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rhubarb Tue, Jan-07-03 12:49

So I make her sandwiches on Sunday night and put them in the fridge.

She's a lucky gal - I HATE making lunches!

You two really do sound like Jack Spratt and his wife. (You know .. the old Nursery Rhyme?) But it does seem like you have it all woked out. My kids eat the opposite of the way I do, plus they eat meat and I don't. I DO eat fish, but neither cares for it. I just have given up on us ever eating the same thing.

My daughter is one of those kids who survives on air and noodles, and my son has a very sophisticated palate; no sandwiches for him - he likes hot meals! (This is due to their father being native Italian, and a really good cook. Thankfully, they eat at his place 2 or 3 nights a week. :) )

lukenlarry Tue, Jan-07-03 13:47

ok ok
i haven't posted my measurements anywhere else.. not sure exactly why. I know I can be honest with you gals, but somehow it seems SOOO much more personal than my weight. I took some measurements Dec 17th:

Waist 41 1/4
Butt 48 1/2
arms 13 1/4

I am too weird about not wanting to measure my bust :o sorry..

But I know i must be losing inches, since my pants are looser. I just prefer to weigh myself for some reason. Maybe I am too obssessed.

Today I am making the maple mustard crusted ham on the site. It smells good so I hope it turns out ok. Also am going to have a salad with a treat of avacodo (yum). I love this woe when i get motivated enough to cook. I've always prefered to bake, so all these meat and veggie stuff is new.

mnokat Tue, Jan-07-03 14:21

Pre3teach, as rhubarb said, BFL is a hard core excercise eating regime, based on Bill Phillip's book, Body For Life . (Hence the BFL)

It's really appealling to me as I'm a very strong girl that isn't afraid of weights, and I like hard-core , high intensity workouts. In fact, they are the only ones that work for me. This is a very structured plan (which I desperately need, as is evidenced by the fact that I kept trying, and failing at, Jenny Craig). Plus, some of the transformations that people have made are truly awe inspiring. I really hope to be one of those transformations soon. I don't think I'll be anywhere near where I need to be at the end of this 12 week challenge, but I'll be a lot closer. And a lot fitter and healthier.

Workouts are 6 days a week alternating weights and HIIT cardio. Weights are split into Upper body days and Lower body days, with pyramid sets. One day a week is a free day from both workouts and the eating plan. The eating plan is 6 small, balanced meals a day. I tend to do a little higher protein and lower carb than the book suggests.

( I did a challenge in Nov and Dec for 6 weeks till the holiday craze took over... feel free to peek in my gym log if youwant to see more info)

I love it though... and the competitive part of it really helps to keep me motivated.

It involves a lot of time, a LOT of effort and a ton of planning. I don't have kids yet, so I figure if I'm ever going to have the time to do it, it is now. My BF is very supportive and doesn't mind all the extra time I spend at the gym... plus it gives him more time to play his Xbox that I got him for christmas!

Hope that helped... you can always go to for more info if it interests you.

oh, and measurements from Sunday are:
Bust: 41.5
waist: 35.5
Hips: 45.25
r thigh: 29
R. calf: 17
Bicep: 15

Have a great day ladies!


sunshine2 Tue, Jan-07-03 14:54

Wow Kate, you've got the BFL program down! I've started it and am on day 2. Feeling a bit drained today, not sure why. I've started this metabolic cleansing that might be making me tired, it last for 10 days.

The only thing I am doing different on BFL is I am exercising during lunch, and I'm not doing as much carbs as Bill Phillips recommends. But I'm hoping to see some big improvements in 12 weeks. :D

Howcross Tue, Jan-07-03 15:10

Originally posted by rhubarb
She's a lucky gal - I HATE making lunches!

But guess who does ALL the laundry... hint: it's NOT ME. :) :)

Ann at Howcross Castle

sunshine2 Tue, Jan-07-03 15:49

Originally posted by Howcross
But guess who does ALL the laundry... hint: it's NOT ME. :) :)

Ann at Howcross Castle

I'll take making sandwiches over laundry any day. lol. I think you have the better deal! ;)

pbach Wed, Jan-08-03 08:24

I'm still here!
I just wanted to say, "I'm still in!!!" My original post to this thread is gone. :( I went back to see what I already wrote (so I wouldn't repeat) and it's not here. I know I posted because Nat wrote in my journal, "I see you joined the bikini countdown thread..." Anyhow, I hope the new year and workouts are going as planned for everyone.

First 3 days of the BFL official challenge, and feeling great! I can really visualize my 2 piece looking good by the summer. I would love to wear one by my honeymoon (March 22), but it might not be the one I bought. We'll see.

rhubarb Wed, Jan-08-03 10:29

Hey, Pbach - your first post is here in the "Countdown to Swimsuit Season!" thread, but we're happy to have you over here with the bikini babes!

Well, I did get up to do my FIRM tape this morning, but I learned two things. It takes longer than I thought, and I'm in worse shape than I thought. I ran so late getting ready that my daughter was late to school!

When I was doing BFL, I never ran out of steam. The workouts were intense, but even. This weight-lifting and aerobic together is tough! I had to take breaks, but I did the whole session. Hopefully if I keep doing that, it will get easier.

One thing I'm coming up against is that I had pneumonia last year, followed by pleuritis. My lungs are just not in very good shape. But FH and I are into partner and social dancing - it's how we met, and we do it often. It's going to be a big component of our wedding, and I want to build my stamina back up!

