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EMT Wed, May-15-02 16:00

Hi Doreen
I apologize if you thought I was implying that you think canola oil was bad...I actually got that impression after reviewing the other "posts" regarding processing and cooking with canola oil.
But with regard to sat fat, I have read many research papers from science journals that suggest (or conclude) that sat fat does raise LDL compared with monos and polys. I do feel that sat fat has probably received more bad press than it deserves, and trans fat is likely more harmful in raising LDL and reducing HDL.
Who would have thought that fat was so complicated? :)

alecmcq Wed, May-22-02 06:36

What was I eating before the life change?
1. Too much
2. Curries
3. Hamburgers
4. Chocolate
5. Chips/crisps
6. Fries
7. Rich restaurant meals
8. No breakfast
9. Big evening meals
10. Lots of high GI carbos eg potatoes, rice, pasta
11. Margerine

What did I do after the doc told me to reduce my fat intake? I did what every person would do (he was threatening me with drugs), I reduced my fat intake (to a very low 10% of calories). Result? I did lose weight, and my cholesterol came down a lot.

First cholesterol test 3 months later on a very low fat diet, LDL well down, HDL same (low), and Triglycerides down. Things were going well. So I did more of the same.

However, while I did that, I also read a lot, and talked to lots of people. Some suggested I was doing myself no favours, and that fats had had a bad rap, and that carbos were to blame. There were even some who said that high cholesterol was not a problem, it was the Triglycerides that were the problem.

Next test 3 months later, LDL same, HDL same, Tris well up (back to where they were before). Warning bells. I knew why. Too much sugar, high GI carbos, no balancing fat or protein. Result? Insulin spikes, and increased Tris. And I had learned that these were the real nasties that cause CHD.

I did not want to drop down dead (I am having too much fun, and a daughter is on the way!), so I started on The Zone, and it helped me break through a weight loss plateau. It also made me feel better than I have for 20 years! Next test, LDL down again, Tris more than halved, HDL up, everyone's happy!

Problem is, I do find it tough to do a "compromise " WOE. What I mean is I am very good at being ruthless with myself. I can go for months on an absolute WOE without putting a single thing in my mouth that I know (believe)is wrong/bad. However, when I allow a few wrong/bad things in (to make life a bit more fun and interesting) things almost always get out of hand. I simply do not have enough self control to do just one choc bar a week. If I have one, I will have 6 that week. Not a good idea! Anybody got any good advice for me on this?

Brand names of cold pressed oils? Almost by definition, a well-known brand name is not a good idea! What you want is a local manufacturer supplying the local health stores. My advice is go to the local health store and ask for some cold pressed oils, and let them show you what they've got. If it comes in a dark bottle from the fridge and you think it is expensive, you've hit gold. Nobody is going to go to that much trouble to fool a consumer. Buy it and love it. Just don't take it over the smoking point.

Canola Oil in a clear bottle from the supermarket is bad news. I STRONGLY recommend avoiding it like the plague! It has definitely been raised above the smoking point in its processing for long periods of time and therefore contains high amounts of trans fats. If you care about your cholesterol level, avoid supermarket canola oil.

However, I have got cold pressed canola oil in a dark bottle from a health food store once or twice and it has a very interesting flavour!! Go try!

Doreen T
I know you know a lot about this, so some Qs:
1. Why has sat fat got such a bad rap? My own view is that there is no smoke without fire, and there must be some link between sat fat and LDL increase, at least for some people. Are you convinced sat fat is OK?
2. Do you believe that high LDL, in itself, causes CHD? I am now on a path that says it does not, and the only thing that matters is Triglycerides. I am very interested in your views on this.
3. Some of my research has suggested that we are all looking at this too simply, and that LDL total is the wrong measure, and that LDL is made up of a variety of good and bad lipids itself, and we need to break the LDL measure down to understand what is going on. Do you have any information on anything like that?
4. Is it just the poly that turns into trans fats, or all types of fats if raised to a high enough temperature? I had thought it was all fats, but I would be pleased to be wrong!! :-)

Thanks to all on this Site for all the comments! It is really motivating to read and hear from people who are on similar paths as me. I had thought for a long time I was on my own.

