; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 6 x 3.5; 12 x 3; 12 x 3

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3.5 plates; 10 x 4; 8 x 4.5; 6 x 5; 12 x 4.5
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 8 plates

Leg Press

-12 x 5 plates; 10 x 5.5; 8 x 6; 6 x 6.5; 12 x 6; 12 x 6

Abductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60
Multi-hip abductor
-12 x 4 plates, each leg

Adductor machine

-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60
Multi-hip adductor
-12 x 4 plates, each leg

rachelthea Sun, Mar-30-03 12:45

Cardio 3/30/03
C1 W6 D42


-5 min warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-16 min; four intervals: 3.2 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-1 min. at 3.2 mph, 10% incline
-10 min at 3.2 mph, 6% incline
-6 min cool-down: 3.2-2.5 mph, 5-0% incline

Lying ab machine

-12 x 25 lbs.; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35
Seated ab machine
-12 x 40 lbs.; 10 x 50; 8 x 50; 6 x 50; 12 x 50
Obliques twist
-3 sets: 12 x 60
Lower back ext.
-3 sets: 12 x 50

rachelthea Mon, Mar-31-03 07:25

UBWO 3/31/03
C1 W7 D43
- 5 min. treadmill/rowing

Incline Press

-12 x 1.5 plate; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 12 x 2.5
Incline flye
-12 x 2

Shoulder press machine

-12 x 2 plates; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 5 x 3.5; 12: 7 x 3 plates, 5 x 2.5
Lateral raise machine
-12 x 40 lbs.

HS High Row

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35...increase by 5 lbs. next time
HS Row
-12 x 25 lbs

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12: 6 x 30, 6 x 25
Hammer Strength Tricep dip
-12 x 25 lbs...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Dumbell curls/b]
-12 x 5 lbs. (per arm); 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 6 x 12; 11 x 10
[b]Arm curl

-12 x 2 plates

Not a good workout - this is the weakest I have felt since beginning BFL. I know it was partially because I didn't eat very well this weekend, and I also gave in to my bulimia a couple times. If nothing else, today certainly demonstrated how important eating well is to doing well with the workouts. I think the worst thing was that I wasn't enjoying it was just too difficult, and frustrating! I usually really enjoy my UBWOs. Gotta treat my body better if I want it to cooperate.

rachelthea Tue, Apr-01-03 06:28

Cardio 4/1/03
C1 W7 D44


-5 min warm-up: 2.6-3.2 mph, 0-4% incline
-2 min. at 3.2 mph, 5% incline
-16 min; four intervals: 3.2 mph at 6, 7, 8, 9% incline
-1 min. at 3.2 mph, 10% incline
-6 min cool-down: 3.2-2.5 mph, 5-0% incline

Lying ab machine
-12 x 25 lbs.; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35

rachelthea Wed, Apr-02-03 06:46

LBWO 4/2/03
C1 W7 D45
- 5 min. stairmaster for warm-up

Quad extension

-12 x 2.5 plates; 10 x 3; 8 x 3.5; 6 x 4; 12 x 3.5; 12 x 3.5

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3.5 plates; 10 x 4; 8 x 4.5; 6 x 5; 12 x 4.5
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 8 plates

Leg Press

-12 x 5 plates; 10 x 5.5; 8 x 6; 6 x 6.5; 12 x 6; 12 x 6...increase next time

Standing calf raise

-12 x 1 plate; 10 x 1.5; 8 x 2; 6 x 2.5; 12 x 2; 12 x 2

rachelthea Thu, Apr-03-03 09:37

Cardio 4/3/03
C1 W7 D46


Did 20 min. HIIT on stairmaster, then about 10 min. moderate intensity, with a 5 min cooldown. It's been a long time since I stayed on the stairmaster for more than 5 minutes or so...thought I was going to fall off by the time my 10 was over! Reminds me how good it is to vary the routine, though.

Lying ab machine

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35
Seated ab machine
-12 x 40 lbs; 10 x 45; 8 x 50; 6 x 55; 12 x 50
Oblique twist machine
-Each side: 3 sets of 12 at 60 lbs.
Lower back extension
-3 sets of 12 at 50 lbs.

rachelthea Mon, Apr-07-03 19:38

Yikes...been a long time since I posted. Time to catch up...