Got my groceries delivered last night, and that was great. I was determined to use the time I gained effectively, so I cleaned the kitchen. One thing I wasn't counting on was the tip, though. Drives up the price a bit more. I may do it every other week for a really big order, and then shop once in between for quick stock-ups.

How's everyone?

Ann - I hate making lunches so much, I'd rather do the laundry. I feel more accomplished when laundry is done.

Sunshine - You might really need to up your carbs on BFL. If you haven't already, go visit the BFL area over on the exercise forum. You will definitely see some results in 12 weeks. Take pictures now!

Kate - you are so right about all the planning needed, both for BFL and for LC. And you are smart to look at this as something to get done now before you have kids. I really regret that I didn't have more energy when mine were really little.

lukenlarry - don't feel weird! I still have to post my stats, but I'm pretty sure my arms are bigger than anyone's. I'm way out of proportion there, which is one thing I'm workin' on for that halter dress I'm getting married in next Fall! Yay for loose pants!

pbach Wed, Jan-08-03 10:57

Hi Rhubarb! I looked everywhere! I could've sworn it was here. Boy, do I feel dumb. ;)

No need to move it. We'll just use that post above as my "joining in". :D

Jkrohn Wed, Jan-08-03 12:35

I'm back! Hey ladies. It's me Messy (Jessie) get it messy Jessie.... That's been my nickname since I was a kid. Anyway I'm back on that wagon after a long holiday crash! It started with a new house. Hubby and I moved in to our very fist house the week of Thanksgiving.... With all the moving & packing & cleaning & more moving & unpacking ..... well the eating & exercise went out the window. I lost 52 pounds last year on the LC plan and was very sad to see I had gained 20 pounds over my holiday binge. So not fair!!!! I worked my butt off for a year to lose 52 then in a little over a month I managed to gain back 20!!!! How sad is that???? :mad: But as of Monday (1/6/03) ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I got mad at myself enough to start over. I have been a good LC girl now for 2 1/2 whole days. Been drinking my water & have even been exercising. I feel great! Why oh why did I ever stray?? Oh well no use crying over spilled milk (or eaten chocolate) :) I am back on track & plan to stay there........ Bikini bod here I come!!! Glad to see some familiar former bikini babes & a big welcome to you newcomers.

Oh a little about me.... I'm 26 married for 3 1/2yrs no kids.... yet maybe next year. I follow the Protein Power Plan. Exercise.... well that depends. I did 2 BFL challenges last year LOVED IT. Then DH bought me The Firm 4 part pack. So I started those & wow!!! I love them actually saw more results faster with those. But with the new house I have no TV/VCR in my basement (workout room) so off the tapes for awhile. I am starting my 3rd BFL challenge on Monday 1/13 with a friend. I also used to use Leslie Sandsones walk away the pounds for my 3 days of cardio. I love those too. Anyone looking for low impact but great workouts give these a try. I guess I've babbled enough. I'm committed to getting in shape & looking great. No real time frame yet. Just taking it as it comes.

Well enough about me..... feels so good to be back. Take care all & stay strong!


rhubarb Wed, Jan-08-03 14:13

Then DH bought me The Firm 4 part pack. So I started those & wow!!! I love them actually saw more results faster with those
Messy, are these the ones you see advertised on the infomercial? I always wonder about those - how do you know which one to do when? I'd worry if I missed a workout that I'd go too long between upper body and lower body workouts.

Jkrohn Wed, Jan-08-03 15:19

Rhu- I've seen 2 different infomercials. One is the total body scultpting system runs about $90 comes with a fanny lifter... that's the one I wanted but that's not what I got. This one has a picture of a gal in a red sportbra type bikini on the cover. Rule of advice... always allow at least 24 hrs rest between same muscle groups. Example I do the legs tape M-W-F then the arms tape T-TH one week then I switch the following week I would do arms M-W-F and legs T-TH. That way I never do the same muscle groups 2 days in a row. Make sense?? Don't worry about going to long between. Just make sure you give your muscles time to recover. As long as your doing something that's what matters! Good luck!


assiesue Wed, Jan-08-03 21:08

:wave: Hi all,

Thought i'd join in on the bikini countdown as I I'm hopeing to be in one by April when we go on our family cruise.

I started LC 1/1/03 at 87kg
1 week into induction and I am 83kg
my goal is 68kg, I won't jump on the scales again till next week, so far so good and i'm not missing anything (not even the weight)


Howcross Thu, Jan-09-03 07:54

Mornin', Babes!

Just checking in to say hello.

Ann at Howcross Castle

sunshine2 Thu, Jan-09-03 09:07

Mornin' to you Ann, and everyone else out there in the bikini wanna be land. Welcome to the newcomers - and welcome back Messy.

I just had to pop in this morning and tell you how good I feel today. Today is day 4 of my BFL challenge, although I couldn't walk up the stairs this morning because of the soreness, I do feel good. I actually feel thinner.

I'm so excited to see the results after my 12 weeks. I've joined the BFL program around 4 times now, but I've never made it to the 12 week finish line. So, I'm really pushing for it this time!!

PS Rhu- I have really upped my carbs from my normal Atkins induction intake to around 50 a day. I feel guilty at times going that high, so on 2/3/03 when I take my measurements again, I'll decide if I should lower or raise them. I am however eating the 5 meals a day that is recommended, but I don't always have a portion of the protein and carb, I usually have a low carb shake or something.

Today is my cardio, so it will be a little easier than the weights.

Bye all, :wave:

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