As I said in a recent post, be careful out there. Just listening to what the Authorities say is very bad for your health. They have been consistently wrong for many decades and remain about 20 years behind current research. Long may people like us propagate the latest thinking on issues that affect our own health.

jujubaby Thu, May-23-02 01:21

thanks Alecmcq
The reason I asked what you had been eating is because, when I incorporate an idea into my life style, I stay with it even when It seems I'm not on program. ie; stone ground whole wheat or grain bread, I can't return to white fluffy bread.

Right now I have been reading Dr, Schwarzbein principle, and I have started to reduce my bread to half slices and half an apple, half a bannana etc. I think my biggest problem is the fatc that I have been diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia and as such can be racked with pain all over, plus had severe gout which went to ankles, fingers knees wrists, etc. forcing me to use crutches at times.

When I had severe tendenitis in the shoulder, the therapyst gave me exercises and told me the water exercises would be WONDERFUL FOR ME. Yeah right, more than 4 weeks ago, I went into the spa and with lovely warm jet water exercised as directed and did a little kicking and floating etc. felt okay in the water. When I got out and since, my lower back was so knotted that I was on crutches to get from the bed to the bathroom, living room. etc. So now getting back therapy and while I'm seeing some releif, the minute I try to vacuum or dust it becomes misserable once again.

I hate seeing my refection in a store window and say who is that woman?Yet I know, a decent program other than starvation will not take any weight off me. But if I can only recover some better flexability and mobility perhaps then?

I have been on other message boards and find the low carb forums and this one in particular very stimulating and educational, rather than just asking each other for recipes of legal sweets, sweets, sweets.

The issues of proper fats can become very technical, but when I learned that I needed cold pressed olive oil, it was not diffficult for me as an Italian decendant to switch to the very best premium first pressed virgin olive oil. I use Carapelli premium extra virgin first pressed olive oil in a dark bottle pt. and whipped cream butter, sometimes combining the two for a great taste for frattata's. { scrambled eggs w/ extra whites w/ sauteed veggies, ie:zucchini; asparagus; onions; peppers etc. feta cheese}
Sometimes dipping baby carrots into humus w green olives becomes my lunch.

Thanks to all for the info/education/research. saves me sitting at the computer with nervous leg syndrome.


alecmcq Fri, May-24-02 16:22

For what it's worth....

Sorry to hear of your problems. Mine seem tiny in comparison.

My best advice to you is this:
1. Find a WOE (Way Of Eating) that does not cause you pain. This may take some time, but that has got to be first base. I think you are on the right track in reducing carbos, but you might try different things to see what works for you. I found I had a brewers yeast allergy just by experimentation! (no joke!)

2. Once you've found an eating pattern that's OK for you, start some very mederate exercise. I mean gentle walks for 10-15 mins every day to start, and then build that up slowly. Unless you are a gym rat, I suggest you just walk round the block a few times. This is really important. I believe it is VERY difficult for anyone to lose weight and keep it off if you do not exercise and start building muscle. Muscle is the best (only?) fat burning mechanism we have. More muscle means more fat loss. If anyone diets without exercising, they are slowly killing their metabolism. The trick is to build your metabolism through exercise, burn calories through exercise, and then restrict calories only slightly.

3. Try not to eat much more even though you are exercising a bit. The way things work for me is I decide what my WOE is going to be for 3 months, and I absolutely rigidly stick to it. No bending, no wavering, it is a matter of principle and pride. I am in control. It can be tough for the first week, but then it is just what I do, and it becomes routine.

4. You mentioned mobility and flexibility. I think I covered mobility in point 2, but flexibility is also really important. I have discovered the simple art of stretching, and boy, do I feel good when I am stretching every day. Life simply becomes soooo much easier! Find a good book about stretching or go ask a physio, but I promise you won't regret this. Flexible muscles work much better. Muscles that work better burn more fat.

