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wannabefit Tue, Jan-21-03 20:24

I found some

I ordered coconut oil from

It was a pretty penny but I wanted to try it. I keep my house at 68 degrees, so it solidifies and looks just like white lard. I am trying it, but it is quite hard to swallow in any way shape or form in my opinion. My local health food stores say they carry it, but none of them have it. At $25.00 for one quart, I just don't know how much I will allow myself to use it. It is not a native food to my climate, so it is very unreasonable. The more I try it, the more it seems to nauseate me even though I like the mild taste of coconut.

I also made the cookies from the recipe you sent me for thyroid health. I appreciate you sending the recipe, but the cookies are awful! I really am not a negative person, but they are very difficult to eat. My 25 year old daugther tried them, and she said they make nice dog bisquits!

Oh well, live and learn I say. But I did order the book: "The Thyroid Diet Health Guide" and I hope to get some better suggestions from that. But I have my doubts. I paid over $12.00 for something that came in the mail that looks like a marketing magazine - not even a real book.

jraz Tue, Jan-21-03 21:37

Coconut Oil....
I just ordered some from Tropical Traditions... I ordered a quart to start... and today I went to our health food store and they had Coconut Oil by Spectrum Essentials for skin and health care... It says it's 100% refined coconut oil and contains no preservatives or additives... the lady assured me it was ok to injest, even tho it does not say this on the jar... they have a website at that I will go check out... anyway I paid $5.45 for 15 fl oz.... not bad I thought.. It is in a solid state and says to place jar in a pan of warm water...
I made some of the chocolate mousse and put about a tbs in it and mixed it up... this has no smell, no flavor either... hey, I'm a willing to try it... so we'll see..

jraz Tue, Jan-21-03 21:43

Not sure the kind of blood tests that were done.. It's been a couple of months.... yesterday all she did was a unine test and was going to send it for a culture... not sure what that will tell her... Of course I am on an HMO through work and don't have a say so in a lot the doctors around here say... and I am not impressed with any doctor we have around here.... I go back to her Monday and will post what she tells me... in the mean time... it will be coconut oil for me.... and hope and pray it makes a big difference... but NO HOT FLASHES.... LOL. I hate being HOT.... and guess where I live... Where it's usually the hottest place in the nation... hahaha go figure...

Thyroid_M Wed, Jan-22-03 12:09

Thank you guys so much for all of your feedback on locating Coconut oil! I am going to try and order some from the site you guys posted, and am really looking forward to it.

And, thanks Wannabefit for the feedback on that cookie recipe. I still haven't gotten around to making it myself because I've been so busy lately - now I won't break a sweat over getting the ingredients.

Margie :-)

jraz Wed, Jan-22-03 20:55

I went to a search engine and typed in coconut oil and boy I came up with a lot that I liked and some sounded good and cheaper.... but we'll see how I like the one I ordered first...

I wish the one I bought yesterday at out health food store had a coconut taste, but it's zippo, zero taste and smell...

I will keep you advised on how my temps do on it...

good nite all...........

rluka Sun, Jan-26-03 02:24

My temperature is also low so I tried Coconut Oil and I noticed
a change in temperature from 95.6 up to 97.6. I started on the Atkins diet 2 weeks ago and I'm not having any problems getting into and staying in ketosis.
I found Coconut Oil and Coconut Butter. Nutritionally is there any difference? I use them both just in case.
I seem to have a lot of symptoms that point to me being Hypo. (rough voice, low temp, tired feeling and more)
Is it possible to have a thyroid problem and still be able to go into ketosis. I have lost 4 to 5 pounds in these two weeks.
I had a lot of success on the Atkins diet last year when I went down to 160 from 200 pounds, but I started on carbs again and went up to 194 and now I'm down to 189 in two weeks on the Atkins diet. I feel a lot better but not as good as I felt when I first tried it. Am I Hypo?
Can anyone relate to this....Ron L

jraz Sun, Jan-26-03 15:06

Hi Ron...
Welcome and Relate... boy, I think you wrote my life story... I sure do hope the coconut oil does the trick for both you and I... I've been so busy since Thursday that I have not even had time to take my coconut oil or take my temps... Do hope this next week evens out a little. I've been so busy (this is a good thing) but I am too tired to be tired....

I am just thankful someone discovered this coconut oil and I pray it is the answer for us...

Way to go on the weight loss... It's wonderful to be a loser.... Judi

Raquel Mon, Jan-27-03 17:07

I agree with THYROID_M that it's important to find out which tests you were given. I'll go even a step further by telling you that even T4 and T3 levels don't tell the whole story. Most people who have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis show a "normal" TSH level and possibly even T4 and T3 level but will have a high count of certain types of antibodies which block the cell receptors from absorbing the hormone and additional thyroid hormone is the only treatment to date.

