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groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 02:17

Ha, for once I'm proud to say I 'm a loser!

Susan, funny you should bring up emotional eating stemming from our childhood. I just wrote about that in my online journal. I felt no love growing up (dysfunctional/abusive home, three teenage boys and then me, father out having affairs, mom (severely overweight) just trying to keep her sanity, let alone pay attention to a little girl.) Food became my friend. It was always there. It never let me down. It was a comfort. Now, I've taken a habit that I learned in childhood and have continued it in my adult life. I'm slowly learning how to love myself. I need to learn how not to invest so much in what other people think of me and just love myself. I've actually said more about it here than in my journal. Thanks for allowing me to get that out.

In any case, its time for me to take over. I know that I can change my life at a moment's notice just by deciding that I'm going to do something, and deciding it with such conviction that it has no choice but to happen.

Yes, I can see 199. You can see 199. We all WILL see 199. But you have to want to. In one of my support groups from the past, there was a little joke about Camp Yougottawanna. Its all about attitude.

Geez, Susan, you are burning calories right there with all those cheerleaders going full blast! Have fun at the gym! :rheart:

rustpot Fri, Jan-04-02 07:32

14st 3lbs = 199lbs
I am heading for the same place but this side of the pond we tend not to think in pounds but stones (14lbs) and if you have a few less grey hairs than me ..... :baby: in metric kilos.

My weight loss program is a bit like a time machine. I have so far regressed to 1998. I am heading back to 1980 when I was last 199 pounds. :)

I suppose I will have to stop sometime as I was born 8lbs! :baby:

groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 11:00

Hey rustpot,

The 80's were a fabulous time. In fact, many people I know tell me I'm still living in the 80's. Gotta love that music!

Looking forward to going back there and reminicing when you hit 199! :Party:

rustpot Fri, Jan-04-02 11:36

See you there groovygirl
Let me remember? :idea: Groovy has to 70's. If I go back that far... Will I be able able to get into my flared jeans, pink flowery shirt and matching kipper tie? :D

groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 13:39

Hey rustpot -

All of those fashions are back in style!! However, I was a child then and thinking back to some of those get-ups my mom would dress me in, I'm glad I wouldn't be able to get into them again.

Being born in 67, I don't consider myself a child of the psychadelic 60's...things were definitely groovy in the 70's, mod in the 80's, grunge in the 90's....I definitely love the groove stuff tho - of the 70's and the technogroove I'm hearing on internet radio lately.

Cheryl R Fri, Jan-04-02 20:19

my rewards
When I reach 199 I am going to reward myself with lots of new least 5 outfits...

IMost of the clothes I have now, I can wear until I get down to about 225...I think....then I might have to get a few things but when I get to 199...I get lots of new clothes....

We are all going to do it...and now I see we have a variety of "starting we will constantly have someone to cheere on who is getting close....yipee...this is going to be fun.
We are an a roll....
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

groovygirl Fri, Jan-04-02 20:54

Hi Cheryl!

I think those outfits you plan on buying are a must reward! Just think of how expensive loosing all your weight is gonna be - all new clothes, except for maybe socks! And won't it be fun to shop off the 'normal' sized racks? Whoo, I wish I could go with you when that time comes. How fun!

I still haven't decided what I'm gonna do for 199. When I get to goal weight, I really would like to go on a Hawaiian cruise (tears in my eyes as I type that cuz I would be so proud of myself and want it sooooo bad!) :cry: I want to wear a bathing suit on a Hawaiian beach. I want a knockout evening dress be a gorgeous woman on my dh's arm. And I want to be photographed (what a concept).

Okay, I'm composed...yes, we have to promise not to lose this thread as each of us hit 199, cuz there are more people to cheer on. The closest one so far, (yet she won't necessarily be the first, knowing how the human body behaves during weight loss attempts) is Susan (sunsight13). She has 15 pounds to go. I've got my little tally here by the computer - we've got 9 people in this countdown -

Let's start counting 'em down! :yay:

John2001 Fri, Jan-04-02 22:58

Emotional eating & rewards
I always had grandparents that liked to reward you with food.
Mow the lawn. . . here, have a cookie, chips, ice cream, etc, when I was a kid.

Now as an adult, I see the same thing happening again to the kids of today. It's been breeded into us.

Who started this way of thinking? When you do a good thing, your reward is a sweet treat!!! What ever happen to a "thankyou" or "nice job" kid, here's a quarter or let's go and do something fun with the family!

It's apparently been passed down for so long now that nobody is seeing the problem with this line of thinking. This is where the problem starts. Years later, here's the result. No matter what we do in life, were never happy with ourselves. The more "reward" we get, the more unhappy we become.
I too am a kid that grew up in the 80's, for the most part. Still seem to have that way of thinking, in my daily life. I see that a good number of us, are from that generation too. It was a fun time for the most part.
I too can't wait to buy the next set of new clothes. But the one thing I can't say I like about this WOL is the expense of buying the clothes. I'm buying blue jeans, again, tomorrow! Of course I can't really complain, there a size smaller again. ;) I just hate clothes shopping is all.

Let's hear it for us losers!
Cheers, John :roll:

Ruth Fri, Jan-04-02 23:03

Gotta join the gang
Hi to this big bunch of happy losers!

After checking out this countdown thread, I thought I'd just jump in too. Lots of pumped people looking forward to success this year.

It sure feels good to be starting a new year as a lowcarber. With 9 months of LC under my belt (and 50 lbs less under the belt :p )I think I've got a good chance of having a very successful year of losing.

