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missatc Mon, May-20-02 16:40

C1W3D21, C1W4D22
FREE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed sleeping in until about 6:00 and had a fairly relaxing day.

Today, C1W4D22, completed my 1st LBWO w/ my new wt bench. I now find the stairs in my house a little more challenging than they were yesterday :) . Feels Good!!

missatc Tue, May-21-02 23:26

20MAS this am after 8+30 sleep!! The cardio actually felt easier than it did last week. I guess this means it is time to up the ante again. Darn! It was kind of enjoyable not working so hard, but I don't want to start getting lazy now. :)

missatc Wed, May-22-02 11:31

UBWO was tough this am. I am simply glad to be done with it. I pushed hard, but it didnt't "feel" good like it usually does. TOM is here, I am hoping that is all there is to it. I should be ready to push hard AND feel good next UBWO.

TeriDoodle Wed, May-22-02 12:00

Hi Miss!

I see you are struggling with a sleep issue just like me. Hey, let's make a deal. Let's see what a solid 8 hrs sleep, 3 nights in a row will do for our "game" and then compare notes. $20 says that by Sat. morning we'll feel like the Incredible Hulk!!

What's your carb & protein level these days, anyway? I know that I had to tweak like crazy the first couple of weeks. You might want to play around with that a little.

And the pant-o-meter? How's that going?

I'm finishing week 7 this week....and I must say that I am definitely noticing some muscles popping out....thought they'd never get here! My quads and biceps especially! Now if I can just get this FAT to go away, I might just get to show them off someday! :D

Hang tough and Happy Lifting!

PS - TOM can definitely mess with your workout. Don't fight it & get the extra rest your body is asking for! Take a NAP!! (Wow, what a concept, eh?)

missatc Wed, May-22-02 16:26

Hi Terri, and thanks for the visit. Oh, how I would LOVE to take a nap right now :yawn: . Unfortunately, I am at work until 10:00 PM and the government tends to frown on us sleeping at work ;) . The good thing is I am one of those people who can go home, go straight to bed and fall asleep without any difficulty. (I will need a few minutes to suck down my shake.) You are on, for 8 hrs of sleep for the next three nights. I really need to do this, as SA. mornings are usually my most difficult to get through. I am suppose to be at work by 0630, ( I may even have to come in earlier this week (0545), I should know by Friday afternoon. ) which means getting up at 0500 to get my 20MAS in. So here is my tentative sleep schedule:
WE: 2300-0700
TH: 2200-0600
FR: 2100-0500

We have had guests this week and I have not been keeping track of "the numbers". This morning, after I posted my food for yesterday, I realized I was probably coming in short on the protein and carbs. I am making a more concerted effort today to keep up the proper nutrient intake. I will start posting my nutrition numbers again by the weekend.

The pant-o-meter is still working. My tummy area doesn't appear to be shrinking, but there is definately more room in my pants through the hip and thigh area. I am anxious to do my 4 week numbers on Saturday afternoon. Maybe, I will even step on the scale that morning. (like I really wouldn't, even if TOM was still around :rolleyes: )

Please come and celebrate (or cry ) with me Saturday. If I am crying, I will re-read your post on "what the heck?" :)

No matter what, I KNOW I am giving this everything I have, both eating and exercising. I haven't been perfect, but my work isn't just until I get where I want to be, it is a PERMANENT change in my lifestyle. And guess what? I AM NOT PERFECT!! (#~!%~ it all anyway :) ) I know this time when I go into maintenence, I will succeed-for the rest of my life! Now that is something to celebrate!!

TeriDoodle Wed, May-22-02 19:27

I'm gonna post a few and then I'm off to bed. :yawn:

I just wanted to let you know that in week 7 here I feel like I'm really starting to get some muscle. My quads are solid except for the stubborn saddle bags :rolleyes: ... and my biceps are poppin'! :eek: don't be discouraged if your 4 wk results are not stupendous, ok? Just keep at it.