I wish you very well in your journey. I know the first steps are always hard, I have discovered this myself, but you know that you have to do it. Let us know how you get on.

jujubaby Sat, May-25-02 13:32

thanxs once again
I really do appreciate the last post, and I will take what you suggest to heart. The therapy that I have been having for the past two weeks seems to have helped me tremendously.
So I need to remember to do exercises even in the water, slowly.

By the way, I recnetly was browsing around and found a discussion between a Dr and journalist, discussing all the current diets. Guess what< Atkins was recommeded as the poorest and least healthy diet, Sugar Busters was next as least desireable and slim fast drink was approved one under the Weight watchers program {as number 1} The zone, Dr, Schwarzbein an anything connected to low carbs was poh poohed.

Then tried to suggest that people didn't keep the weight off if they followed any of the low carbers etc.

In addition, I have been reading that there is some form of hormones that cause women to lose hair and gain weight and I'm wondering how to be tested for that male or androgeness hormone that may cause these changes in older women.

So much to learn!!


DebPenny Sun, Jun-02-02 12:06

Phyllis, I don't quite agree with Alec.

For one thing, he talks about following a program for 3 months only. I think you need to make it a way of life. You may need to tweak your style as you go along, because what works for one person, won't work exactly the same for another.

Also, when I started my low-carb way of life after years of low-fat dieting, I didn't have to exercise to build up new muscle. Because I was finally feeding my body what it needed to build muscles, it started building or strengthening what I already had just from my day-to-day activity.

I do believe you need to exercise. But before I started low-carbing, I was in such bad shape that I could not exercise. I couldn't walk more than 10 feet without hurting all over as if I had just climbed a mountain. But as my body started to heal from the foods I was eating, I started to have the energy, stamina, and strength to exercise. I am now walking briskly at least 30 minutes every day. I haven't started any other exercises yet. Although, a week ago, I went on a very long hike -- I was feeling very ambitious.

And the last part I don't agree with is that Alec seems to advocate restricting your calories. I do not restrict my calories and I still lose weight. I eat when I am hungry and I don't eat more than I want, I don't gorge, but I don't count calories. One of the things I have got from reading The Schwarzbein Principle and posts on this forum is that your body will tell you how much to eat. It took some time to get used to, but I now am able to tell when I am full and don't, usually, overeat. That's what is key. Not counting calories and making sure you are at a deficit. In fact, it is posted on this site in many places that you should eat at least 10 to 12 times your body weight in calories (that is if you are going to count calories).

So that's my point of view. Alec, I hope you are not offended by my disagreement. Phyllis, good luck and I hope you feel better soon.


jujubaby Mon, Jun-03-02 01:01

thanks Debpenny
As you can see by the time I'm posting {1:46am} I have a difficult time sleeping with all of my other problems.
But I do enjoy everyone's point of view and I think I do have to tweak the eating so that I become stronger also.
The back therapy I have been getting has done wonders for me, two more visits and that should do the trick. The machine the attach to my lower back is a kind of zippy, stingie kind of electrodes.
I do have to resist following their instructions, since they wanted me to bend at the knees to pick up my little jujugrl. First time I did that the left knee started to freeze up. I found a very nice orthopedic Dr. who said come here and look at your exrays, your right knee is excellent and the left not so good but not bad either. So baby your knees, take care especially the left one.
So then the therapyst said then don't pick up the baby at all! Can you imagine that? Seeing little jujugrl with her tiny arms outstreched for me to pick her up and I'm going to say no?
I keep thinking, that picking her up is like weight lifting for muscle strength.
thanks again

alecmcq Sat, Jun-22-02 18:19

No problems with disagreements!
Appreciate your thoughts on my contribution. Point by point:

1. Following a program for 3 months only. I totally agree that is has to be for life and not just for 3 months. My phraseology wasn't good enough! What I meant was that I stick ABSOLUTELY rigidly with EVERY rule for 3 months, not that I would then go back to old habits after 3 months. What I found was that providing absolutely NO opportunity for "Oh just a bit of this or a bit of that won't harm me" was very helpful. However, I would only do this no compromise position for 3 months, otherwise life becomes a tad tedious!