My plan: Atkins; I recently completed the Group Study Project V2, see it here . Lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks, not bad! I'll be modifying it to be more flexible on the veggies on Cal boost day & will tweak as necessary. What I'll be doing is this:
Mon: Reg Atkins
Tues: Lean Protein only, no carbs,veg or fat
Wed: Cal boost day, no dairy except 2 oz cheddar for my omelet :)
emphasis on green leafy veg, min 25 carbs & 10 - 12 x weight in cals, ie 240 lb x 10 = 2400 cals is the target for the day. This is hard to do without dairy!
Thurs & Fri: will probably repeat LP & CB days
Sat & Sun: Reg Atkins

This is not for the faint of heart, giving up dairy is really tough to do and LP days can get monotonous. The few of us who did the V2 Project kept journals in the group proj area of journals. Have a look if you are interested in what we ate, fitday #'s, etc

I'm currently reading Body for LIFE and may start that program Feb 4th.

Good luck to all who are yearning & working towards the magic 199 number! I haven't seen that # since 1987.

:eek: Now there are 9 journals I'll need to be watching for: my new countdown buddies!


groovygirl Sat, Jan-05-02 01:49

No matter what we do in life, were never happy with ourselves. The more "reward" we get, the more unhappy we become.

Ah, yes. As Buddha taught: Our suffering comes from desire. We see X and think it will make us happy. We attain X and find we are still not happy, so we get the updated X and still, we are unhappy. It is not until we find happiness from within that we become truly happy. I'm really working with this lately.

I see that a good number of us, are from that generation too. It was a fun time for the most part.

I miss the dance club scene. I remember staying out till 6am in downtown Chicago, going home, showering and going to work. Mind you, I was late teens/early 20's at the time. There is a dance club here that has 80's night and I'd love to go but DH isn't into it and then there is the embarrassment factor of my weight....

I'm buying blue jeans, again, tomorrow! Of course I can't really complain, there a size smaller again.

Hooray! That has got to do wonders for motivation, John. Way to go.

Woooo, Welcome Ruth to the 199 Countdown Club :wave: !

I will definitely check into your project journals as I am a curious one. Maybe then I'll get some insight as to why you are doing only lean protein, no carb/fat for a day.

I gave up dairy for a while last year while I read Marilu Henner's book. She gives one helluva argument on why we shouldn't eat dairy. My take on her plan was that it seemed the same as Fit For Life, with the whole food combining concept. My body does not like carbs (my digestive system lets me know), so low-carb is the way for me, if not in weight loss, in digestive health.

Glad to have you here. With 50#'s already gone, we know you'll hit 199 in no time!

Cinnamom Sat, Jan-05-02 12:12

Count me in! I've told myself that this is my first goal! 199 and then, whoosh! :agree:

Ruth Sat, Jan-05-02 18:45

Project journals
Originally posted by groovygirl

I will definitely check into your project journals as I am a curious one. Maybe then I'll get some insight as to why you are doing only lean protein, no carb/fat for a day.

Cool! I have no desire to re-invent the wheel, that's why I referred you over there. It's a good idea to check out the original group project, it has a bit more of the rationale there.

About dairy: there are a few folks here, notably Karen and Doreen T who have given up cow dairy for the most part. One of Karen's arguments: in all of nature, animals only drink their mother's milk for a short time & no other species drinks/eats the milk of another species except humans: cow, sheep, goat etc.

I enjoy my full fat dairy and won't give it up until I'm forced to. BFL will force me to go fat free, which means I won't be eating much dairy because of lactose intolerance.

Anyhoo, its' great to be tackling a new year that promises to be a good year: we'll all have slimmer bodies.

Cinnamom, welcome to our little group. Wishing you every LC success.

rustpot Sat, Jan-05-02 19:11

2002 .. this could be it
This thread seems to have captured the imagination of many like minded individuals.

It will soon get lost in the melee of this site. I will check in now and then.

I have had a little relapse over the christmas holidays and am nealy back to my pre holiday state.

gained 4 pounds lost 2 pounds Ho hum

Cheryl R Sat, Jan-05-02 21:48

Wow...I haven't checked in for a few kind of busy...
We have 11 of us striving for 199....
I did a quick check...
5 are in their teens...between 214 1ns 218.5
one at 220
three in the low to mid 230's
one in mid 240's
and then there is little old me at 272....

we all can do this.....
go team go.....

Let's keep this group alive and going through 2002...and into 2003....for some of us.

groovygirl Sun, Jan-06-02 01:29

199 countdown
Welcome Cinnamom! :wave:

Yeah, your reasonings with dairy that you listed were the same as Marilu Henners. I did soy for a while, but decided to go back to low carbing it and the soy milk I was drinking had high carbs. I made my choice to go back to cow's milk. The little of it I drink (in coffee) is not enough to go nuts over. Cheese is a different story :)

I've made it so I have 'subscribed' to this thread (and others) so I don't get lost in the multitude of threads. There are so many good ones - like a low carb buffet of legal goodies!

Have no fear, you will get back on track, you've got to make it to 199 you know!

Let's keep this group alive and going through 2002...and into 2003....for some of us.

Hey Cheryl,
So what makes you think you can't make 199 in this year? It *can* be done. Do you want to do it? Do you *choose* to do it? Anything is possible. (I should really be attending my own lectures.)

This week I want to see some lower numbers on some posts coming thru to this thread...there is a wiggly smilie for each one of us. It means we are at least doing side stretches...working on those love handles!
:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

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