UBWO 4/4/03
C1 W7 D47
-5 min treadmill for warmup

Incline Press

-12 x 2 plate; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 6 x 3.5; 12 x 3
Incline flye
-12 x 2...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Shoulder press machine

-12 x 2.5 plates; 10 x 3; 8 x 3.5; 5 x 4; 12: 7 x 3.5, 2 x 3, 3 x 2.5
Lateral raise machine
-12 x 50 lbs.

HS High Row

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; stopped here with back (probably should have stopped altogether, but I didn't want to!)...pulled muscle in shoulder very badly...wasn't aware of it while doing the set, but as soon as I was done, it really hurt!

Cable Extension

-12 x 20 lbs; 10 x 25; 8 x 30; 6 x 35; 12: 6 x 30, 6 x 25...increase by 5 lbs. next time
Hammer Strength Tricep dip
-12 x 25 lbs...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Dumbell curls

-12 x 5 lbs. (per arm); 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 6 x 12; 11 x 10

Cardio 4/6/03
C1 W7 D49

Elliptical Trainer

Did a 4 min. warm up, four 4-min increasing intervals, one 5-min increasing interval, and 20 min. mod. intensity...for a total of 45 minutes. Felt good!

Had to skip abs due to shoulder injury...still hurting very much from UBWO on Friday. Tried a few crunches, but it was too painful.

LBWO 4/7/03
C1 W8 D50
- 5 min. treadmill for warm-up

Quad extension

-12 x 2.5 plates; 10 x 3; 8 x 3.5; 6 x 4; 12 x 3.5; 12 x 3.5...increase next time

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 3.5 plates; 10 x 4; 8 x 4.5; 6 x 5; 12 x 4.5...increase next time
Seated Leg Curl
-12 x 8 plates...increase next time

Leg Press

-12 x 5.5 plates; 10 x 6; 8 x 6.5; 6 x 7; 12 x 6.5; 12 x 6.5...increase next time

Nautilus machine

-12 x 40 lbs; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60...increase next time
Cybex machine
-12 x 8 plates

Nautilus machine

-12 x 40 lbs; 10 x 50; 8 x 60; 6 x 70; 12 x 60...increase next time
Cybex machine
-12 x 8 plates

Yesican Tue, Apr-08-03 13:52

You're doing great!
Terrific progress pictures!


rachelthea Tue, Apr-08-03 14:57

Thanks, Leslie! Nice to have a visitor!!

Still having lots of pain from last Friday's UBWO. I must have really pulled a muscle bad in my shoulder. I'm thinking that I'll have to put off tomorrow's planned UBWO until things heal up a bit more.

Cardio 4/8/03
C1 W8 D51

Total of 30 min...20MAS (intervals = increase in incline and resistance) followed by 10 min. moderate intensity.

The gym I go to has just been sold, and will be closing in a month. They have never been particularly well maintained, and now that they are closing, they aren't fixing any of the equipment. It seems like something new is broken everyday - very frustrating! Gotta find a new place to go.

rachelthea Thu, Apr-10-03 05:22

Had to skip yesterday's UBWO due to pulled muscle in shoulder/back. Still really hurts, though there has been some improvement. So frustrating!!! UBWOs are my favorite...I really hope this heals up so I can get back to them soon.

CARDIO 4/10/03
C1 W8 D53


Did 20MAS plus 15 min. at moderate intensity. Very tough...especially the 9's and the 10...almost couldn't make it through the 10. But I did!!! Feel very good now.

