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nill4me Tue, Mar-19-02 06:00

I'm a Protein Power person...but I believe that the DRNDR is the new release of the Atkins book. ....something, something, New Diet Revolution?...

Congrats on your loss nwkid! That is fantastic. I've lost total, about 13 pounds so far, in about a month. I'd be happier about that, but that was in my first week....and now I'm stallled, and don't know if it is because of the thyroid thing, or just me.....

My doc has me on synthroid....a low dose. I just had a blood draw on friday, and I believe she will be uppping that dosage, dependent on how that bloodwork comes out. Luckily we are in agreement on what my levels should be at....her goal is to get mine at 2 or lower. Last check, it was at 7.2, so we will see what happens this go round. I've not noticed any change in engergy levels, so I'm guessing that i didnt drop much from that starting point.

If I could get my butt ( down about another 5 lbs, I would be SO happy....because that would mean my stall is over....woohoo. I'm trying just about everything I can think of, to no avail!!! :mad:

best of luck!!


shaz Sat, Mar-23-02 04:17

Hi Jo-Anne,
It's real easy to get despondent with thyroid problems because everything is such hard work. I think you'll find that even feeling depresssive about the situation is just another symptom of the condition!

Energy does start to increase as the meds go up but it takes a few weeks to notice any changes, and once you get past the still wanting to sleep all the time stage, life does get to seem a bit better.

Hang in there.


nwkidintwn Sat, Mar-30-02 23:25

New Idea!
Hey you guys :wave: ,
I've got the low thyroid problem too. I lose weight sloooowly :( on the atkins plan. I can't get it off any other way. But in researching something for my daughter I stumbled onto a couple of antioxidents that might help. Her they are: 5-HTP and Alpha Lipoic Acid. There benefits are more than I could expain here. But punch them into a search engine and read. I went right out and bought them and I think they are working. I'll keep you posted. :roll:

darcijj Sun, Mar-31-02 19:28

to Newkid
how long did it take you to lose 20 lbs?.... I am in week 3 and only lost 6 pounds so far.. and nothing in the past week at all... so discouraging not to see any progress... I know its part of the thyroid problem.. but would like to know how long it is taking everyone else to make progress...

nwkidintwn Sun, Mar-31-02 23:51

How long it took me to lose 20 pounds
It took me almost 3 months. The first week went the fastest. and then everything slowed to a sloooow crawl :( . But at least I lost! Which something I couldn't seem to do on any other diet. I've got another 25 to go. I'm thinking that it will be off maybe by next fall. And I'm not going to get frustrated about it either. Cause if I do, I'll just quit, and then start gaining. I just want to keep on keeping on. Plus I'll pray :angel: . And someday I'm gonna be thin :exclm: :cheer:

RobinG. Tue, Apr-23-02 07:01

This weekend, I met a girl that has an underactive thyroid. She is extremely overweight and it has effected her mentally and physically. she is very depressed. she was told by her doctors that it is hopeless that she will lose weight. I was suprised by that comment, and decided to look into this a bit further for her. I am glad that I came here today, because after doing some research and reading some of your posts here, I know that there is hope for her. I also read some interesting information regarding this at the website. I know how difficult it is to lose weight without having a medical problem, so i realize that this is tremendously difficult for her and others who have thryroid problems. but to hear her say to me that she was told it is hopeless that she will ever lose weight broke my heart. she had such despair in her face. but i am going to recommend this website to her for some encouragement, support and guidance.

Jo-AnneH Thu, Apr-25-02 00:34

Thanx Shaz :D

I've been offline for a while, but did my fat fast and lost three kg in 3 days :cheer: I'm feeling so much better. My only problem is that I have also been on CLA and DHEA for 1 month and I don't know if that has kicked in and helped too. The bottom line is that it has all worked. My energy levels are back to the same as my late teens/early twenties, and my state of mind has done a 180 turnaround. I have not felt this content, confident and positive for the past 4 years, and bounce out of bed every morning, eager to face the day. Of course, this forum is also a great help, knowing that others are out there who have been there done that (BTDT) and have the scars to prove it. I will now do the fat fast every four weeks and atkins inbetween, and thus achieve my goal weght by December. :wave:

shaz Thu, Apr-25-02 11:46

Wow Jo-anne, that's fantastic.

I am familiar with CLA, but what is DHEA?
I thought about trying the CLA but I was put off by the fact that it costs £20 and didn't want to try it on the off-chance.

