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Samantha22 Sat, Oct-01-05 09:09

217 this morning!!! Finally...sheesh...feels good. Got a little cleaning done this is going well..but i'm in slow motion :) Working on 2nd cup of coffee (my new morning's my home remedy laxative...that tastes Breakfast was cheese eggs with bacon, lunch...probably chicken salad. Dinner...bbq ribs on the grill. Hope you're all having a wonderful saturday!

NoBREAD Sat, Oct-01-05 09:16

217! Woo Hooo! Good for you Samantha. :cheer:
I know what you mean about the morning coffee. It does seem to get things moving!

lizzyLC Sat, Oct-01-05 09:38

Hi NoBread and everyone else:
I'd love to join your challenge. I'm also on a weekly 2lb. challenge and 10 by Thanksgiving is doable. Need all the
support I can get. Maybe with a concrete goal like Thanksgiving I can do it. I don't have that much to lose but it is really
sticking. Weather is cooling off here and I worry about putting my jeans back on.
Cute jingle Shnudi.
Thanks and good luck to everyone,

Sillychili Sat, Oct-01-05 16:55

Sam asked me to join in so here I am...10 pounds by Turkey day...and my ultimate goal is 30 by New Years day! Today was my weigh day and I was down 6.2 pounds this month even with cheats...SOOO nomore cheats for me!! I weighed in at 166.8 this morning before my I mean cup of coffee:)


Samantha22 Sat, Oct-01-05 17:02

You join mine, i join yours :)
I too...had my two cups of morning coffee for that Too much caffeine tho, in combination with my vitamin..yikes. Hope you are all doing well today....and have a sucessful weekend. Thankskgiving will be sneeking up on us :)

turner Sat, Oct-01-05 18:05

I learn new stuff here. Coffee as a laxative, huh? Learn something new everday.
How is everyone's weekend going? I got in my cardio this morning 50 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the bike. I haven't had any problem with food since I am, like, you know, an expect and everything being that I have been doing this WOE for 5 whole days :rolleyes:
Big expert that I am, I have been eating sunflower seeds like they are going out of style all week long. Well, they are gone for two weeks now.
Did I hear someone mention coconut oil?? (yes, I'm too lazy to look) I bought some today. I didn't even know Wal*Mart sold the stuff. NOw I need to think of a reason to use it.
I think this was supposed to be a short post since I am keeping my granddaughter-to-be.
See all of ya'll later.


Sillychili Sat, Oct-01-05 18:17

Turner, it was Sam that uses coconut oil to cook her eggs in...some people put it in their coffee too,,,but I have not found any around these parts to try...boohoo...
Anita who just called the gym to check on a kick boxing class...LOL no answer they are closed already, maybe I new that?...hmmmm

NoBREAD Sun, Oct-02-05 08:25

I see we have gotten a few new people.

Welcome Lizzy and Anita!!

I just did my first weigh in and I know the scale can not be right. It says 160. That is a 5 pound loss in 1 week. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining but it is an ancient scale.

Have been feeling under the weather since yesterday. I came home early from work and went to bed. It seems to be some kind of stomach thing.
Needless, to say I didn't eat a whole lot. That may explain the 5 pounds!

Have a good day everyone!!

Samantha22 Sun, Oct-02-05 09:01

I tend to cook my eggs in Coconut oil, because the flavor of the coconut oil from walmart has a strange musky taste....i think you have to spend more money to get one that tastes better. The eggs, cheese and salt usually cover the taste..but it'll come tastes the way it smells. My skin is much softer...and has held its tan much better now that i'm using it.

Oh, and as far as the coffee....warm beverages stimulate the exactly a laxative per say...but they act as does tea and other dark beverages act as diuretics (make ya pee more). Just a little info from the little Delaware nurses aide (lol...poor irregular old people...they drink a ton of wash down the milk of mag).

Hope you all are having a fantastic sunday. Weighed in at 216 this morning....thats 3 down, 7 to go! Whew..i hope the rest comes off this easily. Cya :)

lizzyLC Sun, Oct-02-05 09:41

Thanks Nobread !!
Hope you feel better.

turner Sun, Oct-02-05 10:26

yeah, I just smelled/tasted it and it taste like plastic. I think it may be becuase it melted on the way home and then has solidified again. I'll dig deeper in the container and see.
All of you are so, here is a project. Looking at our weather forecast, I see that it will be 57 degrees by Friday (morning, not daytime) With the cold weather comes the need for Instant Russian Tea. I asked for help from "Karen", but I know that someone here has ideas. I am just learning how to sub foods/ingredients, so I need some help.
The Basic Recipe:
1 cup dry instant tea
1 cup pre-mixed lemonade (I thought of using crystal light, but I don't know how much)
1 cup pre-mixed orange drink, like tang ( I don't know what to use here -- I think I say some kind of Good Morning Atkins mix in orange flavor)
1 cup sugar (which I usually eliminate because it is so sweet)
1tablespoon each of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

Store dry mixture in large container. To 8 oz hot water, add 3 to 4 tsp.
Do any of you have any ideas of how I can make this low carb? Have you ever tried?

I've got the hot drinks going today. Samantha, you are too funny! I almost gagged thinking of chasing milk of mag. with coffee. OMG! How awful sounding!

Lizzy and Anita: Welcome. This is a great place to be.
Cheri: we are growing, growing my membership while we are shrinking, shrinking.

I tried to upload a cute avatar for my picture. Couldn't do it. Looks like I will have to break down and actually read the directions. Oh, noooooooo!

Lizzy: I'm with you on the jeans. This year, I would like to slip into some without scaring anyone who has to look at me from behind.

turner Sun, Oct-02-05 10:27

Hey, Look everybody!
I've got an avatar!

Samantha22 Sun, Oct-02-05 18:51

Hope you're all doing well today. So far so good for me, had a BBQ tonight that went well. My BBQ's are always LC....hehe..and everyone always loves em :) I turned my SIL on to drinking her coffee with heavy cream...she coudln't believe how much more creamy it tastes..hehe. Nighty night!

skylee Mon, Oct-03-05 06:18

Good morning everyone. Not much going on here. Stayed on track this weekend, can't wait to see these 10lbs. gone by Thanksgiving!!

Thanks for the tip on coconut oil, my skin needs all the help it can get. I agree the stuff from Wal-mart is not as good as the more expensive stuff. I bought some from the health food store, but it was like $9 for 16oz., lot more expensive but it did taste better.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a great day.


NoBREAD Mon, Oct-03-05 10:19

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. The weather was wonderful here although I had to work.

Jenny, good for you for staying on track this weekend. Those 10 pounds will be gone before you know it!

Samantha, Your BBQ sounds good.

I didn't stay on plan like I should have. No exercise and was PMSing so I HAD to have chocolate. I am back on track today with walking and drinking my water. Right now I am walking comfortably for 30 minutes so I should probably step it up a notch. Maybe go for another 10-15 mins.

Hope you all have a great day!

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