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missatc Mon, Jun-10-02 12:30

welcome back!
Good for you Judy, for getting right back on track! I am glad to hear your body remembers all the hard work you've been doing, and didn't seem to skip a beat for a week off.

Keep up the good work!!

judy130 Tue, Jun-11-02 04:33

Day 37
Thanks, KT. Surprising, isn't it? The week off seems to have made me stronger.

20MAS today and again, seems quite easy, no burn and no ache. I'm going to try the rowing machine on Saturday.

Tomorrow I want to watch the World Cup match (England v Nigeria) starting at 7am so I am going to miss my UBWO and instead, combine it with my 20MAS on Thursday, starting earlier. Can't remember whether you do the WO first then the CV, but I can scroll through the logs to see where I read about it (probably Dan's sticky).

Starting to feel good about things again, especially getting back on track with food and BFL. I am surprised as to how much better I feel when I am doing this, if only I could bottle this feeling and release it to remind myself when I start slipping!!

judy130 Thu, Jun-13-02 05:12

Day 39
Did two sessions in one:

Good, but struggled a bit with some exercises and the extra weight. With the chest exercises (lying dumbell press and chest flyes) I feel it more in my arms, not in my chest.

after weights. Did well, reached 7.0 again.

judy130 Fri, Jun-14-02 03:22

Day 40
Raised my weights on some of these, as Monday's WO was so easy and painless!

Got up to 100lbs on seated leg press - all-time high for me. Left the seated leg curls the same as that still feels tough. Leg extensions raised to 37.5.

Feel I've had a good workout but will change a few of these from next week.

Nearly half way there!

judy130 Mon, Jun-17-02 05:09

Day 43
Terrific UBWO. I had intended changing the exercises but ended up sticking with them just increasing the weights. Got up to 6lbs on chest press, triceps extension, and 50lbs on rows (back)machine. Steady progress and feeling good.

Half way there now although I hope the week off in between won't interfere with the muscle growth. I read 6-8 consecutive weeks are needed for this, and my week off was week 6.

Anyway, good workout - I'm going to feel every movement in my arms tomorrow.

judy130 Tue, Jun-18-02 03:57

Day 44 (wk 7)
20 MAS on treadmill. Reached 7.4, highest yet. I'm going to keep trying till I reach 8.0 as my 10, then move onto the rowing machine. Had a practice on it and think it might be a good substitute from next week.

judy130 Wed, Jun-19-02 07:10

Day 45 - W7
I did not feel I achieved much, mainly because I did not reach 10s except with the leg press (100lbs). I need to push further and heavier.

I am going to look at using barbellss and other equipment so hopefully I can try squats and change some of the exercises, maybe on Saturday when I have more time.

At the moment doing:
Leg Press - 10 is 100lb
Leg Extension - 10 is 37.5 but need to increase

Leg Curl - 10 is 45lb - need to increase
Lunges - 3lb

Calf raise - 5lb
Angled calf raise - 5lb

judy130 Thu, Jun-20-02 04:52

Day 46 w7
Worked up to 7.7 on treadmill and whilst it was a good workout I felt I need to push harder to feel I've reached my 10s.

Got my Body Sculpting for Women book yesterday. A good read with exercises explained really well. I realise why I felt the Dumbell Press in my arms and not my chest - I wasn't squeezing my shoulder blades to isolate the chest muscles. The nutrition bit is very high in carbs, but the exercise section is very helpful.

Coming to the end of week 7 and, although I haven't shifted the midriff and tummy, my legs are getting quite muscular and my arms are beginning to get a bit of definition.

missatc Thu, Jun-20-02 14:21

Girl, you must be built to be a runner!! I just started jogging my "10" about a week ago. (I treadmill for my 20'MAS and walk as my knees are in bad shape and with an extra60lbs on them right now, I didn't want to do any more damage. However, I felt 1' wouldn't hurt and so far it hasn't.) Anyway, after reading your post I thought I would try 7.0 - How hard could it be?? The treadmill was just getting up to speed when my brain realized my feet and legs were not doing the work required and in fact the whole system was in jeoperdy of failing. (I about fell off that #~!& thing!! :) ) I got it slowed back down to 6.0 for the rest of the minute, but it about did me in! :) I think it will be quite some time before I can run that fast for even just 1 minute!