Skipped ab work again, also due to shoulder pain. Come on, shoulder....HEAL HEAL HEAL!!! I want to get back to my normal workouts again!!

rachelthea Fri, Apr-11-03 05:33

LBWO 4/11/03
C1 W8 D54
- 5 min. stationary bike for warm-up

Quad extension

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 6 x 4.5; 12 x 4; 12 x 4

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 4 plates; 10 x 4.5; 8 x 5; 6 x 5.5; 12 x 5
Standing Leg Curl
-12 x 5 lbs, each leg

Leg Press

-12 x 6 plates; 10 x 6.5; 8 x 7; 6 x 7.5; 12 x 7; 12 x 7

Seated Calf Raise

-12 x 25 lbs., 10 x 30, 8 x 35, 6 x 40, 12 x 35

rachelthea Sat, Apr-12-03 12:13

Cardio 4/12/03
C1 W8 D55
-5 min. walk to gym for warm-up

Elliptical Trainer
Did 20MAS with increasing incline/resistance...added an extra minute in after my 10. Upped the intensity a bit more, and did an 11!!! Then 25 min. more of moderate intensity. Good workout.

Hoping to be able to get back to my UBWOs on Monday. I will probably skip shoulders/back, but at least get back to chest/triceps/biceps.

rachelthea Sun, Apr-13-03 13:55

Cardio 4/13/03
C1 W7 D56

Since I missed last Wednesday's UBWO due to injury, I thought I'd add in an extra day of cardio this week to make up for it. Wasn't much in the mood for the gym, though...happy to say I was able to get onto one of the beautiful hiking trails. Had myself a pretty serious cardio workout...basically a 20MAS but without the 6's and 7's...just the more intense parts! Nice to be outdoors, in the sun, instead of in the dark gym.

Keeping my fingers crossed that my shoulder muscle will be sufficiently healed to allow for at least a modified UBWO tomorrow morning.

rachelthea Mon, Apr-14-03 06:14

UBWO 4/14/03
C1 W9 D57
- 5 min. elliptical for warm-up

Incline Press

-12 x 2 plate; 10 x 2.5; 8 x 3; 6 x 3.5; 12: 8x3 & 4x2.5
Incline flye
-7 x 2...stopped because this was hurting my shoulder

Lateral raise

-12 x 30 lbs.; 10 x 35; 8 x 40; 5 x 45; 12 x 40
Shoulder press
-12 x 2 plates (right arm only...left is still a bit wobbly from injury)

Lat Pulldown

-12 x 30 lbs; 10 x 35; 8 x 40; 6 x 45; 12 x 40
HS Row
-12 x 25 lbs

Cable Extension

-12 x 25 lbs; 10 x 30; 8 x 35; 6 x 40; 12 x 35
Hammer Strength Tricep dip
-12 x 25 lbs

Dumbell curls/b]
-12 x 5 lbs. (per arm); 10 x 8; 8 x 10; 6 x 12; 11 x 10
[b]Arm curl

-12 x 2 plates

rachelthea Wed, Apr-16-03 05:56

LBWO 4/16/03
C1 W9 D59
- 5 min. stationary bike for warm-up

Quad extension

-12 x 3 plates; 10 x 3.5; 8 x 4; 6 x 4.5; 12 x 4; 12 x 4...increase by 5 lbs. next time

Lying Leg Curl

-12 x 4 plates; 10 x 4.5; 8 x 5; 6 x 5.5; 12 x 5
-12 x 4 plates, each leg

Leg Press

-12 x 6.5 plates; 10 x 7; 8 x 7.5; 6 x 8; 12 x 7.5; 12 x 7.5

Cybex machine

-12 x 45 lbs; 10 x 50; 8 x 55; 6 x 70; 12 x 70...increase first sets next time
-12 x 4 plates, each leg

Cybex machine

-12 x 45 lbs; 10 x 50; 8 x 55; 6 x 70; 12 x 70...increase first sets next time
-12 x 4 plates

Standing Calf machine

-12 x 1.5; 10 x 2; 8 x 2.5; 6 x 3; 11 x 2.5
Standing Calf raises w/ dumbbells
-12 w/ 10 lb. dumbbell in each hand...increase to 20 lbs. each hand next time

Also, just for fun ( :p ), I tried one set of step-ups (12 per leg, no additional weight). I'd like to start including them in my routine, but I found out that I really need to work on my balance before I'll be able to do it with dumbbells in hand! I kept wobbling around, and had to grab on to the bars to stabilize myself several times.

All in all, a very satisfying workout!

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