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Anybody Wed, Feb-19-03 11:38

MD.. quit your bellyaching ;)

I've found that with my weight loss... my "buds" have become very protective of me and what Im doing for me.

I mean my body shape is so dramatically different they really are glad to be part of something thats being very successful.

A lot of them do comment on the will power though. I try to tell em that you just don't get hungry for snacks and so forth but they just think I have an iron will.

What I do appreaciate.. is the guys when you go out to eat with them. They don't do things like "Oh... you cant eat potato so i wont order any" or whatever.. its the silliest thing. I am a grown up and made this decision to eat the way I am.. eat whatever the hell you want. Guys apperently don't think like that and its very hip to me :)

cartmanis Wed, Feb-19-03 12:36

I've had good support from my buddies, even at work. And they are handy to have around when a meal comes with bread or something, one of them are usually willing to eat it so that it doesn't go to waste :)

DWRolfe Wed, Feb-19-03 12:52

I'm lucky in that my friends are not only supportive of my WOE but they're interested as well.

And I don't think it's just because they are so happy that I've improved my health. I think they genuinely admire my focus and resolve. Plus there's the added benefit of knowing I no longer run the risk of breaking any of their chairs... ;)

As for tossing the Whopper bun...I hate that sh**. Not the bun tossing, the Whopper. When did BK get so damn bad? Several of my buds were already years outside of BK and therefore that's a non-issue now. When we get the urge for fast foods while we're running around, we always opt for Mom & Pop shops that serve burgers, gyros, dogs, salads. The burgers are 100% better tasting and the salad doesn't come in a cup like McDonald's idiotic McShaker (what moron bean counter invented that crap?). Our favorite burger place now serves big double bacon cheeseburgers "nudie" style--no bun. It's great cut up and thrown on top of a caesar salad. And it costs about $5 total...

Sorry for the BKand McDooDoo's rant...I sort of lost my focus.

Bottom line, my friends, both men and women, support me 100%. Hand holding is at a minimum, though they do ask me to strut around and model for them quite often... :D

Donald :wave:

neeam Wed, Feb-19-03 12:53

count me in ... often time I felt this group is for women alone..
.. but I should say these women are just great, smart, ahead of the pack...


Mahoney Wed, Feb-19-03 19:28

Come on - look at that work of art (minus the buns and fries)... :D

Flame broiled with the freshest ingredients - I'm a marketers dream.

Anybody Wed, Feb-19-03 19:42

I prefer wendy's :) I even have dave thomas' autograph :)

cartmanis Wed, Feb-19-03 20:04

Well, woppers were not my thing, but bacon double cheese burgers at BK. mmmm flamebroiled :) But, that would be 2 BDC burgers, 2 large fries, and a large diet coke. shudder. Still, while I haven't had fast food since I started LC, I think a burger sans bun may be in order at some point.

MaineDaddy Thu, Feb-20-03 07:30

I have never been real big on the fast food joints but....

Whenever ANY of them had a bacon double cheese burger campaign going my body was taken over by Homer Simpson...


Good news is of corse I can make myself a Bacon cheese burger any time I want now guilt free!!

Anybody Thu, Feb-20-03 07:56

Bacon Cheeseburger salad.


Your favorite fast food Burger... you know.. the ones other diets cant have.

1 bag oh' salad mix.

Carefully shell the burger... removing the useless outer coating of bread leaving the tasty meaty bits.

cut/crumble burger over said salad mix.. (bowl/plate not optional... sorry guys this doesnt work to well with just a paper napkin)

add lowcarb ketsup or bbq sauce to taste :)

If you didnt get bacon on your burger from the burger place... get some of that precooked bacon and keep ti handy to use as crumbles.

For a treat throw in some extra onions/peppers/cukes to the salad.. flavor goes wonderfully with the burger :)

Of course this also works grilling your own burger..but when your trying to save time nothing beats a drive threw :)

Next week.. my receipt for diangalo's steak bomb salad ;)

farside Thu, Feb-20-03 19:24

Calling in from the Great White North. Although, where I live, there is no snow. :)

Shane, bet you can't wait. Hope your spring comes soon.

Good to see so many supportive opinions here. I have a ton of support from friends, family, and co-workers. Some of the folks at work have joined me in LC, and we have a great time comparing lunches, etc.

There sure is a difference though in weight loss between men and women. Although I seem to be in a (hopefully minor) stall, I'm sure it will start up again soon.

Glad I was led to LC, and plan to stay the course.

Keep smiling,

Mahoney Thu, Feb-20-03 21:48

Truth be told, I'm pretty sick of fast food. The reality is that it is a necessary evil for me - something I can eat when I need to be back at the office for a conference call in 20 minutes. So I guess it is a love/ hate thing. I've taken to cooking a lot more in the last year or two. Are their any Jamie Oliver fans out there? I doubt it, he isn't that popular in the states. Anyway, if you have Tivo or a VCR, tape either "The Naked Chef" or "Oliver Twist" off of Food Network. I used to sorta like cooking before, but this show got me into much more. I won't sell it - tape it if you feel like it.

Some of you guys have some damn impressive stats.

Anybody - if you've lost 60+ lbs in less than 4 months, you're a pain in the arse (as my Mick grandmother would say)

Donald - 110+ pounds in a little over year - not fair

Shane - you've got me thinking about working out again like I used to.

Kevin - we're both at 11% - how about a wager on first to 95% - the loser buys the winner a $5 Burger King gift certificate?

Adios gents,

Anybody Fri, Feb-21-03 00:12


I'm even more of a pain in the ass.. I've lost 64lbs. But I worked my ass off (literally) to do so.. check my gym log and gain enlightenment ;)

S_Hysmith Fri, Feb-21-03 00:28

MaineDaddy -- what a terrific quote! I'll have to use that one when the skeptics in my midst ask why I'm doing this... :D

My wife and I are both new to the Atkins plan (just starting week 2, after a week-and-a-half or so of "winging it"). It's been an interesting few days, but the fact that I'm already weighing less than I have in a couple years in just a few days is encouraging.

I'm here because it's nice to have company on this road. (I could retreat into the "guy mind"--if that guy over there is doing this thing, then I won't look foolish if I do it too... :P )

S_Hysmith Fri, Feb-21-03 00:32


I'm more of an Alton Brown fan than Jamie Oliver, but then I like the comedy. :D

cartmanis Fri, Feb-21-03 10:11

Mahoney, you might want to consider that bet, I'm down another pound and at 12% now :) Heck, If I get to 95% I'll be so friggin blown away I'll just buy ya that coupon :) Course, you'd have to remind me :)

Yah, Good Eats on Food TV is my fav, humour is ok, but the fact he seems to pick basic stuff and tell you the best way to cook it appeals to me.

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