Well done, and keep it up


deb_o Sun, May-05-02 19:25

I had been on synthroid since the mid-80's. My thyroid had been "damaged" during radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease.
Last year was BAD for me emotionally. I went off my medication last spring. I had blood work done in Feb. My thyroid levels were NORMAL! Still don't understand how that's possible. We are repeating the test later this month. I feel great- full of energy. :roll:
I certainly am not advocating anyone going off their medication, I feel very stupid for having done so. :nono:

gmurphy Wed, May-22-02 12:14

Thank goodness...some other hypo folks! I've low-carbed before, then plateaued and thought it just wasn't for me...gained weight on a 'good nutrition' program, and am back on Atkins again. Just saw my Endocrinologist stablized at 150mcg synthroid/10mcg cytomel, but she thinks losing weight will be an uphill battle for me! I started back on Atkins 3 weeks ago, and dropped 6 lbs. in the first 2 weeks...nothing since. I'm working with a personal trainer 1x week and exercising 3-5x weekly, my cholesterol is 159, glucose 90!!! so I know the program is excellent for me healthwise...but I want to prove my dr. wrong and lose 50 lbs. I need an 'old timer' who can help review what I'm eating to see if I'm getting stuck with 'hidden carbs', etc...I want to be 100% on this wol, but am not sure about many things. If any of you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it...especially those of you with the same medical problems who have been successful. Hope there is someone out there who can lend a hand...and good luck to all of you who are in this situation (hypothyroidism)!!

MaltoMeel Sun, May-26-02 16:55

I am also a fellow hypo. I had my thyroid removed due to cancer 4 years ago. I gained a tremendous amout of weight very quickly post surgery and have had an awful time losing. Just had a baby (didn't help much : ) I know it will be slow but I'm confident this WOL is for me. I am on .125 of synthroid daily.

mbschlgr Tue, May-28-02 07:13


If any of you can help, I'd greatly appreciate it...especially those of you with the same medical problems who have been successful. Hope there is someone out there who can lend a hand...and good luck to all of you who are in this situation (hypothyroidism)!!

I am hypo and on .150 mcg of synthroid. I still have mine and they are watching it very closely.

Locarbing is a WOL for me. I have been with it for about a yar and a half. This past winter I fell off the wagon with one cheat after another and began to feel the destruction I was doing to myself. Many Thyroid patients are carbohydrate intolerant!

If you start a journal, I'd be glad to stop in and help you out. Feel free to read mine for a start. Just click on the little journal icon and it will take you to my journal.

Hidden carbs are expecially a problem with hypo's. Got to be real careful of them. I am basically on a permanent induction. If i go over 20gms in a day, it does me in. I feel awful.

Schwarz Wed, May-29-02 17:38

Well, wha d'ya know ...
Back in March I put my two cents worth of opinion in this thread & wouldn't ya know it ...I made a liar out of myself. I had said I was loosing approx 1 lb a week. Well, I haven't lost an ounce since then. This stall has been driving me crazy!!.

My dr's app't finally came up 3 weeks ago (who, by the way, was a regular GP about 2 years ago but decided to give up his family practice to concentrate on complementary medicine ...kinda like what Atkins does) and he did a number of blood tests (10 vials to be exact :eek: ) on me.

One thing that bugged me while I was waiting for my follow-up app't (which was today) was that I was having increasing problems with being dizzy ...thinking maybe I was getting too low on my blood sugar or something. Well, not only did this guy find out that my T3 was out-of-whack (even though my T4 and my TSH was right on), but I was also iron defficient, which accounted for my dizzy spells (how can that be with so much red meats going into my system :confused: )

As I looked up in my nutrition books, I noticed that there are many symptoms that iron-deficient anemia has in common with hypothyroidism .....constipation, headaches, irritability, difficulty in concentration, obesity, weakness, fatigue, coldness of the extremities, & depression. Any of you who still feel gross even though you may be taking thyroid treatments may want to ask your dr. about looking into your ferritan levels (if it hasn't been looked into already). Also, if you can convince your dr, get your T3 level looked into even though you may have had your T4 & TSH checked & OKed may be revealing.

I go back to my dr in Sept to get things checked out. He is feeling suspicious that maybe my body has an absorption problem with my thyroid meds and possibly with B12 & maybe even iron. But we won't know for sure until I've taken this extra iron and some Armour Thyroxine in addition to my Synthroid (Synthroid only increases the T4 & doesn't even touch T3 ...thus the reason for adding Armour).

Here's hoping that we'll get somewhere with my weight loss in addition to the other symptoms I've been experiencing! :yawn:

gmurphy Thu, May-30-02 12:37

Wish I could say that some T3 would help...and maybe it will for you, but I've been on both Synthroid and Cytomel (T3) for almost a year now and it has me feeling GREAT...but does nothing for getting my metabolism to move! My endocrinologist says that the most difficult battle for me will be to keep from being discouraged. She says that I could eat the exact same meal every day for a month...and some weeks I might drop a lb...and others I might stay exactly the same. She says that the medication helps relieve the symptoms, but doesn't rev up your metabolism. I'm trying hard to be 100% on Atkins induction...lost 8 lbs. in the first weeks and nothing since (I started this at the end of April). I've just started a journal on this site so I can monitor what I'm eating and get some advice from others who 'visit', but the main thing is that I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and remember than for every week I don't lose, it really means that I've successfully not gained!! Hang in there...we'll do it!!

antiquated Sat, Jun-09-18 20:02

I have had absolutely no thyroid function since I was about 10 years old. I am almost 50 now, and menopausal, and I have lost around 25 pounds. It can be done--don't give up!

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