My deepest respect and more power to you my fellow BMBFLB! :D

judy130 Fri, Jun-21-02 03:16

Free Day
You made me laugh and also feel pretty good - I would have loved to be a runner but sports training at my school was nil. I used to enjoy all sports including volleyball and hockey but our teacher used to just leave us to it (no coaching worth speaking of!!) Once I got married and my husband drove me everywhere, my fitness level went zooming down.

Before I began BFL I never pushed myself and 4.0 was my highest speed. Now, I realise I need to hit 10s and can't believe my speed has got so high. This really makes me feel good and your praise makes me feel even better - thanks.

Free day today to watch the World Cup - disappointing result for England. USA is still in with a chance, you'll be pleased to know!!

20MAS and UBWO tomorrow.

judy130 Mon, Jun-24-02 04:03

Day 50 - wk8
Did UBWO on Saturday (day 48) but couldn't do the 20MAS as the gym got very busy and treadmills all taken for long sessions. However, I walked quite a lot on Sunday so didn't feel too bad about missing the 20MAS.

Good. Raised weights on all exercises, including 120 on leg press! Couldn't get above 60 during week 4, so getting better.

Also tried 4lb squats x 12. Hope I'm doing them right, they seemed easy. Will raise weights on Friday.

I've lost 1% bodyfat last week, down to 27%. Also losing scale weight very slowly - quarter to half pound every few days. Keeping my fingers crossed this carries on. Kicking myself about not sticking to calories and carbs from week 1, or I might have seen better results by now.

judy130 Tue, Jun-25-02 04:43

Day 51
20 MAS

Kept up to 7.7 for my 10 on the treadmill. Also did 5 minutes on the rower so will try using that for my MAS on Saturday. Left calf hurting as soon as I started, so must be sure to add a couple of warming up exercises next time.

judy130 Wed, Jun-26-02 08:53

Day 52 - w8
Good UBWO. Looking at what I've been doing, I don't feel I have made much progress as far as heavier weights are concerned. Also my workout hasn't varied much in 8 weeks.

I am thinking of incorporating some BSBW exercises and tweak the next 4 weeks to do a bit more work on the treadmill. I have read Nat's and Niky's journals and I think when they changed routine they started things moving.

I won't do it too intensely as Nat thinks it is nearly overtraining, but just enough to feel it.
I will start on Friday when I have a rare day off.

missatc Wed, Jun-26-02 09:19

Good morning Judy,

A change up on your exercises sounds like a good idea. If nothing else, it keeps you from getting bored with the "same ol' thing". I was curious as to what BSBW is?

Keep up the good pace, your almost there for challenge 1. :thup:

judy130 Thu, Jun-27-02 04:13

Day 53
Reached 7.9 for my 10. Enjoyed the workout. I wore my new pink vest top, size 14, (USA size 11/12) and really felt pleased with the way I have started looking (when standing up!) When I sit down the rolls start showing LOL. I was very conscious of my shoulders and how much better they look.

I feel better now after my blah feeling beginning of the week. I need to keep on track for the next few weeks and, thanks to the support here, I know I can do it.

Weighed myself this morning and down 1lb YAH! 158lbs, so I am finally really in the 150s.
I think (I KNOW) that sticking to the WOE has been the main factor.

Tomorrow I will start BSBW Workout No. 1 for one week and see how it goes. It is very similar to BFL but different body parts are exercised on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, but more intensely, i.e. 2xsets of 12 rps, supersetted with a different body part. Other days are "aerobics" when I will do 20MAS. Sunday free day. :roll:

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