2. Exercise to build up muscle. Again, I totally agree with your points. Start with exercise that is OK for you to do WITHOUT pain. This may mean walking 10 yards twice a day for some people, and for others starting with a 15 min walk once a day. But the main point is that you MOVE in order to start building muscle. You can't build muscle without moving. This may be from your day to day activities, or pushing ahead with a specific activity eg walk (or even jog, if you feel up to it!)

3. Restricting calories. Hmmm, I think we agree, but I'm not sure. I think what you are saying is that you are restricting your calories, but you are doing it naturally by listening carefully to your body ie stop eating when you are not hungry. To me, that is restriciting calories if before you were continuing to eat beyond not feeling hungry. It's just that you are not counting (I didn't mention counting).

However, I have 2 problems with this "only eat when you're hungry" approach:
1. Some people find that listening to their body like that is VERY hard. Indeed, hunger signals only go away about 20 minutes after real hunger has ceased. So if you stop eating and wait a bit to see if you still feel hungry and then act accordingly, this plan is OK, but I can't do it.
2. LOTS of people don't feel hungry in the morning, but it is an established principle that to boost your metabolism, having breakfast is VERY important. So even if you don't feel hungry in the morning, you should still have a light breakfast.

Re your knees. I am not sure whether to talk though this as without knowing you and your knees and your health what I say may be totally bad for you. However, please treat what I say as an IDEA that works for lots of people and again is an established principle, but MAY NOT be the right thing for you. Backs are very hard to diagnose and fix (I have been to doctors, physios, chiropracters, surgeons, natural healers, you name it, I've done it!)

The principle I am referring to is to bend at the HIPS and not at the knees. Now note that I am suggesting that you bend at the HIPS and NOT at the waist. What is the difference? If you bend at the waist, your lower back will bend, and this is bad. If you bend at the hips, your lower back should be straight, and you should feel a stretch in the back of your legs. If you don't feel that stretch, it is likely you are bending at the waist, and you're doing it wrong.

The practical way to do this is to stand up straight, consciously engage and lengthen all of the muscles around your spine and then ensuring the whole of your back stays straight, bend forward, rotating at the hips.

This is hard to describe in words, but once you get it, it will feel obvious. The hips generally have strong muscles supporting them (backside, and back leg muscles) that are all working to support you. If you bend at the knees, the knee muscles are often not that strong, and if you bend at the waist, all you have is your lower back muscles (which, if you are anything like me, are non-exisitent!!)

PLEASE treat this advice with caution, as it may not be right for you. However, try it gently, and see how you go.

Hope things go well.

jujubaby Sun, Jun-23-02 09:13

thanks alec
Hi and thanks again for the info. I agree with you about trying to bend at the hips instead of the waist{ using lower back} and I have done just that with a bit of success since no pain.

I still pick up the Jujugrl, {12 month old granddaughter} and hold her close to my body. Somehow that feels a little okay.
The knee pain is gone and I have found that If I can't avoid stairs, I have to step down with the bad knee straight. It can hold my body weight so long aas I do not bend the knee.
Yesterday I was cleaning the shower stall and as I went to move down the glass door, I tried beding my knees. It was brutal!
So I bent at the hips and could tolerate that much better. Also I went into the spa, even though it is hot in Texas, and the warm water and jets felt good. I didn't do too many kicking exercises because that's what hurt me the last time.

This past week I saw on TV a woman who lost 200 pounds and she claims she did it with veggies and fruit. I'm desparate enough to do something like that but isn't fruit too many carbs?

Well I ordered some tapes that are supposed to use hypno theapy to get you to eat so as to lose weight. Perhaps I will make some headways this way.

thanks everyone, It so comforting to have a response and some suggestions offered to help. I need to lose at least 100 pounds but my first goal is to get under the 200 mark.

By the way, have you all heard the news about the airline industry charging for two seats if you are big and make someone else uncomfortable. The truth is the airline seats have always been to small for normal people.

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