And get that sleep in, ok??!!

judy130 Thu, May-23-02 06:24

Hi KT and well done for keeping it up during this week - you said it would be tough with guests staying, but you sound as if you didn't stray too much.

I also feel that my hips and thighs (and my waist slightly) have got a bit smaller but not my tummy. However I was reading something that said people with an "insulin meter" tummy which is very big will find it is the last to tighten, and won't get small until the fat goes. Bad news, but at least we know we'll get there eventually!!

Good luck for the rest of the week and I'll be looking in next week.


missatc Thu, May-23-02 09:37

Got pretty close to 8hrs last night. Up at 0700 for 20MAS. Felt good. I am definately going to have to "up" it a bit. I think I will wait until after SA. workout. That way, I can make changes to all my workouts for the next 4 weeks at once.

Teri-I am trying to not get too excited, but it is hard not too when the clothes are feeling so much looser in some areas. :)

Judy-your news makes me even more determined to make this a permanent change in my lifestyle. I'll be popping into your journals shortly. See ya there. :)

judy130 Tue, May-28-02 04:34

Where are you KT?
KT - what have you been up to? Have you done your 4-week measurements? Day 30 today and I want to know how you're doing...... write soon.

missatc Tue, May-28-02 10:22

catch up time-sorry

I am finally back! Not much of an excuse, except that TOM hit me especially hard this past week and my mental game was totally off! The good news is, I kept up with my new WOL with the small exception of 1 meal.

Unfortunately, I did not get my measurements done, so I think I will wait until the 1/2 way point in two weeks. (With TOM here I didn't really want to get biased results :) )

I did my 4 week renovation on my workouts, including upping my cardio! I finished with my cardio 15' ago, and the sweat is still rolling off my bod! My arms are definately protesting the new execises from yesterday, but in a good way.

Please accept my appologies for being out of touch. I simply didn't feel very "human" for a few days, and when that happens, the best thing I can do is become a temporary recluse.

DH and I have today and the next couple of days off together-a rare treat! We are hoping to do an overnighter somewhere, so I may not have a chance to visit much until FR or SA.

Thanks Judy for stopping by and asking about me. And thank you to those who drop in to see how I am doing and lend your support. I truly appreciate it, even during my not so "human" days. :rolleyes:

judy130 Wed, May-29-02 05:47

Well done KT for sticking with it, despite TOM. Mine starts next week, just when I'm on holiday, and no gym around, so hope I can come back and say the same as you! There'll be lots of food and drink about, so I'll need all the willpower I can muster.


missatc Wed, May-29-02 10:47

LBWO this morning with new exercises. We plan to walk 18 holes this afternoon on our little get-away. It will be interesting to see how my legs are feeling....

See ya all tomorrow night.

missatc Fri, May-31-02 22:04

Can you say OUCH!!!!! My calves are screaming at me! I think I must have pushed those new calf exercises a bit too much. They felt fine the day of LBWO, but only got one dose of glutamine. Woke up the next morning (TH) and about fell over when I got out of bed. Thank goodness there was a dresser for me to grab, or I would've been down on my knees. I was do for a 20MAS TH. but we were at a B & B. We did make it for a wonderful 4 mile hike through the Icycle canyon area (Leavenworth, WA) My calves did great through the hike, but after the 2+ hr drive home, they were grumpy again. Hit the glutamine hard when I got home. :)

UBWO this am. Good workout-just glad I have a few more days for my calves to recuperate. :)

missatc Mon, Jun-03-02 11:04

LBWO this am. I was careful during the hamstring and especially, the calf exercises. My R. calf is still pretty tender, but the workout felt good!

missatc Tue, Jun-04-02 09:07

20MAS this am. I lowered the elevation on my treadmill to 4.0 throuhout the workout. I had it up to 4.5 for intensities 5-8, then 5.5 for "9" then 6.0 for my "10". However, after last cardio, I realized my legs were as weak as if I had done a LBWO. Since I did do a LBWO yesterday, I didn't want to push it, especially my calves. (They are a little sore from yesterday, but not nearly as bad as last week!)

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