I bet 20 to 1 your doctor didn't run those tests so ask for them, if he refuses, FIRE HIM (or go to an endo). For more info, go to and enter a search for antibodies or read all you can about Hashi's.

Also, the oil you bought is refined (hence the lack of smell and taste) and is really meant for beauty care, nutritionally it can't do what the virgin oil does. Spectrum has an organic, expeller-pressed one which is the one I'm using. If I were you I'd take it back to the h/f store for a refund because it's not the one you were asking about.

Thyroid_M Mon, Jan-27-03 17:17

Raquel has a good point about finding out whether your doc took those tests, and then demanding your doctor [or another] do them for you. I had normal TSH levels, but also had high levels of binding proteins [term per my doc!] that in effect nullified the hormones secreted by my thyroid gland, and have a mild form of Hashimotos.

Raquel - can you tell me where you bought your coconut oil?? I still am doing without, but I'm glad you posted because I want to make sure when I get mine I can get it at the right place. I was planning on purchasing some at, and just haven't gotten around to it. Does this location sell the coconut oil you use?



Raquel Mon, Jan-27-03 18:37

Although a couple of h/f stores in my area carry the right kind of "Spectrum" coconut oil, because I don't have a car right now I ordered it online from Vitanet, along with my other supplements, for $4.08 the 14 oz. jar.

The only thing is that I just looked it up and they are showing the semi-refined oil. Fearing it was discontinued, I looked up Spectrum's website and didn't see it there at all either so I decided to call their toll-free number. To my chagrin I was told that the unrefined oil is going to be discontinued in a couple of months and in the future they will only have one that is organic, non-chemically refined (through sort of a filtration process) kind which is odorless and tasteless. I was told it will be heated somewhat and it will not contain the natural enzymes but the lauric acid content should remain pretty much the same.

I felt really bummed by this and plan to call Vitanet tomorrow to see if they still have it or can get it for me so I can order several jars at once. I suggest you do the same if you want to save.

Thyroid_M Mon, Jan-27-03 19:11

So, the coconut oil needs to be virgin and unrefined? I found on the Tropical Traditions site the quote "This Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut oil is a truly unrefined coconut oil." at

Do you think this is it?

Raquel Mon, Jan-27-03 19:56

Yes, I guess that's the real article. I'd go with the words "organic" or "virgin" and definitely unrefined.

rluka Wed, Jan-29-03 22:13

RE: Coconut Oil
The coconut oil that I have is made by Omega Nutrition and they call it Coconut Butter. Its Unhydrogenated, Organic, Pure Coconut Oil.
Is this the right stuff?
I also have Coconut Oil made by the same company. On the label it says: "Naturally saturated, non-hydrogenated, our Coconut Oil is expeller pressed without the use of solvents, additives, chemicals and bleaching."
They are at
Ron L

wannabefit Thu, Jan-30-03 08:20

I got my virgin coconut oil from

It smells and tastes like a very light and pleasant coconut confection. I think it is true quality but is very expensive in my opinion. But I splurged because I wanted to try it. I even popped popcorn in it! It surprised me though how it looks like white lard. My house is only kept at 68 degrees, so it solidifies in those temperatures.

I will admit I am having trouble incorporating 3 tablespoons a day. It takes creatitivity for something I am not used to having. I certainly have not been consistent with it yet, which I think would be beneficial if I was.

Any suggestions out there on how to incorporate it in our daily diet?

jraz Thu, Jan-30-03 09:17

Got My Coconut Oil..
I ordered a quart from Tropical Traditions and it came by UPS on Tuesday.... YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well yesterday and today the way I am fixing it right now (just because of time and work).. I made me a hot protein shake and put it in it... Take for example what I did this morning... In my shaker cup I put my dry protein powder... (Vanila Praline) and added 1 tsp coco and 2 splenda and then put 2 heaping TBS of Coconut Oil and brought it to work with me.. Then I filled the container with HOT water and mixed it up and Yum..... very good.. and I am getting my coconut oil.... Really has a good taste...

and the other good news... my temp this morning at 8:10 am was 97.8.......whoo hooooooooooo... and that's only after taking this new coconut oil a couple of times.... so I am pleased so far....

Now, back to work for me and my delicious hot protein drink... yum
PS...seems the warmth of the liquid with the coconut oil really brings out the flavor of the coconut and I love it....... oh btw, yesterday I added a tsp of peanut butter to mine and it was wonderful....
ok, IBEGONE!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

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